New Promo Picture

This might be my favorite Bella-Edward picture. It captures the essence of their relationship. LOVE it!


DirtyD said...

Me likey a lot!!! It actually looks like Rob, finally!

Ellie said...

I really love this pic, too! so much emotion showing through...
Yes, Dana, Rob's true self shines through in this one. Simply beautiful, isn't he???

bella's mom said...

Rob the protector shining through.

Kate said...

This is gorgeous. Love this too, up till now the one with Bellas eyes closed was my fave but this one is now. Thanks so much for puting it up!!!

Dani said...

This is my ultimate favorite Edward and Bella picture it is really quite indicative of their connection. It is amazing, just tender and lovely.


Melissa said...

Oh...I love this picture!!! It does actually look like him-I agree....

babbles said...

I love how she fits right under his chin, perfect, Love it...

Rusharthi said...

Awww how sweet! :)

Unknown said...

Omg wow! I love this picture. It's so beautiful.

Sherri said...

I agree - great picture!

Tess said...

When I saw the header on this post...I did a Linda Blair head spin..

My mind was wishful thinking, so My eyes saw this:

"New Porno Picture"

Great photo. Needs and "insert me here" button though.

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