Robert Pattinson TeenMix Interview


Jewels64 said...

Seriously... seriously cute, charming, the sex eyes, the laugh... I'm a no hoper....

Lynn said...

Ahhhh, could Rob be any more sweet? He resolves to remember his sisters' birthdays....he's a keeper!

I love his low, husky voice!

Emily said...

It's the Frankenstein jacket again! Seriously, if more than six inches of forearm are showing, your suit jacket might be too small. Not that he doesn't still look incredibly sexy in it.

He's so cute in this interview. When will he accept the fact that it IS him we love, not the character? Trust us Rob, it's all you.

Lynn said...

Goz---it is TeeMix...weird, I thought that I heard Rob incorrectly.

Kate said...

You ladis have already commented on everything that I was gonna say LOL
Yes he's so naive. People don't JUST like him because of Edward. It's him and for me it's his personality and humour and that he's so down to earth and talented and ok I'll admit he also looks great but it's the whole package
I love at the end when he says his name with a french accent and she says Robert and then he say robert say robert pattinson LMAO

kristen said...

LOL - Emily, yeah I would have to agree that when six inches of forearm is showing, the jacket is a wee bit small... maybe he's going for the 3/4 sleeve look??

Okay, it was hilarious when he was talking about "the angles" and trying to be sexy and scary at the same time. His little hunched over, flailing arms look made me LMAO! I mean seriously, when has he ever done a photo shoot with those kinds of poses and "angles". Too funny.

Emily said...

I thought the same thing, Lyla. His flailing arms cracked me up. Like he even has a bad angle, please.

I felt so bad for him when he said he was panicked about having to walk outside the hotel when the interview was over. He really gets followed everywhere. Poor guy.

Shandy said...

He forgot his sisters birthday? Naughty Robert!

I'd seriously beat down my brothers if they forgot mine :D

Katie xxx

kristen said...

Gosh, I know. I think he's handling the whole fame, celebrity thing wonderfully for someone who isn't innately comfortable with all the attention.

It's weird because he actually does a really good job of looking calm and collected when he's at events and stuff (well, as calm and collected as anyone could possibly be while surrounded by screaming hysteria)... but it sounds like it hasn't gotten any easier for him, and he still freaks out internally every time :(

Rob, if you ever need to soothe your nerves, I'm sure that all of us here at Robsessed are more than willing to give you relaxing massages and an endless supply of calming booze :)

Lynn said...

Katie---gotta love him...he's the baby...LOL! I always got away with stuff being the youngest! I am sure that either Lizzy or Victoria forgave him with his busy schedule.

Lynn said...

Lyla---I just adore how Rob keeps eating that humble pie...he is too good for words!

Kate said...

Ya Lynn I'd say you're right he could get away with anything!!

He seems like the type (to me) that in 20 years time could become a recluse :-(

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Kate, I wouldn't mind if he became a recluse as long as I was locked in the house with him. ;)
He was so fucking adorkable in this interview, I want to give him a big hug and never let go.

Shandy said...

lol lynn, I'm sure you're right!
Rob could definitely get away with *anything*

but i still wouldn't let my brothers get away with forgetting even though they are younger then me ;)

Anonymous said...

Great interview had so much fun keeping up with his facial expressions. So adorable, so vulnerable, so sweet so so so ! ;)

Lynn said...

Kate---I wouldn't mind a Rob as recluse as long as he doesn't wind up like Val Kilmer or worse...Howard Hughes. Perhaps, he might be like Johnny Depp, living in France, shacking up with a beautiful woman, making babies and great films.

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!

I loved this interview. Rob's just too cute for words.m and he's a yummy feast for the eyes.

Crazy Lady said...

I guess I was the only one. who liked the whole tongue action he did around 6:18, huh?! LOL
I just needed to comment on that! ; )

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