Official "Twilight" DVD Artwork/Poster

Official DVD Release poster below

Click pics for HQ view.

Thanks to our fabulous affiliate RobertPattinsonOnline for the pic.


DirtyD said...

Yesssss! DVD artwork means that puppy is one step closer to being in my hot little hands. I am so excited to see the extras and blooper reel!

Anonymous said...

Fye stores are accepting pre orders for the Dvd. You have to put $5 for it to be held. I've read rumors that the release is as early as March 21st. I hope they are true. Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

WHOO yah!!

I can not wait for the DVD. I'm hoping it comes out in march Fingers crossedXXX

Shandy said...

Can't wait for the DVD :)

Hate the cover pic though :(

Katie xxx

Lynn said...

Ahhhhh! It's Dark Edward and WA Bella.....cue the curls!

I am in love with these covers...I hope that my aunt's firm will be producing these DVDs!

caninecologne said...

very cool! for some reason, i thought the dvd was coming out around Valentine's? if so, that better be my gift from my husband (ha ha) - 2 copies too.

i'm looking forward to the deleted scenes. wonder if Catherine Hardwicke is going to include the infamous "audition on her bed" scene? i hope she does!!!

Melissa said...

Yes!! DVD artwork release means its that much closer to the actual DVD being released!!!!! It's almost like waiting for Christmas!!! LOVE IT!

Tess said...

I wonder how long it takes a DVD to "wear out" hmmm...

bella's mom said...

Um.. Tess, I'll race ya to find out!!!!!

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