Hi all :)
I have gotten quite a number of emails since yesterday saying they can't access the site. I guess this note is useless if they still can't access it but maybe you can spread the word :)
The old address for our blog which was www.robsessed-pattinson.blogspot.com is not active anymore. Please change your favorites/bookmarks to http://www.robsessedpattinson.com/ or we'll miss you terribly :))
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»LOL Gozde, this pic is so cute. He's got that "Hmm???" look which makes me giggle. That expression is just too adorable.
We miss you Rob!!!
Love the pic xD!
How is it even possible that he reminds me of Jim Carey in the photo??
LMFAO Tess!!!!!
thats it... I couldnt put my finger on it.... thanks Tess.. I have to agree...
Funny, Tess~~you're so right!
Cutie Patutie (holy heck thats hard to spell lol)
I wish I could play ladies but must insist on some beauty sleep. 4 hours if far from enough.
Enjoy yourselves!
Where have you been??? 4 hours sleep giiiiirrrrlll whatcha been doing??? dont leave yet!!!
Hey Tenneil !
Still in D.C. for work conference. On phone for almost 4 hours last night/this morning & had long day.
I did allow myself to read the Submissive this afternoon. Sa-weeet lol.
How was your day? Robsess much? :)
Submissive... huh what did you think???
I was here today but not much going on... did some reading.. entertained the kiddies..
Rob is always apart of my day girl... this site makes it easier!!
Missed ya... sorry about your long day... get some rest and have wonderful dom edward dreams??? if you likey
Honestly I don't know if I dreamt. That tired.
Damn American Idol is making me tear up, being teases & such.
I'm shutting tv off & closing laptop at 9. FYI, in case I don't respond. Must be "dominant" w/ myself lol.
Oh, the story? Yup, i likey. Dom edward would piss me off tho to no end. Too independent I am (I regressed to yoda...again) I likey the sexy tho LOL
Good night !!! see you tomorrow???
hope so!!
sweet dreamss......
Hey guys .... heads up!!!
new chapter in Submissive!!! reading it now!!!
Tenneil, it was a short one, but cute. and the author's such a tease at the end!
Got that right... reeled me right in and wanting more!!!
Sorry, Tenneil, going back and forth again tonight. New habit of mine. Emails, tne blog, fanfic, FB...We are all masters (mistresses?) of multitasking!
OMG, OMG, OMG, what is going on w/The Submissive? Tara Me Sue, she gives us so much and holds so much back. She loves to makes us squee and squirm. She needs a spanking from Domward.
hey its okay I am multitasking too... hey have you read "a whole new life" on ff??? seriously I am dumbfounded at the moment... please tell me youve read it??
Hey Twiheart!!
left us high and dry!!! hee hee hee
Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog but I'm happy I found ya;) I ♥ me some Rob P!
Hello lovelies ladies
may i join in your group?
Hey AJ
I am pretty new here myself and your in good company with us here!! Robsessed is a good place to be!!! and good times with our favorite man!!
Hi Acu!!
having a good night!!
Hi Acu, Tenneil, AJ. I love the Rob Sex Drive avatars ; ) -
T - I haven't read A Whole New Life. Is it complete?
I am reading it right now I am going to have a flipping heart attack... passion, sadness, anger, kidnapping, babies, comas, and freaking EDWARD CULLEN!!! its very good !!! sorry dont know if its complete??? ahvent finished it yet.. few more chapters to go.. give me a half hour.. I'll let you know :))
Sounds srumptuous - I'll add it my To Be Read list - I have 10 favs. going right now and I'm afraid if I add more I won't keep them straight.
I hear ya... I know I have so many stories going myself I would like to finish a few!!! But trust me this one is real good..
any stories you'd like to share???
Hello everyone!!!
Hi ya !! Melissa...
I got into FF from reading Wide Awake - my favorite. The Submissives I think you are reading, Scotch Gin and the New Girl is like cruel intentions. Cascade and Cyanide, Utter Darkness (from our Jewels) and there is another Robkat creation on my To Be Read. Are you already reading those. Whew lots o' smut!
Hi Mel!
Hi Alie!!
Hi Tenneil!
We are sharing favorite FF - The Submissive seems to be on everyone's mind/lips.
