Looks like CH is quite ROBsessed :))
From EW.com PopWatch :
Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke was this week's Guest DJ on Santa Monica public radio station KCRW, and shared five songs that have inspired her. You can listen below (for a transcript, click here.) The five tracks she picked:
2. Robert Pattinson's "Let Me Sign:" Also used in the film, over Bella's near-death scene. "After we made the whole morphing crazy dream sequence we took that on my laptop back into another little studio in the valley, and then Rob literally sang and just played to the image on the screen," she said. "And I just watched Rob sing this song, maybe ten different times. Every time it sounded like something almost completely different, because it just came out of him, this kind of raw feeling and in a way, that was my favorite day that I've had in the last two years, just being there in the studio, and watching music just come out of somebody's body." Is it just me
Thanks to RobPattzNews
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 408 Newer› Newest»KIM~ My DH drew the line at pics of Rob in our bedroom?! what a jerk! Frankly, i think he'd be turned on too!
Okay, fixing the zipper just isn't enough of a job.
Oh, wait, I have the keys to the naughty room. That's responsibility and power enough for me! So much scheduling!!!
Kim- i picked the lotion job because i can do it to get him dirty and then once he is cleaned he will need to be moisturized as well.
I honestly hope its not...but it would be fun to just go through the motions of helping him clean it!! I AM EFFING GONE! WTF
Geez, where did everyone suddenly come from???
YOU guys are HOT tonight!
Hi Crazy, Kat, Ellie, everyone!
New page! YAY! Apparently I am easily excited. All this talk of Rob's cock has me in a frenzy! LOL
I have lots of experience cleaning horses cocks... please do not ask. So as he's a similar size, the job should go to me...
Oh I never intended to clean it with my hands.
WOW! You gals are very thorough LOL!
Oh, and fucking bullshit.
And for Kat:
LOL Melissa!
Rose, you need to catch up on Lost, this season's f-ing great!! And tonight's episode ended on a shocker that could change everything .... however, we were cockblocked on a Kate/Sawyer hookup.
Catch up, then next week you can join a chat with me, Dana and Laura!
Melissa... we're all effing gone! Cleaning his cock... wtf next?
I was WAITING for someone to say that!!! She's so giggly talking about him!!!!!!! I completely agree.
Ellie--LMAO at your 9 inch comment!!
Make that one
Hey Smitten! Just cleaning Rob, doing the "Graduate" with him, and such. Ya know~
Dock Twitch.. Ellie, what's a dock?
Ellie-whats a "DOCK"??? LMAO! I can hardly breathe from LOL!!!
Um Kat, that's just gross!!
Is it DICK and COCK combined?
dammit..i always miss the new page...and just sit here refreshing like a total idiot.
Thanks Kim...I just need to put aside a couple of hours and watch it. I LOVE the show.
Oh, so you're gonna clean him up like in Perfect Wife????
Hi, Smitten!
ROFLMFAO! Ellie, Rob is not a dog and we definitely don't want to dock his "tail."
Good one, Laura!! DOCK = Dick and Cock combined. Shit, this sounds like a chappie from the arrangement!
Open you mouth for him Laura.
"Is it DICK and COCK combined?"
lmao, Laura!!!!
Do one for me,too, Crazy ... I'm in mourning 'cause I chased Tom away ... come on over here Rob darlin'
Rose, i've done that too while everyone else was on another page ...
OMFG, Dana!! LOL
OMG Poor Rob! Don't mind us horny chickies, dear!!! Turn the page Rob!!!!
I do the same thing and just did it. LOL.
Okay, it was a simple typo (DOCK)....but it seemed to work out, didn't it?/ lol
Kim, yes it is horkable... but the fucking horse doesn't do it himself... someone has to!
LMAO, Dana! Girl, you know I would!
Hey Smitten :)
OK, no more Arrangement comments, I'm still hurting after that double penetration action ...
Oh Shit, that was from The Trip Home ... HORK
Kat, have you really done that?? OMG.
Kim, would that be double-stuffed???
Kim..You got double penetration action? Lucky!
