Milking Rob's fame for hits, sales

A little bit of rumor control from me.

Here is the January 19th issue of Life and style scans. The story is absolute crap.

What else is crap?

Almost everything publishes about Rob. They have a new story every friggin' day. They know that any story with Robert Pattinson gets zillions of hits so they post stupid bits that are untrue.

And the new story about Rob using an offensive line to pick up a girl. Well, it does sound like Dark Edward but so not like Rob :)

More crap? The Hairspray story. We posted it because it is out there. But seriously? Rob with his love for indie movies doing Hair Spray? No friggin' way.

So there! My 2 cents on all the rumors out there :)

Source for Life & Style scans:


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Dani said...

Awww....Goz thanks for the disclaimer. I agree about the damn offensive pick up as I have said before.

The Hairspray rumor...well that is just giggle inducing.

I didn't post the pick up line thing for the reason that there is no validity to it. And this is a site about ROb love and positivity.

bella's mom said...

That is hilarious! By the way, the pics on front of Jessica Alba, was photoshopped. There was a story about it printed a few weeks ago on how it hurt her feelings because she had really lost alot of weight post baby and they STILL photoshopped her. It showed both photos for proof.

Melissa said...

AH! I hate all these BS stories about silly but I think we all are grasping here.

BTW, does anyone have any idea when more chapters of Wide Awake will be available for my reading pleasure??? All this waiting is driving me crazy!!!

Gozde said...

That's right Dani. It's all for the love of Robbie :))

Reading all the angst fanfics made me angry :)) I want to post profanities! I need to go reread the virginal Twilight again. So sweet and innocent. Y'all corrupted me, LMAO! :)

Gozde said...

Melissa, did you see the teaser for chapter 39? She need to post soon. I am so sad. I'm almost New Moon sad over the last 2 chapters. Sigh...

Anonymous said...

Goz, when I saw you posted this my stomach dropped.
Personally, if this was my blog this periodical would not be posted.
When you let the trash rags on here, it could open a tidal wave of that type of caliber. I just personally don't think this type of trash writing does Rob good to have it perpetuated on a blog about Rob love. There are just too many misquotes and heresay and downright manipulating of his words, even making things up.
I know my opinion might not be met with agreement, but this is how I feel.
Sorry I didn't sign in.

Gozde said...

Umm Jov, did you read what I wrote? People send me these links, ask me if they are true etc. I posted it because it's all over the place and I put a disclaimer saying it's absolute crap.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Goz. I read the declaimer, of course.
Even with the disclaimer. You don't have to be feel responsible to be Rob PR person.
Sometimes celebrities just chose not to even comment.
People will think what they are going to, you can't change that.
Some people are just stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Kim said...

This is in no way shape or form personal Goz.
Just my opinion.

Lynn said...

Gozde---well said! Tabloids and gossip columns are a cruel world and the bullsit that is doled out probably make Rob's seaglass eyes brown, too. But, rest assured Rob is at least smarter then the average bear and has not appeared with someone famous on his arm that would only add fuel to the craptastic flames of bullshit!

Lynn said...

It's so stinky that you can almost smell it!

Goz---keep up the fantastic work and do as you please, mija!

WildCat said...

And why do they insist on flipping pictures in these things? I was looking at that 2nd page, wondering why it looked "off" to me, and realized they flipped it. He was carrying the guitar in his right hand in the original. Bah.

Gozde said...

You know you are completely Robsessed when you notice things like which side his guitar was on :))

Lynn said...

I kind of wish that Rob would show up on some red carpet with an A-lister just to make waves and do something really snarky like openly grab her butt....I would be such an ass if I was famous!

Just thinking outloud, I don't think that Rob would ever do that!

bella's mom said...

Goz sweetie, I'd like to put in my 2 cents about another comment you made a few posts down.

About the headache remedies, it has been proven that a "good unicorn" WILL INDEED help get rid of a headache. It's the jolt of adrenaline and other hormones that helps along with the increased blood flow. The chemicals released during an orgasm has all kinds of euphoric qualities. lol

So next time you have a headache just call Rob over to test out a theory. lol

Gozde said...

