Well, a couple of months ago Ashley Tisdale told Cosmo that she was crushing on Robert Pattinson, her actual words were : “I’m in love with Robert Pattinson” . We skipped the report because:
1. I had no idea who Ashley Tisdale was :)
2. It sounded like a name drop
3. The bitch should get in line!
And yesterday lovely Jen from The Twilight Times (cool blog!) sent me this bit from M Magazine. (No idea what M was either, man I am old!) :
Ashley also dished to us about her LOL story involving Twilight hottie Robert Pattinson! Ashley's friend, actress Brittany Snow, introduced Ash to him at a Vanity Fair photo shoot, but Ash didn't even recognize him! "I didn't realize who he was because Brittany had just introduced him as 'Rob'," she confesses. "He was actually super-shy!" Talk about a funny celeb encounter, but she's a lucky girl for getting to meet him!
Gozde: I guess I can't blame a girl for trying to reach out and get some attention(action) from Rob :))
To be honest, Gozde, I have zero interest in Ashley's crush (get in line, indeed), but I am forever grateful to you for once again posting the yummy nipple pic to accompany the story. You rock, as always!
Haha :)) Thanks Rhonda. I agree with Ashley Tisdale and the post needed a picture to cover it up. What's better than a nipple picture? :)
Oh and FYI to all: The copycat deleted her blog again. Let's see where it will pop up next...
Wait... there was text with the picture? x3
Good morning everyone!
Get in line, indeed. I can only begin to imagine the number of celebs (and models, musicians, doctors, IT analysts, x-ray technicians, stay-at-home moms, bank tellers, etc.)that are crushin on our Rob.
Good morning, (almost) everyone.
Sorry for that, Gozde... but,
I just read the posts from yesterday night. WHAT WAS THAT?? Some women, named as "Robkats", chased Smitten and Tom away, in the most rude and mean way. One of them wrote all the curses she could find in her private dictionary ("Girl meets Rob" thread @ 8:43, 9:11, 9:21, and "Buble bath B." @ 10:29). Shame on you!
And to ask if the guy is a "man" or a "woman"? That was gross! Who cares? IT IS his business, not yours! Did you ever think that, behind our code-names, we are all "anons" here? Nobody knows anybody for real in here! Where you jealous of Smitten? Because she caught someone´s attention and YOU didn´t? And YOU DON`T anymore?
What kind of education did you have anyway?
Smitten and Tom, please, stay with us. I love you both. Love your posts (always loving and DECENT). And I love this site, despite some people...
Good morning, Crazy.
I was so happy when I came to Robsessed today, now I AM SOOO PISSED!! Smitten is the sweetest girl and those women where brutal.
I am goint to post it in every thread today!
Himm, I didn't see anything. I have to go and look. There are over 700 comments I need to go through. I'll get back to you when I'm done :)
"I am goint to post it in every thread today!"
Must you, Sophia? Kind of brings down the mood...
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." (MLK)
We are all mature enough to know when to ignore anyway. :)
Rob would be much better off getting into a relationship with someone not in the business. ;)
Anon., please, if you are going to talk to me, give yourself a name. It can be any name.
Nipple pic = Happy Mondays!
CopyCat deleting evidence of theft = HAPPY ROBKATZ
Sophia, I am sure "Tom" and Smitten's love affair will survive.
; )
Are you there?
Look the new post!!!
Suz, this is SO NOT THE POINT. "They" chased them away rudely, because they think THEY OWN the site, and then, that was pretty pathetic actually, they spent the night reciting lines from the film (Twilight) to each other:
"We shoudn´t be friends"
"I am not afraid of you"
"Get in the car"...
Danni, hi. Yes, I saw it too. And I know how much you hate Nikki. But she was there with him... What does that mean?
I know Sophia, I was one of them reciting the lines. it was hilarious.
I do not recall seeing anyone "run" anyone off..
It's sweet how you are taking this all on.
I am quite sure, like I said, "Tom" and Smitten are fine this morning.
Eu acho q significa ou que ele ainda não percebeu q interesseira ela é, ou que ela está tendo alguma coisa com ele, ou com o Sam. E quem nos garante q ela não estava no show do Sam escondida com o Rob!
Seriously??? This is ridiculous. Lets move on shall we. I'm an adult and I know when enough is enough. We never claimed we OWNED anything. All I did was ask Tom a very simple question and I was attacked for doing so.
AND the bit about us quoting Twilight? I mean, REALLY?? Who cares. We were having FUN...which is what this site is for.
