Jennifer Wood wrote an article titled "What is it about Edward Cullen?" where she talks about the literary vampire and the man that brought him to life. She is spot on. I am only posting the part about Rob and you can read the rest HERE.
During his Twilight press tour last fall, star Robert Pattinson asked fans what it was about his character, Edward Cullen, that they were so attracted to. What was it about this particular literary vampire that made him, as fans told him repeatedly, "so sexy"?
Many a man has asked that same question. There is a new subculture of men—the Twilight Widowers—whose wives or girlfriends have been stolen away by one supernaturally sexy fictional vampire. But what is it about Edward Cullen and his family of "vegetarian vampires" that women find so appealing? What power or spell does Edward cast?
There are three key elements to Edward's attraction. First, he is a vampire. Second, he is Edward Cullen. And third, he is Robert Pattinson.
Dissecting the Allure of Twilight's Vegetarian Vampire, Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson is not Edward Cullen, and yet he is completely and forever Edward Cullen. Taking on Edward's film persona would have been a challenge for any actor. Pattinson himself has laughed at the impossibility of playing a character so perfect, so beautiful and otherworldly. Yet somehow, in bringing so much of himself to the character—his own insecurities and fears, his darker interests and thoughts—he added a depth of feeling to Edward that the character on the page was lacking. Pattinson embraced Edward's hatred of himself and his inner monster and made that part of Edward more prominent, brushing aside much of the flowery perfection attributed to Edward by Bella and her love-colored glasses.
It also doesn't hurt that Robert Pattinson is a handsome, tall, mysterious, and dark man himself.
From the ends of his inexplicably famous hair to the tips of his graceful, piano-playing, guitar strumming fingers; from the soft whisper of his Edward voice to the deep, gravelly, bluesy growl of his singing voice; from his adorably geeky performance in The Bad Mother's Handbook to his Hogwarts champion in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, there is just something so real, so normal about Robert Pattinson the man that makes him lovable and downright sexy. His interviews range from the dirty ("It's sex where you end up killing the other person. It's the best type of sex") to the silly ("I cut my toenails, and bought some new underpants"). He is a dirty, dirty boy, with his unwashed hair and overgrown eyebrows as well as the wicked twinkle in his eyes and that British accent that can stop your heart. He's so incredibly self-deprecating that he makes you want to give him a hug and take him home with you. He may be the dream of many a teenage girl, but he's admitted a love for older women that has all the cougars panting as well. There is little he holds back, yet he leaves you feeling like you've barely scratched his surface.
Robert Pattinson is not Edward Cullen. But Edward got a little bit hotter because Robert Pattinson gave him a face, a body, an evilly seductive grin, and an innate shyness that he didn't have before.
So Robert, there is your answer, from one admitted TwiHard cougar who thinks you are perfect because you are not Edward Cullen, and thinks Edward Cullen is perfect because he is not anyone at all.

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link ;)
She was so spot on, I thought I wrote that for a minute there!
Where is that second picture from?!? The one with him in the Black coat and glasses?
I thought it was from Bad Mothers Handbook at first...but he looks older in this pic??
Thanks for posting my article!
Thanks for writing it! It is so spot on! :) I loved it!
anon: It is from Bad Mothers Handbook :)
Her words = my mind.
I'm off to bed :)) Hope I'll wake up to some Rob goodies I can share :)
She did put it just how I think it. I wasn't as enamored with the books until I saw the movie. And even with all its flaws, I only had eyes for Rob.
Spot on.... perfect interview!! Loved it... thank you!!!
'He's so incredibly self-deprecating that he makes you want to give him a hug and take him home with you'
This is so true!! As much as I would like to do many other dirty things rather than hugging, his lack of self-promotion is so endearingly (for want of a better word)cute!!
Thanks for the post ;)
That was so spot on! I couldn't have written it better.
Wow. Great article!! And, my favorite line that really summed it up for me --
There is little he holds back, yet he leaves you feeling like you've barely scratched his surface.
And how I would love to scratch that surface!!
spot-on, indeed. ;)
Brilliantly written.
AMEN sister, AMEN!!!!!!!
Perfect description. Rob is talented, intelligent, funny, modest, and imperfect - he is just Rob. I appreciate that he doesn't seem to put on a false front and just tries to live his life. It's a rare and beautiful thing in this world.
