Here's An Edward Cullen To Call Your Own

Attention, "Twilight" fans. If you've long dreamed having a "fully articulated" Edward Cullen of your very own, well, now you're in luck.
Very soon, at a Hot Topic near you, you'll be able to get your hands on the brooding "Twilight" hero, in action-figure form, at least.
The Edward Cullen figure — currently up for preorder on Hot Topic's Web site — retails for $16.99, sports "beautiful articulation with movable limbs" <----THIS PART SCARES ME! and is decked out in a blue button-down shirt, jeans and a gray peacoat. It's 11.5 inches tall and comes packaged with an exclusive Cullen family crest and is also apparently "imported," though we're not exactly sure from where.
According to Hot Topic, the preorder runs until January 13, and the Cullen figures will be delivered on or around January 20.
You can read more about this monstrosity and how you can own one at MTV.
Monstrosity is correct. I'm not wasting my money on one of these, it doesn't even look like him and it's kinda creeptastic.
Very disturbing *shudders*
i have no words...
Im way creeped out and laughing so hard at the same time.
ARTICULATE???....looks like a high school ceramics class nightmare.
The only way I would even fathom an Edward doll is if it were anatomically correct. Chances are that Edward doll is as frustrated as a Ken doll...poor guys!
Maybe thats why he looks so angry - Edward Dollen knows a great injustice has been made against his anatomy!
Oh God Lynn...don't give the Twimom's any ideas. You knwo they have probably tried to shag the cardboard Eddie already.
Dani---my eyes, my eyes! I am getting the worst images of Twimoms and their Eddie dolls. LOL
I think my brain is burning with that mental image. *shudders*
Any Rob sightings in London?
Rosl xxx
I think Ellie might've posted a link to this a few months back (?) The face is horrible and doesn't look like him at all, but the way the 'doll' holds his body is spot on... The sculptors got that right.
And as a friend who I sent the link to said: "at least you get to play with him!"
LOL @ tess.
'at least you get to play with him'
and i think i will buy it if it completely rob doll naked of
Rosl xxx
I haven't seen him :(
I read on the imdb boards a while ago, that he had been spotted in Covent Garden
Does anyone know if that was true?
If it is, i'm going to be severely pissed off because i work in Covent garden
Hi, Katie!
I seriously hope we get a little glimpse of Rob soon. Nothing too intrusive, just enough to see he's doing well and to satisfy our "primal urges", here... woohoo!
But then, again, a little is never enough... :)
And the doll? Seriously disturbing. lol
I got one of these for my daughter for Christmas at fye. It's not actually that creepy. It's pretty cool! I wish I'd gotten one for myself!
Hi, Vaneta~~
I guess it's just the expression. It's more scary than angsty, to me :)
Ellie babe - how are ya?
I am oh, so Trixilicious!! (just says it all, doesn't it??)
and you?
I'm trying to get in a Trixalicious frame of mind! I love it that you keep using that word :)
Feeling the need to make another video but I think everyone is probably getting sick of vids...
Speaking of vids - when are we going to get Jules creation???
Oh, yeah! Twilight DVD is available for preorder at Amazon...
Couldn't order that baby fast enough - like the proper robsessor that I am.
No, don't stop making them! I love them. I wish I knew how to do challenged.
I think Jules was going to get it together last night or today and email it to us.
Did she just disappear last night or did I miss the "good-night"?
Oh, and I seriously love that word, too. It fits all of us, but you most of all!
Do they want a credit card number for that?
Yes - need credit card for preorder. You get $10 off if you preorder, too :)
Yeah, I think Jules did disappear... I don't remember seeing an official goodbye before I left.
I'm going to preorder now...brb.
got to get in gear for the boys, too. Doors open at 9:20...
Oh you can't pre-order from the UK yet :(
Not fair!
Okay, Trixie~~done, done, and done.
So psyched!
Katie, I'm so sorry to hear that! Is Twilight still big over there, right now?
Oh, it's that time...see you all later! Olive juice! xoxo
Twilight has never been major over here.
Its doing well, but there isn't all the hype like in America
I think i need to move to the US! :)
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