Looks like CH is quite ROBsessed :))
From EW.com PopWatch :
Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke was this week's Guest DJ on Santa Monica public radio station KCRW, and shared five songs that have inspired her. You can listen below (for a transcript, click here.) The five tracks she picked:
2. Robert Pattinson's "Let Me Sign:" Also used in the film, over Bella's near-death scene. "After we made the whole morphing crazy dream sequence we took that on my laptop back into another little studio in the valley, and then Rob literally sang and just played to the image on the screen," she said. "And I just watched Rob sing this song, maybe ten different times. Every time it sounded like something almost completely different, because it just came out of him, this kind of raw feeling and in a way, that was my favorite day that I've had in the last two years, just being there in the studio, and watching music just come out of somebody's body." Is it just me
Thanks to RobPattzNews
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 408 Newer› Newest»haha i seriously think shes a bit into rob
Goz are you still up would you go to bed woman!!
I think you could be spot on about Catherine. I was thinking myself today. I got the directors notebook today and was thinking the same thing while reading through it she as Robsessed as the rest of us !! LOL
Just goes to show it doesn't matter who you are...everyone is hypnotized by Rob.
yup CH has hot pants (pants pants)
for Rob. Who came blame her... he is "raw" what a great word to describe him.
Raw = Rob
If I were CH I would have instituted my right as director to bring out the DIRECTOR'S COUCH!
Yes, I said COUCH!
Ahhh fuck, now I am in a state!
Hi Crazy! xx
well he did belt out r kelly during his sparkle(sweaty to him) scene.
Honey, it wasn't only Catherine but S. Meyer as well. In the other post I talked about what S. Meyer said in E.W interview, "He's a very mesnerizing person to be around. He's got such a compelling personality. I don't think you'd want him for a boyfriend. And you couldn't just be his friend because he's terribly sexy"...
The ladies aren't blind nor deaf of course they see the same things we see in Rob. Hell when you got it... you got it. He can't help who he is. Blame his parents for that and life experiences.
I am in bed Kate :) I really am. Not checking my emails, looking at the blog like every 10 minutes. By the way they cast Heidi:
ohh Noot Seer is very interesting looking.
ha ha
I loved the line....
"Let the Pattinson/Seer romance rumors begin"
Who wouldn't be into Rob. That's gotta be why she tried those deleted scenes. Since she wasn't Bella, she had to make do. lol Shit...I would too.
I would have loved to be in that room. Sigh!
CH gives me the heebie jeebies. It's not her 'robsession' that does it, it's her general pre-teen behavior that is creepy coming from a woman over 50.
Hi ya'll~
Just gotta say ...
I've often thought she would be the perfect person for Rob to have an affair with. Yeah, I know she's WAY older, but there are a lot of advantages to that and I'll bet she could teach him a thing or two about women. She'd also know how to keep it very quiet.
Just sayin'
TOM! Where are you tonight? I need some male companionship! Are you game???
When you're single, you can say things like that ;)
Just sayin'
Nice pic, Gozde. The nose - perfect!
I've seen/heard her gush over Rob, and I know she appreciates his talent and looks (who doesn't). However, I think she has often played up the "ooh aahs" over Rob, giving the fans what they want and knowing his appeal and talent = popularity = more money.
Goz I just saw about Heidi!
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about Heidi? She didn't have a big role in the book. What about the Volturi? I wanna know who's playing Aro, Caius, Marcus, and even Felix and Demitri.
Hi Crazy ~
Yeah, CH has been very, very good to Rob. That's why I love her as the director of Twilight. She's got a smart-ass head on her shoulders.
She's just as smitten as I am *chuckle*
Me, too, wowie!
Who IS playing Aro, Marcus, Caius, Felix and Demitri???
Hi Smitten - Poor Catherine had to be around Rob day after day after day.....must have been painful.
Wonder if she had herself an economy sized pack of batteries during filming? (winks)
Heidi who? ;)
CH is amazing!
She's like a teenager in a 50-years-old woman body haha
If I had worked with Rob, I would be totally dazzled...I wouldn't probably stop saying stupid things to him...xD
Ok, I feel bad now. To be fair I think Catherine, for whatever reason, has been one of Rob's biggest cheerleaders. Go Rob! Give me an "R". Give me an "o". Give me a "b". What does it spell? HOT!!!!!
