We are reaching to post some stuff so ere are 2 more old pictures with lots of red faces :)You can spot TomStu, Sam Bradley, Marcus Foster and Bobby Long in these pictures.

P.S.: I have a massive headache and haven't been reading my emails or getting online all day. I'm not ignoring :) Hugs...Gozde
Oh Goz, you are such a trooper, Headaches SUCK! I'm so sorry. Get better soon. Thanks for these lovely old pics, it's nice to see pics of baby with his friends!
Aah Goz hope you feel better soon {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks for the pics ;-)
Goz... feel better...
I like seeing him in a proper British pub setting with his mates. I hope that's what he's doing right now...
Oh Goz, get well soon!!!
I love Sam Bradey, he has such a nice voice! I´m addicted to his song "whiskey".
Thanks for posting!
hi all..i am canan (and don't know how to choose an identity right now so-ananymous)
first time commeting, such a great place..i ve been checking here 3-4 times a day and i am obsessed now. today morning i read about comments of Wide Awake (never heard of it before cause i usually dont read fan fictions), but i trusted the comments here and started reading it (even though i am at work) and almost read half of it.
it really is good.so now i am wondering, can you recommend another one?
so good to be here and share my shameless robsession with you.
Goz, sorry to hear that you're under the weather...headaches do suck.
"it's nice to see pics of baby with his friends!" LMAO, Mindy!
Kat, I hope Rob IS enjoying himself, relaxing with his friends. He so deserves the r&r. I just wish I was one of them! lol
And hi, Canan! Welcome to our Rosessed madness!
oops!...*Robsessed (sorry, Rob xoxo).
I love that Rob is wearing his famous gray Stoli shirt in the second one... no wonder there are holes in that thing - it IS freaking old! Love these pictures of vintage Rob.
Hope you feel better soon, Goz!!
Thanks Goz for the lovely pix of our boy having down time! I love that he still has all the same friends he grew up with. Says a lot about his loyalty! NICE!
Get to feeling better...we miss you....
Oh Good Lord... I just noticed his hand in the first picture.
Off to grab some new knickers...
I thought the same thing about his shirt, Lyla. I love it! That boy has never thrown anything out.
Kat - His hand in that first pic is the first thing I noticed! My eyes are just drawn to those fingers.
I love the scruff and the rosy cheeks.
Hi babes! Awesome blog love today Goz I hope you're doing okay sweetness and feeling better. I wish I could return all the e-mail love it get but I am just so incredibly busy. I feel like I have lost touch with some of you a bit and Im sorry.
I will try harder I promise.
And dammit could the Rob and Tom be any more adorable in these pics.
Just a fantastic pair they are.
After seeing these, I finally understand why he never thought there was anything extraordinary about his hair. Look at the mops on his friends! He fits right in.
Emily - I know, I love that Rob insists on wearing his old clothes... he sure is not wasteful, this one. And you're so right about the hair... they all have matching, disheveled 'dos.
Hi Dani! No worries if you haven't been around much... I'm sure everyone understands that you guys are super busy. You and Goz still go WAY above and beyond with all of the awesome posts! I can sympathize, though, because I was completely MIA during the holidays (I was traveling A LOT), and I missed Robsessed big time!
Hi Dani DOn't worry babes we know that you're super busy ;-) we understand.
I too noticed the fingers straight away too LOL
I'm laughing at the matching do's. It's easy to see why Rob can't understand what's so special about his hair. He always says his friends have the same hair as him and doesn't know what the big deal is about his!!!
Rob it's attached to you that's what the big deal is LOL
Oh, Lord, I have to go back and check out those long,luscious fingers...
Oh, yeah, baby...l-o-n-g, lingering fingers. Yep.
How long has he owned that Vodka t-shirt??? He's wearing it in the second picture... how old are they?
Anon---my guess is about 3-4 years ago...that shirt has seen some severe love. And, now it's all holey and worn like Rob likes it!
Rob as stated before that he keeps his clothes for years...the stuff from HTB are mostly things that he has had since his school boy days.
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