When in Rome - Oh Hot Damn!

Oh Hot Jaw Porn Batman!

Source: e-cullen.org


Ellie said...

Oh, I am so in love with the last two pictures. My heart just skips beating and I gasp...

Thank you, Goz. xoxo

Kim said...

Holy, jaw porn, Batman! is so spot on Goz!

Thanks for posting these photos.

Ellie said...

Morning, Jov!! Loved your video last night.

Kim said...

His hair look luscious.
Very, very seductive photos.
Wish the watermark was not there, but very understandable.
The ride down his nose with even the slight little bump is evident in these photos.

Kim said...

Thanks Ellie. I'm still working on it. I see dups of photos and needing to lengthen a couple and still do the captions. Looking forward to working on it.

Ellie said...

Are you anywhere near where the fires are?

Kim said...


Kim said...

Oh and Good morning back at ya Ellie!

Ellie said...

Yes, I thought I heard on the TV that there were fires going on in CA...

Lynn said...

Good morning, lovelies!

I am totally digging the pensive stares in these pics....I tend to stare off in to space like that when I am punch drunk tired, too!

Poor Rob!

Jaw porn indeed!

Gozde said...

Hi ladies :)

My headaches finally got better! Phew! It was a very tough 3 days :((

Lynn said...

Ellie---we are going in to another Santa Ana here, which will mean more fires everywhere. It supposed to it the low 80's today, which is not a good thing!

Kim said...
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Kim said...

Good morning Lynn and Goz, didn't see you there.
I can only be on a minute or I'll get messed up this morning.

Kim said...

Goz I am SO glad you're feeling better.
Was it a migrane?

Trixie said...

Hi Jov, Goz, Lynn!

Seriously mouth watering photos *sigh*. Thanks for posting, Goz. Oh, and glad your headache is better.

Jov - loving the vid - can't wait to see the captions you are adding!

Gozde said...

It was kinda like migraine. I'm not sure what it was :)

Kim said...

Good morning, Trixalicious!
Thanks, I'm going to pull myself away from jaw porn and work on it for a few minutes this morning.

Kim said...

Sounds like cluster headaches.
I used to get horrible hormonal headaches.
Glad those are over.
You helped me with my headache on New Years Day, Goz.

Kim said...
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Trixie said...

Jov - good luck trying to tear yourself away from jaw porn... I having trouble myself :)

Hmmmm - jaw porn give me a flair idea!

Kim said...
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Kim said...
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Kim said...
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Lynn said...

Gozde---you have my deepest sympathy! I had my first migraine last spring and I thought that I was going to lose it with the pain.

Glad to hear that you are feeling better, mija!

Ellie said...

Crap, everyone comes on and I have to leave! You know I have to say fucking bullshit to that...lol

Hi and bye, lovies! See you all later. xoxo

Kim said...

Ah, to be single and lust.

Trixie said...

Jov - I'm confused :) Whose vid posted where???

Kim said...

Bye, Ellie! hope your day goes great.
Goz, I've had headaches where I have actually thrown up they were so bad.
So glad that is over.

Kim said...

Trix, are you at your office?

Trixie said...

No, home on Fridays!!! :)

I need to do a new CO Rob photoshoot today... having trouble coming up with ideas

Kim said...
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Lynn said...

Ellie---it's true bollocks! You know that your break will come soon. Hang in there as we drool over Rob jaw porn!

Gozde said...

Oooh, I'll check it out Jov :) I sent you an email by the way!

By the way I read Wide Awake and I finally know what unicorns are! Maybe I needed a good unicorn to ease those headaches, LMAO!

Trixie said...

Jov - oh, yes that's right (about Goz's vid). Sorry, had a completely dense moment there.

Kim said...
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Rose said...

Hello Ladies:)

Goz...thank you SO much for such wonderful pics...

Trixie said...

Goz - welcome to our unicorn-filled, WA world!!! Unicorns can cure almost anything :)

Kim said...

Smiling here Goz.
Yes the land of multiple unicorns frolicking in the field.

Kim said...

In the garden of Dark Edward.

I would rather fantasize about Rob.
Dark Edward just doesn't seem to do it for me.

Trixie said...

Rose!!! Fucking bullshit email - grrrr.

Jov - yes, it is nice not to have to commute every day. I'm home on Wed and Fri so I only commute 3 days - not a bad setup, right?

Rose said...

Doesn't Voldemort drink unicorn blood to stay alive?
I mean...that's all kinda wrong.

Lynn said...

Unicorns and the art of painting a fine looking door!

Trixie said...

Is it too early for fucking bullshit?

I feel like I can only really go there when it is dark outside...

Rose said...

Trix~ I know! But thanks for the link at FB...I know I have seen/heard that interview a few hundred million bullshit times.

Kim said...
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Gozde said...

LOL. By the way I really love this fanfic too. It is weirdly similar to WA in some parts but this one started earlier, so I don't know what the deal is :)
Check it out:

Trixie said...

Rose - yeah, Voldy does drink unicorn blood. Oh, I'm going to FB you something totally random related to HP from youtube...

And, did you get my latest flair? I made it especially for you :)

Rose said...

Hey there Jovie!

If you do read any fanfic...read WA.

Gozde said...

I posted a new interview with Rob by the way :)

Lynn said...

Goz---Edward and MILFs...I am loving this already!

Gozde said...

I have to go and respond to tons of emails I got while I was sick. Talk to you girls later :)

Rose said...

lolololol Trixie!!!

I'm honored that you made that flair with ME in mind!!!

Gozde said...

Teehee :) Jandco is one of my favorite writers. She is angst goddess indeed :)

Kim said...
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Trixie said...

Lynn - what is MIFL? I've seen it several times and I can't figure out. Yeah, I know, I'm dense!

Kim said...

Rose I read WA.

Goz, hope your day is great.

Gozde said...

MILF = Mother I'd Like to Fudge :)

Trixie said...

Jov - what guy said you have an addictive personality?! You KNOW I feel you! I want you to do what is right for you, but the selfish part of me doesn't want you to leave the robsession :(

Gozde said...

Oh I am so pure, can't even say FUCK :)

Trixie said...

Ah Lynn - thank you SO much. things are making a lot more sense now! LOL!

Kim said...

Bye Goz, luv ya and I'll go read your e-mail and listen to the interview.
Glad you're feeling better love.

Rose said...

Oh...I guess my brain just farted.
No wonder I'm so confused so much of the time.

Lynn said...

MILF---Mom I'd Like to Fuck...I am so not fearful to say that! I still dream of being one...in theory of course!

Lynn said...

Goz---that interview is pure ear porn and I suddenly want to drink some whiskey for some reason! LOL

DirtyD said...

The black sweater....ahhh...the black sweater. Thank you for the lovely pics!

Melissa said...

YES! These pics make my day...especially since they involve all the sex hair...WOW the 4th pic down...good GOD!!! Its like he's looking right at you...OH HOT DAMN!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh good God the last two!!! Me likey. I'm melting in my chair at this moment. I like how he has the "crush", but she's the one always looking at him...

Anonymous said...

Great pics ... my favorite is the fourth one. :) Thank you.

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