Haha!I am telling you! All of our heads are filled with fanfic! Ass grabbing and all. Not healthy and yet I can't wait to read more.

Who should he "squeeze"?

Gozde said...

Oh! Mona, with that suggestion, I feel like I am getting a headache, a major one! :) I should call him over ASAP :P

Lynn said...

ood question! Gimme a sec!

Lynn said...

*good...not ood!

Gozde said...

I thought you said "odd question", I was going to cry the river of misunderstandings :)

Lynn said...


Gozde said...

Dani said...

Did no one notice that Britney really is quite thin...yeah she is looking good.

Oh and if anyone is getting squeezed it should be me.

I want to say that I support Goz and whatever she wishes to post we are a Rob loving team here.

We can't be Rob's personal saviors and yes this is a site about Rob love and being possitive and Goz posted a disclaimer.

If anyome is stupid enough to believe the shit that is out there about him disparaging his name and what not then they aren't really the kind of people I want around here ya know? And they can suck it.

Now back to the squeezin'.

bella's mom said...

Well to add fuel to the fire of these reporters just let him show up with Catherine Hardwicke

Gozde said...

I would have LOVED to see him with Scarlett Johansson but she went and got married. Now that woman deserves a spot on my hump island list :)

Lynn said...

And how, Goz!

bella's mom said...

I can't get the pic to show Goz.. :o(

bella's mom said...

Yeah but Ryan is pretty cute too so just do a threesome with them both.. lol

Gozde said...

Or Lena Headey, she is British too but also married. She is older and HOT :))

Gozde said...

Thanks for the love Dani :)) I always say "I'm not Rob's mom" (though I can call him daddy if he wants me to :))

Gozde said...

The picture is a Rob picture with a unicorn Mona :))

bella's mom said...

awwww cute! Your very own tylenol huh

Gozde said...

Ryan is OH HOT DAMN! And even imagining that threesome made my eyes roll back in my head :)

bella's mom said...

As for Hump Island.. throw me on that Island with the Cullen Boys and ya'll better not even think about sending out a search team or I'll shoot the planes down!

Lynn said...

Dammit....every woman I have in mind is already taken....Amy Adams, Isla Fisher....wait a sec...I got it Evan Rachel Wood.

Dani said...

Alright me go to nap with the babe. I love you guys. Goz you be the best site partner in the world. ya chica I will call you sometime soon I miss you much.


bella's mom said...

Dani take care sweetie!!! Hurry back!!!

Lynn said...

Mona---you are so wicked...I didn't read your email until this morning about your new identity. I love your covert operations!

Gozde said...

Yikes Lynn! After Marilyn Manson Evan Rachel Wood is infested :)

Lynn said...

Sweet dreams, Dani and don't let Monkey boy have the phone!

bella's mom said...

Amy Adams was adorable in Enchanted. Her facial expressions when she was talking to that little girl was priceless!

Gozde said...

Muah Dani and no YOU are the best! :P. Enjoy your nap :)

bella's mom said...

LOL Lynn thanks girley! I was gonna come in and get to be so mean and it didn't work.. lmao

Lynn said...

True....and there is the Mickey Rourke controversy. Rob needs Tina Fey....dammit!

kristen said...

LOL Goz - the Rob unicorn picture made me giggle big time! And yeah, I think you guys are doing a great job of posting the right stuff... granted, sometimes the articles DO need a disclaimer, but you two seem to always add those when they're needed. Thanks for rocking the blog, Dani and Goz!

And regarding this article, I think most of it is total BS (atleast the part about Rob wanting out of the Twilight movies) but I think there probably is some truth to Rob questioning the change in his lifestyle and all that. He probably doesn't like the fact that he is recognized almost everywhere, and he probably really does miss London when he's away. Just me two cents :)

bella's mom said...

Ewwwww MM cooties!!!! That gives me the OOOOGIES just thinking about it!!

Lynn said...

I love Amy Adams....she was fantastic last year at the Oscars having to sing solo. I would think that she of all ppl could handle a really famous guy like Rob.

Gozde said...

Oooh, Liv Tyler is single!

bella's mom said...

