We all need professional help!

Our lovely Kate made this video :)


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Lynn said...

Kate---I am going to see Greg Dulli (formerly of the Afghan Wigs and the Twilght Singers) and Marc Lanagan at the Troubadour. They are also known as the Gutter Twins.

Suss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynn said...

Good night, Suss!

Olive juice!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and sweet Rob dreams Suss! It was nice chatting with you!

Marc Lanagan, aagh! Screaming Trees were awesome, he has an amazing voice.

Suss said...

...before i go; what's olive juice? ;$

Lynn said...

Sabrina---I know! Marc Lanagan has the deepest voice ever....swoon!

Lynn said...

Olive juie mouthed looks like I love you, hence, we say olive juice as a closing.

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrizzle said...

One of my fav songs ever is "Long Gone Day" by Mad Season, which he sings on. Layne Staley + Marc Lanagan = ear unicorns

Suss said...

aw thats so sweet!

in that case, olive juice to all of you darlings!

Sabrizzle said...

Olive juice, Suss!

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sabrizzle said...


Marc Lanagan is the guy with the long hair.

Kate said...

Ooh I'l have to look him up Sabrina ;-)

Night Suss I won't be far behind you!!
Olive Juice

Kate said...

Thanks Sabrina ;-)

Lynn said...

Ahhhh, Layne Staley is one I haven't heard in a while...I forget your Seattle roots. I bet that you were born in a flannel jacket, lol!

DirtyD said...

I'm back girls and finally caught up. You all left a lot of comments in the hour that I was gone!!

Sabrizzle said...

No problem, Kate! Everyone should experience the ear massage that is Marc Lanagan and Layne Staley.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn! Alice in Chains is probably my favorite band. I LOVE Layne Staley! I have a big poster of him on my bedroom door at home.

Lynn said...

Thank you, Sabrina! I wis you were 21...I would take you!

DirtyD said...

Interesting family histories you girls have! I'll add a little tid bit from the most recent addition to my history.

I met my husband on the interent. It still sounds crazy to me. We just happened to be chatting in the same room when I was 17! And now here we are married with two kids!

Sabrizzle said...

I wish I was too, Lynn!

Lynn said...

Dana! Wow! That is so cool and scary all at the same time! I met my husband in a bar in Tijuana...some things are just meant to be!

Ellie said...

Hello, ladies!!!
How are all of you this evening?

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Lynn, I remember you saying you like Chris Cornell. Have you heard "Right Turn" by AIC?

Kate said...

Have it on now, God he has somehead of hair. Min looked like that about 12 years ago, I looked like a poodle. The blonde guy, Layne is it??? sounds like someone else can't think of who now but it'll come to me.
Do you have to be 21 to get in Lynn??

Ellie said...

Blind date, here...

Lynn said...

I love Chris Cornell...I have heard more Rage Against The Machine but I am always open to AIC.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, the blonde guy was Layne. That vid is really old, Layne died in 2002 and I think he started Mad Season around 1995. Marc Lanagan might not have the hair anymore, I don't know.

Kate said...

Dana it's like an updated version of my Mum and Dad.
I couldn't believe it when they told me. I was LOL.
It was called the Catholic marraige bureau LOL

Sabrizzle said...


If you haven't heard it, listen to this Lynn. Chris and Layne are a deadly combination.

Kate said...

What ???? He's dead !!!
That's like Jeff Buckley heard him with the x factor using his song etc and loved his version and then found out he was dead too :-(

Sabrizzle said...

Catholic marriage bureau, LOL!

Lynn said...

Kate---the Troubadour is first and foremost a bar and it is unfortunately 21 and up. Most of West Hollywood is like that, notice that Nikki Reed and Kstew aren't quite there yet.

Kate said...

I know LOL
Sounds so like Lynn's idea of Ireland like "The Quiet Man " or something!!!LOL
Can you blame me for laughing when they told me !!!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Kate, sadly Layne died of a drug overdose in April 2002 and he was found in his condo in Seattle about 2 weeks later. He battled a heroin addiction for years and his health was getting really bad before he died.

