Milking Rob's fame for hits, sales

A little bit of rumor control from me.

Here is the January 19th issue of Life and style scans. The story is absolute crap.

What else is crap?

Almost everything publishes about Rob. They have a new story every friggin' day. They know that any story with Robert Pattinson gets zillions of hits so they post stupid bits that are untrue.

And the new story about Rob using an offensive line to pick up a girl. Well, it does sound like Dark Edward but so not like Rob :)

More crap? The Hairspray story. We posted it because it is out there. But seriously? Rob with his love for indie movies doing Hair Spray? No friggin' way.

So there! My 2 cents on all the rumors out there :)

Source for Life & Style scans:


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Tess said...

Laura! Oh my gosh that was great! 'because my uncle is an alcoholic' I love it... but I don't know why..

Ellie said...

laura, I get all the video "Rainman" talk, too. I have one this year who's into the taste.

Laura said...

I know Tess! I felt weird laughing at it because it's really a shame if his uncle IS an alcoholic!

Trixie said...

Ellie - oh the wiggles, the wiggles.. Fruit Salad, yummy, yummy! Or how about the ever popular, "gulp, gulp drink some water".

My version of the lyrics would be "gun, gun, I need a gun"

Laura said...

Oh, girls, I wanted to post this last night but I forgot, but I have some pictures from Austin when I saw Rob from my facebook. Here's the link if you want to check them out.

*Please note: I had been outside in line for HOURS sweating my ass off, so I look like total crap. Please don't judge me!! lol*

Tess said...

I was lucky to miss the 'wiggle' phenom here. We have high 5 (I think their Australian) my guy watched that for awhile... now it's just cartoon network.

Laura said...

Ellie- WE should get together and write a book! haha

Rose said...

*sigh* another person to secretly despise.

Trixie said...


Laura said...

me, Rose? :(

Rose said...

I knew you would get that, trixie:)

Tess said...

Laura- I tried the link, but fb says there's a prob. they're working on. I can see one with Oliver near a car. That's it.

Thank you for trying to share though. and we would never judge you!!

Rose said...

Laura...not you personally!!! Just anyone who has been close to Rob!!!!

Tess said...

Rose, Rose, Rose.. always making me smile..

Trixie said...

Rose - of course I did :)

Laura - we have a joke with Kat that we hate her because she got to meet and get close to rob :)

But, it is truly only a joke. We just get jealous (in a nice way).

Rose said...

Works both ways, Tess:)

Trixie said...

yes, i get the same error and see only the picture with oliver...

Rose said...

Yeah...Kat has bullshit pictures and now a video as well.

Jewels64 said...

It's processing right now...If everyone likes it maybe we can get Goz or Dani to post it....

DirtyD said...

Hi ladies! What's going on tonight?

Rose said...

Hey Dana:)

Jules~ I can't wait to watch this video!

Laura said...

Oh ok. At least Kat got to touch him and take a picture, though. I'm jealous of her, too!

I'll try to post the link again in a sec. Let me go copy and paste again.

Trixie said...

Jules - i can't wait!!!

Rose - yeah bullshit pics and video!

Ellie said...

Rose, I got it, too...but I left to check the pic out. (problems with the site).

when do we start telling Laura that we hate her fucking bullshit pic???

Trixie said...

Hey Dana! we are waiting for Jules's vid to process so she can post to google...

Trixie said...

Ellie - we are kind of already starting!! LOL!

Laura said...

Here it is again. I hope it works!

Ellie said...

Hi, Dana!!How's your eye feeling? Back to normal again?

Jules, edge of seat, again... :)

Rose said...

I kinda sorta did already, Ellie...and I feel kinda bad.
But not THAT bad!

Jewels64 said...

Gotta make a martini...brb!

Ellie said...

Going to try Laura's pics...brb

Tess said...

Hey ladies, I have to shoo.

Lovely chatting with you and longing over Rob and what effing bullshit it is that we can't share a cuddle with him.

I'll pop in later. until then, olive juice to all and I await patiently for your video Ms. Jules. xoxo

DirtyD said...

I am so addicted to fanfic now it's not even funny.

I just finished reading the follow up to Boycotts and Barflies called We're Going Where! and it was so damn good. Have any of you read it?

Rose said...

Ok, Laura. Sorry...but I do kinda hate you now. Not only did you get close to are fucking Adorable.
Double shot of jealousy here!

DirtyD said...

Ellie- my eye is nearly there. I bet by tomorrow night I should be looking almost back to normal. The swelling is almost all gone, thank God.

Laura said...

