According to the Little Ashes Promotional Blitz site Rob is going to be on the cover of GQ magazine April 2009 Issue to coincide with the release of 'Little Ashes'. Be on the lookout for the issue mid-March we will of course post the scans as soon as we see them surface.
You can learn more about 'Little Ashes' and whats coming up next with the film at the official site HERE.
Thanks to Amy for the heads up...you rock chica!
You can learn more about 'Little Ashes' and whats coming up next with the film at the official site HERE.
Thanks to Amy for the heads up...you rock chica!
can i just say.....
LOL fangurl moment! i have been bummed about PPB and just saw this news! Can't be more excited! Thanks Dani :]
oh and now with possibly my fav pic of rob! *sigh
Dani (and Goz), you ladies ROCK!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Holy crap, I'm excited for this! The GQ covers are always drool-inducing, so just thinking of Rob on the cover is making me all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for this awesome news, Dani!
And Sarah, I agree about the PPB news. I was really really disappointed to hear about it. It would have been such an interesting and important project for Rob... not to mention, we would have seen Rob in some steamy scenes, dammit! GAHHH! *le sigh*
Thank you for the news - you made my night! I can't wait to see it.
Wow...GQ, that is a big deal. They do awesome photo spreads and hopefully they'll do some hot suit shots of Rob.
I agree with you Lyla, PPB would have been a good role for Rob. I feel bad for Olivia Thirby cause I'm sure she was excited for all the hot scenes with Rob and now...
I can't wait until this hits the newstands, it's going to be hot! I'm really bummed that Rob had to drop PPB, I was honestly looking forward to that more than NM.
Mmmmm Rob + Hot Hiarcut = GQ
Thanks Dani & Goz, Luv ya!!!!
Loving it...cannot wait for this one to come out. I might actually purchase this magazine. GQ has spicy shoots.
Expect tight jeans, and supa dark sexy Rob shots.
That is what I am all about.
Whoo hoo what great news!!!
I love the short hair on him and can't wait to see the shots for GQ.
GO ROB!!!!
I can't wait for this GQ shoot! Rob, as usual, will be his hot, schmexy self and I, as usual will be drooling onto the pages and my panties will turn to ash...Wowza!
Yes Ellie the sales of underwear will shoot up mid-march LOL;-)
oooh a GQ shoot?
I'm excited :D
Katie xxx
GQ shoot?
Thank you dani and Godze for the news.
Ros xxx
Seeing the picture of Rob...with his beautiful short hair...makes me miss him SO much.
Being on the cover of GQ does help numb the pain....a little.
*heavy sigh*
Oh Hot Tamales... this is going to be a delish shoot. Is it March yet?
Another magazine to add to my stack. I can't wait to see those pics. Rob i'm sure will look absolutely delicious.
Hi girls! I didn't mean to abandon you all last night. My stupid POS laptop decided to take a shit and crashed. I got some stupid virus even though I have Norton 2009- go figure. So after a long process of trying to get rid of the damn virus my hubby just ended up restoring everything to factory settings and then I had to add everything back from my backup hard drive. Thank God for backing up!
*I need a moment*
Robert Pattinson will be on the cover of GQ and it will be all over the place mid March...
Letting it absorb...
Stop in my tracks news...
Hot damn...
What will he be wearing and am I so looking forward to this...
Beyond excited for him!
GQ?! That is great!
Dana, sweetie. You were so wise to back everything up.
Glad you're back in business on your computer!
Oh and Amy thanks for the heads up on the news. We appreciate you so much.
I'll say it again...
Lion, lamb, March (Robalicious month this year!)....I'm so fainting now!
You can bet I am buying that issue. By the way, thank you for having this blog! You rock!
Say it again and again and again, Jules!
I'm hyperventilating. I'm SO pathetic.
Rose! I do believe you almost channeled Edward there! I got chills thinking of "Say it."
Janice, your blog is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous! I am so into photography and you are one very talented lady! Loved it!
Hyperventilating..? You, me, paper bag now!
Morning Cheese! Are you over your break up with AJ yet? Cuz I'm feeling a little Jacob Black over here....
lol Jules! I don't think a paper bag can hold all my hot air!
Wouldn't it be fun to photograph Rob even though he doesn not like to be photographed? I have often let my mind drift to all the different places and types of things I would like to photograph him doing.
Janice, I bet you have thought of this also.
Hi Macaroni!
No. I'm missing her like crazy.
But you know I still love you, you big flirt.
Taking pictures of Rob is not at the top of my list of what I would like to do with(to) Rob....
Hey Jovie!
Awww...now I won't have to go all werewolf on your ass!
Macaroni you know I'm a woman who doesn't committ. Look what I do to surfer dude. And I'm a 27 year old woman not in a hurry to marry.
Taking pictures WITH Rob is another story....
LOL, here Rose.
I have so often thought about photographing him and my ideas are numerous...
No sex vid thou. Yuck.
hahaha....WITH is a good thing.
Jovie...I am so laughing my ass off right now. Do you realize how hard it is to see your avatar and mine together...I feel like I'm having an extremely bizarre conversation with "Claudia".
