Milking Rob's fame for hits, sales

A little bit of rumor control from me.

Here is the January 19th issue of Life and style scans. The story is absolute crap.

What else is crap?

Almost everything publishes about Rob. They have a new story every friggin' day. They know that any story with Robert Pattinson gets zillions of hits so they post stupid bits that are untrue.

And the new story about Rob using an offensive line to pick up a girl. Well, it does sound like Dark Edward but so not like Rob :)

More crap? The Hairspray story. We posted it because it is out there. But seriously? Rob with his love for indie movies doing Hair Spray? No friggin' way.

So there! My 2 cents on all the rumors out there :)

Source for Life & Style scans:


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DirtyD said...

Laura- I completely sypathize with you about pos computers. Mine got a damned fucking virus the other day even though I have a supposed really good antiviurs program. And we had to erase everything and start from scratch. Thank god my lovely hubby said I can go get a new one very soon, which is sad since this thing is only about 3 years old.

DirtyD said...

Ok Jov. Maybe one day you will change your mind :)

Jewels64 said...

"bawdy" that's what i fucking meant!

DirtyD said...

Jules- how is your drink? Need a refill yet? I'm about to go get another.

Jewels64 said...

Refill time!

Kat said...

I haven't caught up with the comments yet... but really... talking about me and my fucking bullshit pics while I'm not here to defend myself... tsk, tsk...

Kim said...

Where's Trixie?

Kim said...

Kat, you're going to love Jules vid.

It's really, really good.

DirtyD said...

Jov- after I watched the video you made last night I went to download some Joss Stone and I have been listening to her song "Arms of my Baby" non stop all day. It makes me think of Rob, which is never ever a bad thing!

Jewels64 said...

I sent out e-mail notifications to our other lovely RKats (RPATTZ!)!

I think I feel a dirty limerick coming on....(no pun intended, fuck who am I kidding....)

Trixie said...

Okay - I'm such a moron. I kept refreshing and i didn't see any new comments so i thought everyone just left.

Ummmm, yeah! I needed to come over to the newer page! Hello McFly!

Jewels64 said...

Trixie...don't feel bad, i tried posting to an old page once and got pissed that my comment wasn't showing up....

DirtyD said...

Trixie- Your avatar is killing me. Strawberry margaritas mixed with that fucking fabulous picture make a girl hot to trot!

Kim said...

LOL, Trixie, you're so damn cute.

Dana, isn't Joss fantastic. I have been addicted to her since she first came out. She is so young, but very, very soulful.
She's from the UK. Extremely talented. Her first CD, I played until I wore it out!

Kat said...

Jules... I love it... what a great video.... LOVE IT.

Jewels64 said...

I have become so addicted to Laura Marling's song "New Romantic".

Kim said...

LOL, Jules.

Dana, that's so funny coming from you with the great avatar. I luv Trixie's avatar so much also.

Rose said...

OK...thats happened to me a lot. Whats that got to say about my learning ability? make me feel SO MUCH BETTER:)

Jewels64 said...

Thanks your little shout out at the end?

DirtyD said...

Jov- I used to listen to her when she first became popular. I'm glad to have re-discovered her music.

Trixie said...

Dana - as yours never ceases to kill me! What is it about that pic that is so damn sexy? I mean, the guy is just walking somewhere. This is insane!

Jules - yes, didn't you say you were moron #2 to my moron #1?

Jewels64 said...

Trixie! Wonder twins activate!

Kim said...

I like her also, Jules.
This summer I used a line in one of her songs to inspire a chapter.

Something about loving him is so hard that I don't ever want to suffer like that again.
She has a lot of feeling for someone so young.

Laura said...

Sorry guys...I've literally been waiting TEN minutes for this page to load again so I can's pretty frustrating..

Hey Jules! I wanted to tell you earlier that I loved your video, but my mean computer wouldn't let me!

Trixie said...

It was funny... I was sitting here thinking, "where the HELL did everyone go"? Is there another blog or chat that I don't know about? And, WHY don't I know about it?