Whats with my face?!
Ah, the Submissive...a hot topic today...I seriously thought about it all day!! :)
Fan girl Squeeee - Rob? Where do we begin. I'll begin w/your face if you'd like then we can move on from there...
Yes I have read most of those but Cascade and Cyanide... so thanks gives me something to look forward too... AAHHH yes so much smut!!
"After Tonight is another one on Quizilla
This one is about Rob Pattinson and its good different from all the Edward stories... almost realistic..not finished either:(
Mistress Tara plating all kinds of thoughts in my head...
hmmm, Twiheart, do i smell unicorns?
By the way, what is "the submissive"? sounds...sexy!
Hi Melissa
I hear ya... trip to the naughty room anyone???
I was at the library yesterday and it wasnt the same... no rare collection...
planting not plating - I'm all kinds of flustered. DomWard and Rob in the same room. Too much good stuff.
Twiheart ... I girl after my own heart!!!
[soulfoul/amazing voice]
"...and i was broken, for a long time...but it's over, now..."
im singing a personal ballad for you girls now,
*SIGH* ooohhhh Rob you know what I like....
Sorry "Rob" I don't mean to ignore you. The Submissive is a FF - remember the bedtime stories you to hear me read to you?
"...yes and you! yeah, you walk these lonely streets that people stare...PEOPLE STARE, nah,nah..."
How about re-enact???
Twiheart, you mean the creepy ones about edward? haha, sorry but i don't find them that appealing. I aurprisingly like the ones about me though... any suggestions, love?
You know all the right words!!
Hey everyone :)
Did someone say Submissive??
Yes, Rob, my favorite "stories" feature you as well but you can't get them on the internet.
Tenneil, this is for you:
Good evening loves!
hmm, very mysterious Twiheart...what are you writing stories about me on your own?
hi sabrizzle!
Hey Laura
new chapter but dont get your hopes too high!!! dont want any spoilers..
Hey Sabrina!
Thanks Rob????
Yes, something like that. There isn't much writing involved.
Hey Sabrizz!
Tenneil--I finished the whole thing this afternoon and I am DYING for more! I finally realized what you meant about the mushroom ravioli!! W.O.W.
He Laura - waves frantically!!!!!!
talk about mysterious Rob... whats up???
I feel like I haven't been on here in forever! I was really annoyed last night because the page wasn't loading, but thankfully Kate figured out the problem. :)
hah, good one, love.
its risotto but whose counting:)
hee hee
That Kate, shes a handy little tool, isn't she...?
Oh shit that's right! Twilight reference!! LOL
Hey Alie!! How are you?
Uhhmmm, yeah...
I know, Sabrizz, I haven't talked to you in a while! :(
How have you been Laura?
Tenneil - You didn't know that we have our very own "Rob" here - he likes to visit us sometimes. The God in his shrine - HA
I've been so stressed at work, Sabrina! So, I've been drowning my sorrows by reading lots of fanfics and drinking. LOL
How have you been?
WHF.... I have seriously missed something!!!
Should I be carful?? *WINK*
Hahaha, Laura! I'm sorry you've been stressed. :(
Last week was really crappy for me, but this week has been pretty good. :) I'm still getting used to my new classes, some of them are kind of weird but whatever.
Hi Sabrizzle...
nice to met you!!
Hmmm - I doubt "Rob" needs any special handling. If you are a really good girl you might get to spend some time in the naughty room with him but you have to get the key from Ellie!!! LMAO
Thanks for the warning... does Ellie always have the key??
Hi Tenniel! You can call me Sabrina, I'm a regular here but I haven't been on for the past few days.
Laura - are you holding out on us? Pass the bottle please! Sabrizz - school huh? Don't let that come between you and Rob!!
Ellie is the mistress of the naughty room! ;)
I feel like we are using her name in vain - Ellie, yooo hooo!!!! Come out and play with us!!
Alie- I was the Mistress of the Margarita last night!
Sabrina--I SWEAR to you, I was just about to type that exact same thing!! lol
LOL Alie! It seems like every time I've checked in the past few days there hasn't been anybody here. :(
Thankfully my classes don't seem to be getting in the way.