Lynn said...

Yeah, I knew that Layne Staley died. he and Kurt Cobain were a pair to be reckon with!

Laura said...

I love the video! Thanks for posting!!

Sabrizzle said...

I would laugh too, Kate! I'm glad they don't have "Catholic marriage bureaus" around here because my great aunt who is a nun would be pushing that on me.

Kate said...

I keep forgetting how young they are and the age thing over there.
There's only one nightclub in this toen (I can't count the number of pubs) seriously there's "at least" 2 on every street and this is a small town but anyway I wouldn't even bother going into the nightclub anymore it's a dive and there's only 16/17 year olds in there . Yes seriously they get in !

Lynn said...

Kate---I still imagine cobble stone roads....don't break my Ameriancentric image!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm not really a big Nirvana fan, Lynn. Gasp! My fav Seattle bands are AIC, Mad Season, Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Pearl Jam, Screaming Trees, and Candlebox.

Lynn said...

Yeah, Americans are a bunch of fun suckers...Sabrina is probably more mature then most club hoppers! And, she has wicked taste in music!

Ellie said...

Kate, you mean that Ireland isn't like it is in Brigadoon?
Oh, shit...you burst my bubble.

Hi, Laura!

Kate said...

Aah that's sad (about Layne)
Sabrina they don't have marriage bureaus anymore here either. I suppose the nearest thing you'd have to it now would be Lisdoonvara. They have a big matchmaking festival every year. Seriously "you can google it" to quote someone dear to our hearts who we don't seem to be talking about much tonight!!!LOL

Oh and do you want a bigger giggle, my Mum used to be a nun!!

Lynn said...

Welcome, Laura!

Ellie---I am still picturing cobble stone roads, ancient buildings and fields of potatoes. LOL

Sabrizzle said...

Thanks Lynn! Muahh! I think the reason I don't really like most teenagers is because they act like a bunch of immature idiots. I can't wait until I no longer have the word "teen" associated with my age.

Jewels64 said...

Parts Per Billion fell through? Bummer. Hi All!

Lynn said...

Kate---"I wikied that shit" LOL

DirtyD said...

I'm back again girls. I had to go change my kids diapers and take my eye meds. I went to the dr. today and I not only have the flu but a stye and pink eye. So i'm highly contagious which sucks for my little ones. I went around and lysoled every door handle in my house!

Kate said...

Hi Laura didn't "see" you there sorry.
Glad you liked the vid ;-)

Kate said...

Well fucking excuse me Lynn :-p

Lynn said...

Hello, Jules lovely! Yes, PPB is no more as far as we have heard.

Ellie said...

Hi, Jules! How's your mom doing this evening?

DirtyD said...

Hey Jules! Glad everything went well for you mom today :) Having your gallbladder removed seems so common today. My DH's grandpa, aunt and brother had it done, as well as my grandma.

Sabrizzle said...

Wow Kate, your mom was a nun! I'm glad she left the monestary so we have the pleasure of talking with you, love.

Jewels64 said...

Man, Dana you got hit hard!

Kate said...

Hi Ellie, Jewels and Dana.
Ya Jewels PPB :-(
Dana I saw that on FB, you'r getting it rough {{HUGS}}

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Jules and Ellie! Jules, I'm glad your mom's surgery went well!

Ellie said...

Dana, you really have it bad...sosorry to hear it,and to have little ones around makes it doubly hard.

Jewels64 said...

Mom's good! Sleeping like a baby due to the anesthesia still in her system. I was bored watching her sleep...so I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do...I re-read "Wide Awake" for a second time just to see if I missed stuff scanning through it the first time.

I did. I'm a jackass! LOL!

Lynn said...

Dana---you are an incubus of germs...my heart goes out to you! I worked in a pharmacy for years...I hope tat your stye is on the bottom!

DirtyD said...

Yep, i think i got all this shit from the airplanes. I took 4 airplanes in a week. Damn germs! Now I think my hubby caught my flu. I just hope my kiddies don't get it or the pink eye.