Talk about paranoid!

Kat said...

I love the shout out, of course...

Trixie said...

Form of a MORON! Shape of an Computer Illiterate!

Jewels64 said...

So are you sure you want to join the RobKats Laura? We are all certifiably insane!

DirtyD said...

Victory! I just went and saved myself a copy of that pic for future viewing pleasure.

Jewels64 said...


Rose said...

My insanity isn't certifiable....

Kim said...

DAna did you see her jam on time on an awards show with...gawd I can't remember her name.
The woman who had a baby with Crosby.
It was so unforgettable. Joss was barefoot, and she was just so on that night.

Jewels64 said...

Good idea Dana...just did the same thing!

Okay Trixie, how much time did you spend on RobertPattinsononline going through their galleries of pix to find that one?

Trixie said...

Dana - i had to search and search for that pic because it HAD to be in my vid. During the "you don't wear no fine clothes" part!

Jewels64 said...


Kim said...

Trix, I think he's so sexy in that photo because it looks like he is grabbing his hips.

Jewels64 said...

Joss kills the song "Choking kind of love" (?). Is that what it's called?

Kim said...

Sorry, that is happening to you Laura. That is damn frustrating.

Trix, LMAO! I was looking for you.

Jewels64 said...

Framing the family jewels baby!

Trixie said...

Jules - i was on that site and everglow forEVER and couldn't find it! Then, I remembered I had saved it from a time when Dani or Goz had posted it on the blog. I just didn't save it to my normal RP folder so it was lurking in some random spot.

Again - MORON!

DirtyD said...

I just searced for Rob and cimarron and i got it on the first hit.

Jov- no I never saw it. At least i don't think i did. I remember seeing her perform on awards shows just not sure which ones.

Jewels64 said...

So were you having some random emotional breakdown.....?

DirtyD said...

And fucking fine jewels they are Jules.

Trixie said...

Jov - yeah! It is something about his body position. and how his shirt is a bit more open than usual. and, well HELL, just everything

Kim said...

I don't think Rob needs a woman who dresses well or puts on makeup.

The guy my niece dated never like when a girl had makeup on.
He hated it.

Trixie said...

Well, then I'm out of the running! I look like crap without makeup.

LOLOLOL! Like I was EVER in the running! Hahahaha.

Rose said...

I love how casually everyone just puts fucking into their sentences...lolol

~fucking bullshit Rose

Jewels64 said...

Man I want to play slip and slide with that boy!

Laura said...

Of course, Jules! You guys don't scare me. Yet. lol

I think I'm perfect for the Robkats, considering that tomorrow I'm about to go see Twilight for the 10th time, I visit Robsessed at least 20 times a day, and I basically told my husband that if I had the chance to have sex with Rob, I would totally fucking do it! lol!

Kim said...

LOL, Trix.
He ALWAYS has his first three buttons undone. He def is aware to not button too much.

Trixie said...

Rose - you know, i feel a bit liberated to be able to throw the fuck's around in here! LOLOL!

Just not during the day! Ahhhh!

Kim said...

LMAO, Laura.

Was he okay with that?
Sounds like Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston with the Steven Tyler.

Rose said...

Laura? Come sit by me....

Kim said...

Jules, I like that slip and slide.
We should start the dirty talk for Laura and the I Never game but I'm too tired tonight. But one night we have to for Laura.

Trixie said...

Laura - you are def Robkat material! I saw it 6x - would have seen it more if I had the chance! But, no worries - DVD is coming soon!

Kim said...

I don't think we have ever playing I NEVER with Trixilicious either!

Laura said...

Rose, Trixie, I agree with y'all. It's so great to get to say fuck on here all the time but I really have to watch it or one of these days I'm gonna drop the F bomb while I'm teaching and get FUCKING fired!!

Jewels64 said...

Laura, get ready for the official RobKat oath....

Do you solemnly swear that you will support Rob no matter what creative decisions he makes?

