Rob plays Richard in the film here is the synopsis of his character:
Richard is just eighteen. He is a good looking boy, with an ambivalent feminine side, skinny and androgynous in the fashion of that time. He is narcissistic and entirely self regarding, his is a solipsistic universe with only one golden person inhabiting it; himself. Jane was the trophy girlfriend until he found better, then he was in turn dumped and now is back trying to ingratiate himself with Jane. He has written letters to the chateau, decorated the envelopes with psychedelic love hearts.
He sees himself as a lover, as a pop figure, something of a curious cross between Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger. He is the kind of boy who will hang around looking pitiful and hoping his moodiness will attract girls, which it does. If thwarted he will turn nasty in an instant, and does. He wants Jane to feel sorry for him for making the mistake of giving her up. He is desperate for her, but he is the wrong boy, he is an 'unsuitable boy'.
You can check out the official movie site for The Summer House HERE.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»I went to watch the trailer for this movie again and I guess they've taken it off youtube but from what I remember, it was hot. The music was distracting so I just watched it with the sound off. Rob's face is distracting enough.
Rob coming up behind the girl and kissing her on the neck....yeah, I think hot is an understatement. Didn't his nose skim up and down her throat too? Maybe I'm getting Richard confused with Edward. Either way, if it's Rob, you know it's going to be hard to form a coherent thought while watching him do that. Well, it's hard to think while watching him do anything, for that matter.
Ay, dios mio! That is the exact type of guy that I was attracted to at 18, moody, angsty, rebel without a clue. Rob as Richard should be another treat to melt on our wagging tongues....hmmmm!
Emily----ahhh, the trailer is sooo boring....I only will watch the ending with Rob.
Totally agree, Lynn. That's why the end with Rob kissing the girl's neck is the only part I remember.
Rob as Richard, Art, Salvador, Edward, himself, whoever...is guaranteed to be luscious. Can't wait to see this one either.
I agree with both of you ladies...I'll watch Rob in anything - you just know it's going to be good!
Omigod, this role is tailor made for Rob...how hot is he going to be in this? Yummy bad boy...Me Likey!
Oh yes Jules, Rob as a bad boy is something me likey very much.
He looks incredibly sexy in the black and white pic from this movie, too.
Why oh why does the role of Richard sound like my fav obsession in high school? He had long hair, green eyes, great cheekbones, strong jaw.... Hmmm...I may be seeing a pattern emerging here...(except the eye color!)
Emily, I just read your first comment and I get all of Rob's roles and personal stuff confused...Richard, Rob, Daniel, Toby, Edward...
Hell I just realized I've dated guys with all those names...everyone except Salvador. I live on a street called El Salvador...does that count?
Gah! This is great news! Little Ashes in March, The Summer House in April, New Moon in November, and hopefully How To Be mixed in there too. Not to mention Parts Per Billion filming this month! 2009 is looking quite promising for feeding our Robsession!
I was at a college basketball game the other night and couldn't stop staring at a tall, skinny guy seated across the section from us. I finally figured out why. He was dressed in a slightly too small sweater that was probably 10-15 years old, too tight gray-ish pants, and old converse shoes. Does that sound like anyone we know? I'm so pathetic.
That's an interesting pattern, Jules. I think you should search out a real Salvador and then call your list complete. Now if we could just track down the real Rob...
Hey Sabrina! Hows it going baby gal?
Emily, I didn't notice it until I thought about it ...too weird...
Maybe I'm entering the "Twilight" zone!
Hi, ladies!!
Rob as Richard is just so hot...that neck nuzzle in the trailer is intoxicating...yum.
It's the old game "Six Degrees of Rob!"
Hi Els! Hows PA this evening?
When you find your Salvador, make sure and ask him to wear his hair slicked back and bring his bike.
PA was very nice...they all like the pot roast and spaetles...
Nice visit with hubby's aunt and cousin.
It's going pretty well, Jules. My parents and I went over to my grandparent's house for dinner and my grandma made stew, which is one of my favorites. I'm kinda sad because tomorrow is my last day at home because I am flying back to CA early Sunday morning. But on the plus side, my mom is planning a trip to Hawaii at the end of May. How are you, love?