AWWWW that article just melt my heart! Its feels like I wrote it myself! Exactly how I feel about Rob!
Bravo! That article was awesome! Sums it all up how we all feel about our Rob! Great job! :D
I think we should all write our own lengthy declarations here. :) That'll really embarrass him if he lurks, lol.
Wow, this article was great! Described my feelings to a "T". Thanks for posting, Goz.
Brilliant Article. Semmed him up perfectly!!
Love the gif too Goz !!
Hannah and Mixxy: Those statements are my two favorites as well. Well put and thought out.
***The only part I'm not sure I get is where she referred to him as "dark", or even mysterious. Complicated, yes, like many. But dark and mysterious? Not sure. Anyone have any thoughts on that?***
Lovely write up. Seems she might be a regular here, even? We've been saying the same thing all along.
yep..that's exactly why he's so ultimately appealing. Someone joked to me recently "how can you like him, he's a dirty, dirty boy...and you are a full grown cougar!" :)
really...I just like to look at him, a lot!
to crazy:I think mysterious because eventhough he seems to put it all out there, there is another level of him that is private and reserved for the people that know him well. It keeps us all wanting more.
I am not sure what makes him dark though...
All in all best analysis ever!
Thanks Anon. Right, maybe the "mysterious" I can see; the "dark", no.
Yes, probably the best article on Rob to date. It's so nice to hear such glowing words about our boy. :)
YaY I loved Jenn's article the first time she shared it with us, her fellow Twilight Moms. She is spot on and I believe Rob is lucky fans like Jenn!
Wonderful article. Thanks for posting it. I agree with her thoughts 100 percent.
Fantastic! Exactly what I think about him as well. Just can't get enough of him.
This woman really gets it. Such a perfect understanding of Rob. And exactly how I would put it.
Good evening, ladies!
great article!
..btw does anyone knows from which interviews did she get those quotes from??
anon: i know the toenails and underwear one was an MTV interview.
is SOMEBODY going to explain gif to me???????
TS!!!!!! Ellie!!!!
Hi, Crazy and TS!
Crazy, not sure what gif stands for, but gifs are the little videos that play over and over again. Like the kisses on the home page here.
Do you both have the DVD yet?
Hopefully I will get mine delivered tomorrow, since it was supposed to be overnight express and hten there was a mix-up. they don't deliver here on Sundays.
and I'm stopping at Target's on the way home from school tomorrow.
I mean work...
Hi Ellie!
Thx! (feeling a little more "with it") :)
So....next Rob thing to look forward to: Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 3/28. I need to get a life.
Ellie - I "opened" Target yesterday to get the 3 disc DVD, but have watched only the commentary so far :( Got to get caught up tomorrow!! I'd like to watch it with a glass of wine ;)!!!
Funny - most people on line yesterday am were women, not girls. We had fun !
Hope you get yours
I'm not surprised that it was mostly women, actually. I don't know why. I guess the teens mostly went at night??
Hiya crazy & Ellie!
I do have my 3 disc Target version :) I have watched the commentary three times this weekend now. I have yet to watch the original movie again because I'm too hung up on all the extras.
Oh, I just can't wait for this! I'll have a tough time teaching tomorrow, with my thoughts elsewhere (but, what else is new?? LOL)
btw...either of you use Yahoo? if so, are you having issues? i have been trying to get on for like an hour! uggghhhh....can't get my ff updates :(
Hi TS~ i can't believe i haven't seen all the extras yet (on a big TV screen that is). Rob's voice on the commentary goes from funny to delicious! He seems to enjoy doing different voices; i love his Billy Burke impression!
getting tingly thinking about the voice now. jeez!
ooohhh yeah...that billy burke impersonation is classic! i really love the "okay guys...let's be simple about this" and when he says "cheeseburgers!"....i lmfao!
you girls had a good weekend though?
don't use yahoo much anymore: i have an old account there.
No surprise - i can't get an login on FF! (TS - stop laughing!) so I could get notified of updates. Need to try for the 3rd time. Rob has ne all friggin befuddled! It's all his fault!!
Cheeseburgers! Okay guys...
LMAO too!
Why can't we just have one evening to hang out with him??? why????