Sorry, Goz for creating any drama, but this is bullshit.
Suz, I think you got there after the chase. But your "friends" are no fun...
Danni, ela podia estar, não só com o Rob, mas abraçada com ele...
Não, eu acho que ele tem melhor gosto do que isso... espero.
suz hearts melissa
Sophia, I think you are too emotionally invested...
; )
Relax and enjoy the The Robness!
You are THAT Melissa? I did not see you being "attacked" by anyone. On the contrary, they were way too polite with you. I wouldn´t be THAT POLITE. And you went on, making fun of them when they were gone.
Yes, let´s move on. Let´s see some new names for you to chase away tonight...
Thanks, Suz. I was over it last night and now this?? Jeez.
Dr. Suz prescribes Bubble Bath Babylon Video...
It cures everything apart from the Horn!
; )
Watch it ten times and call me in the morning!
Sophia-please save your threats of rudeness for someone who cares. I am going to ignore you for now, m-kay? Sound good to you? Does to me.
Suz~Thanks for that prescription...I am off to do that now...LOL xoxo
Like I care...
I wouldn´t be frightened of you even if I met you in a dark alley...
sorry Melissa, I forgot to tell you.. each viewing will need to be followed up with
Hey, Suz, theres nothing wrong with that!! Me likey.
i think English/British men are really kind people.. i mean they don't brag themselves it's just because they are popular actors or something. hhmm..
Oh, Sophia, please give it a rest! If anyone's acting like they "own" the blog, it's you. You're the one trying to tell people what questions they can and cannot ask. Melissa just asked a simple question that Tom could have chosen to politely not answer.
And as for calling the Robkats pathetic, that was just plain rude. I, for one, thought their comments last night were hilarious, fun, and in keeping with the tone of this blog. Your high school crap is the thing that is pathetic and ruining everyone's fun. I normally post as an anon, but earlier you were bitching about people not posting with a name, so here you go.
How could Ashley "not realize it was him"??? Is she freaking blind?! I would think that anyone who proclaims to have a huge crush on Rob would be able to actually recognize him when they meet them, even if they are only introduced as "Rob"... I mean, geez, was she expecting him to be introduced as "Rob Pattinson, the hottest man in the world who plays Edward Cullen in Twilight"? Did she need all of that information to put two and two together? What an idiot!
On another note, thank you for posting the nip picture, Gozde. That one always makes me smile :)
Okay anon, no need to scream. I am sorry but both Smitten and Tom are grown ups and I am sure they can speak for themselves.
I read all of the comments from last night after Sophia told me about them and I don't understand why asking someone their sex is rude. They didn't ask what their sexual orientation was or something that was personal.
That's funny about Ashley Tisdale - Last night on Hannah Montana (don't roll your eyes too much...wasn't my choice to watch...) Miley talked about a party she'd miss with that brooding guy from the vampire movie. I didn't get that exactly right, but you knew she was talking about Rob. Caught my attention anyway.
Rob's too "mature" for the Disney channel. :)
Okay...first...I seriously dont get arguments in comments. It just doesnt make sense to me.
Second...how in the world did tisdale NOT know Rob? How many 'Rob's are there? Not that many on the set of vanity fair that look like a vampire from the pop culture phenomenon. I mean come on.
Gozde!! Open your eyes! Did you take time to read the comments and feel their tone?
Everybody here knows that he is a guy. She asked exactly what is HIS SEXUAL ORIENTATION.
I know you don't want to put yourself in a bad position with your FF friends, ok. But to deny a nasty situation shows a bit of an edge...
Just sayin...
I would say my eyes are pretty open :) And they are not my FF friends, lmao!
Melissa said:
You don't want to know, Tom. Hmm...I'm feeling generous today so I will tell you...
Dude, are a really a chick or what? I'm just gonna put this out there...see how it feels. Just an honest question.
Melissa was actually calling Tom a fake; not asking about his sexual orientation. She was saying he was a woman acting like a man on the blog to get some attention. Maybe you should open you eyes and read stuff more carefully.
I am done now! I don't see the point in debating this with someone anonymous and I definitely don't want people to be bothered with this shit under a topic that's about Ashley Tisdale.
If you want to take it up with me email me at robsessedpattinson@gmail.com
Wow!!! I thought all the misunderstandings have died down since last I was here. Ummm, Rob won't like it if he was visiting on the sly.
Love you Gozde and all the crazy ladies here!
"Shadow Girl"
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