Good evening Robkats.
Just got home from having dinner w/ Ryder and I had an insane night of insomnia last night. I have to do some editing but I hate editing.
Do you Jules?
Sabrizzzz and Amy...nice New Year's for you both?
And Jov...you, too: nice New Year's?
Yeah, it was okay. How about you Ellie?
Hey Jovie..!
Ladies...Chapter two is live and available!
Hi Ellie!
Yes, very nice; a traditional bonfire on the beach w/ minimal drinking.
Except the next day I had such a headache. I had some red wine at home and then a beer on the beach.
How was yours?
Sabrina, it was quiet bu nice.no great shakes. It would have been if Rob was there... lol
Hi Jules!
I will not go to bed before I read it. Last one sent me over the edge.
I LUV your writing!
I'm so glad to see everyone checking in...! Muuuaaahhh to all just cause you all deserve it!
Jovie...this one is different....
Jov--I heard you got headache remedies from some of the ladies... did they work?
Jov...I'll send you the link...
Sabrina you don't have a longer winter break?
Omigod ladies I have two funnies to tell y'all about today....
Yes, Ellie I had a latte at Starbucks and some AlkaSeltzer.
I am a lightweight, I can just have a little bit of ,whatever, and I feel it almost right away.
I'm a cheap drunk.
Well of course it would have been great if Rob was there. Rob's presence would have made my New Year's fantastic even if it still meant camping in our trailer with a broken heater, which got stuck in the mud when we tried to leave.
Jov, I'm going back for interterm, which is one full class that only lasts for the month of January but doesn't cost anything extra.
Jov, after reading that completely trashy article in Life & Style about Rob hanging out at the Chateau Marmont (He had 10 drinks! I so want to party with him!...duh...I did that at 22!), i realized i'm a very expensive drunk!
Thanks Jules.
oh and also two extra strength Excedrin.
I finally got a chance to watch the vids of Rob with DJ Whoo and I have to say, while Cam Gigandet is hot, Rob saying "Cam Gigandet" is much hotter. Oh, that voice...
Sabrina sounds like you needed Jacob w/ you.
Jules, I know what article you are talking about I saw the cover today at the bookstore.
Here comes the trash.
Crap, Emily, I called you Amy...I'm so sorry! How are you, baby?
Emily! I thought the same thing! That is too funny!
In that british accent it was almost like "Cam...Cam Gigandet"
Jules, if I had ten drinks at one time I think you all would be calling the paramedics, carrying me out of there,something.
Haha Jov! Thankfully we had an electric space heater that we could use with our generator so no wolves were needed.
When I was 22 I was working as a bartender for a living...talk about observing the human condition!
Anyway...I had to make sacrifices for my job...I had to do actual field research to figure out how much alcohol a young woman my size could consume in a certain period of time without becoming a social embarrassment or being arrested....
So Jules, what two things happened today???
Emily, I loved him saying "My girl and how he had to take care of business or whatever.
Sabrina, I'm so proud of you going to college, and in your travels and all that you need to do, just remember I think about you and I send all my best wishes your way.
No worries, Ellie. I'm doing good. We had a bunch of family in town so now that they're all gone I can get back to my Robsession with you ladies. Man, three days away from here feels like an eternity!
Aww, thanks Jov! I love ya babe, you are so kind! Muahhh!
That had to of been interesting, Jules.
I remember the actress from some tv show, I can't remember her name and how she had one glass of wine and drove and got arrested. How women metabolish alcohol so slowly, having had an alcoholic mother I never have more than two anyway, so I'm glad I feel it so quickly.
Yes, Jules I'm waiting also to hear what happened to you.
Okay Ellie.... so remember me talking about taking my lovely friend Curtis from work to go see "TWILIGHT" (he was a newbie y'all!)?
Anyway, we were at work today and I bent over to pick up a box and i heard this small laugh and Curtis saying "OMIGOD, I am so wrong for that!" I stood up, snapped around and went "what?" Curtis laughed and told me that when I bent over the first thought through his head was "NICE...check out that ass..."
