We all need professional help!

Our lovely Kate made this video :)


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Shandy said...

Great video Kate
lol Crazy Chick <3

Katie xxx

bella's mom said...

Kudos! to the beautiful Kate! She is quite the multi-talented woman!!

Olive Juice to ya girley!!

Lynn said...

Kate---you mad Irish woman! I absolutely love the black and white close=up of Rob! Fantastic vid.

Anonymous said...

"We all need professional help!" Well I know I do for sure. Rob seems to bring out the madness a little.

Great vid Kate!

DirtyD said...

Awesome video Kate.My son really liked the song too! As soon as I pressed play he started dancing around the living room.

Kim said...

HOT DAMN, Kate!!!!
I loved you vid so much! It is the perfect song! It made me think of Rob and Goz. I searched for a week for a song for Goz's vid, trying to find the perfect song for her and this would of been it with the PhD in it.
Also, since she's our drugdealer.
LOL Just kidding Goz and Dani.

We're adults we can walk away if need be.:}

Anyhew, Kate great photo choices and I love it immensely!
It's so, so good, Damn hot good.
It captures how I feel almost 24/7 regarding Rob, that I need professional help.
In fact I'm looking into a 12 step program today, right after I check to see if AJ has a new posting and listen to Rob sing.

Kim said...

I apologize for not saying goodbye last night, my dogs went balistic barking at something, I don't know what was outside, prob an animal and I then got a phone call.
I don't know about tonight I am giving in and doing the matt pilates and yoga class with my niece I should be done by 7p.m. and I'll try. I can't feel guilty any more so I am going.

Also, the chat thing, my head is spinning after facebook and another technology to check the chat box. It's a great idea, thou.
The little fonts in facebook and the chat box drive me bonkers.

AJ laughed at your comment about bringing out the madness a little and Mona's last night, I missed the "hornycorns" comment. I think we should replace that with Mona's, it's choice.
I'm going to read the fan photo comments. That one photo of him is so hot in the fan photos.

You know, I told her I do yoga at home, why should we go to a gym where we might get sick? I'm so dreading this tonight. Sorry I just figure if I release it, I'll move on.

Kim said...

My niece needs to get a best friend.

Kate said...

So glad you all like it and the song choice came to me at 1.30 in the morning Jov!LOL
But when I heard the Phd bit I thought of Goz too :-)

Ellie said...

Hi, Jov! Did you get my FB friend request??

Kim said...

Those late night inspiring moments Kate, I year ya, I think it's when we get punchy that things happen.
Kate also, I meant to tell you on your blog I got emotional watching your card vid, it was so touching, sweetie.

Ellie, I'll go over to facebook, darling rite now.

Kate said...

Aah Thanks Jov;-)
Also I sent you a friend request ;-)

el said...

Who performs that song? it is great.

babbles said...

Well done Kate, I can't hear a damn thing here at work with no speakers but the visual was great!

And God know's I need professional help...

Jewels64 said...

I love this video! Love Kate! Love all of you people who are going to be sitting with me in a very crowded waiting room.....

Kat said...

Jules, we need to get you laughing out loud so everyone in the waiting room thinks you're a little nuts...

keely said...

Loved the video! Thank you, Kate!

Jewels64 said...

Kathryn, I'm talking about the waiting room for the pyschotherapist.... YOU NUT! I'm Home!

Ellie said...

Jules!!! You're home! Glad to hear it, sweetie.

Kate said...

El- It's Charlotte Church the "opera star" as Kat says.
Now Kat what's so funnt about the word Opera??? Come on share with me!!

Rose said...

Kate~ LOVED the video. But I think I am beyond professional help...or help of any kind!

Sabrizzle said...

Awesome vid Kate!

Rose, I think I am also beyond professional help but I don't really have a problem with that.

Emily said...

Good job with the video! I certainly don't need anyone to tell me I need help. I'm well aware of that but somehow I can't bring myself to care.
Now, if Rob wants to offer to be my therapist, then I'll consider getting some help but until then, I'm content to embrace my obsession and everything Rob.

Amy said...

Hi All,
I just wanted to say "Hi" and comment on what a great blog this is. I am happy to have found it as I need my daily Rob fix.... :)

I have been told i need professional help due to Rob!

Lynn said...

Where is everyone?

Sabrizzle said...

I'm here Lynn! I don't know if everyone is going to move over here. It's too annoying to keep refreshing this and the chat box.

Kate said...

I'm here. I came over already and no one was here so I went back!LOL

Kate said...

