I've been getting a lot of emails about the things myparkmag posts about Rob. They just recycle old articles or interviews and make them sound scandalous/new to get hits. They never link to the original articles and pretty much steal their content.
Here are the latest "news" that go around which are actually old news and have been posted on ROBsessed :))
No worries ladies, we always keep you up to date with Rob :)
Edi Gathegi on why being Rob's roommate might be a nightmare
Rob taking his stalker to dinner
Rob not having any toys but just a deck of cards
Rob waiting 2 years to play Dali in Little Ashes
... and thats why we love you guys :)
I really appreciate this post about My Park Magazine. You are right on about them!
Leave my park magazine alone. I used to work for them! At least they cover the whole breadth of the celebrity spectrum!
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