Do you solemnly swear that beanies, suspenders, Snapple, Pizza Pockets, TomStu, golden zippers, fucking bullshit, and any other frequently used verbage will become part of your vocabulary?

Do you solemnly swear that he is 7 different fucking ways of hot with "sex hair" or short hair?

Do you solemnly swear to keep up on all fan fiction (including mine...hey I had to say it!)?

Do you solemnly swear to make a Rob video one of these days?

Answer yes to any one of them and you're in!

Trixie said...

Jov - and we are GLAD he is not button aware, aren't we?!?!

In this pic, the shirt is hanging open even more than usual since he is bending over a bit - that is seriously sexy to me...

DirtyD said...

My husband laughs at me all the time and says I spend all day "fantasizing about my boy"! Although I know he's secretly jealous. I can't deny it though. I do spend the majority of my day with thoughts of that man running through my mind.

Rose said...

Now I feel like a failure at 5x...
Does it count that I watched it a zillion times on my computer?

Jewels64 said... are so right...we have a lot of "I never" virgins here!

Kim said...

Hell yes, Trixilicious! The way his body is swinging to one side and his shirt is open!

Jules, LMFAO!!!!!!!

Lynn said...

Hello, everyone! I can honestly say that my husband is jealous of Rob Pattinson!

Trixie said...

Dana he's never too far from my thought either. and if i manage to take my mind off of him for a bit, something happens to bring me right back...

All roads lead to Rob!

DirtyD said...

Rose- you are not a failure. I'm right along with you on the computer watching.

Laura said...

What games, Jovie? Sounds like fun!

lol Rose!!

Trixie said...

Yes, Rose - that totally counts!

DirtyD said...

Hey Lynn! Maybe our husbands could get together and have a pity party!

Jewels64 said...

Oh Laura...sweet, sweet Laura...

Get ready for your eyes to bleed, your heart to jump out of your chest and your naughty private bits to tingle....

DirtyD said...


I NEVER want to push Rob up against a tree and have my way with him.

Rose said...

My husband is clueless about Rob...he thinks my obsession is all "Twilight" related.

Trixie said...

Damn it - is it really almost midnight?! Ugh!

Laura said...


I fucking swear, baby! To ALL of the above!

Kim said...

JUles, and the thumb thing. The thumb thing...

For DAYS his thumb was discussed.
Gawd if he only knew how women could obsess on his thumb alone..

Trixie said...

Dana - no, no! I liked your back alley up against the brick wall scenario!!!

Rose said...

I NEVER have played this game with you guys.

DirtyD said...

Trixie- where are you from again? We are in the same time zone.

Jewels64 said...

I never want to have a Pattinsonian Wake Up call!

Trixie said...

I'm in Connecticut. Are you in Michigan?

DirtyD said...

Trixie- the back alley is still on. The tree is just my back up plan if no alleys are readily available.

Kim said...

I know, I went to a yoga class and the instructors name was Rob.

How unfair is that!

I'm like, man I can't get away from this guy!

Jewels64 said...

Girls...don't go talking back alleys. Someone might get the wrong idea!

"I'm your back door man..."

DirtyD said...

Yep- all alone in Michigan. My sister in law loves Twilight but is more in love with Edward than Rob. I keep telling her that Rob is the shit but she has yet to cross over...*sighs*

Trixie said...

Jov - are you serious?! It that kind of crap that makes you just want to throw your hands up in the air and say "I fucking give up"!

You can't even go to fucking yoga without a rob reminder!

Kim said...

You haven't Rose?

Fucking tell me no.

Kim said...

I'm too tired to play I Never.

Lynn said...

Rose---my BFF unveiled my obsession from my FB page at a dinner party. YAY, ME! NOT!

Jewels64 said...

My friend Nicole is on the edge of the precipice....

I sent her the youtube vid of "350 pictures of RPattz" the other day.

She got a new I-phone and told me she watches that vid at least 10 times a day....

BWAHAAHAAAA! Another one bites the dust!

Rose said...

No fucking bullshit, Jovie...I've never played...never.