Yikes, not impressed with "Heidi". i had someone else pictured in my mind but she is a model and she does not have much lines so let's see. yes, i agree the rumors are really going to start with her & Rob especially if she is single.
as far as Catherine, i think that she really admires Kristen & Rob because all through the commentary she is gushing all over them. i dont see her having a thing for Rob, just admiration. i would have loved to see him in studio making the song because that was from the heart.
Ah, hahahaha, Crazy ... BATTERIES;) You got that right, girl! I think she's a superwoman just being around him SO MUCH and still staying coherent, LOL. I sure couldn't hold it all together like she did. God, he's DAZZLING!
See ya later, girls! I'm off to play the Twilight board game with my daughter, while trying not to Robsess in my head.
I'll let you know how THAT went!
Good luck, Crazy! Have fun.
Crazy...I hope it's like clue
Rob, in the conservatory with his 'candlestick'...
Gad, Suz, you are a RIOT!!!
I'll bet it's the candlestick, for sure ;)
Thanks for the laugh, I needed that 'cause I think I chased Tom away *sniff*
The comments to this story are so funny
Funny, I get a "raw" feeling when I think of Rob. Love this picture of him! I'm so happy to be able to come to this "Robsessed" support group and see that I'm not alone in my obsession. I feel like I should stand up and say, Hello, my name is Melanie and I'm a Roboholic. LOL
Teehee. But, in Catherine's defense she was just as complimentary to Kristen as she was to Rob! I like Catherine. She seems kooky and fun. I just don't know if she was the best person to direct Twilight.
ok everyone i just went on some website cullenboysanonymous (i think that was the site) there was the full article of actress casted for "heidi" and she is beautiful. Yes i can definitely hear the rumors starting on this one. i dont know if she is single or not but i could see rob going for her, sorry ladies but she is really really beautiful.
I am almost CH's age, and can see why she thinks he is a beautiful man! Can u imagine sitting in a studio w/ Rob raw? I would die!! She is sooo lucky. I'm sure he turns her on. Kuddos to CH because she gave Rob the chance when no one else wanted to. I hate the new girl that is trying out for Heidi! lol
Def Catherine's Robsessed...
I can't blame her. xD
We're all hopeless U_u
CH is just telling like she (we all) sees it ;)
Hi, ladies!
Yes, CH is just as enamored of Rob as we are. Smart woman.
Hugs to you, Yessy Tessy! xo
Meh...the model playing Heidi is okay. Maybe it was a bad pic. Great...now will come all the romance rumors on that front. Gah. My best friend is single and Rob is single and they were both in Chicago at the same time last year...does that mean they dated? MY FRIEND WISHES!!! Actually, he'd probably just love her 'cuz she's awesome.
Awww...I don't know why y'all are stressing about romance rumors...
Dandruff, stinky clothes, chain smoking....really we have nothing to worry about unless she is the same way...
Can you imagine him saying her first name in a moment of passion? It gives me giggle fits...
Jewels - Once again, who honestly cares who he dates anyway???
"Oh God, Noot...Nooooooot...More Noooooooooooooooooooot..."
Somebody get me some oxygen...
I snuck on the blog at work, I just dropped by for a quick Helloooo...
I love that B&W pick of Rob w/this post...
And regarding CH being "into" Rob, Who the Hell isnt anymore?
I think my dog might be harboring some Robsessed feelings by now...
I don't know. I thought she gushed just as much about Kristen. And she laughs at Rob a lot because...well, he's hilarious and charming. I think she has affection for him - not lust.
About Noot Seear...
Damn. Why did they have to cast a supermodel?
Lily- I just looked her up she has actually been acting since 1999 in tv stuff. Look her up Noot Seear....
Lilly, have you seen her photos without make-up?
She looks really beautiful when she got her make-up on, but without it...rather inexpressive.
I think Rob likes more distinct women.
Kristen is distinct and as we know he 'likes her'. Nina Schubert seems to be pretty even without make-up.
And, what is more, I find Kristen and Nina very attractive. Noot - she's not ugly, but not my type.
So I think not Rob's type.
But she may be very charming and smart, so we will see.
I would do anything to hear his voice live...
Anon - The link doesn't work. What's it about so we can search for it?
Hey Suz..."RAWbert" :)
Rawbert + Edward = Rawbward.
Shani, I'm glad to see Noot did some tiny bits of "acting" a few times before. Not sure Heidi will require a lot of acting ability anyway.
Anon, <3 for that. We'll see.
Sorry, I don't know why it didn't work.
