Milking Rob's fame for hits, sales

A little bit of rumor control from me.

Here is the January 19th issue of Life and style scans. The story is absolute crap.

What else is crap?

Almost everything publishes about Rob. They have a new story every friggin' day. They know that any story with Robert Pattinson gets zillions of hits so they post stupid bits that are untrue.

And the new story about Rob using an offensive line to pick up a girl. Well, it does sound like Dark Edward but so not like Rob :)

More crap? The Hairspray story. We posted it because it is out there. But seriously? Rob with his love for indie movies doing Hair Spray? No friggin' way.

So there! My 2 cents on all the rumors out there :)

Source for Life & Style scans:


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Lynn said...

Jonathon sounds like a keeper for more reasons then one!

I have been taking my cues from WA Bella, Chapter 36 (?)...yeah, she learned a lot from Alice!

Ellie said...

Laura, I so understand that.
Actually, we all do.

Jewels64 said...

Laura, you are in fine company here indeed!

We all have gotten to the point that we log on during work just to check e-mails, the blog, facebook.

Hey, wanna really succumb to peer pressure? Get a facebook page! We're all doing it.....

Ellie said...

Lynn, you and me both! lol

Laura said...

Oh, I have another one.

I never want Rob to walk into the theater tomorrow while I'm watching Twilight, pull me into a dark corner, push me up against the wall, and have his way with me until the credits roll.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, I haven't gotten that far in WA. I'm using that story as a reward system for publishing each chapter in my story!

Lynn said...

I will not question, Jules! How about BT instead of BF?

Laura said...

I have a facebook page, Jules. Or do you mean a Rob page?

Ellie said...

Yes, we'll send you so much Rob flair, it will be coming out the wahzoo!

Jewels64 said...

BT sounds good! "Boy Toy"! LOL!

Lynn said...

Let's just say that a virgin would not be doing that! Holy moly!

Jewels64 said...

Well girlfriend you gotta add me as a friend!

Jewels64 said...

Laura, you will recieve some of the hottest Rob flair ever...get to join in on the craziest threads... It's so much fun!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Julia Hickman here....

Done deal baby girl! As Jacob Black would say..."Welcome to the pack!"

Ellie said...

Laura, I searched your name, but the pic didn't look like you.

Jewels64 said...

Damn Els, you're fast...I'm still trying to get there....

Ellie said...

I've been told that, Jules...

Laura said...

Really, Ellie?

Was there a guy on my left? Add me and I'll go check my account. Do I look bad in the pic??

Jewels64 said... have long blonde hair...great smile...wicked smile actually....

Ellie said...

No, it's a girl with blondish hair. Under her name it says "Nazereth"

Laura said...

See Ellie that's why I was so happy earlier when y'all were saying I was pretty! I LOATHE the way I look!!

Ellie said...

Nazareth '11

Laura said...

Oh no, I'm brunette all the way! I'll try to add you

Lynn said...

Laura---do have a Creole accent? I love a male Creole accent!

Jewels64 said...

Laura...I'm using your picture in my next RobKat video! You are schmexy! (another Robism by the way!)

Gotta get you up to speed on the vocabulary!

Ellie said...

Nooo, Laura, you're a knockout!

If I went that way, I'd say let's go make it interesting with

Lynn said...

I saw the Nazareth account, too!

Laura said...

I just added you Jules...

My account has LSU '05

Ellie said...

Laura, you said you've been following the blog for awhile?

DirtyD said...

ughh darling baby girl woke up and doesn't want to go back to sleep!

Laura- add me to to FB. I'm on all the other girls' lists so you can find me there.

Laura said...

Lynn-No, I don't have an accent- At least I don't think I do! I do say y'all a lot though, but I don't have that Britney Spears Louisiana accent or anything! LOL

Jewels64 said...

Damn, Laura...didn't get the notification yet....

Oh moron #2 here...let me check my e-mail.....

Ellie said...

Yes, Laura, I was going to say the same thing as'll find us all on Jules' FB. but it's in my given name, not my nickname...

Jewels64 said...

And the e-mail worked! Crap you are one hot Brunette!

Laura said...

