The Summer House Film Update

The film is scheduled to release in April 2009.

Rob plays Richard in the film here is the synopsis of his character:

Richard is just eighteen. He is a good looking boy, with an ambivalent feminine side, skinny and androgynous in the fashion of that time. He is narcissistic and entirely self regarding, his is a solipsistic universe with only one golden person inhabiting it; himself. Jane was the trophy girlfriend until he found better, then he was in turn dumped and now is back trying to ingratiate himself with Jane. He has written letters to the chateau, decorated the envelopes with psychedelic love hearts.

He sees himself as a lover, as a pop figure, something of a curious cross between Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger. He is the kind of boy who will hang around looking pitiful and hoping his moodiness will attract girls, which it does. If thwarted he will turn nasty in an instant, and does. He wants Jane to feel sorry for him for making the mistake of giving her up. He is desperate for her, but he is the wrong boy, he is an 'unsuitable boy'.

You can check out the official movie site for The Summer House HERE.


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Sabrizzle said...

It was fun reciting it and holding my hand up scout's honor style.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, you will get to know the Volturi more than you want to... Stay tuned...

I warned everyone I was going dark. Just not like "Wide Awake", I'm talking scary, horror movie dark....

Lynn said...

Cool! But, they cannot touch that precious baby...I know that Renesmee will conquer all!

Sabrizzle said...

Cue the creepy music!

Jewels64 said...

I'm out...G'nite Houston! WE LOVE YOU!

Sorry, the old rock-n-roll fan in me just escaped after my third martini and it took me 5 minutes to type this right.....

Olive Juice Ladies...

XOXO! Jules

(how com I could type that and this so much faster?)...doesn't make sense....

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and rockin' Rob dreams dearest Jules! Muahhhh!

Jewels64 said...

...and after those typos in the last post...I'm not making sense either...

I think I need chocolate and then sleep now....

Sabrizzle said...

Chocolate fixes everything! Except my waistline.

Lynn said...

Good night, Jules! I could use some Grey Goose myself. Sleep tight!

Sabrizzle said...

Speaking of rockin', I feel like listening to some White Zombie.

Lynn said...

I love White Zombie...need to add some to my playlist.

Sabrizzle said...

My friend Donovan is obsessed with zombies and I'm one of the few people who actually talks to him about zombies so he calls me his "little living dead girl." That Rob Zombie song is now kinda my themesong.

Jewels64 said...

I have both White Zombie and Rob Zombie on my playlist...I am such a freak!

Jewels64 said...

Can't beat "More Human" or "Dragula"...Both my kids are addicted to it....

Sabrizzle said...

Well then I must also be a freak, Jules!

Sabrizzle said...

I've had "Thunderkiss '65" stuck in my head all week.

Jewels64 said...

Yeah...didn't go to bed...working on a new video for "New Moon". I'm just strung out on so much Rob Crack right now....

Jewels64 said...

Thunderkiss 65 is a classic!

Sabrizzle said...

Haha! Rob is so damn addictive he should be illegal. But I'm glad he isn't.

Lynn said...

Sabrina---we all have trememndous taste in music....the diversity is killer!

Jewels64 said...

I was listening to really good blues and jazz yesterday morning....

Love my Duke Ellington, Etta James, and Cole Porter....

Sabrizzle said...

My fav rock radio station in Seattle is 99.9 KISW and every year they do a countdown of the top 999 songs voted by listeners starting on Christmas. Thunderkiss 65 was on the list and I was blasting it while I was driving around earlier this week and I've had it stuck in my head ever since.

Lynn said...

Oh, I love my jazz and blues! But, I am still an emo girl at heart. My friend is taking me to see The Gutter Twins next month at the Troubador.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, we all have killer taste in music!

Jewels64 said...

One of the radio stations I listen to played a top 100 list...and that's where I heard the song that inspired me to either make a "New Moon" tribute montage video or just a complete scary stalker video pertaining to Rob.

Yeah...I went with the "New Moon" thing... unless i do something completely heinous...they can't arrest me for freedom of speech...


Sabrizzle said...

I wonder if Rob would like the stuff I listen to? A lot of it is pretty heavy but I also like country. It's all kinda bluesy in a way.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, did you ever download or listen to the music on Rob's celebrity playlist on I-Tunes?

Cuz, I have to tell you, a lot of that music works for me when I am writing.....

Rob is such and old, cheeky soul! He may play the "AW SHUCKS" part, but when you get down to who he really is...I bet he is one libidinous mother fucker....

Lynn said...

I read his playlist but I have only downloaded a few songs. I ave a penant for harder stuff...I still live in my post idealistic adolescent music phase.

Sabrizzle said...

I don't use itunes so I listened to everything on Rob's playlist that I could find on youtube. I liked most of it.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Jules, Rob does seem all sweet and innocent on the outside, but his playlist says otherwise. Most people are kinda shocked when they find out what I listen to.

Lynn said...

My tummy is achy...I am out! I love Rob's choices in music...wide and varied like my own!

Good night all! Olive juice, mijas!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and sweet Rob dreams Lynn! I hope your stomache will feel better soon!

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