It's a comic about what the Twilight books do to people..myself included. And a comic about all four books in four panels each.
Anon - Okay the "Breaking Dawn" comic strip...priceless. It looks like the scene from the movie "Alien." "I love my demon bebeh..." HILARIOUS! Thanks for the link.
Hi Everybody!! Catching up...
Smitten, Suz~ the Twilight game was cute. Best part is that it has alot of great movie stills of Rob on the cards. "...with his Candlestick"! LOL!!
Smitten~ No, I chased Tom away - he thinks I'm a pedophile! LOL!
KK, Jewels~ yeah, when he dates, I don't want any details. It'd be a buzz kill for me I think. I just want to know what I want to know on that front.
...on his front. about his front. i wanna be on his front. random thoughts
Wow. Noot is gorgeous! Do a google search for her because the pic used in the article is a bad one apparently.
Personally, regardless of how well (or not) we feel Catherine directed "Twilight," we truly are indebted to her.
She cast Rob.
Had this not happened, we probably would not be here conversing.
Thanks Catherine! (from the bottom of my heart) :))))
Even if CH did have the hots for him, can you blame her? LOL
Hi Chicago~ ditto! and we owe Kristen as well, apparently. Thanks Kristen.
Laura, call out at the happy place???
Sure, Ellie! Why not? You ready?
Ellie~ uh oh. The tide is gonna roll in, isn't it? ;) Brace yourselves, people!
Catherine has good taste for one thing then....
Hello all!
Hey Kat! Hell yeah, she's got good taste, since she cast Rob! LOL
Hi KAT! How the hell do you guys do this? Does Ellie shine some kind of bat signal into the dark sky or something??? Holy cow, KATgirl!
LOL, crazy! Yep, sometimes we use smoke signals, too! Rob puffs on the ciggies to make lots of smoke for us to use :)
Tonight it was the Activation Rings.... we mix it up a little...
Hey Laura, Ellie and Kat!!
High on paint again ladies, so forgive me in advance...
Hey! It's good to see everyone back!
Laura - hee hee, 'cause we all know he's SMOKIN'! And i hate cigs, but that pic in the wife beater...uh oh. Now i'm picturing him beating _ _ _. !!! I'm very bad girl lately.
Hey there Mel and KK!
Forgive me girls, for I have sinned... Must repent.
Kat are you still painting?
Kat, we need to see pictures of this room when you have finished!
Oh Mel, our B&W look so good together! YUMMMM...let the hot GQ pics combine!
Yup... finishing touches on the polka dots. This is the coolest little girls room ever, if I do say so myself...
Hey Laura!
I like to have a smoke while looking at pics of Rob smoking. SO satisfying. It would only be better if I were smoking with him...perhaps during the...aftermath? (squeal)
*B&W ROB pics, I meant! LOL
Laura... I have "in progress" pics on FB.
Sorry I'm late, I was watching for the Beacons of Gondor to be lit ...
Anyway, onto Rob. Sexy huh?
Good evening loves!
Laura~This is for you!!!!
KK~ Wow, Robsessing became a full itme job for me today!
Did you Robsess today? yes
Did you Robsess yesterday? yes.
Are you planning to Robsess tomorrow. Hell yes.
It's exhausting, much in the same way as sex is. ;)
Sorry, I'm here...just finishing up Mutually Assured Destruction. Very quick one.
Hi, Mel, Kat,Laura, and Crazy and
the Dark Mark is up in the sky! lol
Hi Sabrizz!
Hi Melissa!
I was driving home from work just thinkin' 'bout Rob and the song Mrs. Robinson came on the radio. Rawr...I would totally play that role to him.
Yeah, Laura, I love the B & W pics of ROb...I've been drooling over my GQ for DAYS now.
Hey Sabrizzzzz.... Ellie....
Hi, Kim and Sabrizzzzz!
What's the Activation Rings, Kat?
MEL!! BAHAHAHA! Thanks for the vid!
LOL at Beacons of Gondor and Dark Mark!
Hey Kim, Ellie, and Sabrizz!
Hi Kat! And Ellie, and Laura, and everyone else!
Hey chicago, crazy, ellie, kat, mel, kimberlesk, sabrizzle...who'd I miss??? Tom??? Are you there Tom?
Mel, what's the link? If I go to see it, it takes so long to CUM back on here...
Y'all, how hot were those smoking pics Goz posted earlier!? *droooooooools* HOT DAMN!
Hi KK!
Where did Kim go??
