Rob wishing Patty Pattinson some V-Day love! are one lucky bitch to have Rob love you so much!


Stacy said...

I've never wanted to be a dog so badly. Sigh...

kristen said...

Awww, that was the cutest thing EVER. I love how he says "Patty". He seems to really love his dog - he must miss her when he's in the U.S.

MiCh said...

Awwwww, that's one of the many reasons I adore ROB.. he REALLY loves his dog! And I'm with you Goz&Dani, Patty isn't just a dog, she's like a person! I bet Patty and Lukas (my dog) could be good friends :)) bwahahaha..

WildCat said...

Awwww... adorkable.

Not sure where to mention this, but the David Tennant fans are rallying on fb to push him over the top in the Hello magazine poll. He's passed Rob again.

Ellie said...

Aw, that was one cute video. That man just creep further and further into my heart.

Ellie said...


Dani said...

Can someone please explain to me what the big deal is with the hello magazine voting for Rob thing? I mean yeah I have voted a few times but everyone is like loosing it over this voting business all worried about Rob being ahead.

Whats the big deal? We know he is hot, he is obviously gorgeous and on just about every HOT list for 2008....just curious what the big deal is.

Is Hello Magazine going to give him a million dollars and insist he run around naked for winning??? If so I will vote a lot more.

Shandy said...

Have i missed the change of date memo for valentines day? ;p

Oh well as it's Rob, i can forgive the calendar screw up lol

(I do <3 David Tennant, but Rob wins every time in my mind)

Katie xxx

Ellie said...

Dani, I just voted about three times. In my mind, he is number one and there really is no contest at all.

Dani said...

Yeah I don't mean to get bitchy, I mean I have voted more than 3 times myself. But I am not going to sit here all day and worry about it or break my wrist clicking and typing away so Rob wins.

He is a sexual enigma of mass proportions. We all know he is hot shit. THE WORLD KNOWS HE IS HOT SHIT!

That is good enough for me. And as for the competition...yeah they could have revamped that list WTF??? Are these people blind who made that list. No competition for Rob whatsoever if you ask me.

My mail man is sexier than most those guys and he is 70 with a comb over.

Ellie said...

"My mail man is sexier than most those guys and he is 70 with a comb over." LMFAO, Dani!

WildCat said...

Not stressing over it, just sharing. Sorry.

Dani said...

Wild Cat babe...I meant no offense. You share away sweetheart. Nothing wrong with that.

I just don't get the buzz thats all.

WildCat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WildCat said...

(Let's try this again...sometimes I swear I live up to my

That's fair, not sure I do either.

I happen to be a David Tennant fan, I find him to be an amazing actor, and as such, got a message on fb about the rallying. Since it had been mentioned before I just thought I'd mention it again for those that it makes a difference. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers, doll. =)

keely said...

Good evening girls,

as always I have no clue who David Tennant is, but he seems to so familiar to me, just can´t remember from where I could know him.
Anyway, I hope you´re all well today!

Dani said...

No feathers seems to be an exciting poll for some reason and I honestly don't get why.

But the more buzz for Rob the better so whatever the poll or list Rob is on its a good thing all around.

Anonymous said...

today was the most crappiest day ever in my 7 year long job history and i was about to BREAK DOWN just before i saw this video.
and now i have the silliest smile.
thank you rob, very much. (second best thing could be WA to have an update)
and i will finally watch twilight this saturday(wanted to go this friday but thanks to my cousens engagement party, i cant)i am HAPPY NOW..


DirtyD said...

Too cute!

Dani said...

CANAN...I am glad something made you smile today.

Here is wishing you better days and sending you good vibes of Rob love.

Rusharthi said...

Did you see how he said Patty??? His face became all soft. SOo cutte!! One very lucky dog!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks dani,

i think i ll be much better when i will have my dose of rob action on twilight (maybe at second or third time)

but i ll def. be better.


Dani said...

Seriously, March cannot come soon enough for many reasons.

