It makes me happy to see that Bobby Long is getting a lot of exposure these days. Celebuzz has another bit about him where he talks about Rob.
After a weekend where we saw the awesome power of Twilight, we have to wonder — might fame and worldwide crowds of screaming admirers ever get to Robert Pattinson's head?
Not as far as Bobby Long, Twilight soundrack contributor and friend, can see it.
"This is the best person all of this could ever happen to," Long tells Celebuzz. "It would never affect Robert the wrong way."
"He's exactly as he always was," says Long. "He's very down-to-Earth and humble. Just a normal lad."
Long and Pattinson knew each other when the two were struggling artists in London, having late-night song sessions in Pattinson's dinghy Soho, London flat and eating pizza on his steep roof. Long also saw the full impact of Pattinson's fame at the London Twilight premiere:
"I actually had a few people shouting my name, which was bizarre," says Long. "But for Robert it was completely different. People were trying to pull at him and kiss him. It was hard to get into my head."
For Long, the touch of Twilight fame has led to insane amounts of exposure. "I had been playing concerts and not that many people would show up. But then there was like 20 girls, all Twilight fans. The last three had 100 girls and there were people not allowed to get into the venue, people flying in to see the concert. It's been insane."
Long is even heading to the U.S. for his first concerts.
As far as Pattinson's musical skills: "He's extremely talented. Just as talented with his music as an actor for sure."
In fact, Long would definitely purchase any Pattinson album. Actually, scratch that. "I'd hope to get it for free to be honest," he laughs. "I wouldn't talk to him if I didn't."
I think it is awesome when people who get some fame don't let it get to thier head. It actually makes them more popular and easier to like that the ones that are out there everyday begging for thier photo to be shot! Keep it up guys!
So great to hear this from his best friend! However, my concern for Rob is that the fame and stalking may affect his freedom and happiness. I wonder what Bobby would say about that.
If Rob can handle it for just a few more years, it will die down. I just hope Bobby is right and that all of this craziness doesn't end up making him a nutjob.
Bobby Long's music is amazing. The mockingbird song is a masterpiece.
Bobby is pretty hot, too.
What a great pic of Bobby! He's one of my favorite singer/songwriters right now. If you haven't heard his music, check out his MySpaceMusic page RIGHT NOW.
Definitely, will check out his music. What a nice friend? I hope Rob can hang on to his normalness. This makes us love him even more!
Bobby is also dreamy...and his music is absolutely beautiful. I will catch one of his shows when he hits the U.S....either next month in Nashville or Chicago in August (or BOTH?).
It's cool to hear Rob's friends talk about him...they are the ones who know him best afterall.
I find it very refreshing to hear from his friend that basically what you see is what you get with Rob, and makes me love and admire him all the more :D
*waving to Thirty*
Can't wait to see him here in LA in April.
chicago: hey girl! we must get together and compare notes on our concert experiences...do you have his "Said Ooh" mp3?
and do you like Sam as well? love him too!
I wish Rob would remember to mention his love of:
Steve Forbert (steveforbert.com)
Simon Todd (simontodd.co.uk) (http://www.myspace.com/simontoddmusic)
I am going to have to call him and remind him!
Bobby Long is briliant. I saw him last year in London..now I am going to look for my photos to see who the cat was that was playing along with him.....!
Heard Bobby Long's interview last week on GossipGirls.com. He is so sweet. LOVE his voice. It's like Sam's singing voice. I dunno...I like Rob's American accent, Bobby's speaking voice and Sam's singing voice. Am I weird? lol
suz: you lucky dog, you...marcus foster possibly playing along with bobby? that would be lovely...i love their rough cut of "crooked sky"...its on my myspace.
wowie: i think bobby's accent is really thick...but super cute. and i like Rob all sexy brit.
Wowie- You're not weird. I did the whole 'what did I like best' about each one awhile back myself. But I included Marcus Foster another BFF. I love Marcus's music. It's all a mixture of blues,jazz, New Orleans type stuff with a dash of angst or something. I have a favorite song and everything but damn I can't remember it right now. Sam singing voice is clearer so you can understand the words, Bobby singing and talking voice is good. Overall RP voice is 'top dog'. At times he talks low and it just sounds so smooth, sexy, boyish, flirty, Mmm,Mmm... good. It just draws you in and sucks out all your common sense. His singing voice is raspy, sultry, soulful but sometimes you can't understand him. Then you look at his pretty face and hair...SWOON, MELT, and then THUD.
I like Bobbys singing. Sam is an excellent showman/performer and Marcus's arrangements/songs are brilliant. If I could wrap them up in one package that would be awesome!!
Chicago girl are you going to go to the Whiskey show or the one of the Hotel Cafe shows??
*waves hello*
Lisa~HotelCafe...you're going, too, with your DH, right? From 'Puente, correct? Should be fun...I'm hoping for zero chaos. I'm not a fan of crowds.
Thirty, yes we'll have to compare, def! No, I don't have that one.
This is so great to hear... But I feel sort of strange about feeling so happy about it. I know that doesn't make any sense... I don't have any stake in any of this except for being a fan, but it warms my heart when I hear things like this - that make me feel like I've chosen the "right" person to be a fan of. Does that make any sense? I don't know...
I'm thankful too for people like Bobby in Rob's life who have been there from before the beginning. I hope Rob keeps them close.
chicago: if you have lj...go to landofdreamers...it's all about bobby, sam & marcus...i'm pretty sure that's where i got the downloand of his song.
also, if you haven't already, checks out sam's myspace...if you send him and email, he will add you to his mailing list and send you songs as well.
{{{{Thirty}}}}} THANKS SO MUCH!!! Great!
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