Kate said...

Aah thanks Sabrina ;-)

Did I say she left before she had me !!!LOL
Kidding i'm kidding. She didn't leave to get married she actually left 8 years before so it was nothing to do with wanting to get married. It just wasn't for her.

DirtyD said...

Lynn- yes it's on the bottom. I got some stingy drops. I look like i got punched in the face!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm sorry to hear you are still sick Dana! I hope you start feeling better right away and that your kiddos don't catch the flu or pink eye too.

Kate said...

From Airplanes ???

Jewels64 said...

Els...I've only got a couple of minutes to post. My brother is here and you know the drill about the computer being in the guest bedroom. I'm gonna call you after he goes to bed. You can post my comments for me! :)

Gotta talk to the girls!

Ellie said...

Kate, thank goodness for that, or you wouldn't be around for us to corrupt. :)

DirtyD said...

Jules- you are no jackass. I am re-reading it now too. Did you see the teaser Kate found?

Jewels64 said...

No...what teaser?

DirtyD said...

Kate- yes aiplanes. They are cesspools of germs!

Ellie said...

Will do, Jules! :)

Kate said...

Aah glad your Mum is doing well Jules !!!

Ellie I was corrupted a long time ago or so one of the managers where i used to work told me LOL
He said when you started here you were a swet little 19 year old and now look at you LOL and you know what he was the one corrupting me. He was hilarious!!!

Jewels64 said...

Course, I still haven't watched Gossip Girl yet...so Ellie you'll have to excuse me if I get a little distracted by Ed Westwick!

DirtyD said...

Jules- http://community.livejournal.com/mygirlsunicorn/49910.html#cutid1

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO Kate about getting pregnant while still a nun! I'm glad she left if it wasn't for her, someone should only be a nun if they feel it is right for them.

Jewels64 said...

Kate! What the hell is the name of the song on this freaking video? I love it!!!!

Kate said...

Jules I didn't e-mail you the link coz you said you didn't want any WA stuff!
Go back a page and it's on this thread ;-)

Ellie said...

Ah, Kate, are you telling me you're been getting naughtier and naughtier? rob would so appove of that...or Dark Edward. lol

Jewels64 said...

Gah...Dana link didn't work. Send it to me in e-mail.

DirtyD said...

Jules- I sent it.

Jewels64 said...

Ah got it! Thanks Kate!

Lynn said...

Ellie---Rob loves crazy women...corrupted ones are probably better!

Kate said...

Jules the song is "Crazy Chick" By Charlotte Church. It's on my FB profile;-) It's about 4 years old I think !

Ellie oh yeah, I get naughter all the time completely corrupted !!!LOL

Jewels64 said...

And thank you Dana. I only hope as my story goes further along, that I'll be getting some reaction like Wide Awake is.

It's building and it's gonna get there....

Ellie said...

Lynn--Yeah, they're not as much work... lol

Jewels64 said...

Right, now I'm off to stare at pix of Rob for a second, and then I'll send my comments through Ellie!

TWO! TWO! TWO Weirdos for the price of one!

Lynn said...

Jules---glad to hear that your mom is doing better! You know how sensitive I can get about parents!

Olive juice to you and MUAAAHHHH!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm sure Rob would love all of us, he needs to get his ass over here!

Kate said...

I'm starting to wilt I can't even type naughtier right. Another 5 mins and I think I'll have to head. it'll be 2am then !

Ellie said...

Kate, is that charlotte church, the girl that was a voice prodigy when she was 13 or so, and sang like a little angel?

If it is, she's now got the voice of a, well, not an angel! hahaha

Lynn said...

Sabrina---mos def! So, we can all smack that!

Sabrizzle said...

I would have never guessed it was Charlotte Church singing that.

Kate said...

I need a Rob massage, my shoulders are all tight!
And yeah needs to get his ass (I'll say ass even though that's ot what we say) over here!!

Lynn said...

Same here!

