Yet ANOTHER New EW Outtake

Sweet goodness...COLLAR BONES!!! Hello yummy!

Thanks to the lovely Lisa for the linkage.


Kat said...

I have never ever wanted to be a tree until this moment...

DirtyD said...

I just want to jump him right against that tree. Fucking fantabulous picture!

Kat said...

Hey Dana... how are you my dear? Feeling better?

Emily said...

Would you look at those collar bones!
Usually not a fan of the scoop neck t-shirt on guys but well...there you have it. Couldn't be sexier!

Anonymous said...

Loverly photo ....I like his "Attitude" look

Kat said...

Emily... you're so right... could not be sexier...

DirtyD said...

Kat- Nope! Still feeling shitty. I got some eye drops for my eye so hopefully by tomorrow it will start to work.

Emily said...

Oh yeah, Lisa. Rob with attitude is always hot.

"You want a piece of me?"

Yes Rob, we do. You have NO idea...

Kat said...

We want a whole lot more than a piece...

Dana - sorry you're still feeling shitty...

Lynn said...

Good evening, lovelies!

I love this pic of Rob....the tree is mighty lucky fersure!

Emily said...

I love the pictures of Rob where you can see the dimple in his chin.

I want to work my way up his neck and see how deep it is.

Kat said...

Hi Lynn....

dimple.... ahhhhhhh

Lynn said...

Em---the dimple, ah yes! I want to put my tongue right between his collar bones.

Hello, Kathryn!

DirtyD said...

Again with the collar bones girls and those lucious sugar licks.

On that not I'm off to re-read a few more chapters of WA so I can dream of Rob as Dark Edward once again.

Olive Juice


Kat said...

Coller bone.... mmmmmmmm

Kat said...

Night Dana... Olive Juice..

Lynn said...


Olive juice and sweet dreams!

Remember, no butterfly kisses for your poor husband!

Emily said...

Hope you feel better, Dana. Good night!

La Stella said...

I never liked those EW photos. He looks weird.. too much photoshop. :(

Anonymous said...

Hello kat, dana, lynn, emily, lisa.
How do you do ?
Sorry i didn't say hello to you all wonderful ladies for over past few weeks, because i have internet problem, it's sucks.
Ya i like that picture of rob and absolutely all pics of rob. Yummy. lol .
Ros xxx

Emily said...

I love these pics, even the one that looked like a high school yearbook photo. I don't, however, love the wardrobe EW chose. Although I should thank them for the lovely collar bone exposure that shirt provides.

I don't know why anyone would feel the need to photoshop Rob. His face is incredible.

Lynn said...

Hello, Ros and Stella-mija!

Yes, the EW are very photoshopped. Thankfully, Rob got to pose without that hideous 80's MO jacket.

Lynn said...

DANI!!! LOL I read your collarbone comment after I pointed out my desire to put my tongue between them. Great minds think a like, miss you!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm not a big fan of the EW pics either, they made him look weird. I think this is the best one of the bunch.

La Stella said...

I have gladly erased them from my memory.

Was it in this photoshoot where KStew is lying on a tree with Rob standing like holding her hand?

Sabrizzle said...

I think it was, Stella.

Lynn said...

I think so! I like the pic where Kstew looks almost topless...that would have been so unlike her and very hot!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn!

Lynn said...

Seriously, I had to do a double take...then I thought it's topless shots for that!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, Twilight is totally pg-13. People would freak if KStew posed for Playboy or something like that. I think it would be funny.

La Stella said...

Yeah, they are.. I already checked.. so I do like some pictures of that freaking photoshoot. LMAO.

Lynn said...

Could you imagine the look on SM's face?

Sabrizzle said...

It wouldn't be pretty, that's for damn sure. She doesn't even watch movies that are rated R, so I don't think she would be to happy about that.

Lynn said...

Stella---LOL We are on the same page!

Hey, my co-worker was talking about turns out that she grew up there and was just there for Christmas. Small world!

Anonymous said...

I like most of the EW shots except for that ax murderer smile one. Especially want that grey sweater with the hood. Like right now...I'm cold.

Rob could still be in it

Lynn said...

I think that Kstew was right to steer clear of her during the filming of Twilight....Kstew would have said something and then it would have been a cat fight!

Dani said...

I miss you too Lynn, I have been really busy but I love ya. And Rob's collar bones beggin for a lick in that pic.

Oooohhhh my goodness yes.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lisa, "ax murderer smile" is the perfect description for that pic. I don't like looking at it. I'm cold too, will you share the sweater with me too?

Anonymous said...

OK with that whole rated R thing how can they possibly make breaking dawn....I really wanted the whole Isle Esme thing I don't think it will be all that good PG13 IF it ever gets made

Anonymous said...

