Vintage Rob

This picture is from the same night as the infamous "so he CAN take a bad picture" one. Too much booze, no control over the facial expressions, LMAO! Pricelss!


Rose said...

Hahahahaha. Honestly, I wouldn't really know that was him unless I gave it a good look.
Makes you wonder how many 'drunk' pictures of Rob there are out there...lurking.

Shandy said...

At least he look slightly more normal in this one then the other.

The other one gives me nightmares!

Kate said...

LOL I like this pic. LOL

Melissa said...

This is funny ha ha...I'm sure there are tons of drunk pics lurking around....

Melissa said...

Oh my! I just looked at the other pic...WOW!!!!!

Ellie said...

Rob's expression looks like every guy's face towards the end of a wedding reception! lol

DirtyD said...

Gotta love drunk pictures :) He still looks adorkable though.

keely said...

Good evening everyone!
Loved your comment,Ellie, and the picture. I even like him more, when he looks a bit "unusual" :-)

Jenn said...

Ha! I've had that look before...kinda like "what?" too cute for words:)

Ellie said...

Actually, now that I think about it, Rob looks to be channeling his inner Dean Martin...

Kim said...

There are sooooo many damn captions I could write to this photo. I won't even go there.

LOL at yours Ellie.

keely said...

LOL,there IS definitely some Dean Martin in that picture :-)

Kate said...

Gosh ya you're so right. Rob could def be one of the brat pack!!!

Ellie said...

RAT pack , Kate, Rat

Lynn said...

Ellie---I would say Dean or Peter Lawford....well, PL was English...close enough.

Crazy Lady said...

LOL I just saw the other 'bad' pic....dear lord!! Like one lady said there...Thank goodness we're forgiving. But the armpit hair pic...pedophile one still can't get out of my mind!
The last pic here was sure helping me stop thinking of that one! Thanks for sharing, I guess. : \ LOL

Tess said...

I like this picture of Rob.. He looks a bit sleazy..

I like my men a bit dirty.. grrr.

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