Hello Little Ashes, and GQ Magazine. And dammit hello How To Be, and one more big hello and welcome to the Twilight DVD.

The next few months are going to be big for Rob.

New pics could not come out soon enough for me. His hair will have all but grown back before we truly get to appreciate the sex bomb crew.

kristen said...

Yeah, Dani, I hear ya on the Hello Magazine Poll... at first I was interested and was voting whenever I got the chance, but now I'm just annoyed by it... I mean, it's not even a question that Rob should be number one, and it's honestly laughable that Mr. Tennant could be considered more ATTRACTIVE than Rob... Anyway, like you said, we all know Rob is #1, and we don't need a stupid poll to validate that fact in our minds... Especially because I'm SURE that Rob doesn't give a rats ass about the poll :)

On another note, can March come ANY slower?? Seriously, I'm dying over here waiting for all the Rob goodies to come out!

Kate said...

Ok I'm LMAO here and I'd say if there was one more second of that video you would see Rob doing exactly the same thing.
I'm sorry but to me he looks like he trying he best not to laugh and as much as I love my dog I would be the same if some one got me to do this LOL

Sabrizzle said...

He is just the most adorable thing ever. *sigh*

About the Hello Magazine Poll, I tried voting a few times but the stupid thing was doing weird things tabulating the votes so I gave up because it was pissing me off. It doesn't really matter if Rob wins, he's hot and we all know it.

Anonymous said...

Love the video - his facial expressions just make me melt! Patty is one lucky girl! Anybody know (I'm sure someone does!) what kind of dog she is? I've missed that somehow...

Emily said...

"Hey, *clears throat*, hey (said in a slightly more masculine voice). I'm Robert Pattinson."

Don't know why but that made me laugh so hard.
I've seen the other parts of this interview and I swear it was filmed back in like November. He was probably like, "Wish someone a Happy Valentine's Day? Isn't it a little early for that? Oh well, I miss my dog."

Rae - He said in an interview that his dog was girly but didn't have a girly attitude. He said she was like Beyonce and had a Beyonce walk which is strange for a little terrier. LOL
That's all I know of that he's said about Patty. Other than she is the person in his family he's closest to. :)

Anonymous said...

You all have me totally addicted to WA and I Love LA. Thanks for the tips here. Now...back to watching this video over and over again...sigh.

Kate said...

I said this before but my dog is a Jack Russell Terrier and has that walk too especially if we're out for a walk and someone walks past her it's as if she saying look at me and my great owner LOL

Kate said...

Here's my dog for anyone that's interested, she's very spoilt LOL

Emily said...

Awww, cute dog Kate! I love that she has a strut, too. I bet she and Patty would get along great.

Kate said...

Aah thanks Emily. Susie is really a little bitch. She doesn't get on very well other dogs when she first meets them it takes her a while. She's more of a people dog but doesn't like children. She's a rescue dog so I don't really know her background only that they wanted to know if we had kids or other dogs when we got her and said "good" when we said no !

Ellie said...

Hi, Kate, and Emily!

Kate, Susie's adorable!!!

Emily said...

Oh, maybe her and Patty shouldn't meet for a while then.
At least she loves you, that's really all that matters!

Hi Ellie!

Tess said...

His eyes and face softened when he said Happy Valentines Day to by dog, Patty..

very very sweet... But I feel like a complete idiot being compelled to watch it (again).. sheesh! This man could pick up a piece of 'cutlery' on video and I'd find something 'special' about it.

Lynn said...

Here's to the collective....AHHHHH!

I think that I need to go and watch that video one more time!

Good evening, lovelies!

Rhonda said...

I LOVE that he is a dog lover. My pooches are like my kids, period.

Anonymous said...

um...sweetest thing EVER!

Anonymous said...

"This man could pick up a piece of 'cutlery' on video and I'd find something 'special' about it."

agree. this vid is addictive. it feels like perving when you watch it. like it's private. but hey.

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