Certainly Sabrizzle. Rob could use the snuggles.

Sabrizzle said...

I think they should make Breaking Dawn rated R, but I'm not so sure that's going to happen. Summit will probably make it pg-13 just to rake in more $$$$.

Lynn said...

I figured that things would busy at your holidays are the worst.

Rob's collar bones are doing their own chant for the Robkats.....lick us, lick us, lick us.....

Anonymous said...

Night lovely ladies. Husband is calling me.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Lisa, he has said that he needs some snuggling and I am completely willing to provide said snuggles.

Lynn said...

Good night, Lisa!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Lisa!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL @ the chant, Lynn!

Sabrizzle said...

It's too damn quiet around here tonight. :(

Anonymous said...

Hello sabrizzle
Yes it's too damn quite here.
Where's everybody ? :-(
Ros xxx

Sabrizzle said...

I don't know, Ros. It's getting on my nerves, I want to chat.

melissa79 said...

anyone still here? I'm really late tonight!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Melissa! I'm here, but everyone else seems to be MIA.

Anonymous said...

Hello melisa
Maybe all ladies getting carried away with the 'WA' fanfiction. I think .
Ros xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello melisa
Maybe all ladies getting carried away with the 'WA' fanfiction. I think .
Ros xxx

melissa79 said...

Hey! I'm WIDE AWAKE myself! LOL! I already finsihed reading it.

Anonymous said...

Hello melisa
Maybe all ladies getting carried away with the 'WA' fanfiction. I think .
Ros xxx

melissa79 said...

I was watching Speak but I feel asleep and my stupid ass phone woke me so I'll be up for forever now.

Sabrizzle said...

I finished WA awhile ago and am anxiously awaiting chapter 39.

melissa79 said...

i know me too!
I starting reading another one (mostly becasue I can't sleep for crap these days) and it's a new twist on Cruel Intentions with the Twilight cast! It's pretty funny!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm reading one called "I Love L.A." It's about Rob and it's pretty steamy.

melissa79 said...

I'll have to check that one out.
Here's the link to the other one I read...

Sabrizzle said...

Cool, I'll check that one out too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that double post i didn't realise i hit the button. This computer is rubbish.
Wow you already finish reading the wide awake. Soooo quick you ladies.
Yes i will check it out too .
Thank you melisa and sabrizzle.
ros xxx

Sabrizzle said...

You're welcome Ros. I finished WA over a week ago and the suspense is wait for more is killing me.

melissa79 said...

i finsihed WA last week and sat and read it all in one sitting! I paid for it though. I didn't get to finally go to bed until 11AM the next day and then it was only for 2hours!
WA was good and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Anonymous said...

Well i just read chapter 2 and i will "wide awake" to read all chapter. Lol
Also cannot wait for the next chapter.
Wide awake is a good story.
ros xxx

Anonymous said...

Well i just read chapter 2 and i will "wide awake" to read all chapter. Lol
Also cannot wait for the next chapter.
Wide awake is a good story.
ros xxx

Anonymous said...


babbles said...

This pic is delicious! Thanks!

Kate said...

Oh WOW love this pic. TBH I didn't like the other pics from this shoot, to me they didn't look like him (don't shoot me) but this one is brilliant so him even down to the one sleeve up!!! thanks for posting it ;-)

Melissa said...

This pic is great! Loves it...oh and the sex hair LIVES in this one....this is back when the unicorns still had a home...*tear*.....

Jenn said...

Sabrizzle...isn't I love L.A. great?! Just loving it:)

Tess said...

I'm loving this picture, and Lynn's chant.

and all you people who got me started reading WA.. need to spanked..(sorry Dark Tess talking here)

man! I'm hooked after reading one chapter only and then I sent the author a review which could possibly be construed as a love letter..

Ellie said...

"Dark Tess"...haha, Tess, you've moved to the dark side. One question: What took you so damn long!
Oh, yeah, vacation. :)

Ellie said...

And yes, this picture of Rob demands luscious sugar licks.

Laura said...

AAA! The collar bone! The sugar licks!!!! I got introduced to WA for the first time yesterday, and I stayed up last night until 3 AM reading it! I had to literally MAKE myself stop reading and go to sleep. So I'm attempting to teach my class today on 3 hours sleep, but it was so fucking worth it!!! By the way, I will be the first teacher racing to the parking lot after school so I can get home and finish it! This picture is helping me get through the day, so thank you for posting :)

Kate said...

Ooh Laura you're addicted now like the rest of us LOL

Laura said...

Yes, Kate, I think I have crossed over to the dark side!

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