Pretty good weekend. and DH actually enjoyed Twilight. As a joke, he says he wants a big poster of Kristen Stewart.
or maybe he wasn't kidding? touche' dh.
Ohmegosh. I got the Target version and watched the commentary three times already as well! My boyfriend was really disturbed by this btw. Haha. He's hilarious! I loved the "let's keep it simple, guys" part as well. Kristen seemed so much more likeable in the commentary. I was a bit surprised since I'm not the biggest K-Stew fan. *Sigh- I'm in love!
PS- I'm still so indignant over the biggest tool's aka Ryan Seacrest's negative insinuation about Rob's personlity.
"Now listen, guys....Guys! Let's be simple..."
Rob's hysterical!
Weekend was okay, despite no DVD.
I used to have yahoo. but switched to gmail. No problems yet.
Anon: I KNOW!!! (re: Seacrest) Did you see my posts the other day about my feelings on that jerk***? How dare he say that stuff about our ROB???
There's more meat in Rob's personality than Seacrest has in his little (finger). Cheeseburgers!!!
Girlies, off to read The Office. just starting it, I'm on the first chapter.
Good night and sweet Rob dreams to all!
enjoy! steamy and full of angst!
Yeah, crazy, I'm up to the part of the conference room. Humina, humina!
Crazy- I totally agree! Ryan's a vain, shallow little thing. With the emphasis on LITTLE.
Yes, Cheesburgers!!! LOL.
I adore Rob's personality. It's his looks that draw you in, but personality is what keeps us obsessed. Hehe.
Anon: re: "It's his looks that draw you in, but personality is what keeps us obsessed"
good golly..i have only read a couple of chaps of the the office...but i do like windoward...mmm mmm mmm
crazy: you never emailed me btw...i was trying to hook a girl up on the ff updates!
Night Ellie!
Great article, So right on!
TS~ oops - Robsession's got me all stupid. Doing it now.....
You're a doll!
got it? oh wait - problems with your email?
crazy: finally my yahoo is working! do believe i received it! i will get you those instructions...asap :)
Wow! Beautifully written! EXACTLY on point there!
Nicely written piece...thanks, GOZ for posting and BRIGHTREDINK for writing it!
I'm not in agreement with the dark and mysterious...though I must say it sounds good...
For me, it is all about his personality and I'll say it again, Rob's cute appearance is just the icing on the cake.
thank you dear. no rush! reading "You Get Me Closer To God". . oh boy
yeah - Chicago Girl agrees with me re: dark and mysterious.
However, ahem, calling Rob "cute" is like calling a million dollars "pocket change". ;)
Ellie - I can sympathize... My students are often confused by the random mid-day smile that I get courtesy of Rob. :)
And I LOVE his Billy Burke impression... "Just bought it off Billy here..." I've listened to that soundbite a few extra times. ;) Love that deep voice...
,,,and isn't he REALLY good at doing Billy Burke's voice? I swear he can do ANYTHING!
After hearing that I actually had the thought "wonder what Rob would be like as a cowboy?" LOL That GQ picture with the boots and jeans and snap-button shirt helped that fantasy along, too.
crazy - can you post a link to that FF "You Get Me Closer to God"? Thanks!
You Get Me Closer To God
I know, Rob in those jeans with the HOt-damn snakeskin boots! Uhhhhhhh. I'd let him wear those boots in my bed LOL!
Thanks for the link.
And that shirt - don't you just want to unsnap it one snap at a time???
i've done it a hundred times ;)
re. "You Get Me Closer" - If those first few paragraphs are any indication of what's to come - I'm gonna have to pace myself! LOL
I concur...
Although, I still love what Stephenie Meyer said, " He's a very mesmerizing person to be around. He's got such a compelling personality. I don't think you'd want him as a boyfriend (I don't know what she was smoking) And you couldn't just be his friend because he's terribly sexy (you got that right)". She forgot that intoxicating giggle that he has. And mostly it is his ability to just be funny and say the most random stuff. All which makes you feel some how happy to see and know that someone out there like him exist with these flaws, but still so perfect and unique.