Kat, I guess that's why I have dogs, only not only do they clean their own, they want to clean everyone else's
Kim - Actually, I believe it happens in The Arrangement as well depending on where you are in the story...fanfiction.net or twilighted.net...
Smitten~ I told you i chased him away girl! He loves YOU! He'll be back, when he needs himself some more RobSmitten. ')
Shit, I think this blog just had an orgasm ;)
Kim~DBL penetration in the Trip Home too? HORK!!!! Eww. Are you still reading that? Or is it done...no, I'm not gonna read it. Just asking.
OK, that last comment of mine didn't look too good after DB's comment above it -- no, I'm not getting double stuffed by my dogs!!
I had a wierd girl on my college cheer team that would put peanut butter on her hoohah and get her dog to lick it off. HORK
KIM~ You're killing me~ LMAO!!
Crazy, you're CRAZY!!! I can't keep a man ... even a fictional character. Hey, I working on it really HARD though *snicker*
DB~FUCKING SICK. What kind of sick biatch does that?? *HORK*
I still haven't braved The Trip Home. I'm gonna have to have some liquid courage before I read that one.
Trip Home?
Nope, ain't gonna do it.
Just ain't.
Just sayin'
DB - I...oh God...I don't even know how to respond to the peanut butter thing.
NO fucking way, DB!! Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!
I will NOT read the Trip Home. EVER. EVER. Nope. My retinas would get singed off.
S~ i agree. Hey bartender! Robgasms all around!
DB, ew.
Yeah, I do remember the Double P in Arrangement, only that was hot. In Trip Home, it's not!!
Specially when the Double P is Jaz penetrating Edward while he penetrates Bella or Edward penetrating Jaz while he penetrates Bella.
And you don't even want to know the oral pairings ....
DB- gross. Eww. HORK.
No Trip Home for me either. I don't want to read The Perfect Wife either.
Oh, and they all SWALLOW!!!
I leave you guys alone for a few minutes...and the fucking wolves descend!
The same kind that had a boyfriend stick something up her and loose it and not tell her. LMAO. It was a glass makeup bottle and she went to put on her makeup a few hours later and couldn't find it. That's when he came clean.
I don't want to read anything with E & J action. I don't do well with graphic D.O.D.A. Just sayin'....
Hell, I'm laughing so hard at ya'll I can't even see *whahoo!* What a ride;)
Christ, E News is on and they just promoed -- Is Rob Pattinson facing a family tragedy??
What a crock of shit, of course, they're referring to the possible new film ...
Christ, E News is on and they just promoed -- Is Rob Pattinson facing a family tragedy??
What a crock of shit, of course, they're referring to the possible new film ...
Sab, TPW got better. Still not my fave, though.
KIM~ sounds like you're getting some doggie action? Huh? Like that? getting some of that? that right? some doggie-style? (Stewie-style) LOL!
The PB thing... GROSS.
And Kim... that is the reason I no longer have horses....
I watched Twilight with a guy friend a few nights ago and kept giggling whenever Jasper and Edward were onscreen. He was like WTF? I said I kept thinking about them having sex. Friend doesn't read ff. He thought it was one of the deleted scenes!!!
Trip Home and Perfect Wife aren't on my 'to do' list, either.
I don't know how TPW can have the HEA but I'm gonna continue reading it anyway.
Ellie, I've read all of the PW spoilers and the story sounds interesting but I don't think it's worth it to go through all of the bad stuff. I like happier ff.
Oops, sorry about the double post -- must be all that double penetration talk!!
hahaha, wolves.
Rose, I ♥ you!
I think TPW is out of control. I don't see how she can have an HEA at this point. The story is so fucked up.
DB, I thought that was an Urban Myth ... and speaking of Urban, is it time to break out the Urban Dictionary again .... boston pancakes anyone!
Sorry DBs second story made me think of the Alabama Hot Pocket! Talk about sticking somethin up your who-ha!
It can have a perfect ending the same way Bella could get pregnant and carry a half vamp baby. It's written and that's the way it is.
