We all need professional help!

Our lovely Kate made this video :)


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Rose said...

Woohoo Lynn! :)

Lynn said...

Rose---ppl tend to take to chatboxes more easily...it might be less intimidating!

Ellie said...

I'm thinking that maybe the newbies don't really know to check here? And a lot of them are used to chatboxes?? Just a thought. would they call that a chatbox on FB, where Ashley Greene's got comment going left and right?

Melissa said...

Whats up with the chatbox?? It sounds bad.....

Ellie said...

Lynn, did you drag out the Hot Pockets, again?

Tess said...

Hey Lynn-what did you make the kiddies for dinner ;)

since we've been back from my in-laws... we've gone out for dinner, had cereal and forzen waffles for breakfast and I made a casserole (to last a few days) man I suck at cooking...

Rose said...

I like being able to go back and reread comments that I've missed...you can't really do that with the chatbox...can you?

I kinda figured that maybe the 'new' names either felt more comfy there...or didn't realize we chat in the comments.

Lynn said...

Ellie---did you check out the newer Ashley Greene pics....it seems to really be her or someone close to her!

Tess said...

AMG- which reminds me... I noted some of you have a new friend on fb...

The cbox is a fun addition, but I still feel more intimate here..

Ellie said...

If the chatbox is easy, then does that mean that with us here, we're hard core?? Me likey!

Lynn said...

I made a Shepard's pie last night...the kiddos are eating it with a salad. I am assuming that it is good, it's not vegetarian so I haven't eaten any.

Rose said...

you guys really think that Ashley might be Ashley?

Ellie said...

Oh, Nip/Tuck is on! such sickos...I live it!

Lynn said...

AG's FB as a few personal pics that look legit, but, it could be a friend or close confidante.

Ellie said...


Lynn, yes, I saw the pics. Not sure what I think.

Lynn said...

Ellie---are you a Dr. Troy fanatic?

Ellie said...

The AMG tTanksgiving family pic looks legit, I think.

Rose said...

Well...whether its her or not...it is fascinating reading how people respond to her.

Ellie said...

Not really, I likd him better in charmed.

Lynn said...

It's weird, I have no idea but I still get a kick out of how many hits her page gets!

Rose said...

OK...I have to go for a bit. Hope to see some of you later.
Bye for now beautiful ladies.

Lynn said...

Julian McMahon as Dr. Christian Troy....yeah, I would so smack that!

Lynn said...

Bye, Rose!

Tess said...

Rose/Ellie/Lynn- How did everyone find it - fb page?

Nip&Tuck- we were away in August and Raphael and became addicted to watching this show in the hotel room! it's crazy how addicting that show is..

Tess said...

bye Rose- read your email....

Lynn said...

Who's FB page? AG's?

Tess said...

yes maam

Ellie said...

Bye, Rose, hope to be on later when you are.

Yes, Tess, N/T is addicting, but Rob is so much more so.

Lynn said...

Ellie found her page a while back and she will accept anyone as a friend. You can find her on my page.

Ellie said...

Tess, I think somebody put the link up on the blog , for AMG.

Ellie said...

Maybe it was you, Lynn? I was added back then. Or it was Rose, maybe.

Tess said...

Ahh.. I see.

Where's Dani been these days?

Lynn said...

BTW, Harry and I have been watching every season of N/T and could not get in this last season. Bring Miami back!

Lynn said...

Ellie---your guess is as good as mine!

Tess---Dani was MIA today...I think that today was her first day back to work in a while. I bet she is beat between work and Mr. Hay.

Ellie said...

I missed them being in Miami, also. getting too outragious.well, more than it already was.

Tess said...

I really miss her. It's been weeks and weeks since I've been live with her here.

Lynn said...

I think that they jumped the shark with the whole television show bullshit! Troy and McNamara are so Miami...not LA!

Lynn said...

I think that Rob needs to do a guest spot as a British plastic sureon...show us your operating hands, Dr. Pattinson!

And, then he ould do a shower scene like that wank, Mario Lopez.

Tess said...

Just a thought...

Now that PPB is done... Did Rob cut his hair for naught??

I'm thinking he was over his hair and happy to be rid of it.. It was attracting way too much attention and if your suffering from paranoia... better to be done with it so you have one less reason for people to stare at you.

Ellie said...

"that wank, Mario Lopez."
you said it all, Lynn!

Ellie said...

I figured that Rob would be cutting his hair soon, but I didn't think it would be so short...

Lynn said...

Tess---Rob needed the change...I bet he was just hating the speculation over is hair washing. Anonynmity is always a good thing, too!

Tess said...

Mario Lopez looks like every other good looking hispanic guy I went to school with. He's good looking, but too conventional for me.. I like a man with something odd about his face.

Like Rob's left eye shape, and his crooked nose (It hooks slightly)

Ellie said...

Has anyone checked to see if there's any action on (in?) the chatbox? My computer takes too long to go back and check.

Lynn said...

Ellie---the whole Mario Lopez thing was wrong and so overly homoerotic!

Ellie said...

And has a tiny bump in it.

Ellie said...

Okay, my last comment looked too random...it's about Rob's nose.

Tess said...

I just checked the chat box... I still see my last comment, so it's going slow.

His nose is my next favorite feature... then his jawline, and lips.. very very nice...grrr

Lynn said...

I am handing over the computer to dh and I need to eat!

Good night and olive juice!

Ellie said...

Oh, I have an email video I have to send out to you all...it's a bit un-PC, but it's with Snoop Dogg regarding Air force One. I'll send it before I go to sleep.

Ellie said...

Good night, Lynn! Olive juice to you!
Enjoy your day, tomorrow!

Tess, there's so many features of rob's that are delectable.

Tess said...

I need to be going as well..

All our winter gear is waiting patiently in the common area.. It looks odd since it's @88 outside right now.

gotta run.

kisses all.

Ellie said...

Nite-nite, Tess... talk to you tomorrow. xoxo

Laura said...

Hey Ellie! I teach the 4th grade. It's that lovely age where they start developing a smart ass attitude! haha..What do you teach?

Ladies, you have to tell me--what is WA that you all keep talking about? Sorry, I'm new and I don't know what it is, but y'all make it sound so good that I'm dying to know!

Anonymous said...

Great video Kate.
You all are blowing up the blog again tonight.
So sad about PPB. I'm hoping that there is a chance that he could become reattached.
In an article I read with Olivia she had been attached with PPB for awhile so maybe if it gets held up Rob will finish New moon and get to do it after all.

I can hope right?

You know Rob is the only one in the cast besides Christian Serratos to not have filmed another job after Twilight.

DirtyD said...

I'm back girlies, finally.

Ellie- thanks for mentioning Nip/Tuck. I need to re-acquaint myself with Dr. Troy's fine ass. It is replaying here in 6 min as soon as the first showing is over.

Anonymous said...


It's a really addictive fan fiction story
Warning....... Enjoy


Ellie said...

Hi Dana--Dr. Troy's in for a surprize tonight. I won't spoil it for you.

Laura, I teach autistic kids. I have a class of 7 boys, between the ages of 8 and 11. Academic levels are between 1st and 4th grade.

Lisa, yes, WA is very addicting...but not as much as our dear, schmexy Rob.

Laura said...

Thanks, Lisa! and you were right about the addictive part! I stayed up til 3 last night reading it

Anonymous said...


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