Sounds like she has it made... what a life!!! HAAAAAA i might be a little jealous!!
Ellie! Get the naughty room ready and tell Rob to get out the whipping bench! We've been bad girls!
LMAO Laura! It's because it's true!
Hey Laura and Sabrina...
I was pre-occupied with AI and FF...now I'm back :)
Sabrizzzzz! It's been so long! yeah,m I said long...
did someone mention my name and title??? lol
Hi Melissa and Madame Ellie!
Really the bench I was hoping for a nice football halftime show!!
I think everyone is off reading FF
Helloooo Ellie and Melissa!!
Sabrina - I hate it when real life gets in the way of my Robsession. Don't worry Tenneil, Ellie is a lenient Mistress.
Hey Mistress Ellie... is it now..
I had no idea you had such a title do share your secrets!!
Anyone up for a jaunt with Rob in the naughty room,(after me, of course..have to check that the equipment is safe, you know...)
Yeah Alie, real life can be a bitch!
Pick me Ellie!
I'm about to go read some more fanfic myself, Melissa! I just got two more links from my "pusher" kat. haha...I basically begged her for them like the addict I am...
how thoughtful... can i take my chances???
Me, me, me! Ellie, pick me!!
LOL, Ellie..."equipment"
You got it, sabrina! Rob, get the suspenders ready...
sabrina, want me to heat up a Hot Pocket for ya'??
Ellie - squeeels like a fangirl. And Mel's back. I think there is a lot of FF reading going on. What happened to the nights w/500 comments. Takes too much stamina for me. I have to save my strength.
Which ones are you planning on reading, Laura...I have a couple FF pushers myself...LOL
hot pocket!! LMAO
Sure Ellie! Make sure there is plenty of Snapple in the fridge too!
Melissa--I think I might start Frenemies next, then Nice Catch.
Ellie--I missed you for idol! I was busy reading the submissive and didn't watch it!
Okay, okay, settle down...Laura, you're after Sabrizzz, then Tenneil (a newbie, Rob, be gentle...), then Alie. Melissa, can you take up the slack at the end? haha,I said END! Dom Edward, where are you?
Laura, I made a new email acct, read my email note, girls...
Yes, Ellie I have no problem taking the slack...but this time only...I need to be at the HEAD of the line the next time...LOL
Laura-Frenemies is one of my favorites...I have not read Nice Catch as of yet, but its on my list.
thanks for the chance ... I fell honored!!! to be among such a group!!
I got it, Ellie :)
Tenneil, Rob's a real trooper!
Must be peach snapple of course!!
Where did Rob go??? cant he come out and play???
Anything for "his girls"!
Gee, reminds me of Dark Edward...
LMAO, Melissa! I want to be at the HEAD of the line, too...
Yes, peach snapple of course. Yummy!
Ellie, you're making me all hot and bothered by bringing up Dom Edward AND Dark Edward! Whew. I think I need the Naughty Room a little earlier than planned...
I've got the suspenders, and a key-copying machine...
sorry, i just really want my own entrance to the naughty room, is that okay, "mistress ellie"?
While we waiting in line for my turn I think I am going to do his laundry... he looks like he could use some help??lol
i really DO need help with my laundry Tenneil...thanks. Remind me to pay you back someday,
It's weird how all these fanfics have some perversion, or problem, or quirkiness of some sort. Never a "normal" Edward. Just makes you want to tke him in your arms and tell him it's all okay.
And then jump his bones!
Oh No Tenneil - GASP - we like him duuurrrty.
a man of many talents... I like that!!!
Rob, you don't need a key. You are ALWAYS in the naughty room.
MY entrance, Rob ????? lol
dont get me wrong I like him alll dirty and all ...screw it ... hes hot dirty and all..
LOL Ellie!
hah, yeh ellie...you betcha'
Why in the hell am I re-reading The Submissive!!! AH!! I am obsessed!! :)
Then by all mean, Rob...and I do mean all! xoxoxo
LOL Ellie!
Rob is going to be busy tonight!
Melissa, you silly, silly girl...
Because the Submissive is fucking awesome!!!
Melissa... its all about dom edward and mushroom risotto that draws you in eveytime!!
Mel - welcome to your FF support group - but we are only going to encourage it!
