When you have the biggest heartthrob of the year on your hands, you have to do everything in your power to protect him. Producers of New Moon, the second installment of the Twilight series, have called in some serious reinforcement to protect star Robert Pattinson from the barrage of female fans. They've hired Canadian Mounties! RadarOnline.com talks exclusively to the brave gentleman who is keeping the actor safe and sound.
While filming on the tiny scenic island of Tofino, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, producers enlisted the help of local cops Constables Brendon Baillant and Brandon Builziuk to make sure filming went off without a hitch. Not their usual cup of tea, the constables encountered their fair share over overzealous teens during the assignment.
"It was an unusual mission but our remit was to keep the fans off the set," Constable Baillant told RadarOnline.com exclusively. "Everything went well on the first day but then a group of teenage girls got a little too close when the filming moved to the Long Beach area of the island."
"They were totally miffed with us when we told them that they could not get any closer, however, their spirits lifted when Kristin Stewart came over to pose for a few photographs with them," he recalled. "It was raining really hard the whole time but the producers loved that because it helped to make their scenes much more gloomy and atmospheric too. This is a beautiful part of the world but when it gets cold and wet even a vampire would get the chills."
The two Mounties' services helped to raise over $3000 of sporting equipment for two local schools. The money was donated by the film's producers.
SourceIf you are reading this and are planning to go and check out the set/Rob in Canada please be nice. He (and the rest of the crew) has always been so accommodating and nice to the fans that it is a shame he has to go in hiding now.
Fans that visited the sets in previous years said the actors come out at one point to sign autographs, take pictures if you wait patiently. I know he is irresistible but try and control yourselves :))
I really appreciate the comments made in the last paragraphs. He's got to be able to do his work, and he has always been accommodating and generous of his time and attention with his fans. Leave him be people!!!!
he hee
"Mount" ies
I don't even think Rob was at this set. Wasn't this from the fan encounter earlier this week when they shot the cliff jump scenes? I think it was only Taylor and Kristen,no Rob.
Suz~ good one!
Suz~ good one!
I guess I REALLY meant that. (duh)
Mount "these"
i agree with anon according to other reports this was when Kristen & Taylor were filming the cliff diving scenes. so i guess the fans got their pics and autographs and left afterwards. but i agree with "crazy" leave them alone let them film the movie. i actually dont remember any other movie where there is so much going on while filming.
Suz~ uh huh ;)
ok.. first these ppl are working for a living,its thier JOB, why bother them i dont get it.yes we like them,admire them but bother them at work...no,not me i guess i am more mature than that.
Those teens and their obsession, raging hormons. They should learn from us, their elders with our obssesion.:))
You're right, Niahid, us mature women will just stay on here, drool a LOT, and wipe up the keyboards... lol
I don't think fans were ever too imposing. After all, all they ever want is for 4 minutes of their time. Say hello, snap a few pics, and move along. I don't think it is too much to ask when people are waiting around for 4 hrs just to catch a glimpse... it's important t remember that if it wasn't for the fan base - they probably wouldn't be in the position they are at now.
It doesn't mean you have your life overtaken but dedicating a few minutes to your normal fans is appreciated more than they can imagine.
Hey I'm 24 and I would definitely try to scope out the set... not to stalk and be annoying - but just to experience the excitement.
Also - I don't think rob was on the set that day...
Oh man I was in Tofino last summer...and on Long Beach...so beautiful there. A couple weeks ago I flew (from Edmonton) to Vancouver Island. I was seriously considering going to Vancouver for a day trip hoping to spot Rob (& other cast members) but then I realized that I probably wouldn't do anything if I did see them! Must be that I'm a 33 year old mom of 3 boys...much too mature lol.
i feel kind of bad for him actually. i know he is soooooooooo beautiful, but he needs his peace and time to work without being mobbed. i don't think taking some pictures and signing some autographs are that big of a deal, but some fans go overboard. its a part of being famous, but hes human too!
ROFLMAO, Ellie! True that..haha
That was really nice of Kristen to pose for pics. I know a lot of people always rag on her, but I really like her! Go Kstew! :)
Can I just say, totally unrelated to the topic here, but I love your website. You have the best Rob stuff on the internet, better than all the fan sites combined. You are doing such a great job. I hope that, for all your efforts, Rob shows up at your door in his holey jeans and unwashed hair and nothing else! Thank you for making my day on a regular basis.
Reality check- Rob and everyone else on that set are at their workplace. A film set is not a playground for fans to come and bother the actors. Everyone there is on a time schedule and if they fall behind that will cost the studio possible millions of dollars. Yes, there is a time to sign autographs and take pictures but you have to respect peoples space. Rob, Kristen and the others must be able to stay in character and they can't do that when being distracted by some loud mouth fangirls....
LOL, Ellie! I don't think I would ever go stalkerazzi just to meet him. LAME if you ask me. I agree with Laura, it was nice of Kstew to take pics with fans. I really like her and I think she's a great actress.
OMG guys, I think Lainey Bitch has pissed me off to the point where she actually bothers me... if I could slap her I think I would.
Not even because she's trying to fuel the hate... but because she now posted a letter an "upset Twilight fan" sent to her.
Really, the girl didn't seem like a Twi-hard... she just was sticking up for Rob and calling Lainey out on her Bitch-factor...
Man, I fuken hate that Bitch - maybe Rob's in hiding because she a MAJOR MORON that posts pictures of him while he gets a coffee... hmmm Lainey maybe your posting redundant shit because you have no other material. Wench.
Shani- I agree that Loud-Mouthed- Crazers should not bother the actors.
However, I do not think that if fans wait quickly with the hope of a "hello" it's not the end of the world.
That being said... PEOPLE, if you are going... be cool and don't be crazy...they'll probably be more receptive if you don't have "ROB BITE ME PLEASE" t-shirts and gingerbread vampire cookies...
be chill.
P.S Lainey is an annoying Bitch - I agree.
How things change huh? I remember watching footage on Youtube about Twilight fans on the Oregan set...just wondering up to RP, and posing for photo's and getting him to sign stuff.
Hmmmmmm, Rob or a Canadian mountie in full uniform....being a Canuck myself - its a toss up...ok ok, Rob wins by a hair! :)
That shit is funny about Lainey. I saw that today, but she always get hate mail about talking bad about Rob. She knows she wants him like the rest of us because in her Rob "stink" post she contemplated on whether she would sleep with him in spite of his supposed "smell". She said not in his first year, maybe Johnny Depp. See, she would fuck him sideways like the rest of us.... but for her probably sometime this year (2nd year) of fame.
I have this visual of Rob standing between The Mounties B&B (note their names) at all times and it's just cracking me up...
How can you take law enforcement serious in uniforms that look like that?
If you're curious about mounties and their history,
we've just put together a quick YouTube clip called "Why Do Mounties Dress That Way?" that goes behind the scenes with an RCMP officer and delves into the details about the mountie uniform.
Have a look!
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