I just tried it out and it worked for me.

Maybe it's best that it doesn't work! lol..i don't want to be hated! Seriously, guys, I usually have the WORST luck ever! This is literally the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me

Rose said...

Night Tess:)

Trixie said...

Bye Tess darling! Have a great day!

Laura - great pics! you are so pretty! These pictures are bullshit, though! LOL!

Rose said...

Fucking bullshit.

Laura said...

Aww. Thanks Rose :)

Trixie said...

Rose - well, I purposely withheld the fucking because Laura isn't actually touching rob.

We have to reserve the fucking for Kat since she did touch him.


Tess said...

Laura! Your pictures are fab! You're beautiful... I loved all your comments. So funny..

Rob looked (and continues to look) so lovely.

and might I just add, that Oliver has beautiful eyes (and ears..) wow..

Laura said...

Thank you Trixie :)

Rose said...

Ok....just bullshit then. But shes so cute, is that fair?

DirtyD said...

Trixie- I just noticed your new avatar and fuck now I'm panting and starting to feel a little warm.

Laura said...

Thanks Tess! Did you like the "hair touch" one?

Ellie said...

Sweet Rob dreams to you, Yessy Tessy...Olive juice! xoxo

Trixie said...

Rose - how about we say complete bullshit for Laura's pics because she is so pretty?!

Have to save the fucking for actual physical contact achievement!

Laura - you KNOW we are joking, right? It's just a thing Rose started and we have to go with it!

Tess said...

yessy tessie... ha ha ha..

seriously going now.


Jewels64 said...

You are not going to believe this...they blocked it due to a copyright match or some shit...I'm disputing it right now...

Laura said...

wow. even with the "fucking bullshit" comments, y'all are so nice! i have never been called pretty and adorable so many times in my life! You guys are seriously raising my self esteem over here!

Ellie said...

Laura~~Yes, bullshit for the pics, and fucking for the x he signed on your book!

Oh, and you're cute as hell...that deserves a damn.

Laura said...

Night Ellie! Enjoy your weekend!

Trixie said...

Dana - yes, i don't know why, but that picture is just sexy to me. I totally understand the panting (that's why is was in my vid).

I was telling everyonen that poor CO Rob was so tired of the lampshade that I had to give him a break. And, my camera decided to quit on me today so I couldn't do a new CO Rob photoshoot :(

Rose said...

We use "fucking bullshit" with love and adoration. Really.
At least I do...I can't speak for Trixie.

Trixie said...

Rose - oh you can speak for me - since I'm your twin sister - LMAO!

Ellie said...

Laura, what's this fucking bullshit about me going ???
(I think you meant Tess...)

I just say all that fbs because I want to be like Rose...she's my fucking idol.

Laura said...

No, it's ok guys! I know you're joking :) Thank you for all the nice comments, though. Y'all are really sweet :)

Laura said...

oh, sorry Ellie!! I thought you said you were going!

Jewels64 said...

I am so bummed out..I wonder if it got tagged because of the picture of Kat with Rob?

Trixie said...

Jules - can you try to post to youtube?

Ellie said...

Laura, you're being too fucking sweet to us! Are you lying? I think someone needs to go to the naughty room and learn some behavior modification (Rob, we're sending Laura in. Get out the Cinnamon Toast two may be in there all night...)

Laura said...

I think I did mean Tess..Bye Tess!

Jewels64 said...

Good idea Trix! Let me see what i can do! BRB!!!

Trixie said...

Ellie - LMAO! Yeah, she needs a dose of the naughty room!

Rose said...

{{{Jules}}} what a bummer!!!

Ellie and know how it goes...unconditionally...and irrevocably love you guys!!!

Trixie said...

Laura - do you know about the naughty room?

Ellie said...

Laura~~Yeah, I guess I did say that; I left briefly to see your fucking bullshit pics. damn it!

Rose said...

Ellie! I love it when you curse!

Trixie said...

Rose - you are my life now.

Kim said...
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Rose said...

LOLOLOL Trixie!!!!!

Laura said...

Well, Ellie, I'm a little new to this, so I think I have to ease in slowly before I start with the smart ass comments! lol! But seriously, as long as you guys are saying I'm pretty I will kiss ass to keep the compliments coming! LOL

And if you want to send me in the naughty room with Rob, I sure won't complain ;)

Ellie said...

Rose~~Yes, we do know how it goes...and you complete us.

Kim said...

Sorry,meant to type foreplay maps.

Also,Dr. Bergman had a vibrater on there named "The Surething"

It was a very interesting show.

DirtyD said...

