Right now Robert Pattinson is the most powerful person in Hollywood. Don't believe me? Just Google his name and look at the amount of press the young hunk has received in the last month. Pattinson is so adored right now by a worldwide audience, that even news of him getting a haircut threw the online world into a spastic tizzy.
Just how big is Robert Pattinson?
If Robert Pattinson were a stock, he'd be selling for $900 a share.
If Robert Pattinson were a government, he could single handedly bail out the world economy.
If Robert Pattinson were the police, there'd be no crime in the world.
I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point. Pattinson is hot and he's in demand. Despite his relatively newfound success, the Brit knows what his position is, and he's playing his cards right, carefully plotting his next move.
Right now, speculation exists that says Pattinson is on the short list to appear in the sequel to Hairspray, a film made famous by Zac Efron. (Dani's note-please God make it not be true!) Pattinson just dropped out of independent movie Parts per Billion, because he needs to film the sequel to Twilight, New Moon.
I'm sure he didn't mean to offend the folks behind Parts, but there's billions of dollars at stake in a world that desperately needs big winners. If anyone can save Hollywood from the global recession, it's Robert Pattinson.
Don't forget, Robert is also a double threat, a man with musical ability, who is ready willing and able to fall back on that career if anything were to happen to his film career.
"Music is my backup plan if acting fails. I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket," he told the LA Times.
This guy is prepared for whatever the world throws at him.
Oh no not "Hairspray"!!!!:-0
Hairspray sequel?? Please, please, PLEASE don't do it, Rob. If you thought you had all the tweens going after you now, imagine what it would be like after that!
And his picture is just exquisite. Sex at its best.
Hi, Kate!
Wow interesting article. I was with the writer up until they started talking about Hair Spray! There is Nooooo way!! I hope its not true, oh god, I can't imagine him in that movie, its impossible...its all wrong!
Hi Ellie & Rusharthi {waves}
Making a sequel to Hairspray is the worst idea I've heard in a long time. Hope Rob doesn't commit to making a clunker like that.
He's been pretty circumspect in his choice of roles so far--he'll probably continue in that vein as long as the hype doesn't get to him. Witness the statement, "If anyone can save Hollywood from the global recession, it's Robert Pattinson." Hype-O-Rama. Good lord.
Sorry...I don't believe for one second that Rob would lower himself and have anything to do with "Hairspray"
Total bullshit.
wow that article made me laugh so hard. I highly doubt he would do the hairspray sequel, actually the whole idea of a sequel shouldn't even be considered but . . .
Noooooo! Please God say it's not true! I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit because I really don't think Rob would involve himself in such a crappy movie. But seriously, if this ends up being true, I'm going to find the nearest wall and bang my head against it repeatedly.
Thank the good Lord you all agree that Hairspray is a bad idea. I thought the original held up pretty well and dammit they had to remake it. And now a fucking sequel? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Especially with our boy, just because he can sing doesn't mean he should cheese it up in a piece of shit like that.
Rob just say no!
I am all about it.
I have to agree that this business about Rob in a Hairspray sequel (excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth) isn't true.
Let's just erase that image from our minds and focus on how he could possibly get any hotter. The cover of GQ?? Anyone know how to order that in bulk? Something about that hair and those tight jeans that leave little to the imagination.... I'm not sure I can take it. That magazine may be the end of me.
Rob in the Hairspray sequel... I see jazz hands...I think it's just a rumor. I don't believe Rob would want to pick up Zefron's sloppy seconds!
Anyway, I've thrown myself into the fanfic pool today and am just coming up for air. I just finished Jules' latest addition and what a chapter it was!
I hope everyone is having a good day :)
Oh Dana, jazz hands!! LOL! Maybe they wouldn't be that bad with Rob's glorious hands and fingers...
Emily- I have freaking jazz hands on the brain after re-reading I Love LA.
Haven't gotten to that fanfic yet. But anything involving Rob's hands is definitely worth reading, I'm sure.