Ellie--I've been coming to Robsessed for a few months, I guess. I've been working up the nerve to get on the boards and talk to y'all! I posted without a profile a couple times, but I just got a google account a few days ago

Lynn said...

I have a thing for's envy of all Californians. Though, I am told that I have an accent.

Ellie said...

You'll recognize my face from Jules' video.

Laura said...

thanks, Jules!

Oh, and don't think too badly of my husband! He really is a cutie, but he cannot take a good picture to save his life!!! He's SO much hotter in person ;)

Ellie said...

We're so fucking proud of you, Laura! Comment away!

Lynn said...

Laura---he took you see HTB...he's a keeper!

DirtyD said...

Laura- so you've got a hot husband? Me too!

Jewels64 said...

Seriously! Any dh that can endure that much estrogen ROCKS in my book....

Laura said...

Lynn, if you love accents, you would LOVE it down here in Louisiana. There are so many different kinds of accents here. They're not all those stereotypical "country bumkin" accents either. My grandmother and my great aunts have these great New Orleans accents (They were born and raised there) My grandma says CaliPHONEia instead of California. We all make fun of her about it. And she pronounces New Orleans weird. New OrlYUNS. haha

Laura said...

Thanks everybody! I'll tell Brian tomorrow when he wakes up! LOL

He did fall asleep during HTB, though. I kept trying to wake him up cause I was afraid that Rob would see!

Lynn said...

LOL I love it! My husband's family is from Alabama and MIL's drawl is music to my ears. I remember spending some time in AL with dh's family and picking up their's contagious.

Jewels64 said...

Girlfriend, my sister in law is from Metarie! She is such a "yat"!

Lynn said...

26 seems to be the it age around here...I wanna be 26!

Laura said...

27 is just around the corner :(

Lynn said...

Laura----it just gets me! I just turned 36 and freaked like you wouldn't believe...!

DirtyD said...

Laura- I'm 26 and dreading turing 27. It seems so close to 30. I hate getting older.

Lynn said...

Now, I can take all in perspective and not feel so old;0)

Jewels64 said...

Oh both of y'all just need to bite me. 44, soon to be 45 in March, the best fucking month of this year ever!

Little Ashes, New Moon, Twilight birthday....God is good.

Lynn said...

30 was easy....36 sounded like the downward slide to 40. I got really scared....I made lots of changes.

Ellie said...

march will be our happy much Rob to look forward to.

Lynn said...

Jules---my sister turns 45 next month, too. We have both vowed to never act as old as our mother did at our ages.

DirtyD said...

Jules- I think I just feel old sometimes because I see a lot of my old friends still out there partying, travelling and having fun and that is very hard to do with 2 young kids. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. But at least I can come on here and laugh and have a good time with you girls :)

Laura said...

That's true, Ellie. Little Ashes comes out the day before my birthday, and Twilight comes out on DVD the week before! March will the the month of Rob

Dana--I TOTALLY know what you mean about 30! I swear I don't know where the years went! I feel like I was just 16 2 years ago! My mom said 30 was her most traumatic birthday. She didn't even blink at 40

Lynn said...

Dana---I had my three by can be wearing. My saving grace it that I will have them out of school by the time I am 46.

Jewels64 said...

Sweet darling Rob on a rubber raft...I didn't have my first child until I was 36! WTF?

Yeah...having way tooooo much fucking fun being a serial monogamist....

You think I would know not to get married...don't have the stones for that...found out the hard way....

DirtyD said...

Laura- My husband turns 30 in october and i have been harassing the shit out of him!

Laura said...

Well, my husband's 3 months younger than me, so I'm sure he'll enjoy torturing the shit out of me when I turn 30 before he does!

DirtyD said...

Lynn- I do love being a young mom. I always said I would be done having kids by the time I was thirty and I got my wish, just a couple of years earlier at 26.

Jewels64 said...

Y'all have nothing on me... I am a cougar through and through...

My ex...(useless waste of skin, that one!) was 6 years younger than me.

My current "thang" is young enough to be my son....WTF!?!

Jewels64 said...

I feel a Boniva break coming on!

Lynn said...

LOL I thought I was done at 26 with Nick...then we got Miss Jordan. Then, we were definitely done!