Sabrizzle said...

Hahaha, yes Lynn!

Ellie said...

Me? a weirdo? You betcha'!

Oh, and fuck.

That was for Dark Edward.
I want to be his girl.

Kate said...

Yeap Ellie that's here and I'll tell ya she aint no angel anymore !!!Lol
And no I didn't corrupt her!!!

Sabrizzle said...

Me too, Ellie.

Lynn said...

Ellie---you and me both!

Laura said...

Hey everybody! I LOVE coming to ROBsessed! I'm completely addicted. I'm a teacher, and I even have to check it on my break time. I can't wait until I get home to check out all the new Rob stuff :)

Kate said...

*her not here
I told ya I'm fucked!

DirtyD said...

I'll take a massage from Rob too. And he better be naked!

Rose said...

hahaha...I love how randomly you curse, Ellie.

Hello Ladies:)

Kate said...

Hi Laura, it's SO addictive isn't it or should I say he is.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Laura and Rose!

Kate said...

I really don't care if he's naked, I just need a good rub!;-)

Rose said...

Hi Sabrina! Wow there are lots of new names here...

DirtyD said...

Ellie- I can picture Rob as Dark Edward more than SM's Edward. I think that's one of the reasons I like DE so much.

Kate said...

Crap did I say that out loud. I meant I need a good back rub!!LOL

Lynn said...

LOL My dh was saying that I was talking about Edward like I knew him. I was laughing and told him, "you do realize he is a fictional character". WA Edward and Bella have been inspiring us A LOT this week!

Kate said...

Yeap DE wins out for me too.

Sabrizzle said...

I agree, Dana. I can see Rob as Dark Edward much more easily.

Kate said...

Is that what you call it Lynn ???LOL

Rose said...

Dark Edward is so much more dangerous than SM's Edward....and Rob does dangerous beautifully.

Ellie said...

Hi, laura!
Rose, well, you know..$&%*((*&%&
(and hi, baby!)

Laura,you and me both...I check in during my class's specials and during free play...What do you teach?

Dana, I can see rob as DE, too. that's why he spends so much time in the naughty room with us...

Lynn said...

ello, Rose! I was cracking up over your comment about having your switch flipped on FB...I can empathize!

DirtyD said...

Don't get me wrong I still love all things Twilight and am so excited to see Rob again in New Moon, but could you imagine if WA was made into a movie. It wouldn't be rated some innocent PG-13 that's for sure!

Ellie said...

Yep, Kate, you said rub. Freudian slip, I presume. lol

Kate said...

I think DE is more realistic. Of course NOT being a vampire makes him more realistic to start with

Rose said...

Ellie...I haven't read WA in a while...so I am calming down on the cursing.

Hi Lynn! yes...switches are so easily flipped!!!

Lynn said...

Dana---Dani and I were talking on the phone about how WA could be an HBO weekly and be quite good!

Ellie said...

rose, I have about 4 chapters left.

Kate said...

God ya Ellie ;-)

Look at what all this WA talk is doing to me LOL

I'd love to see it made into a movie.

How many teachers do we have on here now??

Sabrizzle said...

That would be really cool, Lynn. Of course Rob would have to play DE, but KStew doesn't fit my mental image of WA Bella.

Rose said...

I think it shows how powerful a character Edward is...that someone can humanize him in such a dark way...and he can still be so addicting.

Lynn said...

Rose---I don't what it is...but it on like Donkey Kong for myself. I am assuming that this is the mid-30's thing that women talk about!

DirtyD said...

Lynn- if it was on HBO i would definately have to add that channel back to my cable lineup. Extra costs be damned!

Rose said...

There is something inherently sexy about Edward when he is dark and angsty.

Kate said...

Ya Rob would HAVE to play DE. Over on IMDB a lot of people were picturing themselves as Bella and I have to say that's what I do too but I did the same with "Twilight" and Kristen and Catherine both said that that most people when they're reading picture themselves as Bella.

Lynn said...

