"I was waiting in line for the ATM and I saw this guy and I was thinking "Hey, I recognize that guy" but I couldn't figure out who it was, because I had just moved to London. I didn't know anyone in London, so how could I recognize some random guy? Then all of the sudden it hit me ROBERT PATTINSON! I went up to him and was like:
Me: Excuse me are you the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter?
RP: Yeah... how did you know that?
Me: 'Cause you look like the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter.
RP: Oh.
Me: Would you mind taking a picture with me and my friend?
RP: I kinda look like a bum right now...
Me: Thats okay. I look like a bum right now too.
RP: Oh, uh. Okay.
*Pictures taken*
My friend that took the pictures and had no idea who Robert Pattinson was: You were a really good sport about that.
Me: Yeah! Thanks.
RP: Uh, no problem. *chuckles and blushes*
Gozde: I don't know who the girls in the picture are. I found it while surfing the net. If you are owner I'd love to credit :))
The girls look really familiar for some reason. Especial the one with reddish-brown hair. Hmm....
This is so adorkable!!!!
Classic Rob!!! I love her response to, "How did you know that?"
totally agree!
The girl looks familiar!
I love his bummy look.
"How did you know that"...pfft...cos Cedric Diggory was the hottest thing about GOF, thats why. Sheesh...LOL
Love Rob in this pic-soooo cute...
LMAO, Melissa! Damnnnnnn right!
I don't think he looks like a bum, just a bit grungy. which is quite sexy IMHO. He's so self-deprecating, i love it! His modesty is so friggin adorable. makes him even more delicious. Lucky chicks!
I like him and his look *so genuine*--great story and thanks for sharing! ~Chicago girl now in LA.
Just how I love my Rob...vulnerable and real. Awww....hearts a flutter.
I love how he's doing an "inventory check" (hands in pockets)
*"THEY SPARK" said...
TOTALLY LOVELLY BUMMY LOOK! Oh, wait, he is often with his best (or worse) bummy look -- and always lovelly... Hum...
When I went to see Harry Potter with some friends (I don't really like the HP books or the movies) I noticed the beautiful young man playing Cedric and HE kept me from falling asleep during the film. I thought he was beautiful and, and, and, oh, just really beautiful (ah, and tall). He did not have too many lines, but, also, the british accent was lovelly. I even saw the movie again; because of him. And, now, the guy shows up again, with sparks, right there, in front of me, a little older (more MAN now, gooooood).
Can't wait to see him in Little Ashes. Just imagine, two hot guys making it out together... Did you guys watch the fan trailer here? OH MY GOD! Can't stop watching that.
*"THEY SPARK" said...
Wait is this the same girl in the photo?
Maybe a bit thinned down?
so cute!!! hilarious... he does NOT look like a bum.. unless bums are suddenly men i want to rip the clothes off of... if that's the case, then he does look like a bum.
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