Hey Lyla how are you today?

bella's mom said...

And she is gorgeous too Goz!

Gozde said...

Lyla, sure those parts sound true but I could have written that, we all know that :))

Okay I am going to go start reading I love L.A. if it doesn't creep me out too much :))

Love y'all!

bella's mom said...

Can you just imagine the gene pool for those kids.. ?

bella's mom said...

Enjoy it Goz!! Have a good evening!

Gozde said...

I can imagine the lips. Though they might have a HUGE chin, LMAO. They both have quite defined chins :)

bella's mom said...

Yeah but gorgeous AND the musical talent all together!

Gozde said...

Okay I'm gone :))

kristen said...

Hey Mona! I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you?

Just saw that you guys are talking about girls worthy of getting a squeeze by our Robbie... not too many can live up to him, in my opinion :) She better be damn near perfect. No pressure! LOL

Lynn said...

Liv Tyler would be good for the photo-op, but, she does have some baggage so to speak. She is gorgeus!

I just read that she's dating Liz Hurley's baby daddy...yikes!

Lynn said...

Lyla---hello! You are right!

Lynn said...

Well, I am off to volunteer!

Thank you all for the laughs and great mental images!

kristen said...

Lynn - hello back! Liv Tyler is dating Liz Hurley's baby daddy?? Weird!! Isn't he a billionare or something?

kristen said...

Bye Lynn! I've gotta run, too. Hope to talk to you all later :)

bella's mom said...

Have a great evening ladies!!!

Huggles and hornycorns!

Melissa said...

Goz-where can I find the teaser for chapter 39?? I must know!! :)Btw, i hated the last sad...

Ellie said...

Hi, girls!!

Yes, this rag mag article is total BS. We ought to know, as we are the ultimate experts on all things Rob... lol

Kat said...

Hey Goz... thanks for the disclaimer. I swear, they take one thing he said, twist it all day long, throw it up side down, stomp on it a little, change every word... then post it in an article as fact.

I wonder how they sleep at night?

Kate said...

Hi Ladies looks like I missed all the fun :-(

DirtyD said...

Hey girls. I just finished reading Boycotts and BarFlies and I absolutely loved it. I recommend it all who haven't read it yet.

For those that read I Love LA did you see she posted a new chapter? That story is about to get very interesting.

Now on to this article. I call bullshit right along with the rest of ya. Those mags will do anything to make a dollar.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I think there may be some truth to some of those things. We don't know Robert. It's obvious fame isn't his thing, too.

Emily said...

This is yet another reason why I can not wait to get my hands on Rob's GQ magazine. First off, you know he will look drop dead sexy gorgeous with that hair and the too tight pants. Second, they'll for sure write an article about something other than his supposed love triangles, blah, blah, blah. I'd love to read a new interview where he talks more about his music and his other film roles ( The Summer House, HTB, Little Ashes, etc.) I think we've heard everything he has to say about Edward.

DirtyD said...

Allie- I agree that some of the things in the article about him missing home and being nervous about screaming fan are true. I think we were all just calling all the stories these mags run about him liking Kristen, and/or Nikki and the hairspray sequel BS.

Yes we don't "know" him but I'm sure us girls here could think of many ways how we would like to get to "know" him. :P

Emily said...

I'm sure Rob's smart enough to not even look at rags like this but I still wonder if he were to glance at one at the 7-Eleven while picking up some hot pockets if it would bother him or not. He totally gets how that industry works and everything they do is to make $$ but it's got to be at least frustrating to him, don't you think? Maybe not, maybe it's just amusing now. I imagine you develop a thick skin pretty quickly.
Come visit us here, Rob! You get nothing but love. I'd like you to have the chance to know each of us. And by know, I mean KNOW. Right, Dana?

bella's mom said...

Hey Dana if you liked Barflies, you need to read the rest of that writers stuff, I love her! Havent' read any of hers that I didn't like. I'm reading the *Vampires in Vegas* one of hers right now. It's about the girls night out they plan for Bella before the wedding.

Jewels64 said...

Hello all you gorgeous ladies!

Jewels64 said...