DId ya get my mail about the WA teaser that was posted??

Lynn said...

LOL I just wrote how Ellen was talking about her trip to Bora Bora with Porscha and how it was magical wit a dash of unicorn dust.

Sabrizzle said...

Kate, I guess I already took that quiz awhile ago and whadayaknow, I'm a unicorn too!

Kate said...

I getting dizzy from hopping from here to the chat box !

Lynn said...

We are hormonal motherfuckers...I knew it!

Sabrizzle said...

Me too. I think we should stick with the comments, the chat box doesn't always show up when I refresh the main page and it bugs the crap out of me.

Kate said...

I don't care which one but I can't do both I don't have the energy LOL

Kate said...

Ha ha we're all unicorns.

Suss said...
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Sabrizzle said...

I know what you mean Kate. I think this is easier.

Kate said...

God i didn't realise there was such a time difference between us Sabrina. It's 11.15 here :-0

Suss said...

Kate, where are you? Im only one hour ahead of you.

Lynn said...

I am staying here....my eyes hurt looking at the chat box for a long time.

Kate said...

It's so cold here tonight It's meant to get as low as -12 tonight :-0

Sabrizzle said...

Holy shit, Kate!

Sabrizzle said...

I am also staying here Lynn.

Kate said...

Suss I'm in Ireland where are you??

Lynn said...

Sabrina and I are in the same time zone...we only live about an hour from each other.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

I know sabrina it's ridiculous I'm no good for the cold. On the hottest day of the year I'm cold !

Lynn said...

Holy moly, Kate! That is cold!

Kate said...

It's like that all over Euorpe although we're not getting the low daytime temps that you'd be getting Suss.

Kate said...

*Europe :-)

Sabrizzle said...

I'm usually cold too, Kate. When most people are wearing shorts and tank tops I'm still wearing jeans and a hoody.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

News is just on and they said that future perspective employers will be checking Facebooks and my space's etc.
That it I'm fucked when they see I'm a unicorn no one will emply me !!!!LOL

Lynn said...

Sabrina----the weather is nice today! It's supposed to heat up this weekend.

Kate said...

Lynn I don't want to hear that !!!!LOL

Lynn said...

Kate---they just to make sure that you aren't posting nude pics of yourself....I doubt that they will care what mystical animal you are! LOL

Sabrizzle said...

Really Lynn? In some ways I like warm weather all the time, but I think I prefer it to be cold out this time of the year. I think it's just because I'm used to Washington weather and it doesn't feel like January unless I'm freezing my ass off.

Kate said...

Actually one good thing about the cold is that my fridge is still broken. The engineer is on hols until next monday if I get someone else the warrenty will be void so th cold weather is good that way at least my milk is not going off LOL

Kate said...

Ha ha nude pics, ya right like i'd be THAT stupid !!!!

Lynn said...


Sabrina---Santa Ana coming in...it will be in the low 70's. Decent, not blistering!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Kate, just don't put up pictures of yourself frolicking with the unicorns.

Lynn said...

Sabrina---I almost lost my food laughing!

Suss said...

How can i find you girls on facebook?

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO, sorry Lynn!

DirtyD said...

Hi girls.

Kate- where is this WA spoiler? I need to know!!!

Kate said...

Hi Dana. It's not a spoiler it's a teaser .

Lynn said...

Suss---you will need to be added as a friend...just like Myspace.

DirtyD said...

ok tease away- do tell?

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Dana! Kate emailed it out, but if you didn't get it here's the link:

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Here's the link http://community.livejournal.com/

It's only short but i went Aaah when I read it !!!

Kate said...

Actually on the subject of FB I have two full flair boards what do i do now ????
It doesn't seem to want to give me a third one :-( do I have to delete stuf??? :-(

Sabrizzle said...

You don't have to delete stuff Kate, you can just put it back in your "stash" and switch it out with other pieces of flair.

DirtyD said...

Thanks girls. I just checked my e-mail and went and read it. That was some good teasing. Now i'm even more anxious to read ch. 39!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm losing my mind waiting for ch 39! I hope she posts it really soon!

Lynn said...

I am going to have to reread WA to ward off the anticipation...I love EPOV!

Sabrizzle said...

Me too, Lynn.

Suss said...
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DirtyD said...

I'm re-reading right now!

Kate said...

I'm printing it out so I can re-read I didn't print it the last time and nearly went blind !!! LOL

Thanks Sabrina I'll do that ;-)
I only found out last night that I could convert You tube files to MP3 so that I could put them on my non exsistant ipod!LOL

Sabrizzle said...

