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EW.com has Catherine Hardwicke's Twilight Diary: A Sneak Peak.
The Diary which is a detailed on set journal that Catherine kept during filming will come out on March 17th!
From EW.com:
Hardwicke has given EW an exclusive first peek at Twilight: Director’s Notebook, which looks less like a diary than a scrapbook, studded with drawings, makeup and wardrobe notes, storyboards, lists, sketches, photos, and all kinds of odd nuggets of information (did you know Rob was first tricked out with hair extensions to give him his trademark look)? Hardwicke's publisher will only allow us to put two pages online, so to see the rest, you’ll have to pick up a copy of the Feb. 20 issue of EW, available here.
Hardwicke told EW that although she was “devastated” to not be directing New Moon—“I really did feel a strong connection to Stephenie and the actors” —she simply couldn’t do it under the terms Summit set forth, with a limited budget and strict timetable. The book is her smart, funny farewell, its margins full of her doodlings and ideas.
But the book isn’t the only thing fans have to look forward to. They’ll also be able to snap up the Twilight DVD on March 21. Its bonus materials, Hardwicke told EW, will include makeout scenes deleted from the movie. (Gozde: Can I get a "Wooohooo!"?:)
man I wish it was an interactive DVD???
Why do I find it so appealing to see Rob in a safety harness?? LOL
Domward has officially corrupted my mind. :)
LOL, Melissa, I first thought that he is wearing a slipover, which really confused me ;-)
Hello everyone!
lmao, Melissa!! Yeah, I thought the same thing...
Morning, ladies!
Morning girls!!!
A harsh... nice... what a way to start the morning
Melissa ... dont say it like its a bad thing!!! we all need alittle dom in our life!!
okay harness.. spell check anyone??lol
YYAAAYYY!! i cannot waiittt!! that just made my dayy!! all smiles now!! i was a little bitchy from not getting enough sleep b/c of a nunrsing exam! but i am FINE now! : )
Ohlalaa I'd be playing the DVD all day long - I've missed Rob's "Edward" terribly and the fuzzy youtube clips just don't do his beauty justice. It wouldn't be a surprise to find drool all over my dorm bed.
Hi everyone, I've missed this place terribly =)
Lacey, are you a nurse,too? We girls could take care of Rob so good ;-)
extended make-out scenes? AWESOME! giving the people what they WANT!
and now we'll have more scenerios to picture OURSELVES in with ROBBIE!
And the infamous beanie makes an appearance again :)
Big Whoo hoo here too and Melissa and Ellie tut tut...the safety harness, honesty........I thought exacty the same thing !!! LOL
And look at the beanie !! aaahhh
Can't wait for the DVD!!!
Interactive like virtual reality!!
I <3 Catherine.
WhoooHooo! Can't wait!
Okay...so here's my March calendar - I like how it's filling up! 17 Mar - Catherine's book, 21 Mar - Twilight DVD, 27 Mar - Little Ashes. March can't get here soon enough!
heyy keely!
YES! i am going to be a RN! are you a nurse or going to school?!? i cannot wait!! and YES i would take care of rob SO good in more ways than one! : )
I added a little expletive, Dark Edward style, of course!
I will officially not be going to school on March 22, as I will be locked up in my room watching the DVD extras. Extra make out scene--come to mama!
Melissa--bless you for the harness comment. Gave me a spectacular visual of Dom Edward.....*drools* Where's my riding crop?
I would want my official Twilight set job to be Robert Pattinson's personal harness adjuster. LOL! Or hair and makup person, so I could touch that sexy hair and face!!!!!
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