The tabloids make this shit up just to be able to pay the fucking paps.

Lynn said...

Hello, Jules!

Kate said...

Hi Lynn, Jules, Mona {waves}

Ellie said...

Hello, Jules, Kate, Mona, and Lynn! How are my girls today? Well, not "my girls", but, well, you know...

Jewels64 said...

Hey girls the video is coming is too damn funny! If I keep disappearing it's because I'm working on it....

Kate said...

I'm fine thanks Ellie.Had a good day, went shopping wih my neighbour. Not having fun though with the new I-pod It's driving me crazy!!!!!

Kate said...

Ooh can't wait Jules !!

Ellie said...

Major excitement, here, Jules... MAJOR! *bouncing in my seat

Melissa said...

Can someone please give me the link to "I love LA" and anything for Wide Awake-new stuff??? I am dying here!!!! LOL

Kate said...

Melissa this is I Love LA

And here's the link for the teaser of WA

Can't have you dying on us :-)

Jewels64 said...

Gah...this video is taking forever!

Kate said...

C'mon Jules I wanna watch before I to to bed !!!! :-p

Ellie said...

Jules, no pressure...not. lol

Jewels64 said...

Almost done....

Melissa said...

Thanks Kate! You are GREAT for doing that...I owe you one... :)

Kate said...

No problem Melissa;-)

Trixie said...

Hey Everyone!

Jules - I'm getting so excited!!!!

Trixie said...

Hi Kate! Haven't seen in here for awhile :) Sorry to hear the new iPod is driving you crazy...

Tess said...

Hello all,

This magazine is always all over the place I get my nails done.. most of the articles are full of big whoppers (mainly reported after the fact... never a big scoop here) But I agree with Allie, that there is a bit of truth about him just wanting to get away. We all felt it during the premiere madness right. I don't believe he's actively trying to get out of the sequel though, or he'd still be attached to New Moon.

I missed Dani again (sigh)

Hey ladies... good morning! everyone

Kate said...

Hi Trixie, ya it's doing my head in. I've managed to get music downloaded onto it (after along while) but I can't get vids onto it I've comverted them but it says they're not compatable :-?
ANd I can get wi fi connected coz I can't remember my password {{blush}}
Other than that all is well LOL

Tess said...

dink alert..

I meant PPB!


Kate said...

Hi Tess, it'll be goodnight here in a while for me LOL

Ellie said...

I keep switching back and forth between here and "I Love L.A."...It's starting to get good. :)

Tess said...

Hello Kate and Ellie,

sorry, I was reading my emails...

Anonymous said...

hi! im a huge fan of wide awake an other ff but can you tell me a few names of other good ff... i will apreciate.. thank you and sorry for my writing but im speak spanish and im not good at all in english

Trixie said...

Kate - while i love technology, i find it to be quite annoying at times. seems like nothing works exactly as it is supposed to and there are never very good directions to help you through.

And the password stuff - forget about it (as they say in New York). I'm always forgetting my damn passwords!

Hey Tess - good morning to you!

Ellie said...

Anon, here the link for"I Love LA":

I'm just reading it's VERY good...

Kate said...

I'm gonna ring them in the morning about the password because I actually thing it's not something I made up myself but something that they did so hopefully they'll be able to help me out :-}
And you're so right about the directions but I do love technology when it works as it should LOL

Ellie said...

Tess, done any painting today?
And how was your day?

Trixie and kate, I am so tech-challenged, it's not even funny...

Trixie said...

Ells - i can sometimes work my way through technology, but i get stuck alot and then not sure what the hell to do.


Kate said...

I never thought i was tech-challanged but I'm not so sure now LOL

Heard the perfecr song today when I was out shopping and thought "That would be great in a Rob vid" LOL

Tess said...

Day is going well so far, (only 9:18am here)

I'm still reading my emails..

Kat's emails are cracking me up!

As well as all of yours.. I was having similar 'all roads lead to Rob' experiences when we were away.. in church even.. I wrote something about it on my blog.

Trixie said...

Tess - okay gonna have to check out your blog.

Isn't it funny how when something is on your mind so heavily you can find a link to that something no matter you go?