Ellie- all i can think of is cinnamon toast crunch mixed in with all the butter flavored crisco in the naughty's gonna be a slippery and cruchy night!

Trixie said...

Jov - pretty steamy Oprah show!

Ellie said...

Oh, and rose?? You had us at fucking hello.

Kim said...

What have I missed?

I Jules vid up yet?

Kim said...

Trix, It was a good one.

One woman hadn't had an orgasm with her husband for 24 years.

It was a very helpful show for couples.
It was a couple show.

Trixie said...

Jov - I'm sorry but a vibrator named the Sure Thing is absolutely cracking me up right now! LOLOLOLOL!

Laura said...

so fill me in. What else goes on in the naughty room?

Rose said...

Ellie~ I'm truly laughing out loud!!!

I truly miss Rob's face...
surely he can just peek out from wherever he's hiding...

Trixie said...

OMG - no unicorns for 24 years? That is truly sad. I hope the show was able to help her.

Trixie said...

Rose - yes, just seeing those pics from Rome (even though they are old) made me happy.

Happy enough to create yet another flair! LOL.

Ellie said...

Laura, it's whatever Rob wants to do with you! lol

Ususally, he has his security blankets with him: the suspenders, the golden zipper pants, the get the picture.

Jewels64 said...

How'd we start talking about vibrators? Mine needs new batteries dammit!

Kim said...

So far she's only had an orgasm with "the surething vibrator" but her husband is trying. He didn't know, she faked it for 24 years.

Kim said...

The unicorns were only there for him.

Rose said... need to find a megaphone!!! For CO Rob!

DirtyD said...

Ellie- you forgot about Rob's most favorite security blanket: TomStu.

Jewels64 said...

Keep your fingers crossed, the video is processing right now....

Ellie said...

lmfao, Jules; you're ALWAYS needing new batteries!

Trixie said...

Jov - that poor woman. But, going down the faking road is never a good thing. The man never knows that what he is doing isn't working and so then how do fix it unless you 'fess up! Glad the sure thing is working for her.

Jules - jov was telling us that Oprah had a sex help show today...

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Ooooo. I would need more than one night in the naughty room then.

Maybe Oprah could send that woman to the naughty room with Rob.

Ellie said...

Oh, yeah, Laura, if you're lucky, TomStu makes an appearance in the naughty room with Rob...there's nothing stopping that bromance.

Kim said...

Yes, that's what the first talked about that women need to be honest with their men and stop faking it.

Trixie said...

Rose - that's a good idea. Although, he won't be able to hold it up to his mouth since his arms are attached to his sides... maybe he'll just be holding it down by his side.

I'm going to end up spending a fortune on CO Rob accessories!!!

Jewels64 said...

Look, I learned one thing as I got older...fucking tell them what you want! They will love you for talking dirty to 'em!

Kim said...

The "surething" vibrator is huge!

Oprah was swinging it around and putting it on her neck.

Rose said...

Jules you are a saucy wench...lolol

Ellie said...

Laura~~some nights, we're so naughty that we have them lined up outside the PAINTED door, taking numbers.

Rose said...

lolol Laura!!!

Kim said...

Jules, I am so fucking good at dirty talk. I bet you are also.

I love talking dirty during sex, but the problem is it only speeds them up. So I've toned it down!LOL

Trixie said...

you know, it isn't fair that men can have unicorns so easily and it takes the perfect alignment of about 100 different variables to bring about a unicorn for the female!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie LMAO! I have so been there....

Trixie said...

Jov - LOL! You need to give me dirty talk lessons!!!!

Rose said...

Oh man...I truly am fucking losing it here...

Kim said...

I wonder how much "sexual experience" Rob has had.
Can't help to be curious.

Ellie said...

Alright, ladies...It's official! Laura is one of us! she said her first fuck!

Kim said...

High fiving you Trixie!

I could give sex lesson. I'll start with Rob.

I'll talk dirty to you Rob. If you talk dirty to me in your English accent. Oh gawd. That's just to much to imagine. Unicorn within a minute.

Trixie said...

Jov - DAMN if I haven't wondered the same thing. I'm so curious. Is a natural at it or has he needed to hone his skills?

Jewels64 said...

Sorry, keep checking the progress of the video and then got distracted by 2 minutes of absolute Man Pretty....

Laura said...

Ellie, we could have a "naughty classroom" for Rob to come to when he's been a bad boy.

Good lord, could you imagine being his 12th grade teacher when he was in high school!! I SO would have gotten arrested for trying to seduce him! lol

Kim said...

