Robert Pattinson speaking French

There is some tongue action when he messes up! If that doesn't ease your pain about Parts Per Billion I don't know what will :)) Thanks to the always fabulous Monica for the link!


Unknown said...

Awwwww how adorable!!

He's so cute when he speaks in foreign languages.


keely said...

Such a cutie!He´s so sweet, when he feels embarrassed! Thank you, Monika and Goz!

Kate said...

Aaaah so cute !!!
Thanks ladies!!

Melissa said...

Loves it...he tries so hard to speak all these different languages...what a nice guy....I love embarrassed Rob!!!

Rhonda said...

that one needs an O HOT DAMN warning. And I did not watch it 15 times, I promise.

Tess said...

Imagine his voice close to your ear... in a dimly lit setting.. hmmmm Lovely.

Sherri said...

There is just something hypnotic about his voice and that tongue...oh my. Be warned!!! :}

Ellie said...

Hot damn, ladies. Rob is just hypnotic, even when he's tongue-tied (what a lovely thought...).

Oh, Rob made me forget my manners...good morning, all!

Tess said...

Morning Ellie.. though my time is short here since I'm scooting off for the night..

thanks to you lovely ladies... I'm here by known as Dark Tess

Ellie said...

So, you likey WA?

Nicole said...

Thanks for the it...and his tongue!

Kate said...

Hi Ladies you're on very early today??

Shandy said...

So cute! I love blooper reels

I hope they have plenty on the Twilight dvd

Katie xxx

Melissa said...

RUMOR PATROL!!! Ok, so I was just over at and they had some garbage story saying the role for Leah Clearwater is between Brenda Song and Vanessa Hudgens!!! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...Vanessa as Leah Clearwater would mean we would have to see Zac-y-barf at Twilight related events!!! SICK!

What do you think?? Can it be true????? NO!!!!!

Jenn said...

Sweet Lord cute and sexy is he?

Lynn said...

Melissa---my daughter would play the perfect Leah Clearwater....she looks more Native Amerian then both of those girls combined.

IMO, an actual Native American should play Leah. Vanessa Hudgens grew up the street from me and she is not all that...just another product of Das Mouse!

BTW, Rob trying to speak French is completely adorkable...he has tremendous pronunciation.

Anonymous said...

FYI he said
"Hi it's robert pattinson and you are watching teenmix"
He has a great accent and he can read french very well.

DirtyD said...

You just made my day Goz!!! Rob speaking french---c'est magnifique!

Tess- you read my mind girl! A room lit only with a few candles. Like in 16 Candles at the end when Molly Ringwald finally gets her guy and they are sitting knee to knee. I could go on...

Melissa said...

Lynn-I ACTUAL Native American actress should play Leah. I know there has to be one out there!!! Lets be on the look out...LOL

Rusharthi said...

His laugh and smile is so contagious that you can't help but smile and laugh with him!
This was really cute!
Thanks for sharing :)

Kate said...

Let's start a campaign for Lynns daughter to play Leah and then we can all go to the "New Moon" premiere to support her ;-) What do ye think, brilliant idea!!!

kristen said...

Oh my gosh I want to give him a big hug right now!!... among other things...

That was SO adorable. Especially the lalalala part when he messed up. And then when he said he got all red in embarrassment.... GAHHH he's so cute!

Jewels64 said...

"What happened? What happened?"

(Jules is lying on the floor hyperventilating...)

"Is it normal to drool that much?"

"That is SO unattractive..."

"Ah! Now I get it... Rob spoke French. It can cause excessive drooling, heavy breathing... did she not read the warning label before viewing?"

"Obviously not...."

Crap. I just saw the warning...tee hee!

Tess said...

Oh that sweet sweet man...

He actually sounded better when he tried to do the French accent...

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