Wow! What a compliment for someone my age from a 23 year old!
I'm sorry I mean to type
Yeah, that was a weird interview but still entertaining. I could have used less of DJ whatever talking and more of Rob. I'm not sure I could ever get my fill of Rob, though.
Is my keyboard defective or is it me? There we so many deleted words and typos in that last post....
I love Curtis...
Again I'm dropping letters...do i need to re-type or does everyone see where I am going with this....
Els...you are rubbing off on me....
Whew Jules.
Are you sure you and Lynn didn't switch keyboards accidently?
I agree Emily, that DJ needed to ask questions and actually let Rob answer them instead of just blabbing about nothing.
Jules, you're learning from the best... :)
Okay second funny is a cute funny!
E.J. (my youngest) went out to lunch with my Mom and Dad today. They took him to Macaroni's. He got pasta for lunch today.
Tonight I went to heat up the left overs for him because his lunch portion had been HUGE!
He promptly told me that the foil container couldn't go in the microwave and that I had to put his "Al Pacino" on a plate.....
I think he meant Alfredo....
Jules, once at work I actually had a guy come up behind me that I worked with and rubbed himself against me. I was so shocked.
I turned around and gave him such a dirty look.
I was so shocked I didn't know what to say?
I think I mumbled my boyfriend wouldn't like that.
That should be in Reader's Digest!!!! very adorkable...Rob's rubbing off on E.J. through you!!
Jovie...some day remind me to tell you about my "How to Make a Long Island Iced Tea" lesson....
Jules, that is so cute.
Kids are so cute.
okay, that sounded creepy, sorry...
What does that say about me though...My six year old knows who Al Pacino is...
Shouldn't he be obsessing over "Lightening McQueen" or something....
Oh that sounds like sexual harassment right there Jov! Completely inappropriate and creepy.
Emily, I thought Rob looked so good the day he was in the radio studio and the photo below in the Girlfriend peridical, I think he looks beautiful. His skin, eyes, hair, his expression, how he is standing, when I say the photo, I froze.
So beautiful, I felt like he soul popped out in the photo.
I think ever woman in America has been a victim of sexual harrassment, unfortunately.
going back to see the photos...brb
Rob's soul? Damn I finally got off my ass and downloaded his playlist off of ITunes...
T.B. Sheets? When Van Morrison mentions my name "Julie"... I have been listening to that song non freaking stop!
I'm sorry I meant to say when I *saw* the photo, I froze.
I agree Jov, he looked especially yummy during that radio interview. The scruff and the beanie are a great combo.
Oh yeah, Jov. The scruff is so sexy and that other picture is incredible. That man can do intense like no one else.
I'm starting to see a trend with Rob lately...
"JULIA" (Haunted Airman)
"Julie" (T.B. Sheets - Van Morrison).
Hey a girl can reach for one particular star can't she?
Urgh, I hate to leave so soon but I have to run. You ladies are lovely! Sweet dreams to you all!
Night Emily...see ya soon?
Olive juice to ya!
XOXO! Jules
Goodnight and Roblicious dreams Emily!
Sweet dreams, Emily.
When you enlarge the photo, It a treat for the eyes.
He's stunning.
I am feeling tired tonight after going to be at 3:30a.m. last night.
Nite-nite, Emily! Sweet Steamy Rob dreams to you and olive juice! xoxo
Jovie, tuck that beautiful Blake Lively self into bed. No stripper poles for you. I'm playing prison matron tonight and it's off to bed with you!
I'm so sorry for the typos tonight, especially.
I'm a bit tired.
I updated my blog a bit.
going to be at 3:30a.m. I wonder what that can be?
You know what Jules, you know how I never have Rob dreams and I want to so badly?
Well I think going to bed like that I dreamed a lot. I especially I notice, ladies, dream the most in the morning, right before I wake up.
I had the best sex dream about Rob, more than I could ever hope for.
My mind was racing, I guess, I don't know.
Jules, it's so sweet that you think I'm beautiful.