Mel, I'm thinking the same thing.
Anyway, it's not just the sex in Trip Home, it's how much in love E/J are with each other ... eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hey girls,just got my copy of GQ in the mail today and of course Rob looked Fantastic!And I looked at this website today called ThePoPFix.com and it said Twilight star engaged it didn't say who but their was this twitter page and This person said I can honestly say that I'm not anyones boyfriend thank you mainly because I'm in love with my Fiance and can't wait to see the extra. other person replys Honestly rumors are insane at this point.Alot needs clearing up. Then Magdawieske I assume is this person said I don't know. Then says Because I'm not about to make an announcement like that if she's not sure.And btw this twitter page has recently and mysteriously been erased off. And in the comments part it says Go here to see the original "Twilight star engaged" and it pops up into Robert Pattinsons fan club! What is you girls take on this?
Smitten ~ oh, it's the HARD things that we enjoy working on the most -'cause the results are the most SATISFYING. no?
If Tom comes back to you, play hard to get. Make him work for it! ((just havin' fun, Tom) ;)
Don't make me bust out the urban dictionary. Once I get started, I can't stop! AH! LOL
An urban myth? Nah..it really happened to her. She missed practice because of it, but she got it out. It's not like it dissapeared forever. She got it, he just didn't know how.
Ellie, I ♥ you back...BIG time.
Alabama Hot Pocket+ HORK! (major!)
Oh HELL no w/ the Alabama SHITcakes!
padme - Are you sure Ted Casablanca didn't write this?????
E&J is just not right damn it! I can handle the Arrangement, but E&J together. Nope. No way. No how. Those characters do NOT belong together.
I've heard the peanut butter story as well. Her family came home to find her doing it! so i heard :/ '
I want to know who in their right mind has tried The Alabama Hot Pocket?? WTF. This has to be a myth. I can honestly say I do not know a single person who would consent to such a thing. FUCKING SICK!
Rose, wanna get a room?? Oh, wait, we have the naughty room....duh!
E&J combo is just wrong. WRONG!
This girl was REALLY close to her dog. LOL. I don't know. She admitted to doing it, and her boyfriend (who wanted to have a threesome with squad members) said he liked to watch. They were an odd couple.
Mel, the peanut butter girl would prolly do it.
No DB, I meant the peanut butter!!!
Padme -- no truth to that story! Don't fret.
I just don't like the idea of any sword crossing going on between E & J. Its just wrong!! EWWWWWWWW.
I agree about the E&J thing, Laura. I don't really like thinking about them being as close as they are in The Arrangement but I can handle it. I want to know what the fuck is going to happen in that one! Edward needs to man up!
Kim and all~ we should seriously boycott the gossip rags. we get all we need to know right here!
I know, Sabrina! He can watch his best friend have sex with the girl he loves, but he can't admit his feelings?? Whatever.
True that, Sabrizz. He needs to stop skirting around the real issue here...he needs to tell her and be done with it. Sheesh.
Touche, Laura!
Was she as close to her dog as that chick in NY was with her chimp?? you know the one that ripped her friends hands and face off!
And maybe we should ask over on pervpacksmutshack if anyone's ever done the A. Hot Pocket!
Seriously Laura, I think it would be much easier for him to confess his love for her than for him to allow Jasper to join the party. The story frustrates me, but I want to see how it ends.
Yeah I read it, KK.
Sabrizzle - I seriously want Edward to kick Jasper's ass.
Hey ladies. Seems I've been missing the fun tonight. Just stopped in to say hi.
KK- I read it too. Next chapter is gonna be interesting.
I swear! In the time it takes my computer to refresh ya'll have added 50, count'em FIFTY ,new posts!!! How the hell can I keep up with that??? And you're so funny I can't even think!
Aw, Crazy, I'm gonna become a lurker and play hard to get that way. Only problem is he'll never find me *sniff* Life s**ks.
Chimp? I don't know the story.
I have heard of the Boston Pancake before. Sick and wrong.
Hi, Alie!