Crazy- I think the dark side is his possible real life self loathing. Talking bad about yourself even in a joking way is not really good. Everyone has flaws but to continue to talk about almost everyone of them... Truthfully, I want to hug him and not take him home, but reassure him that his not those bad things he keeps saying about himself. But doing that would be really tiresome and I don't know what girl after a while would hold on to someone like that. Low self esteem is a 'killer' of a relationship. You know Rob also has said something before about "worrying about hurting himself and not someone else". Now that's a dark side... One I hope he never travels down. Okay now I depressed:(
Anne- right! I have to stop reading once in awhile because i get a little, let's say, overwhelmed. ;)
Hi Shani - she said we wouldn't want him as a bf? when did she say this? weird.
hmmmm. interesting points. Low self esteem can be considered a dark side, i suppose, but i don't know if he has low self esteem. He's pretty darn high functioning. Also, shyness can be confused with low self esteem. My daughter is very shy but she feels very good about herself. And lots of folks out there say the British are self-deprecating as a general rule. I wonder if it's "insecurity" with girls that effects his relationships. Shyness kills a sense of security with the opposite sex. I know!!!!
Just some thoughts as well. Great to hear from you!
Oh! p.s. I have thought before that I suspect he talks "badly" about himself to keep others' expectations of him very low. he seems to fear disappointing others; if you expect little of him because of how he (says) he is, then you can't be disappointed in him. no?
Psych 101 LOL!!!!!!
Crazy- good analysis about lowering expectations. Yeah okay he did say that about playing Edward as well. Hmm. And you can find Stephenie's comments/interview at EW.COM (Entertainment Weekly). You know put Twilight in search box and you'll find it there or it's under Twilight Central. Then go to Variety.com and look at Rob's interview for them were he comments about what she says. It really made him aware of what he was doing.
Thanks Shani- I'll check that out!
Hope to chat again soon. G2G2 bed!
Have a good night. :)
Shani, Crazy, and everyone ... sorry I missed ya'll tonight; but glad I read your posts before going to my happy place. You're a bunch of very insightful ladies even if you ARE a bit woozie with Robsessing. I'm so besotted I'm staggering around trying to find the bed! Ooops, just fell in ;)
Have a happy, happy day at work and if you see someone gazing adoringly into thin air with eyes slightly out-of-focus ~ it's probably me with too much Rob on the brain.
Sweet, sweet dreams ...
Goodnight Smitten and have sexy Rob dreams.............................
This article is excellent!
My feelings exactly!
Someone really should send this to Rob. I hope he gets to read it.
Anon- Sweetie he may come across it while looking at this site. Since he said he checks out stuff on the internet about himself. Really since his so busy right now sending him something wouldn't be a good thing to do.
crazy: GIF (graphics interchange format) is a image format, suitable both for still images and animations (rapid display sequence of images). Not the ultimate choice for color photographs though, since it can only contain 256 colors.
Wow, studying computer science really turns you into a nerd...
LOVE that gif, btw.
Ah, that smile...
So true! I love it!
the piano gif...such a R/K moment
at first, he was concentrated to play but then kristen tried to practice her skill too :D
it made him smileeee irresistibly
txs for share
Pretty spot on BUT, didn't like her referring to herself as a cougar...I'm about her age and I definitely don't think of myself like that..ewww.
He's just lovely inside and out.
Hi Smitten! Thank you for the kind words. I spend too much time thinking of our Robbie, in all my wooziness! Talk later!
Focus girl, focus! ;)
Oh and Gozde - thanks for the posts!
Shani - can't locate those Steph Meyers comments. A date on that? was it video or article? Thx!
I like the last picture very much, where he's laughing his head off.
Crazy- Found it on pg.26. Click 'Twilight' Central | Headlines| Stephenie Meyer talks 'Twilight' Nov.6,2008.
Direct link: www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20234559_2023456720238527,00.html
It's a Q&A where she was just asked her thoughts. I first found the Variety.com interview and read the comments before looking at the video. And was a little shocked by what a few people was saying about Stephenie and "how does she know he wouldn't be a good boyfriend" and that Rob seemed hurt by her comments. So I looked at the video and saw he wasn't hurt but was wondering as he said "all that day" about what she meant.Then the interviewer asked him to compare himself to Edward and just listen and watch how he had a 'lightbulp' moment.
Well put...well put!
My favorite part was:
There is little he holds back, yet he leaves you feeling like you've barely scratched his surface.
That is soooo true!!!
Thanks for the article.
The link doesn't work, maybe this one does.
Very, very well said Jenn!
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