You said your first Fuck Laura.
Congrats. It's our fav word here.

I fucking love to talk dirty during sex.

Trixie said...

Laura - WELCOME to the fucking club!!!

JOV - AHHHHH, delicious mental images going through my mind right now. whew...

DirtyD said...

BRB i'm gonna go make a strawberry margarita

Kim said...

I don't think he's a natural, No. Wait no I dunno. He's so soulful, he probably is.
And his sensitivity. I think he's a good lover.

Laura said...

Oh, no Ellie! I popped my "fuck cherry" on here a while back!

Trixie said...

Jov - you are KILLING me, as usual.

Rose said...

It's official..I fucking LOVE Laura. No bullshit.

Ellie said...

Laura~~Oops, sorry, must have missed it. All the fucks run together after awhile, I guess.

Trixie said...

Dana - with this talk - you might need something straight up!

Jov - I want to know if he is a good kisser . Kissing is huge on my list.

Rose said...

Dark Edward~"I fucking love you, too"

Kim said...

LOL, Dana.
We need a drink with this talk.

Rob's sexual experience.
His den of sin. I can't wait until you see my caption for that photo.

Ellie said...

Laura, we're going to fucking hunt you down on FB and force you to make us your fucking friends!
And you can take that bullshit to the fucking bank...

Jewels64 said...

Ladies, the video is up and kicking You Tube.

here is the link:

Me hopes you likey!

Rose said...

Trix~ Kissing is HUGE on my list as well. Gotta pass that test.

Laura said...

I guess you guys just weren't paying attention to me and missed all my dirty words! I'll just have to make up for it...fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

there, that should tide me over for a while

Laura said...

Guess what Rose. I FUCKING love you too!!

Trixie said...

JUles - okay gonna check out the vid...

Kim said...

Me too Trix. But I think he is. From the Twilight thing how he said he felt so "out there" I think he showed he is a good kisser.

I would be shocked if he wasn't.
I really don't know anything about him and I don't know what the fucking hell I'm talking about.

I don't know Robert Pattinson.
Dammit. Too bad. It would of been fun.

Ellie said...

Jov, I think Rob is a sensual kisser; just seeing him in Twilight's confirmed that for me. Okay, that thought just burned my panties to ash.

Ellie said...

brb...checking out the vid.

Rose said...

OH MY GOD, JULES!!! What a fantastic video!!!!!
I am still laughing my ass was brilliant!!

~Fucking Bullshit Rose :)

Trixie said...


Jewels64 said...

This is fucking hilarious...just now got the e-mail from google telling me to post it on youtube.

Jewels64 said...

Should I send it to Dani and Goz?

Trixie said...

That was the BEST! I'm smiling so huge right now and my dh just thinks i've totally lost it!

I'm downloading it!

olive juice big time!

Rose said...

Send it to Dani and Goz!!!!

Kim said...

Jules, what happened to Blair?

The vid was hysterical and amazing!

Ellie said...

Jules, you are the mistress of mayhem!! LOVE IT! Olive juice, baby! xoxo
yeah, I guess I do rule that room...

Jewels64 said...

Man, I went through a lot of shit to get that thing online!

And I did send it to Goz and Dani!

Rose said...

I just watched it again...and again.
FUCKING love it, Jules!!!!

Trixie said...

I'm still laughing! Ah, you all make my days so much more fun!!!!

Kim said...

Yes send it to Dani & Goz!!!!!!!

What the fucking hell happened to Blair?
Is it because I wouldn't give your my real photo Jules.
I put my real photo up. I know it was only for about five minutes, But I did put it up. I was wearing a black top and white pants.

Jewels64 said...

I tell ya...I was cracking up...just ask Ellie. Actually she helped me with the idea, but it started off as an e-mail handing out the 2008 RobKat awards.

Eventually I got the idea to do the video!

Ellie said...

Laura, you still here?

Rose said...

Robkat awards????

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Don't you just love the cheesy Sergio Mendes and Brasil 66 music? Cracked me Austin Powers!

Does me make me horny baby? Oh behave.... YEAH BABY!

Kim said...

The fucking golden zipper award to ya Jules.

Ellie said...

Ah, Jules, the Robkats' out of the bag on the awards!

Jewels64 said...

Yeah Rose, Ellie and I sat up late during the week of Christmas and talked to the wee small hours of the morning just howling with laughter trying to come up with categories!

Kim said...

Yes, I LOVED the music.

Ellie said...

We're still doing it, aren't we, Jules?? or not?

Ellie said...

Or did this cover a lot of the catagories?