Me too KK! But at the same time I want to kick Edward's ass for being such a freakin' pansy! And Bella is really annoying, too.
Hi Alie.
Hi Twiheart! We're just talking about peanut butter licks, hot pockets, Edward kicking Jasper's ass, the process of thoroughly cleaning Rob and....chimps?
I'm scared of the chimp story...
Hi Alie!
Hi Alie♥
Hey Alie!
Sabrizzle - THANK YOU! I wish someone would kick Bella's ass (and her psychotic inner voice) in that story!
Sabrina- Bella is so stupid in this one. Seriously. How did she ever think it was gonna work?
Hi Twiheart!! I'm checking out for the nite though. have a good one, and hope to chat again soon with you girls!
Good night!
What's up with the chimp story?
Crap. I have to paint a monkey tonight.
Night crazy!
Wait, are we talking about the lady who had a pet chimp that just suddenly went apeshit crazy?
Yeah, that chimp story was way freaky!
Crazy - See ya! Thanks for hanging out with me on and off all day here on Robsessed. What am I going to do when my spring break is over?
Angry Dragon...That's hilarious.
Thanks for the info KK -- that should give us enough incentive to keep reading!!
I crazy for Whoreward!! Let him outta the dungeon already!
Fave line: Everybody stand back. Edward's gonna fuck hard now!
No KK it didn't come from Ted Casablanca it was actually a guy I can't remember his name think it was Dan but the web address for that was in the comments section.So i went there and it was asking who do you think it is talking about!
Wow!!! I have missed a lot. Thanks for the rundown KK. I am waiting on TA - sounds frustrating. A lot of the time I find Bella's inner voice to be a bit off?!? Isn't that why we love her?
Kim - That line alone is gonna make me read that story.
Alright ladies. I'm gonna get going. Its midnight here and i've got two updates to read before I go to bed.
Nite everyone :)
Sweet and wet Rob dreams to you all.
Good night, Crazy! Sleep good, girl. It was fun.
Yeah KK and Dana, Bella is just being a total skank. She never should have involved Jasper because she loves Edward and he loves her even though she didn't know it. She's just stringing Jasper along because she's a chicken. All three of them need to grow a pair!
LMAO, Kim! That line RULES!
I'm gone for 2 minutes and you guys are talking about chimps? WTH?
OK. What the hell is an Alabama Hot Pocket and where do I get one?
Night Dana! Sweet Rob and Sawyer dreams to you :)
Goodnight Dana! Muahhhhh!
Night, Dana!!
Sweet Rob Filled Dreams!!
Nite nite, Crazy!
Enjoy your Robsessed day tomorrow!
Yep, that's the chimp story -- his name was Travis and the lady slept in the same bed with him -- shit she even let him drive her car!! WTF
You guys have me LMAO going through the Urban Dictionary now. It's just wrong.
I don't think you want one, Smitten. It's pretty fucking nazzzzty.
SMITTEN!! Trust me, you DO NOT want one.
Hi and Bye Crazy - night Dana -- muah!
Smitten - I don't think you want that type of Hot Pocket...
Night and olive juice, Dana! muah!
Cum across any good ones, DB? LOL
Kim - I just spit my hot cocoa all over my laptop. She let it drive????
As much as I love you ladies...and you KNOW I do.
I need focus on other things.
♥ you all.
Bye for now:)
I'm outta here too.... I'm not getting any polka dots done!
Love ya all... sweet Rob dreams... no chimps, dogs or peanut butter...
Kat xoxoxo
Goodnight Rose! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Bye Kat! Muahhhhh!
Good night, Rose!
(excellent blog, as usual, babe!). Olive juice. ♥
Night Rose - sweet, dirty Rob dreams!
Night, Rose!
Night Kat and Rose! XOXO
Hmmmm...after reading the GQ article, I wonder who drives better, the chimp or Rob?? :))
Nevemind the other thread, this one's much better it has the NY Post cover
Night, Kat!
Olive juice Kat! xo Sleep well.
I just dont get how the Alligator fuckhouse works. I'm not getting a good visual.