Lynn said...

Good evening, lovelies! Good morning, Tess!

Trixie said...

Hey Lynn! How's your day?

Tess - just read your blog. I love the way you think and how you express it.

Despite my recent fear of this robsession, I'm constantly glad to see that I am in the company of such wonderful, intelligent, together women. It brings me comfort.

Jewels64 said...

I'm publishing the video now! I'll send it out in a jiffy!

Lynn said...

Tess---ROTFLMAO! Ay , dios mio! You certainly were raised Catholic, that was (dare I say) fucking funny as hell!

If, I had conversations with God then they would be similar to that! I love your wit and wicked humour!

Kim said...

Good evening everyone.

Trix, I like your avatar.
It has the suspenders, beanie and raybans all in one!

Jewels64 said...

Bugger! It's got about 7 minutes to go!

Trixie said...

Jov my darling! Yeah, that is one of my all time favorite pics. Has so many of our favorite accessories in it!

Jules - it's publishing!!! I can't wait!!!!

Lynn said...

Hello, Trixie! My day was relaxing and uneventful...laundry and volunteering. My older daughter gets the luxury of going to Hollywood tonight to Mann's Chinese Theater and the Walk of Fame.

Kim said...

I was there yesterday, Jules.

I have been out and have cleared my head.

Kim said...

Jules, will it still be in e-mail?

Trixie said...

I had CO Rob all set to go for another photoshoot and my camera decided to malfunction. I have no idea what is wrong and am going to have to take it in for repairs. What am I going to do without my camera??? It is so much a part of me!

Kate said...

Jules are you e-mailing it????

Trixie said...

Lynn glad you had a relaxing day. And, fun for your daughter tonight! Is she going with friends for some special event?

Jewels64 said...

Two Minutes Trixie!

Kim said...

I hear ya Trixie, I don't think I ever leave or not have my camera on me.

How was your day?

Jewels64 said...

yeah Kate, i'll send in in about 3 minutes!

Trixie said...

TWO MINUTES!!!!! I'm hyperventilating now!

Kate said...

Cool Jules I'll wait so. Don't think I'd be able to wait till the morning LOL

Trixie said...

Jov - day started out fine. But when I discovered the camera issue, it really set me back. My camera is really a big part of me - it's how I express myself a lot of times so it feels weird not to have it available.

Okay, I'm sounding like a mental case right now!

Lynn said...

Trixie---perhaps CO Rob is a slider like the real one...may be his hotness shorted out your camera.

Kim said...

The vid I am making for my niece is five songs long, the one for her graduation.

She makes vids for people all the time as gifts.

Trixie said...

Lynn - Ahhh thanks for making me laugh! Yeah, maybe the slider factor transfers to CO Rob, too! Love it!

Kim said...

You're talking to the right person, Trixie.

Kate, I lUV your new posting!

Trixie said...

Ah Jov - she's going to love that!

I was thinking that I might try to make a video of my son - you know a "through the years" kind of thing (all 4 years of them - LOL)!

Kim said...

Trix, I've tried to look at the upside of this, I've learned to make vids. It pushed me to learn.

Trixie said...

Jov - of course I am :) luv, luv, luv ya!

Oh no! I might have to go and eat dinner before the jules creating makes it appearance!

Lynn said...

Kate---I want to come to Ireland and scrap with you...I love your creations!

Kim said...

That's a great idea, Trixie.
I have such great song choices for children.
I've started one for my four year old niece also. She's a beauty and I have probably three thousand photos of her alone.

Trixie said...

Yeah, I've done the same. I've learned so much about technology since the robession began. That's a good thing, really.

Trixie said...

Oh Jov - let's discuss more.

Okay, dinner is here!


Kim said...

Kate, you are beautifully creative and so talented.

I love your blog so much.

Lynn said...

Trixie---lucky you! I guess I will have to learn the art of vid making, like I neeed another distraction! LOL

Kim said...

There are so many, many talented women on this blog.

Jewels64 said...

Just sent it ladies!

Kim said...

Don't hurry Trixie, enjoy your dinner.
While we are waiting for Jules vid, I'm going to facebook Sabrina vid intructions.
bbr Jules

Lynn said...