Kim said...

I know it Trixilicious. Every right and left turn I make.

Get the fucking hell out of my head Rob Pattinson!!!

DirtyD said...

Am I playing by myself here?

*Taps foot waiting* Where are my I NEVERs?

Rose said...

Oh Lynn!!! That is something I am just waiting to happen to me.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

I never want to wake up, roll over and realize naked Rob is in my bed.....

Lynn said...

Sorry, Dana! I am so not in the mood...good evening turned somewhat sad.

Kim said...

DAna, laughing out loud.


I NEVER EVER want to get out of my car and see Rob get out of his and smile and we are meeting up somewhere...

Jewels64 said...

MMMkay Jovie...It's a major shot of adrenaline...might just wake your tired 20 something ass up!

Bitch...get in the game!

Trixie said...

Nicole is complete toast now, Jules! LOL!!!

Laura said...

Ok, let me know if I'm doing this right...

I NEVER want Rob to fuck me repeatedly in the backseat of his BMW and then sing a song to me with his guitar about how amazing the sex was.

Umm..I can work on it.

Rose said...


Lynn said...

Rose---I made the mistake of publishing my Rob flair board as a joke and it all went to hell!

DirtyD said...

I NEVER want to put on Rob's t-shirt the morning after.

DirtyD said...

Oh shit Laura! Way to jump right in. I like your style!

Kim said...

LMAO, JUles, You are one serious funny chick. I luv ya chicka.

Good one Laura.

I NEVER Ever want to have a MAJOR MAKEOUT SESSION with Rob on my couch.

Rose said...

I never ever want Rob to write me a song called "Rose IS my life now"
and make a record and sell a billion copies.

DirtyD said...

I NEVER want to follow his treasure trail....all the way down...

Trixie said...

Lynn - what? when did this happen?

Jov - I always ADORE your I never's!

Mine was I never want Rob to take my face in his hands, kiss me softly, and then lean his forhead against mine and smile.

Rose said...

Lynn~ I don't hide my obsession on FB at all...and I do have family and clueless friends who ask me "what is Twilight?"

Kim said...

I NEVER EVER want to have see Rob introducing me as his fiance.

Kim said...

Really Trixie? Thank you love.

Trixie said...

yeah, Jov - because of the romance

and, i would go for a makeout session, too :)

Lynn said...

I had all Rob parts on the flair was creepy to non-Robkat and funny as hell to me.

Kat said...

I never ever want to horse ride down a secluded beach with my arms wrapped around Rob until we find the perfect spot to have wild wicked sand in your bits sex... for hours.

Just had to pop in to announce that.

Jewels64 said...

I never hide my Robsession from anyone.... It's gonna come out eventually!

Lynn said...

This was way back in early November.

Rose said...

I never want Rob to trail his nose down my jawline...from my ear to my chin...

Kim said...

Oh, Trixie that was so great.

I think about that one also. We think so much alike.

I Never Ever want to see Rob at my door step and when I answer the door and he sees me he smile so huge that his face is more beautiful than it has ever been.

Trixie said...

Lynn - and then what did your BFF do??

Laura said...

Aww Jovie, you took mine!

I never want Rob to take me to Esme Island for our honeymoon. And break the headboard.

*Yes, I know Esme Island isn't real, but it IS my fantasy!

Kim said...

Kat I lUV that one. I knew yours would be so funny. You are too great.

DirtyD said...

Kat- "sand in your bits" LOL I love it!

I NEVER want to lick drizzled chocolate of Rob's sexy body

Rose said...

At this point, I don't care who sees what I have on FB...otherwise I would have just opened a Robkat account.
But, still...they don't know the DEPTHS of my obsession.
Only you guys do.

Trixie said...

Rose - add in and he tells you how good you smell!

Jov - that would melt me in half a second!

Jewels64 said...

I never want to meet Rob Pattinson, fuck the living daylights out of him and have him calling me forever afterwards and literally becoming my stalker....

Ellie said...

Crap! I leave for a little bit and the fuck is flying again.