'Night Kat and Rose!
KK, I'm betting on the chimp being the better driver ... course, he's dead now, just like Edward!
Kim - LOL
DB, I'm going to look up that now!
I was having dinner w/frenz and they started telling the chimp story. I thought it was "bizzah" then it kept getting weirder, drives, on prozac, and tried to get in the cop car so the cop shot it. They said he had been in some Gap ads to - like he was some big actor. WEIRD!
Why doesn't Ted Casablanca start running gossip about the chimp. Oh yeah, it's dead now isn't it? Damn. Thought the chimp could take some of the heat off of Rob.
Alie, they talked about the chimp on the news here. I think they showed some Old Navy ads that it was in.
I wanna meet the guy who can perform this ....
Alligator Fuckhouse
A daring sexual maneuver: Mid-coitus, one person bites the neck of the other, locks their arms and legs down and goes into a deathroll, all while maintaining insertion. Like downshifting a car!
Sally: "Last night Johnny surprised me with an Alligator Fuckhouse, and I came for an hour and a half! I think the bite might have left a scar though..."
Db~What about the pizza slopper? Kim, should I send you the link...It sooo bad!'
Okay...SO my mind went so dirty on this. I thought the lady was having sexual relations with her chimp.
DB - Alligator WHAAA?
Okay, babies, I'm outta here. Really needing more than 4 1/2 to 5 hours of sleep at night. I BLAME YOU ALL!
(and I love you for it...)
Olive juice and sweet, sweaty Rob dreams, girls!
Didn't Rob kind of do a deathroll while filming the prom scene? Just a thought...
Goodnight Madame Ellie! Fucking muahhhhhhh!
Good Night Ellie!!
Sweet Rob filled dreams!
G'night Ellie!
Oh, OK, thanks ya'll ~ no Hot Pockets for Smitten ... got cha'
Ya'll ROCK! Thanks for the fun. I'm off to my happy place with Rob.
Okay, who does this?
Strawberry Shortcake
The action in which the male ejaculates on his partner's face, and then the male punches his partner's nose, which causes blood to stream forth. The semen and blood fluids create a red and white image, just like the icing and filling of a strawberry shortcake.
DB -- I think the jury's still out on that one -- we had a whole discussion at work about whether or not she was doing the chimp!!
and the pizza slopper -- love the use in a sentence where the chick says she still smelled like pepperoni two weeks later ...LMAO! Gross!
See ya, Smitten!
Night Ellie!
Night, Ellie! Hot, schmexy Rob dreams to ya!
I think I"m gonna HEAD out, too. I had fun, but I'm pretty exhausted! Night, everyone! XOXO
DB - WTF are you reading?
OK Ladies, I'm off too, must go to bed no time for FF tonight .. or maybe the last posted chapter of Beautiful Bastard .... I don't think I can resist!
Had fun, let's DO IT again soon!
Nice talkinng to ya crazy and KK!
Ewww, gross DB! That sounds like abuse right there. HORK
And who does this? I love my cell phone way to much.
Birmingham Booty Call
Mid sexual intercourse you shove a cell phone in your partners ass, call it, she shits it out, and you talk dirty to her over the phone!
Goodnight Laura and Kim! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Night Laura! I KNOW we can count you havin schmexy Rob dreams.
Kim - Good night!
DB - I'm going to have nightmares when I go to bed if I can stop laughing.
OK DB -- that's just a couple of frat boys making that shit up!! Nobody does that!!
Nite ladies, luv you all!
Night Kim - xo
Oh *HORK* Blumpkin.
Two words...
No Way
DB, that mental image is making my butt hurt!
Good Night to all my lovelies!
Sweet dreams to you all!!
Alie~you have your answer...I just sent it. :-) LOL
Oh, and I'm out too, ladies!
Have a great night!!
Wow. We started this blog talking about the raw feelings Rob expresses when playing his music.
Now I just feel raw. I think I need to go bleach my brain, ladies.
Good night! I'll be in a hotel room tomorrow night but know I can count on ya'll to keep me company if I get lonely!
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