I will not go to sleep without reading your writing, I'll be thinking about that all night if I don't.
Jovie...I just posted on your blog...LOVED IT! THAT ROCKED!
A little bitchy, very sexy...Just like you!
Jov...why do you think I have been depriving myself of sleep. It's a form of Rob Narcolepsy....
Thanks, Jules. I think I think almost everything like a wave. I have an post on titled wave porn.
Since I was a little girl I could just sit all day long and watch waves and surfing.
I sound bitchy. That always makes me laugh, because I've never had anyone say that to me in my real life.
I bet I come across bitchy and don't know it and people are afraid to tell me.
They usually say "oh you're so nice."
I'm hesitant to post erotica on my blog but it's what I feel compelled to do, so I posted a poll. lol
I want it for guys in case any guys stumble over here. Especially Rob. I am going to write it from a males perspective and it's going to have to have comedy in it. Because if a guy isn't funny I can't have sex with him.
Or maybe I just let myself loose here and the bitchy comes to the surface!
Jovie..I gotta fly...I too am exhausted. Keep me posted...I like to kind of think of you as my own personal editor...for some reason advice from you just means so much to me. Doesn't hurt a bit and I love that you are honest with me. Don't blow wind up my skirt ever! I trust you for the truth!
Olive juice my babies! XOXO! Jules!
Rob Narcolepsy. LOL, Jules.
Same here Jules. I love when people are honest with me, I'm a big girl I can take it.
I love people who can tell you what you need to hear.
Then you know when they are talking to you they are not just yes men.
I hope you sleep well, babe.
I am going to read your writing and turn in also.
Goodnight and sexy Rob dreams Jules and Jov!
Sweet Rob dreams, Ellie and Sabrina if you are still there.
I'm crashing now.
Off to read and sleep.
Olive juice.
Ellie, where are you love?
Sabrina---I was talking on FB, I think that she went to sleep! How are you?
Good evening, lovelies!
Hi Lynn! I'm okay, I don't really want to fly back to CA Sunday morning because I love being home, but at least I will be closer to Rob when he's in LA. How are you?
I'm alright...I still getting over this weird cough. Well, SoCal is COLD right now...so, it will be just like home! Closer to Rob is always a plus!
Haha, it will be just like home in June! It's 32 degrees right now, and it snowed a little this morning.
Well, it's cold a la Southern California...it only got to 53 degrees today. I went to mall in platform sandals like a dork!
LOL! I'm packing a few extra sweatshirts to bring back down there, so I should stay warm. It has been really freakin' cold here, so it will be nice to walk outside without wearing 14 layers.
How many of you crazy ladies are here at this time of morning?
Hey Mona! It's only 10:30 here on the west coast.
12:30 here in tex
Hey Sabbie, How are ya gorgeous?
It's rather quiet around here for a Friday night. Jules and Jovie already went to bed, and I think Ellie might have too.
Damn the party poopers!
I'm good, I don't really want to go back to CA on Sunday for school because I love being at home, but whatever. How are you darling?
Just peachy keen! Not much going on and thought I'd check in here.
Sorry, Sabrina, I was looking at boots...by the time I make up mind it will be sandal season again.
Hello, Mona!
Hey Lynn! You shmexy woman you!
I was expecting a blog party since it's the weekend, but apparently everybody is pooped out. I'm excited that The Summer House is going to be released in April.
Wow this place is really rockin tonight... NOT!
What kind of boots Lynn? I've been wearing my houndstooth rubber boots a lot lately.
How are you, mija? You always put a smile on my face, schmexy lady!
That's my job! To bring laughter to this dull boring nonverbal blog.. lol
I am trying for some of the trendy hippie suede boots, a la Camilla Belle. Everything I see a fringe or costs an arm and a leg.
It's the arm and a leg part that pisses me off. I mean why charge you a leg then sell you 2 boots right?
LOL I couldn't wear rubber boots around here witout getting a few stares!
Mona----cyber noogies for you! LOL
Oh, Camilla's boots were really cute! I hate how overpriced shoes are, I was looking at some heels yesterday and they were way too expensive for the amount of times I would wear them.