Do you have a facebook Suss? If you do, post a link to your profile here and I will add you.

DirtyD said...

Speaking of unicorns, my mom still has this pic up in my old room of two unicorns! I've liked them unicorns since way back!! LOL I'll never look at the picture the same!

Lynn said...

Suss---is your profile under Suss...I am looking you up right now!

Suss said...
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Sabrizzle said...

LOL Dana! There are so many things that I will never be able to look at the same way thanks to this here blog.

Lynn said...

BRB Have to do school pick up!

Sabrizzle said...

Grrr, I can't find you on fb Suss!

Kate said...

LOL @ Dana and her unicorns, I know what you mean Sabrina, we're all corrupted!!!LOL

Suss said...

Hmm, ill post a link to my profile!

Sabrizzle said...

I think that's why we all get along so well Kate. Our minds are all hanging out in one big gutter.

Suss said...
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Suss said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Suss said...

Sabrizzle - did you just add med on facebook? ;D

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, I did Suss. And I recommended you to the other ladies on here that are on fb.

Kate said...

Gotcha just added ya !!!;-)

Kate said...

I just got her and also the suggestion Sabrina thanks ;-)

Suss said...

Aw, great :D Thank you ladies!

Sabrizzle said...

No problemo!

Anonymous said...

Well I know that I need some professional help. I need to go to rehab for my Rob addiction!

Suss said...

hahaha kate i just had a look at your profile and i laughed so hard at "what fantasy animal are you? youre a unicorn!"

Sabrizzle said...

I love how international this blog is! I'm Irish and Swedish, so it's really cool to be talking to lovely ladies from Ireland and Sweden.

Suss said...
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Sabrizzle said...

Hehe, I just saw the part on Ellen where she's talking about unicorns.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, my grandparents adopted my dad because they thought they couldn't have kids, but then they went on to have 5 children biologically. He was the only Swedish person in an entirely Irish family.

DirtyD said...

I'll be back in a little bit girls. I need to go feed my family.

Sabrizzle said...

Bye for now Dana, enjoy your dinner!

Suss said...

awww! how old was your dad then? so your part irish, part swedish living in the us? thats so cool! im just halv finnish.

Suss said...

so many of you girls adding me on facebook! im starting to feel like one in the family now :D thank you!

Lynn said...

Suss---I just added you to my FB...love your avatar! My husband is Dutch, Irish and Scottish. I am Japanese.

Kate said...

Bye Dana.
Well I'm all Irish my Mum's side of the family generations ago were from France.
Glad you liked the unicorns Suss LOL

Sabrizzle said...

He was a newborn when he was adopted, so unfortunately he didn't learn much about his Swedish heritage to pass on to me. 10 months after my grandparents brought home my dad, my grandma gave birth to my aunt Maureen and then 3 more girls and a boy.

Shandy said...

Hey everybody
I see the chat hasn't killed off the comment section yet

Katie xxx

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Katie! We were using the chat box but moved over here.

Kate said...

Hi Katie:-)
Sabrina it's so weird how many times people adopt thinking they can't have kids and then go on to have children. The same think happened with my Uncle and his wife. They adopted 2 boys and then went onto have 2 girls>

Shandy said...

why the move?
Isn't the chat thing meant to be easier?

Lynn said...

My sister's friend did the same thing...she adopted biologial siblings and went on to have a son.

Lynn said...

Katie---the chat box is harder to view...I may try it later!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, it is kinda funny Kate. It was a good thing my grandparents more than one child.

Suss said...

Haha i loved the unicorns, kate! and sabrizzle, if you don't mind me asking, were your grandparents living in ireland? or how did you end up in the us? haha im sorry for asking i always get so fascinated by peoples stories!

Sabrizzle said...

The chatbox doesn't show up most of the time when I refresh the page and I like the comment section better because I can catch up on comments from when I'm away from the computer.

Shandy said...

Oh Okay!
Don't mind me, i'm still all curious of the new toy on the site. I'll get used to it pretty quick i guess :)

Lynn said...

I accidentally published the "She Fucking Timed Me" flair...I hope tat noone (non-Robkat) clicks on it....I will have lots of explaining to do!

Kate said...

Katie it was crashing the page on me.

Sabrizzle said...

No, my grandparents were both born in the US. My grandma's parents were born in Ireland I think and grew up in England. They moved to Canada and then Seattle. I think my grandpa's relatives were in the US for a few generations before he was born.