Sabrina and Dana---we need to get Angstgoddess to send in her screenplay...she would put Melissa Rosenberg to shame!

Sabrizzle said...

I don't know why, but SM's Bella and WA Bella don't look like the same person in my head.

Kate said...

She's not a professional writer, is she???
On her profile it says she's only 26 i think ! She's very talented!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Lynn, she would fucking kick Melissa Rosenburg's ass!

Kate said...

Are ye on another board with her ladies?

Lynn said...

Well, Dark Edward's action doesn't fade in to black..."I can't believe she fucking timed me"! LOL

DirtyD said...

Kate- I don't think she is a professional writer. It says on her profile what she does i think.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn!

Kate said...

Ok you're putting me off BD again, I don't think I'll be able to finish it until WA is finished !
I left a comment on WA and asked how I was supposed to go back to BD after reading this LOL

Lynn said...

Angstgoddess is a web designer and she claims to have no life and that is why she writes!

Kate said...

Graphics desginer and web developer ;-)

Rose said...

The more I watch Twilight (and lets face it...its A LOT) the more flaws I see in the script...and the movie as compared to the book.

Sabrizzle said...

Well, I'm selfishly glad she has no life because I fucking love that shit!

Kate said...

We posted at the same time Lynn LOL

People I've gotta love ya and leave ya. It's 2.15 and i'm shattered. Have fun I'll catch up in the morning.

Olive Juice

Sabrizzle said...

Ugh, I don't want to leave, but I need to go eat dinner and read 2 chapters of my textbook before class tomorrow. I will be back later.

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- you took the words right out of my mouth!

Rose said...

Oh Sabrina...don't get me cursing! LOLOL

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and hot DE dreams Kate! Muahhhh!

DirtyD said...

Sweet dreams Kate.

TTYL Sabrina.

Sabrizzle said...


Rose said...

Bye ladies! :)

Lynn said...

Rose---I love MR's other work with Dexter, but, I think that she was over her head. I loved ow se compared her challenges wit Larry McMurtry and Diana Osana and Brokeback Mountain. Wow, she should have consulted them!

Rose said...

I've been such a GOOD girl today. I was thinking that maybe all the swearing offended some people :(

Tess said...

Hello Ladies - I'm still getting over jetlag, so I keep missing everyone in the late evening and afternoon.

I just noticed on the chat spot that ppb fell through? any reason given?

Is Rob having too much fun at home and just not ready to come back to LA?

Rose said...

Lynn~ I agree. I just missed the intimacy that Bella and Edward shared in the book...

Lynn said...

I loved how she....damn keyboard!

Rose said...

PPB is a no go? No wonder Rob still isn't around.

DirtyD said...

Hi Tess.

Lynn said...

Hello, Tess lovely! I heard that the financial backing fell out on PPB and that Rob had already dropped out.

Tess said...

Lynn- I missed you yesterday. You and dh didn't happen to get some 'spunk' on your keyboard did ya? *wink*

Rose- You and me need to go out soon. Your mouth and mine could get us in some serious trouble..

DirtyD said...

MTV said Rob dropped out because he didn't have enough time to film it because of New Moon comittments.

DirtyD said...

Tess- don't you motherfuckers think you are going out without me. Damn it! My mouth is as foul as they come, I've just censored myself here until recently!

Rose said...

Tess~ It's a DATE! :)

OK, I just read the MTV thingy. Thats too bad...Rob sounded like he really liked the part.

Tess said...

Hey Dana! What did the doctor say...

Wow... the $$ fell through. that's too bad. You know this is just going to make Rob more paranoid.. He was talking about NOT wanting to talk about his next proj. in one interview a month or so b4 twilight came out because he didn't want to jinx it... then he started talking about freely.. and now it's all kaput.

I see paranoia setting in..

Lynn said...

Tess---FUCK YEAH! The "spunk" is on...I am wiped!

Rose said...

And Rob freely admits to being paranoid....

DirtyD said...