LOL Mona!
Wish you could convince my daughter of the too expensive part. She drives me crazy wanting costly shoes then only wearing them once or twice.
Dude, seriously if I had about $300to throw down, I would have some killer boots. I really want something that I can wear at work.
A lot of the stuff I like is expensive, but I try to only buy things that I'm going to use enough to justify paying more for the higher end stuff.
Mona---tell her to wear Vans or flip-flops...that is what my daughter lives in. It's a girl thing, there's always shoes that most of us rarely wear!
I have to budget myself on everything. But daughter really needs to catch on to the value of her money!
Oh she wears those in the summer, but still thought she needed a pair of expensive shoes to go on a date with a guy to the movies, I said hell no its dark and your feet will just stick to the floor.. lol
I am the same way with shoes, though I have a bad weakness for them. I do really need some work shoes! I know that I am too picky with boots...I either want flat suede boots or riding style boots.
Hahaha Mona! I don't like spending money, I would rather save it. I don't think I would buy a pair of shoes specifically for a date even if it was Rob, unless it was a premiere or something.
I have a pair of charcoal grey suede ones that go just above my ankles, I love to wear them with slacks to work. They are really warm too.
I dunno I might have to spring for a new pair of Killer Heels for a date with Rob.. lmao
I would like a pair of riding boots. They are classy and don't really go out of style.
I'm looking for the perfect pair of killer heels so that when Rob asks me out I don't have to frantically search for a pair. I just hate buying shoes for one specific outfit.
Sabrina---are you really only 19..I read the word save and love your mature attitude towards money.
I am really drawn to heels for some reason right now...it's horrible to love something that you'll rarely wear.
Guys have it so easy like Rob...Docs, black Nikes or some other black boot. Dammit!
lol Just move here to a ranch Lynn, all ya need is some good rubber boots for stormy times, and cowboy boots for regular days, and 1 pair of dress shoes for Sundays and going out. According to my family when I was growing up lmao Too freaking funny!
I know, I really want a pair of bitchin' heels right now even though I usually wear sneakers or flats.
I have my Michael Kors that have these cute tassles and super pointy toes...super cute. I wore them to the Ellen Show and all over Hollywood...it hurt by night time! They were a splurge at $60.
Ok the correct terminology is "Fuck me heels" Get it straight ladies.. lol
LMAO! Okay Mona, I want a pair of "fuck me heels" but I haven't found a pair that convey that message without draining my bank account.
My MKs are said heels and they're just little kitten heels!
I have a pair of 4 inch wedges that are awesome and some other open-toe heels, but I really want a pair of super pointy ones.
Hey Lynn, even kitten heels with the right sex appeal can be fuck me heels.
And I completely understand the bank account lacking thing.. lol
I deposited a check today and was disgusted by the balance in my checking account. Damn textbooks!
No kidding, my niece is in her first year at college and my daughter is Senior in High school. I have all that to look forward to next year, so sis in law is keeping me informed on what all it's costing.
I just bought 4 textbooks and it set me back $250. And all of them were used.
What is your major?
IMO, textbooks are a conspiracy theory! The unis constantly upgrade to the newest editions every semester and you can almost never get a used book for that reason.
Public relations and advertising.
I am NOT believing that everyone konked out on us tonight!
Good major! I need to go back to school.
I would LOVE to go back, but it's gotta be after both my munchkins finish now.. lol
Yeah, I want to go into advertising and hopefully work in the motocross industry. My ad and pr professors have been really awesome so far.
Same here...I will be 47 by the time Jordan graduates. LOL I was hoping for my bachelor's before my 20th reunion...well at least I will be in shape!
My mom is going back to school right now. She already has a 2-year degree, so it should only take her a couple years to get her bachelor's degree.
In shape and shmexier than them!! lol
O fantastic for your mom!!! She should be very proud of herself. Lot's of women keep putting it off and never get back.
OMIGOD...Y'all are still up? How dare you suggest that I "pooped" out! I was working on a special project with Ellie...Stay tuned for that one! It's a riot!