Jules, I never took the oath. I'm a fucking fraud! :(

Jewels64 said...

Fraud Alert! Fraud Alert!

Take the oath now you bitch!

Trixie said...

Oh Jules - rob as your stalker. would love to have rob constantly trying to get in touch (but not in a real scary stalker way).

DirtyD said...

Jules- you inspired me. This one is for you.

I NEVER want to act out each and every one of Jules smoldering sex scenes from her E & B fanfic

Kim said...

I never ever want to see Rob then come into my doorway foyer and he's so happy that he grabs me in his arms and hugs me so much that he doesn't want to let go and then he pulls back, urgently grabbing my face and kisses me hard and then pulls me back and smiles, almost as if manhandling me and says, "I'm sorry if I was too rough but I'm just so damn happy to see you!"

Laura said...

I never want Rob to lick my collarbones.

WA reference Y'ALL!
Do you think that there's a Dark Rob out there?
Oh please God let there be a Dark Rob.

Lynn said...

My BFF went in full detail about the flair board and how detailed everything seem to be. My husband was a wee upset to say the least.

DirtyD said...

act them out with Rob ofcourse!

Kat said...

I never ever want to take a hike to a beautiful secluded meadow with my arms wrapped around Rob until we find the perfect spot to have wild wicked grass in your bits sex... for hours.

I see a trend in my never evers...

Trixie said...

Lynn - that's bullshit! did your friend realize what she was doing? probably not. my friends would think i was a looney tune if they saw all my flair!

Rose said...

I never ever want Rob to give me so many unicorns that I can't function for days.

Jewels64 said...

That one was SMOKIN' Jovie....!!!

Ellie said...

I never want to have Rob call me his girl...

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Oh Jules, I'm lovin yours! I want Rob as my stalker too.

I never want to meet Rob on his flight back home from London and join the Mile High Club with him. 4 times.

Jewels64 said...


Trixie said...

Yes Kat! Lots of arms wrapped around rob and then sex with stuff getting in your bits! LOL!

DirtyD said...

Hey Ellie, you are back :)

Lynn said...

She hadn't a fucking she is just finishing Eclipse and is in full Twimode. She actually asked me to roadtrip with her to Forks this summer, GRRRRR!

Rose said...

I honestly don't think my BFF would say anything to my husband about stuff on FB.

Jewels64 said...

See Laura...welcome to Rob Hell. All the hotness and no relief till we log off and go play with ourselves or our significant others.....

Ellie said...

Hey, Dana!

I never, EVER want Rob to give me luscious sugar licks!

DirtyD said...

I never want Rob to trace patterns lighly all over my naked body.

Kat said...

I never ever want to sit in a Yorkshire pub with my arms wrapped around Rob until we decide the perfect spot to have wild wicked beer in your bits sex is on the table, right there... for hours.

Ellie said...

Jules, that happened to me last night...I painted my husband's fucking door.

Lynn said...

Jules---LOL I have been the tired one this week and all thanks to fan fic.....dammit!

Trixie said...

Jov, Jov, Jov - as usual, you are KILLING me!

And on that note, I have to go to bed. I sure hope that the game will help me have Rob dreams, but I never fucking do (which is complete bullshit).

Olive juice to all you lovely robkats! You don't know how happy I am to spend time with you!!!

DirtyD said...

Laura- Jules is so right. My husband may get a suprise wake up call when I'm done here!

Kim said...

The writer comes out in me on stuff like this.

I have written many scenarios, making out on my couch, the bathtub stuff, the shower stuff, the walking on the beach, the swimming naked together in my swimming pool, doing it in my hammock, I could go on for days with scenarios, do you want me to continue?

Ellie said...

I never want to climb up Rob's lattice and have him meet me on his balcony with hot, steamy, fuck-me kisses.

DirtyD said...

Lynn- isn't fanfic addictive? I stayed up until 5:45 am last night reading Boycotts and Barflies. I'm exhausted today.

Rose said...

