I've never fallen in love. I've never experienced it, but it must be amazing to say "I absolutely need you". I feel that way about a burger! Also, if I'm not sure she is interested I won't go near. It has to be a sure thing!" (Gozde: Rob, I'm a sure thing :))
Source: rpattz daily and they got it from here :))
Cam was cast as Emmett??! Wow, that would have been hot!
James could NOT be Emmet. Kellan is perfect for the role. I mean Cam has a mean 8 pack but he is not HUGE like Kellan and doesn't look sweet. Cam is sexy....
That IS true, Goz. I think Cam is even shorter than Rob, no?
LMAO, I wrote "James could not be Emmet", of course I meant Cam could not be Emmet. Now I understand the people that call Rob Edward :))
Cam is 1.83m Rob and Kellan are 1.85m.
The width is lacking in Rob and Cam. Kellan is thick :))
LOL, Goz, I didn't even notic you wrote that!!
"Kellan is thick..." Goz, you dirty girl, you ;) lol! Sorry, but after reading the Submissive and The Arrangement last night, my mind is permanently in the gutter!!
hey hunnys, have you guys read this....
how could anyone get "bored with him in two minutes" ???? *thinks about becoming a stalker* hmmmmmm dinner with rob.
LOL Laura, you KNOW that's why I wrote it :))
Hi Gem! Yes we have seen it. It's from months ago actually, they are recycling old stuff due to Rob hiding under a friggin' island :))
Goz, you have such a delicious way with words...when is that fanfic coming out? lol
Yeah,I said coming...
lmao, let me think. Today is wednesday so my fanfic should be coming out in NEVER :))
I would just rip people off if I tried to write something. I don't have the imagination to write a whole new story :))
I'm just a smart ass that comments well, lol :)
I cant believe he said "it has to be a sure thing" could it be that easy?? (pun entended)!!
LOL Goz - I'd be a sure thing, too! I've read that boredom comment too - it would be very difficult for me to get bored with him... There's plenty to talk about...plenty to do... ;)
Aw Goz. You are teasing us! I was ready to add your FF to my favs. Goz, you are so much more than a smart ass - you beautiful Rob pusher. Without you and Dani we would be lost, aimlessly trolling the internet with our unchanneled Rob love... No one can match your wit, charm, and devotion.
Your check is in the mail Alie :)) just kidding, you are making me blush :))
I have only been here I short time and you do ooze of talent and Rob love... I would read your FF talent if you very decided to do something... But for now I will enjoy your passion for our Rob..
Greetings. I from Russia city of Tyumen. To me has bothered to dream of Robert Pattinsone. I have decided to operate .у me there were grandiose plans. Now I plan to act in school of actor's skill and in modelling school. I shall then be learnt and shall go in our capital Moscow to work as model. I have found in the Internet agency in Moscow in which I can work under the contract abroad. I have decided to go to London or in Лос-Анжелес. In fact there there lives person very dear to me. The person instead of vampire Edward and the actor .а to me never to meet it not becoming whom that more significant than simply for example the banker. That it is necessary to work abroad to know English (now I write all it with application the Internet-translator as I do not know English) therefore I shall act in euro-school and I shall study English language. All it for the sake of a meeting with Robert. On a life I never was purposeful, nothing finished but Robert has completely changed me, has changed my outlooks on life. It has made of me the person who knows now that wants. Robert does not know about it but it should know as much has made in a life. Robert from пацанки has made the purposeful girl. I love it for it .я I love it and I respect as the person. And I want that it knew as has helped the usual person. Has helped the stray soul to get out of a bog. Robert has made much for me, at all not knowing it. It has given me to me forces. Has given me sense during lives and now this sense is it. I wish to communicate, be friends, trust with it. Than friendship I not strongly count deeper on attitudes. But they would not prevent. If I shall be with it - that all world for me to be painted in bright colors. But likely by then as I shall meet it it will find to myself спутницу lives. And I want that it was happy therefore to it I shall not stir. If it will be lonely that for me can there will be a place in its heart. I shall make the dream a reality, in fact for this purpose and dreams what step by step to embody them during a life are necessary. I read about Robert much. I watch
Behind its life as it to communicate with people, behind its ideas, manners, that to it to taste, and similar I have learnt its and its character by heart. Now I know not vampire Edward, and Person Robert Pattinsona. To like it to me of the beginnings as certain vampire Edward, but now I see in it the person with the ideas, with the modesty, with the pleasures and experiences, rises and falling. And if I shall be model, I am simple on the singer or an actress shall not pull, that is 99 percent that we with it shall meet. It has helped me to find a place in the world and it learns about it. The truth I have no concept as myself with it of a message how to tell about all. Well anything I strong I can. And I am ready to suffer year 3-4 to be near to Robert. And even if all to not end with friendship then it will know, how has much made for me. And further come what may. дак to what I it speak all... Be not afraid of the desires if to you it is valid that that is necessary that take and do it. 3 you my name in headings can in a year will hear, or will withdraw it on a underside of a disk with film. Can will see me on a cover of magazine of the USA. I am ready to work for the sake of Robert. Yours Balandin Irina Olegovna))) it I so just in case on the future) mine 499582444) WRITE ONLY KNOW with English language at me badly))))
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