Jules---I am getting a message about the file running under another program. I will have to check in to later...we are off to Brownies. TTY, lovelies later!

Kate said...

Aah thanks for the lovely comments avout my blog, I really must update more. I haven't crafted in ages {blush} have to start getting back to it. I did start tidying my craft room yesterday but I think I made a bigger mess that I had when I started. I sorted the ipod. Itnoe downloads vids. I had to download a convetor. So I just tried the crazy chick vid (coz it was short) I'll try downloading movies tomorrow ;-) (well only one movie LOL)

Jewels64 said...

Gah....sorry ladies, colossal brain fart action going on here. Must publish said movie, which i thought did... but I was able to remove the little glitch at the end! ll more minutes of hell....

Kim said...

Jules, it wouldn't open.

Kim said...

It's okay, Jules take your time. I was there yesterday.
Tech is frustrating sometimes
Kate, what do you mean crazy lady vid?

Kim said...

Bye Lynn, Hope the Brownies thing goes well.

Kate said...

The "Professional help" one from a few days ago Jov.

Ladies I'm gonna call it a night, my brain is fried,I'm getting old and it's after 2am so I'm gonna head.
Talk to you all tomorrow.
Sorry I've been on and off tonight :-(

Night night Olive Juice :-)

Jewels64 said...

Okay here is attempt #2! Sending it out now!

Kim said...

Good night, sweetie.
Nice to "see" you again.
Hope you sleep well.

Jewels64 said...

It's attaching right now...

Jewels64 said...

You have got to be freaking kidding me...all that work and it won't attach because the file is too fucking big.

Jewels64 said...

Any suggestions? Should we put it on google video? Remember, it's kinda personal...but hilarious!

Kim said...

Jules, I haven't taken the time to do google video. I need to, to send Goz's her video.
I think you'll be a better judge of that since you know the vid's contents. I know I'm okay with it.

Kim said...

I'm ready for hilarious.

Ellie said...

I'm so happy about your vid, Jules...something to unite all us Robkats. Wait, we already are. Well, then, it's be just plain kickass fun!

Trixie said...

Jules, maybe you can put it up for just a while and then take it down after we've seen it?

Kim said...

Done sending Sabrina the instructions.
Learned FB only let's you go so far.

Ditto, Ells to the kickass vid.
I'm sure Jules vid will kickass big time.
That's one of the reasons it's so hard to leave, the friendship all of us have.

Trixie said...

i mean, who is really going to be searching for it anyway, right?

Kim said...

sorry meant only lets you go so far.

Good suggestion, Trix.

Kim said...

Did you have a nice dinner?

I'm about to have mine it's 6:30 here.

Trixie said...

JOV - that is EXACTLY why it is hard to leave! I would miss all the robkats SO much. All the fun and bonding.

Kim said...


Trixie said...

It was a quick dinner - just a bit of steak and a yummy baked potato. I don't usually let myself eat baked potatoes, but made an exception tonight :)

Kim said...

Yes, Trix and the laughs. That's what I would miss the most.
How we all make such fun of ourselves.
The laughs.

Ellie said...

No, you two, you can't leave. It's in the rule books... :)

Kim said...

Sounds good, Trix.

I am having salmon and salad. And a glass of wine.

Laura said...

Ellie! I have a funny school story to share!

Today at lunch, I had a really interesting exchange with a couple of my's how it went

Darionte': Mrs. Roy, you know that girl from Twilight?
Me: Yeah
Darionte: She's hot. She's hotter than the sun!
Baleigh: Whatever, Darionte'! Cause Edward is way hotter! He's hotter than...than...LAVA!
**We had been studying volcanos**
Me: (choking on my lasagna from laughing so hard)

You really had to be there to appreciate this story. My students are hilarious!

So there you go, everyone. Edward Cullen. Hotter than lava. LOL!!

Kim said...

Ellie, lol.

Kim said...

Luv, it Laura!
And HI!

Kim said...

Spoken out of the words of babes.
Edward Cullen hotter than Lava.
Of course it Robward, they are talking about thou.