I am very Pro the new hair cut, But I do wonder if he can grow it out in time for New Moon...
LOL, Jules.
And the werewolf on my ass, also.
Jules and Jovie's Avatar's are steamin up Robsessed...
LOL, Jules
Brooke I think his hair is pretty fast growing.
I bet his hair has grown out quite a bit from the last time we saw his beautiful face...
~J~ I guess we'll see... what a torture it will be watching Rob's hair grow... Psht!
And Edwards hair in Twilight...wasn't THAT long...
I would pay to watch Rob's hair grow...all of his hair all over the place!
Brooke~ watching Rob...torture???
Good morning, lovelies!
Jules---I hope that all is well with you this morning...I read your text and sent you one back. I am assuming that things are better.
Rob on GQ is sinful and yummy! I will be definitely buying this copy!
Edwards hair varied, It was funny actually because you can tell the different times of filming by the length of Rob's (calm down ladies) Hiar...
Brooke! I'm halfway through writing chapter 4! It made me cry last night. It was hard to write!
Jovie! The Edward in the first part of Chapter 4 is dedicated to you!
Lynn, Mom is doing better today, but still not getting out of I.C.U.
They finally have her blood pressure under control!
I'm glad your Mom is doing better, Jules...
*bouncing in chair*
Can't wait Jules...
Brooke~ I wanted to thank you for Fanfic links...I loved some of the stories you suggested.
Thanks Rose...My dad is there now. I'm going to spend the afternoon at the hospital after I pick the boys up from school.
But in the mean time...I'm blowing off steam in the best way I know how!
I just love you guys.....
Jules---oh, I am so glad to hear that she is doing better....sary times!
Foot tapping...I am anxiously awaiting your next chapter as well!
Rose ~ Fanfic is a weakness of mine, It's the reason the blog and me have grown distant LOL!
I have a ton more stories that I like too.... I know a few good Dark Edward ones too but they can be depressing....
If I let myself think about a new chapter...I will start hyperventilating again...
Brooke~ I'm addicted as well. I can't seem to get enough of Edward/Bella...no matter how they are written! Amazing just having those names...gets me excited to read about them.
We love you too Jules and know you carry with you all my best wishes for the roller coaster ride you're going through. I've been there before.
And I am so honored about the dedication.
You are such a talented writer, never, never doubt that.
Lynn, I tried writing that damn chapter over and over and over. Nothing appeased me. Last night I combed back through New Moon and everything clicked into place...
Jules, would you ever consider a Human E&B story?
Jovie is right, Jules.
As I have said countless times before...you are BRILLIANT.
Ah Cheese...I so love you! You are undoubtedly one of the best people I have never met.
No. But the other story I am currently writing for myself (and perhaps publication) is kind of a romantic comedy.
But of course Robert Thomas Pattinson must be cast as the lead when they make the movie! *WINKS*
Jules---I really love your vision. I always had a feeling that life post BD would be the most interesting by far.
I mean I adore Angstgoddess's story of human E&B, but, I have a problem with some oter fan fic that is less consistent with their vampah storylines.
I know I am such a nitpicky little bitch!
Me too! I just felt BD left so much unanswered! I'm getting reviews that just keep me going!
It is such an amazing feeling. I'm so amazed that I have fully stepped out of my comfort zone and did something like this!
Lynn~ nitpicky little bitch... Ha - I have a problem with alot of the Vampire Fanfic but I guess that is the point of FanFIC, I Love Jules stuff and I think there was one other Vampire story I liked but few and far between...
Jules really has a nack for staying with the characters we love but giving them more life (or so to speak, no pun intended)
And WA is friggin awesome too...
Well, I am the type of person that will search, google and wiki information at the drop of a hat and I am for consistency and accuracy. So, I think that why I can only take fan fic in small doses.
Plus, I have an internal rolodex of the most useless information ever!
Sorry y'all if I keep leaving...but inspiration just struck...and I'm finishing the chapter now!
Gotta go! See ya on FanFiction.net!
Olive Juice! Jules
Sorry about that I got a phone call I had to get and concentrate on.
I'm so glad the joy of writing had you bitten Jules.
Olive juice to you all!
I have to run and get work done.
Bye, Jules!
Enjoy your day and your writing!
Olive juice and hugs!
I am out as well...I have to actually go to work!
Good morning and good bye jewels, lynn,rose,brooke,jovie.
''have fun''at work ladies.
Oh jewels you are a writer? :-) i cant wait for your next writing.one my heroine.
Ros xxx
Ahhhh isn't this exciting news!!!!
Dani I'm happy you got my email hun :)
Hey girls, just jumped back on here before I go make lunch for my son.
Hmm...well looks like you all left right before I got here.
I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm gonna try to re-read a little more of I Love LA before lunch.
Bye :)
Good morning amy :-)
Thank you for the heads up.amy
Ros xxx
Oh good morning dana
Sorry didn't ''see'' you.
Ros xxx
Aah looks like I missed you all. I'll pop back later;-)
Wow...on the I Love LA. I have read it all and am left wanting more, more, more. I think because it is about Robert and not just Edward this time...Yummmm
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