Oh, sorry Chicago, I didn't see you here...Hi!!! :)
Ellie, it was Rob saying "WHAAAT" over and over! LOL
Hey Mel, you missed my confession earlier, was grocery shopping today and while standing at the checkout, decided to buy my third copy of GQ! It's like crack!
KK~ "sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon...with Rob"! and then lying on the sofa, and then sprawled out on the sofa, and then kneeling in front of the sofa....
did I just say that?
Ellie~Its a vid of Rob screaming "WHAT"...Laura and I were discussing it earlier today...LOL
The B&W ones, Laura?
Hi girls :)
Hi Dana!
Thanks... I did see that vid. Very funny!
Crazy - I bet Rob loves black silk stockings...hmmmm
3 copies, Kim?? LOL Technically I may have two of my own...but I'm not totally admitting to anything just yet. LOL
Ellie - you know, for the "RobKat Powers Activate"... :-)
Yep, Ellie, plus the ones of him in the black t-shirt from Mexico.....Oh my....
Hi, Dana!
Sorry I was watching Adam on AI
Hi, Dana!!!
Kat, better weather there by you, now?
Helllloooo Dana! :-)
Hey Dana!
Those pics from Mexico just f-ing kill me!!
Kim, wasn't Adam SO good!?
Hi Dana... and Crazy, KK... sorry I missed you both earlier...
Are we still talking about the smoking pics? Good. Those were SMOKIN' HOT!! LOL Srsly, why is it so hot when he smokes???
My brain still hurts from lost. Need some Rob to cleanse my mind.
Cuz he looks like a bad boy and we all fucking love it! LOL
Ah, Kat, got it...Next time we'll try the GO-GO-Gadget RobKat phone! lol
Mine too, Dana! That episode gave me a headache!
True that, Laura...you are so right.
True that, Laura.
Ellie - the sun was out 15 minutes after I shot that video! Can you believe it. It's eerily calm now. Has anyone heard from Jules? I'm hoping she didn't get hit as bad.
Kim - wasn;t Adam great tonight?
Bad is good.
LOL, jinx Melissa!
Just a LITTLE ROBsessed!!!!
i bet she got off filming all those eventually deleted scenes...
by the way, LOVE THE NEW BANNER! So gorgeous - I think it's the best one yet.
I'm going to implode now...
Kimberlesk - "it's like crack" LOL!
Someone earlier said there is no smoking in the hotel he's staying at in Vancouver.
Who thinks he's being a dirty, bad boy sneaking smokes in his room?
Mel- the smoking is just an extension of Rob's hotness. Dude could wear a trash bag and rock it. Anything he does is hot.
LOL, Sabrizz... I saw that!! LOL
Adam was awesome!! And he left all the makeup behind .... Oh, I just said Adam and Behind in the same post ,... not that I'm implying anything ... hmmmm where's Tom? think maybe he's an Adam fan too! H
I imagine he does, KK. I imagine, and imagine...he does ;)
Dana, I hear what you're saying. I am even willing to overlook the dandruff and dirty fingernails at this point. LOL
Woot! I'm here! Thanks for the Text Melissa, I had just left the computer to paint and mix chemicals.
Kim~your avatar is HOT! He keeps staring at me! LOL
Rob would be hot just cleaning his ears out with a Q-tip!
Mel- I'll volunteer to wash his hair. Bring on the head n shoulders!
Do you want to take care of his nails?
Hi, DB!!!
Hi DB!
Hey DB, you're very welcome! Glad you could make it.
Hey, that Danny Gokey was pretty good tonight too. shit, I don't even watch this show ...
You need at least 2 copies of GQ. One that can get wet, and the other to keep nice. ;)
He's breaking the rules smoking in his hotel room, all by himself reading ff and our dirty comments.
Hi DB....
Hi DB :)
Dana, I'm having deja vu right now, about the shampooing and nails. In the naughty room. I'm the tailor, fixing the golden zipper. Man, that seems so long ago.
I'd never ever...
Ellie...You need a new avitar. LMK when you want me to crop you something.
I agree with Melanie, "My name is Lynda and I'm a Roboholic, AND I'M PROUD OF IT". And KK, love the Mrs. Robinson idea. When my daughter asked me what I would do if I saw Rob in person, I said, "Do you know about Mrs. Robinson?" She then said, Mom, that's disgusting! Catherine's no different than us, just as Robsessed!