I'll be honest, IF this rumor about Rob in Hairspray is true, I can guarantee I'll be in the theater opening day. I can't help it. I'll watch him in anything...even cheesy musicals. But that's a BIG if. I seriously doubt we'll be seeing him in a role like that, ever.
It HAS to be a rumour... probably started because of his hair's celebrity status.
However... a Hairspray sequel that changes from the original plot a little, lets say with only Rob, and a naked Rob at that. Playing his guitar and mumbling to songs for 120 minutes. That screen play I could deal with.
Kathryn, LOL! Yes, I'd pay anything to see that!
"So Rob, tell us about your character in the upcoming Hairspray sequel."
"Uhhh, well there is no other cast. I'm actually the only person in the film and I have no wardrobe. Just my guitar and my hair."
Interviewer: "Hmm, OK... and the story line?"
Rob: "Well, ummmm, hmmm. It's just me, playing the guitar and mumbling for two hours, really."
Interviewer: "Oh, a blockbuster hit then?"
Hello to everybody,
I bet 100$ he will not do " Hairspray", anyone with me ;-)Seriously, there is no way to imagine him in such a role in my mind. I just can´t see it.
LOL! God, the mental image of Rob doing jazz hands with a little bit of the can-can thrown in for good measure is seriously giving me the giggles. Thank goodness Rob would never agree to stuff like that!
Kathryn - Wow, I would be a happy camper watching nekid Rob, mumbling and strumming the guitar for 2 hours... I probably wouldn't be able to get out of my seat afterwards. I would still be sitting in the theater, mouth agape, holding on to the armrests for dear life so that I wouldn't collapse in pure, unadulterated bliss.
@ ForeverFB and Lyla: Because of you my imagination starts changing now ;-)
They would have to sell zippers and panties at the door because no one would be coming out of that theater with their originals.
LMAO Emily! Yes, mandatory zippers and panties at the door, with optional suspenders in case your pants keep flying off.
I can't believe the Hello Magazine "Most Attractive Man" poll is still going on... How has Rob not won that thing by a landslide by now? He is way too close to that bulging eyed David Tennant dude. I don't see that guys appeal. At all.
I know, I thought it ended too. Then when I went to vote a little while ago Rob was losing by like 400 votes. Ridiculous! He's still trailing but just by 20 or so votes. David Tennant is creeptasic in that picture. Rob is all cheekbones and sex hair. I don't get it.
Good gravy, I think that even John Waters would agree that Rob is just not Hairspray material. Not to rain on the musical parade, but Rob is just too cerebral and introverted for such a role and can said British boy even sing...I think not!
Emily, I just looked on the Hello Magazine site, and it says voting goes until Jan 20! That's a long freaking time! And it also says that you can vote once every 10 minutes, which I found kind of funny, because honestly who is going to sit and wait to vote every 10 minutes... Anyway, looks like Rob has a ways to go if it's going to last another (almost) 2 weeks.
Lynn - You're so right. Rob is much to cerebral and introverted to ham it up like that. Even though the thought of seeing Rob doing jazz hands and the can-can is hilarious, I would so not want to ACTUALLY see him do it. It would just look wrong.
Jan 20th crap. It's really annoying the way it's jumping from one to the other all the time. I know I said that that was a really bad pic of David Tennent but I seriously didn't think he was major competition for Rob. I woulld have thought Hugh Jackman Orlando, Brad and Daniel would've been somewhere near the top with Rob at no 1 of course but maybe that's just my taste :-?
I find this kinda funny...
Honestly, this is no comparison.
I think it's because of him being Dr Who Rose. I mean I did saw before he can look a lot better than in that pic but I seriously didn't think it would be between him and Rob :-? don't understand it at all.
There was an article I saw about the whole Hairspray sequel thing, that said the *director* was interested in having Rob, but that doesn't mean *he's* interested in doing it. (And I agree, I fervently hope not).
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