DirtyD said...

So Jules your man really looks like Kellan Lutz?!?!? Because that man is one fine piece of ass.

Lynn said...

Jules---I bow to you and all your osteoparosis commercials!

DirtyD said...

Jules- ha, ha. Sally Fields!

Laura said...

Demi Moore has nothing on you Jules!

Jewels64 said...

He so looks like Kellan, I'm gonna have to take his pic the next time I see him.

J does wrestling and has the abs that make you want to trace each outline of every muscle with his tongue.

What he is doing with a zaftig thing like me...I'll never know!

Then again...i do have hidden talents....

Jewels64 said...

Whoops! I meant my tongue!

If that motherfucker could co that? Oh sweet heaven, holy mary mother of God!

"Ahhh! Sweet Mystery of Life at last I found you!...."

Lynn said...

Experience speaks volumes, my lady!

DirtyD said...

Jules- how do you control yourself around him. I'd be on that like stink of shit! And don't sell yourself short m'lady! We all know that you are a beautiful, funny and talented woman :)

Ellie said...

Young Frankenstein at its best!

DirtyD said...

I meant stink ON shit. Alcohol impairs my typing abilities.

Ellie said...

I don't mean you, Jules, the movie! lol

Laura said...

Well ladies, it's 12:15 here, and I think I'd better be getting to bed. I have to rest up so I can go see Twilight again tomorrow. It's been totally fucking awesome talking to y'all!

Goodnight ;)

Lynn said...

Good night, Laura!

Sweet dreams and olive juice!

Jewels64 said...

Laura...get a good night sleep love! You are gonna wake up to a whole new world tomorrow!

P.S. we all start our day on FB by posting a fav quote from a book or song...join in on the fun!

Jewels64 said...

Good night Laura our lovely new Rob accolyte!

DirtyD said...

Nite Laura.

Jewels64 said...

Aww're making me blush...

Lynn said...

Dammit, my local theater got rid of Twilight faster then a Cullen. I ended up using some of my gift tickets on Benjamin Buttons.

I really want to see Twilight again!

Ellie said...

Nite-nite, Laura! wishing you sweet, schmexy, and steamy rob dreams~~Olive juice!

Jewels64 said...

And if you believe that one, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona....

Aw shit, just pictured George Strait in Wranglers....

DirtyD said...

Ellie- I just noticed your TGIFF status on facebook. That wouldn't be TGI fucking F would it?

DirtyD said...

Jules- LMAO. What you don't want drink by the seashores in Mexico with Mr. Strait!

Ellie said...

Absofuckinlutely, Dana! :)

Jewels64 said...

Dana, did you ever hear why women wear Wranglers?

DirtyD said...

No do tell.

Jewels64 said...

Because when they bend spells " WOW".

DirtyD said...

Jules you are too much. My stomach hurts. I can't laugh anymore.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry Dana...Els and i keep chatting on FB!

Lynn said...

I am done for the evening!

Good night, all! Sweet dreams and olive juice!

Rusharthi said...

You ladies are busy today lol. :)

Ellie said...

Yeah, stupid me didn't get the joke right away, and Jules had to explain... that's why I teach spec. ed. They're going to let me graduate someday...

DirtyD said...

Ellie- It took me a minute too, then it clicked.

Ok girls, I'm O-U-T. I'm going to will myself to dream about Rob in the shower.

Nite everyone
Olive Juice :)

Ellie said...

Olive juice, Lynn and Dana! xoxo
Sweet rob dreams!

Yes, Rusharthi

Ellie said...

sorry, Rusharthi, posted before I was done...

Yes, we've been busy!
Lots of Wide Awake. I Love L.A., and FB talk tonight.

Rusharthi said...

lol I love reading everyone's comments, you girls are really funny :)

Jewels64 said...

Hey girlie...some of us diehards are still here! We're just chatting on FB!

Anonymous said...

Jewels and ellie
May i add you as a 'friend' at FB too? if you don't mind i ask ,of course
Rosl xxx

Anonymous said...

My God he looks totally exhausted in the airport picture, major dark circles, poor kid. I am glad he has been out of the public eye for the last month. He probably needed to sleep for 3 weeks!

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