Ellie said...

lmfao, Laura! You can't make this stuff up...

It's a full moon, ya' know.

Kim said...

Trix, to answer your question, yes I worked on the vid this morning, got the photos tweeked and the effects and stuff. Just haven't finished the captions.

Laura said...

Hey Jovie! You would not believe the hilarious things these kids say to me on a daily basis. I always tell the people I teach with that we have enough hilarious moments to write a book!

Kim said...

Laura how old are the kids?

Kim said...

Okay gotta go to dinner.
I'll be back.

Laura said...

Jovie--baleigh and darionte' are both 9, but I have some 10 year olds in there, too.

Tess said...

sorry guys.. I bailed out for a minute..

I'm back.. Jules. I can't open your vid. But I'm waiting patiently.

Trix! Not your camera!! I'm joined at the hip with mine so I know how you feel. I ran out of memory 4 days before we came home. I was in agony..

Hello Jovie!

glad you guys liked my blurb.. I would post more often, but I'm too busy hanging with all you lovely ladies

Trixie said...

Laura - I love it! Hotter than lava! We need to add that to our robsessed phrases!

Jov - I'm seriously dying to read the captions you come up with for your vid!

Ellie - oh thank you for reminding me that it is a full moon. No wonder I am such a basket case today!

Ellie said...

Laura, my guys had swimming today, and one of them had to wait to get changed until the others were done, because he had a "sad face" from an earlier incident. He's in the locker room yelling, "It's unfair! I want to be naked!" at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile, we had new parents and CST people right outside in the hallway, having a tour of the school...

Trixie said...

Tess - yes, I was so depressed about the camera! I never realized how truly important it is to me until I couldn't use it today. It is a much bigger piece of me than I realized.

What kind of camera do you have?

Tess said...

Oh ellie and laura! I love kid comments..

"It's unfair! I want to be naked!" (with Rob)

Trixie said...

Ellie - that is pricelesss! "It's not fair, I want to be naked" You can't make that stuff up! LOL!

Trixie said...

Tess - oh I like your addition of "with Rob" to that sentence!

Laura said...

LOL Ellie!!!! We should get paid extra for all the times we're forced to keep a straight face when the kids are saying these things!! haha!

Rose said...

Hello Girls:)

Jewels64 said...

Ladies, I'm gonna post it on google. Sorry had to dash out for supplies (vodka).

Trixie said...

Rosey Posey :) What's shakin' in Wisconsin?

Rose said...

Trixie Wixie...just snow :(

Rose said...

Love your avatar...btw.

Trixie said...

Jules - that is an important supply - no need to apologize for such an absence.

Let us know when it is posted :)

Tess said...

Trix- Nothing sophisticated.. Just a easy to carry model my fuji. Very basic zoom (which I cussing at enough to make even me blush because I couldn't get 'close' enough while we were away)

We had a bigger sony a few years back and it was just too much to take along.

I need to invest in a better camera for as much as I use mine..

Ellie said...

Jules, do we still open it onthe email, or have to navigate to Google? Not sure of there things...

Hi, lovely Rose!

Laura~~Oh, the stories I have...

Laura said...

Ok, one more story, and I'll quit with all the kid stuff and we can get back to Rob...

We're collecting can tops to raise money for some organization, so I've been encouraging the kids to bring some in. Well, one of my little boys comes in one day with a HUGE ziplock bag full of can tops. I asked him, "Trent, how did you get so many?!" He turns to me with the hugest grin on his face and says, "My uncle's an alcoholic!"

Trixie said...

Rose - yes, CO Rob needed a break from the lampshade. And, since my camera is non-operational, I had to select a different photo for the avatar.

This is one of my favs :) Has many of our fav accessories!

Rose said...

Hello Sweet Ellie, Jules, Laura and Tess!

Trix~ Yes...that picture is near perfection

Tess said...

Hey Rosie!!

Trix- gosh.. excuse my typo's...
and I love your new avatar as well... Rob in motion.. hmmm

Laura said...

Hey Rose!

Trixie said...

Laura - hilarious! He probably doesn't even realize what he's saying! LOVE it!

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