Tess- I've got the flu, and a stye that has turned into lovely pink eye. And I'm highly contagious for 24-48 more hours and all i hope is my kids don't catch anything from me. It's too late for my DH though.

Tess said...

Oh Dana & Rose... I wish we could go out..

My step-father used to be part of an Irish Folk band (long story) and I spent many many nights in Irish bars all over the east coast when I was very young, so I pepper my conversation with some very creative cussing. I just posted something on my blog... and I actually had to clean it up a bit, so I didn't offend.

some Reiki master...

Rose said...

LOL Tess...I have a warning on my blog...especially after reading WA...I couldn't stop adding 'fucking' to every sentence!!!

DirtyD said...

I have to really watch my swearing at home. My son is like a sponge, and has repeated me a few times already.

Tess said...

Dana- OH NO!! Not your lovely eyes!! I've had pink eye a few times and that's really awful..

Lynn- Is it just ME... or is everyone else feeling more randy this New year?? TMI?? you say? sorry..

Lynn said...

Tess---you have done well, Grasshopper! Language is good whether foul or not...never underestimate the power of cussing!

Rose said...

Oh the power of dark Edward!
I fucking love you, too!

Tess said...

Rose- I'm going to have to have a visit on your blog..

Dana-I had taken to cussing in other languages.. But last night, I was busted by my little guy. for now, he's too much of a goody two shoes to cuss..

Lynn said...

Tess---the switch have flippeth here! I am doing things that I haven't done in a long time.

LOL I keep thinking that I am the motherfucking hormonal teenager!

DirtyD said...

I've got to get my kids into bed. I'll be back in a bit :)

Rose said...

Tess...its really just me obsessing over Rob. Kinda like what I do here!

Ellie said...

Hi, I'm back...
well, you all know how I am so against swearing, right???

Rose said...

Ellie? Fucking bullshit.

Lynn said...

Rose---I will have to check out your Rob stalker handbook tonight!


Ellie said...

Rose, you're back!!


Tess said...

Rose-What? you don't fucking want me to visit your blog? *wink*

Hi Ellie!!!

Lynn & Dana- I haven't started reading WA yet. It was discovered while I was on holiday, and then G-man is still out of school until Monday. I'm saving it (and I'm reading Money right now... dark fucking book man. I'm going to need Prozac after I'm done)

Lynn said...

I am going to step out for a while before my kids start eating paint chips for dinner!

Ellie said...

Tess, good ...morning?

Rose said...

lololol you guys are killing me!

Rose said...

speaking of blogs...AJ's has disappeared...or is that only me?

Ellie said...

Later, Lynn!

I'll be leaving soon to continue reading the saga that is WA...and I'm getting int he mood for some fucking delicious cookies.

Tess said...

Good Late Morning Ellie!!

Bye for now Lynn!

Rose said...

I don't know what I would do without Edward/Bella fan fic

Ellie said...

Rose, you're right, it's not there. I wonder why. I hope AJ puts it back up. she's a clever genius!

Rose said...

I know, Ellie...shes absolutely hilarious!

Tess said...

Ellie- I know she deleted one of the two posts she made today, but I read (and commented on her blog about an hour ago) Is her whole account gone now?

She left a message to me on one of her earlier postings that she was going to lay low for a few days because January was a very busy time for her at work.

Rose said...

She has no profile or blog...that I could see.

Ellie said...

I hope all is well with her; she's such a sweet thing. And funny as hell.

Rose said...

Me too, Ellie...sometimes the obsession can be overwhelming.

Ellie said...

So, how do you like the chatbox. (or, as when it's minimized on the screen, the Cbox...:o )

I like it better here. although there were a lot more new names on the chatbox that I've never heard of before.

Rose said...

The chatbox was too slow for me...and I kept forgetting to
'refresh'. I did notice a lot of new names there...wonder why there and not here?

Lynn said...

Hey, I found leftovers! No paint chips for the kids afterall!

Tess said...

The cbox is interesting and I agree with you Ellie, there are mostly all new names there...

Thats where I first heard about PPB, so I guess the information flows..

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