Goodnight Sweet Trixie:)

Lynn said...

Good night, Trixie!

Sweet dreams and olive juice!

Trixie said...

Jov - of course i want you to continue... but, I think I might explode!!! LOL!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie..."Please sir...may I have some more?"

DirtyD said...

Ok Jov now you've gone and done it. Doing it in the hammock. Oh the swaying! I am a pool of mush.

Kim said...

Kat, LMAO,

Ladies, that's it for me also.

Nite, sweet Trixilicious.

Trixie said...

Good night!


Lynn said...

Dana---I limit myself to just a few selections...some of it gets a little too Penthouse forum for my tastes.

DirtyD said...

Night Trixie.


Jewels64 said...

Night Trixilator...I'm betting you may have a Robilicious dream later...

Love ya Gal! Thanks for pushing me to make the vid!

Ellie said...

Trixie, love, sleep well and dream wonderful, sexy dreams of Rob.

and then tell us about them tomorrow.

Olive juice, honey bunch!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kat said...

Dana... speaking of which... I'm off back to Boycott's and Barflies... took a quick break to visit with you wonderful ladies.

And yes, I will be waking hubby up to paint some doors on the unicorn stable tonight...

Night my lovely Robkats, Olive Juice.

Jewels64 said...

Jovie...this is my sad face :(

This is my happy face when you send me some hot erotica only for moi! :p

Rose said...

Night Kat:)

Kim said...

I won't be on this weekend. But I'll get some good sleep and see you all again for I Never.

Kim said...

Thanks for the laughs ladies!

Ellie said...

Nite-nite, Jov...time for you to step into those steamy scenarios in your dreams. Olive juice...

Jewels64 said...

Nite Kat! Make sure dh wakes you up with the Pattinsonian wake up call tomorrow!

Lynn said...

Good night, Kathryn!

I think I need to watch your seven seconds vid again!

Olive juice, mija!

Lynn said...

Good night, Jovie!

Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

Good nigfht, know we love you. xoxoxo

Ellie said...


Laura said...

Night Trixie, Jov

Jules, Dana--that's a great way to convince my husband that my robsession is a GOOD thing.

Rose said...

Night Jovie:)

I guess its time for me to bid you all a fond farewell,too.
Goodnight lovely ladies.

~fucking bullshit Rose:)

Kim said...

Nite everyone! Thanks.
Olive juice.

Laura said...

bye kat!

Jewels64 said...

Ellie how the hell do you pronounce that spectacular typo? I'm giggling right now!

Okay Dana, cut me off!

Laura said...

Goodnight Rose!

Jewels64 said...

Laura, stay on here long enough and your dear husband (now commonly refered to as dh. Thanks for that one Lynn!) will be more than willing to put up some blog time!

Jewels64 said...

This blog turned me into a raving lunatic who lures 22 year old men into bathrooms to have hot, steamy sex....

Jewels64 said...

Nite Rose.

Man that's just fucking bullshit!

Lynn said...

Laura---you are saucy and you fit in perfectly! Dh will respond accordingly!

Ellie said...

Well, Rose, remember that you complete me, love.
Fucking bullshit? Shit, no!
Olive juice and sweet Rob dreams.

Lynn said...

Jules---how is said 22 year old BF?

Ellie said...

Hey, no Sabrizzzz tonight...

Laura said...

lol Jules!!

My husband gets suspicious sometimes. Like the few days when I was reading WA at night and then basically jumping his bones after, the next day he was like, "Were you fantasizing about Rob the entire time??!!"

And like the good wife I am, I LIED!!!!!

Laura said...

Thanks, Lynn :)

Ellie said...

Laura, lying is good.

Jewels64 said...

Its...its...yummy! He so reminds me of Kellan! Just his thighs kill me....

And kiss? Crap! That boy can kiss!

Laura said...

It's just so nice to be able to talk with people who love Rob as much as I do. I'm pretty sure my friends and family just want me to shut up about him already! And they probably think I'm crazy.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn he's not my BF...just my "thang"...

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