Lynn said...

Katie---it's easy to use...but it does disappear once in a while during refresh....ugh!

Kim said...

My beloved Robkats, I luv ya. But I feel compelled to be honest here.


I just joined facebook that has alittle font that I wasn't aware of and now the chatbox does. I made a little promise to myself at the new year to spend less time at the computer because my job requires me to be at the computer and now I just finished crying my eyes out after a chapter I just wrote where my male protagonist loses the woman he loves and I have a huge, huge headache. There are just too many places I have to check now. I mean don't you all feel that way sometimes? I haven't check my myspace in like 6 months.

I know I'm just in a bad mood because I promised I would go to a gym and I don't want to go and I can't back out and also I think I need to clear my head. I will go run my dogs at the beach, I think that will help, before it gets too dark and then the yoga class is now at 6:30, so I'll check later.

I am feeling overwhelmed right now.

Shandy said...

I noticed it took a while to come up on the page - i thought it was just my stupid slow computer

Sabrizzle said...

My mom, dad, and I are all alike in that we don't know who our biological fathers are. My dad was adopted so obviously he doesn't know who his real parents are. My mom doesn't know who her dad is because the guy my grandma put on her birth certificate died 11 months before she was born. My dad is sterile so my parents used artificial insemination to have me.

Suss said...
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Lynn said...

Wow! Sabrina---that is unusual!

Suss said...

I hope you'll feel better soon Jovie!

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Jov! Go work off some of that tension, you will feel refreshed.

Suss, that's so cool that you are related to the first president of Finland!

Lynn said...

LOL My parents met through my great-uncle who was a matchmaker...very Asian, right?

Kim said...

Thanks Suss. I added you as a friend, I just checked my e-mail.

Kim said...

I need some yoga for my shoulders.
Thanks Sabrina.

Okay, loves, I'm off. Hope you have a good chat.

Lynn said...

Hey, Jovie! Do you need professional help like the rest of us? Go walk your dogs, it will lighten your mood!

Sabrizzle said...

Tell me about it Lynn! When my parents were going through artificial insemination my dad had to fill out a form to match the donor to him as closely as possible. My dad cheated and wrote down blonde for his hair color, so I'm a strawberry blonde with a mom and dad who are both brunettes.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Thanks Lynn, I know the beach will make me feel better and some fresh air.
Luv ya, ladies!

Sabrizzle said...

Wow, a matchmaker! Whenever I think of matchmakers I instantly think of the scene in Mulan where she goes to the matchmaker and things go terribly wrong, LOL.

Suss said...

sabrizzle - haha so your dad wanted you to be a blonde? :D

Lynn said...

Sabrina---that is so funny...your dad must be a hoot!

Suss---it gets better...have you ever heard of a "picture bride"?

Sabrizzle said...

Love ya too, Jov! Muahhhhh!

Sabrizzle said...

Yep, he wanted a blonde.

Lynn said...

My mom was a picture bride...with a portfolio of pics and a biography. My aunties and dad picked my mom from a group of three women.

Sabrizzle said...

Picture bride? Enlighten me, Lynn.

Suss said...

Hmm... A picture bride, I'm not sure. It makes me think of when a man choses a bride from a pile of photos, like in the movies. But I'm not sure if I know what a picture bride is!

Lynn said...

As a child, I was told by friends that it was an "arranged marriage". My mom reassured me that she really fell in love before she married. I just thought that it was the norm.

Kate said...

Aah Jovie I hope you feel better soon.
Gosh Sabrina that is unusual. My parents met through a dating agency, I always laugh at it but they never took any offence at my laughing !!!LOL

Suss said...

Oh, thats pretty much what I thought then! Did they immediately fall for eachother when they met?

Sabrizzle said...

So in a sense, she was kind of like a mail-order bride?

Lynn said...

Think of Eharmony.com meets the Joy Luck Club...LOL!

Kate said...

Have any of you ever seen "The Matchmaker" ???

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn! That's good that they fell in love before they got married. I can't imagine marrying someone without loving them.

Lynn said...

They fell in love like a novel.

Suss said...

We have alot of the arranged weddings here in Sweden, not Swedes but immigrants, they have alot of arranged weddings and stuff. And many girls get murdered by their families if they won't be with the right man. It's awful, i feel so sorry for them.

Sabrizzle said...

That's really sweet, Lynn. :)

Suss said...

Aw, they fell in love like a novel :D Loved that. Im glad they did!