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

I can imagine the laughter, Jules! And the awards...

Trixie said...

You know what made me laugh the hardest??....

Fucking Bullshit Rose!!! LMAO!

Laura said...

I'm here, Ellie! I had to take out my contacts. They were killing me

I can understand why Rob hated his Twilight contacts. They suck

plus, my computer's being a bitch and taking forever to load a damn page!

Kim said...

I'm gonna go watch it again.

Rose said...

Trixie...I laughed fucking OUT LOUD at that...and my husband is still looking at me like I lost my mind.

Trixie said...

i'm still laughing - STILL!

Jules gets the golden zipper award tonight!

It was WORTH the WAIT!!!

Ellie said...

Rose, you don't know how long I've waited for say that to Trixie.

Trixie said...

Ellie - LOLOLOL! Mistress of the Naughty Room had me LOL, too!

Oh and lucky bitch Kat!

Rose said...

Hahahahahaha. Honestly, I think I am seriously annoying the living hell outta my husband.
This is fucking hilarious!!!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trixie said...

Rose - well he'll just have to deal with it.

Jules - love how you interjected pics of rob that made it look like he was reacting to our pics and what you were saying! Classic!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Yes, Jules...very clever use of Rob pics...
I still am giggling here.

Kim said...

Nevertheless, I LOVED your vid Jules.
It was outstanding and I laughed or smiled through the whole thing.

Jewels64 said...

Ellie, it covered a lot of our categories!

Ladies...for those of you who didn't have a photo of yourself, send me one in an e-mail and I'll do another video to Rob...

DirtyD said...

Ok so I come back from making my drink and see the link to your lovely video Jules! The tears are streaming. The was fucking hilarious. Bravo!

Kim said...

It's alright my labs and surfer dude loves me. I'll be alright.

Jewels64 said...

Jovie, one look at you and Rob will combing through CA looking for your fine ass!

Give us older mountain screamers first dibs. I love it when I make their spine crack....

Jewels64 said...

I'm glad you liked it Dana. I had so much fun doing it...

Kim said...

I can't help how I look. I didn't have a choice in the matter.

And I'm not sending a photo.

If I was ugly and had my childhood I would of been a shit.

DirtyD said...

Jov- I thought we discussed this already. You need to put a photo up as your avatar to just let us see you and then you can erase you comments afterwards.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess said...

Ok.. I had a moment to myself and popped back in just in time to see the vid posting.

Jules. Thank you so much for the homage paid to all of us (almost all, but no complaining if you don't giver permission or post a photo right..) *wink*

It was seriously so much fun to watch.. and it means a lot that you took the time to create it! I love love love it.

Ellie said...

Ladies, I have to leave for a bit...promised my daughter she could go on here for a while (really hate that I said yes, before..).Moment of fucking weakness...damn! I hope you're a;; going to be here when I get back...If you're not, then you just march yourselves right into that naughty room. Rob's hopped up on cans of coke and snapple. He can keep up...hahaha see you soon!

Kim said...

I already did Dana. You all just missed it. I can't help it you all weren't here when I had the guts.

Rose said...

bye for now, Ellie:)

Jewels64 said...

Hey maybe someday if I'm lucky and visiting you Jovie, I can be the short fat chick who runs interference with Rob's wingman...TomStu!

Kim said...

I did give permission Tess.
And your photo Tess is BEAUTIFUL!

Laura said...

Yeah, put up a pic, Jovie! I want to see you and all of your gorgeousness

Jewels64 said...

Els...I'll be here! I'm a diehard remember?

Ellie said...

Thanks, Jules... xoxo

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Tess! I probably take it down in a couple of days. I just couldn't get it to go out on e-mail...

Laura said...

Bye Ellie!

Seriously, I'm about to break this fucking computer...I can't keep up with you guys because it keeps freezing up and I miss all of the conversation!

Kim said...

You know I luv ya Jules. I just like to give you a hard time and razz you because you asked permission and it wasn't there.

Nite, Ellie.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DirtyD said...

Jov- Do I dare call bullshit. Did you really put one up here?

Tess said...

I'm still smiling over the video Jules.

That was seriously one of the sweetest things I've ever had a friend do...

Jov-I can understand the need for privacy. seriously. Thanks for the compliment.

Bye (I might mean it this time...) everyone. I feel like I need to pay attention to my peoples.

kisses jules.. I left you a comment on youtube.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Laura...fucking chillax! Oh and by the way...Hi Darling! Nice to have you join our rowdy, baudy little party!

Laura said...

bye Tess! have some sweet Rob dreams

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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