And don't forget the piano, Tenneil...ahhh, the piano...
busy no not busy tired!!lol
Ellie, have you read the Arrangement yet?
Tenneil, especially the seductive voice just at the right time.
naked picnic anyone???
Sabrizz, I love my flair!!
Yes, the submissive is fucking awesome...I need more!! LOL
Trip to the library? The Rare Books room perhaps?
No. laura, not yet. I was getting into Frenemies, but I'm only into the 3rd chapter.
Laura, I read what was posted of The Arrangement about two weeks ago. Edward was getting on my nerves!
you not the only one girrrrlll!!
Tenneil - Rob doesn't get tired. He is young. There's enough of him to go around : )
I'm glad you liked it Laura! That was the only good one I found today. :(
went there yesterday ... wasnt the same!!!lol
I know, Sabrina! I'm like, just tell her you love her already! Geez!
Ellie--Am I going to love Frenemies? *fingers crossed*
Yeah, alie, especially after he's gotton so much rest and mama P.' home-cooking. Lots of energy!
Damn, I miss him! :)
Is the Arrangement on FF or Twilighted?
Good I wouldnt want to get sloppy seconds!!! oh that dirty...
naughty room here I come... all puns intended
Laura~~Not sure, yet. They are very immature, right now...
Laura, if you liked the Sub you will love frenemies...not the same "type" of story but its really good
Seriously Laura! It's pathetic that they both love each other but Edward is being a freakin' pansy and allowing Jasper to get in the way. Grrr...
thanks, Laura...I will check on FF for it..I may already have the link...
I'm being harassed here ladies - as SGNG Emmett would say "Don't hate the player" - be back later I hope. xo
Sabrina, are you talking about the Arrangement?
*Rubs eyes*
Do I spy Rob?
*smiles tiredly* *thanx friend for the texts*
Ellie--they're in high school in Frenemies?
Thanks, Melissa..I'll start it tonight! And read the Arrangement. I thought it was good
Bye Alie!
Yeah Ellie.
Bye Alie :)
Bye Alie...talk to you later...
Yeah, Ellie. Remember I told you about it on FB last night? It's the one w/ the hetero threesomes
Bye, Alie! Olive juice!xoxo
Wo dude! There's another AJ?
Hi Honey
How are you??
Right, Laura, now I remember.
Jasper's Edward's roommate? Is Bella, too?
Hi AJ!
Hey AJ! Is it really you? lol
Bye Alie!!!
Ellie...All 3 of them live together while going to grad school..it's pretty hot!
Laura-do you have the link for the arrangment? I cant find it/??
Hi Sabrina and Laura. This is the REAL me.
I see Rob was here and I missed him. *sniff sob* And he sang too. *weep*
Hi AJ!! :)
Melissa..try this..
Oh and Ellie and Melissa and anybody else I missed. Helloo!
Beat. lol.
Wish it was for a different reason...
hi AJ.... there are two of you??? is one an imposter
Hey Honey
when do you go home tomorrow ??
So much fanfic so little time.
Seriously, there's like 6000 Twilight related fanfics.
Thanks, Laura-is there a 3-way going on in this story!!!!??? LOL
AJ, is that really you?
The one we all know and love? The one with the wicked sense of humor?
The one we all fantasize about? (oops, my secret's out...too much info.)
Ellie..just started Frenemies, and I'm already discouraged! I was reading for about 30 seconds when I see the words, "Eat shit, Cullen!" *sigh* It better get good quick!
Tenneil (hope I spelled that right) cause I don't want to scroll all the way down again) - I think a coincidence there are two of us.
Unless the real Angelina Jolie has tracked me down.
Hell yea, Melissa! Edward, Jasper, and Bella. But the boys don't have a thing for one another--they just want Bella!
Laura be brave... you can do it!!
Keep reading Laura...it gets better!!
Angelina Jolie is just jealous of your hotness and sense of humor AJ!
I'll make it through, girls! I'm dying to get to the skittles part. This IS the FF with the skittles, right?
OMG...is it good?? Like, worth reading good??
Yes Ellie! It's me and just for calling me 'wicked' ... YOU ME DOM EDWARD to the naughty room NOW!
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