Plus, I began to write Chapter 3....
Mona---I achieved the really deep goal! LOL You know that is what ppl always worry about for some reason!
Yeah, she's been putting it off for a long time, but her job is paying part of her tuition and having her degree will help her advance her career.
Jules! Baby, honey, darlin, sweetie!
Sabrina---I wish that I ould use my old units but I think that sadly they are almost outdated.
Good for your mom...she must be really excited!
Sorry Jules! I thought you lovelies went to bed unusually early. I'm excited to see what this "special project" is!
Jules---I just read me some of your wicked fan fic...you forward some to SM with a bag of smelling salts! LOL
Hey Mona! I've been on the phone with Ellie for the last 1-1/2 hours! She and I crack each other up! THAT is where we both disappeared to.....
you should forward some...edit!
Yes, she's excited but also stressing out because she has to go to school 4 nights a week after working 9+ hours everyday.
Lynn...did you read the stuff on Fanfic.net or other stuff I sent you?
HEY! Ellie told me that she was going to bed to get rested for NYC. Oh, I see how it works! LOL
Yeah...she's been keeping me up late at night...I've only been getting about 4.5 - 5 hours sleep a night talking to Ms. Thing.
She and I just can't stop laughing....
Fanfic.net or E&B Penthouse forum...I forgot! No, it was the dotnet.
Lynn, I published Chapter 2 for "Utter Darkness" earlier tonight.
Lynn, have you checked email?
I got ya on my faves jules
There was no sex in chapter two...
Were you reading the right story? LMAO! There are so many twi-stories out there.....
Thanks Mona! I need all the support I can get...specially since chapter 2 is more story driven.....
Thank you, Jules my pusher! My dh will thank you, too!
My pupils are already dialating for the occasion!
Sabrina, have you read any of jules fanfic?
LYNN! You cannot have sex with DH...do you want to end up in the hospital?....
Mona---I ave been lazy with my email. I will check it later!
Jules---no spanktravision? WHAT!
Why yes I have, Mona. I haven't read chapter 2 of "Utter Darkness" yet, I will before I go to bed tonight.
Jules---I can hack it...I just cannot cough! Really, it's fine!
Lynn...had to drive the E & B storyline...first chapter...sex galore...second chapter...FUCKING READ IT ALREADY!!!
Too freaking quiet in here tonight, no offense girls but this is pathetic for a Friday night!
Tell me about it, Mona!
and NOBODY is answering emails either.. lol
I did!
Dani has posted a German interview above us.
I so love you now for the shout out!
I have officially adopted you as my Robkat Baby sister!
Are you ready to swear the oath?
I________(state your name).
Do hereby swear....
To uphold proper crasness...
To worship the sex hair even though I panicked when it was gone and then the thought popped into my head that it would grow back....
To give praise and ADMIRATION!!! to the Golden Zipper....
To squeeze all the air out of those little air pockets in the infamous bubble jacket...all the while knowing it would get me closer to Rob!
To gaze into those "Sea Glass" blue eyes and try not to pass out from utter and complete lust....
I solemnly promise that I will never discourage the beanie, the suspenders, the Ray-bans, or even the mullet from "Ring of Nibelungs".
I am a sworn Robsessor. It is my God given duty to protect Rob from malicious "TWI-MOMS", 12 year old virgin hair lickers, anyone who gets in the way of the TomStu bromance, and all the 75,000 people who signed the fucking petition that said he looked like a gargoyle!
Sorry got distracted by the Aussie pic below us, had to wipe the drool off my chin
Holy Moses Malone! Jules, I loved it...I was listening to the Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen...very fitting!
Lynn! Are you talking about my story on Fanfic or my comments here?
I have taken the oath and swear to uphold it! Nobody shall mess with Rob or any of my beloved Robkats without facing my wrath! Love ya big sis Jules!
I have to admit Sabrina...that was fun thinking that damn oath up....!
Fanfic.net....sorry for the short attention span theater! I love more insight in to the Volturi. SM kinda jacked the fans on that front!
Damn, I sound ghetto!
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