Dana~sure I can handle the nails. I am willing to bet there are other parts of him that need a good cleansing as well. I am UP for assiting in those areas too. LOL
Hello to all my favorite RK's.
Guys - where are the mexico pics? Gotta see 'em!!!
Hiya KAT!
Thanks, DB, I think you're right. We're all used to Rob being back, now.
Thanks Mel, I love these GQ pics (guess that's why I bought 3 copies). anyway, don't think you have to do anything with his nails. He seems to keep his hands pretty nice!! oh yeah baby, nice!
Dana, do you need me to explain Lost to you again ... one of these days, I kid you not, the Tardis is going to show up on that island and Doctor Who's gonna pop out!
OOOH...I found me some RKs!
Hello Gorgeous!
All the geeks at work already call Eloise a Time Lord ... haha
Crazy, they're the ones of Rob smoking outside of the Mexican restaurant.
Hey DB! Glad you came!
Since y'all are talking about his nails, my biggest Rob-peeve is when his nails are super long. I volunteer to clip them for him! LOL
lostinphilly - I was hit on by a whole lot of guys in Chicago bars last weekend (Rob's age IF THAT) who would have no problem with a little "Mrs. Robinson" action.
Ellie- I haven't forgotten that I am the one that applys the body lotion.
Sabrina- aren't you the towel girl? You get to dry off all his manly bits.
Ah, sweet Rose...Hi!
Hey Rose!
And Kim, I cant get enough of those damn pics. Damn is he SEXY! Yowza. Me likey.
Oooohhh but I love that pic Ellie. I just thought you may be holding out for a good closeup or something but I can crop and make anything you want. I can change the colors, etc. as well.
Hi Rose!
Hell yes I'm the towel girl Dana! *wicked grin*
AHA! The gig is up! So you text, not send up smoke signals and such. Sure fooled me! But that's not hard to do :)
Ok, guys, I don't just want to tend to the nails. I need a fun job too!! PICK ME!
Kim- I love your Lost theories. I can follow it but I just am having a hard time seeing how the writers are gonna pull everything off and make it sound somewhat convincing.
Hey Ellie, Laura, Kat, DB, Sabrizzz, Kim, Melissa, Dana...
and everyone else!
Ellie ~ LOL! I wonder what his ear wax would get on Ebay?
Hi Rose.
Sabrina, I am so jealous of you right now.....Rob's yummy bits!
Yes, I think that was your job. so sorry that you have to endure it... lol
I'll handle his lips if they're chapped (and even if they're not :)))
Yes, Kim, you are the Lost guru!
Hi Rose..... Muuuuuwwaaaaah!
Ahhh Rose is here. Hello beautiful. Sabrizz...I didn't see you here! HI!!
Hi DB!
Mel, we can be his COCK cleaners!
Sorry, I had to bust out the COCK already! Whoo hoo!
No crazy, sorry, only one of us got texted tonight -- now that didn't sound dirty!
And, yes, I printed out the GQ outtakes and now some are framed hanging in my hallway, between the BR and the bathrm. So, while getting ready in the morning, I've always got a great view!
DB, your avatar pic is HAWT!
LOL Ellie! I'm convinced towel girl is the best job, I get to dry off every inch of him. =P
And hi Rose!
So tell me...how was LOST? I have the last 2 episodes on my DVR...and I can't find the time to watch...might have something to do with my new DVDs...
Mel, how about brushing his hair? No, wait, he doesn't do that. How about a good Sex hair styling? *wink
Thanks Laura...I doctored it up and cropped it for ultimate jaw porn just for my RK's.
KK ~ then get your ass back out there again, girl!!!! (winks)
Laura~I am totally UP for being his COCK cleaner. We can take turns. SWEET! LOL
Oh, and
Kim- now all you need is a full wall print of the pic where he is laying down.
Sabrizz..You can dry him after I lick him over every inch of his body.
Although, Ellie, I would like to brush his hair...even if he protests!! LOL
well, since you're all fighting over cleaning him up, I'll take the damn job of getting him all hot and sweatty!
Sabrina, all NINE of them? (ahem, inches...) Bwahahaha!
Mel and Laura- you know you girls can't you your hands. You will have to clean said COCK using other methods.
Do you really think Rob has a dirty cock? And why does that leave a weird taste in my mouth just thinking about that?
Kim - I do believe you may be the smartest of all of us!
Dana, you are so right. Why didn't I think of that. *wicked grin*
Yes Ellie!
Dana, I'm getting that lying down pic on a body pillow!
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