Lynn said...

I haven't seen The Matchmaker.

My great-uncle was a friend of my mom's family...they were from the same area.

Sabrizzle said...

Oh my gosh, that's terrible Suss!

Sabrizzle said...

Did your parents grow up in Japan, Lynn?

Lynn said...

Suss---wow, that sounds like The Godfather! LOL

Rob needs to so something interesting in London to keep us entertained!

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynn said...

My mom grew up in Japan and my dad was a Nissei (first generation Japanese American) and grew up in San Diego.

Sabrizzle said...

Well at least it sounds like her story is being used to change things. That is so sad to think that things like that are still happening around the world.

Suss said...

Lynn - yea its kind of like that! its terrible because since they live in sweden now, we want to help them and stuff but theyre so restrained (is that the right word?) i actually volunteered in a house for women who's been treathened by their families and i heard their stories and its horrible.

Lynn said...

Suss--- oh my goodness...we have some families like that around here. But, things like abuse are more common then murder.

Kate said...

I didn't realise when you said murdered you actually meant relly murdered :-0

Sabrizzle said...

That's cool Lynn, you probably know more about your heritage because of that.

Kate said...

You have got to see the movie "The matchmaker" it's set in Ireland. Really good Rom Com if you want something lighthearted.


Lynn said...

Yeah, my sister and I have a heritage like a book....lol!

Sabrizzle said...

I don't think I've seen The Matchmaker, Kate. I'll have to add it to my Netflix list.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynn said...

Suss---no clothes would be a good thing!

Kate said...

I'm just reading the review at the bottom of the IMDB page for the matchmaker LOL
According to the review all irishmen (and women too, can't leave that bit out) go around saying bollocks all the time LOL
Ooh wait a minute maybe we say it a bit :-} but not all the time LOL
Anyway it's a good movie.

Suss said...

oh.. lynn, you took it a step further than me, but yes indeed, no clothes would be the best! and emanuel - make tonight in the background.. grrr

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, that would be great if he took of his shirt in public but I don't think it's very likely he will do that. :(

He should come back to CA and hang out with me and Lynn! We'll share the pics with you lovelies.

Kate said...

What did I miss?? Rob taking his clothes off :-0

Kate said...

I was gonna say it would be too cold in London for him to take his clothes off LOL

Lynn said...

ROB....whereever you are....shed your clothes and bring on the RobTom bromance!

Suss said...
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Kate said...

Where in the world is Tom???? He's being even quieter than Rob.

Sabrizzle said...

Come out, come out, wherever you are Rob and TomStu!

Sabrizzle said...

Hot damn, Suss! What song is that?

Suss said...

http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1602165/story.jhtml so he's out... :(

Lynn said...

Kate---I think that Tom is probably filming some where....but a bromance looksey would be hot!

Sabrina---I am going to a concert in West Hollywood next month...a Rob sighting would sensational!

Suss said...

it's make tonight by emanuel! really good. and hot. and.. yeah! you know!

and... im really sad now, i was really looking forward to parts per billion!

Kate said...

Is it defintely not happening ???

Sabrizzle said...

The link showed up as a page error. :(

Lynn said...

Suss---Dani told me about PPB last week...it was just unconfirmed until now!

Sabrizzle said...

That would be soooo awesome Lynn! Make sure you have your camera ready in case you happen to spot said Brit.

Kate said...

You know all this talk about murders remindd me of "2666" . I was looking it up the other day and thinking of getting it but I dunno if I'd enjoy it I'm not in the right frame of mind ATM I need something that's gonna lift my mood and I don't think that's it but I was gonna get it for future reading. Lynn did yo say you had read it ??

Sabrizzle said...

So PPB is really not being made now? I was looking forward to that one, it sounded like it would be really good.

Kate said...

Ooh what concert Lynn??

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Ya it did sound good Sabrina aah that's a pity. I actually think I'd prefer to see that than New Moon (Shock,horror)

Lynn said...

I have a feeling that even with the financial fall out of PPB, that Rob would have been overwhelmed. Plus, Rosario Dawson is about to get major Oscar buzz with Seven Pounds.

Sabrizzle said...

Same here, Kate. I loved Rob as Edward, but other than that I wasn't too thrilled with the way Twilight ended up. I hope the new director will be able to stick to the book more closely but I'm worried because they still have the same screenwriter.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrizzle said...

I can't wait to see HTB and LA! And The Summer House! I hate how long it's taking to get these films released.

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