Little Ashes Screencaps with the goofiest hair cut EVER

Thanks to


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Jewels64 said...

Thanks AJ! I just thought that would be something completely different.

"lemon curry?....."

DirtyD said...

Jules- I like a lot.

Jewels64 said...

Not done yet...hell I'm fully fantasizing over here....

Laura said...

Jules- did you get my email from FB?

Jewels64 said...

Yep...did you not get it...I added you to my Robkat category....

DirtyD said...

OK Jules you fantasize and then turn it into a tantilizing tale of sex and Rob.

Anonymous said...

I'm out ladies. Don't keep Rob up too late in the naughty room or TomStu will pout.

Nice to have you aboard Stacy, Laura and any other new Robsessors that I missed.

Olive Juice to all. XXOO

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight AJ!

Stacy said...

I didn't get it either which is why I was worried. Maybe my email is messed up. Hmmm.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry I missed talking to ya AJ! Love ya gurlie!

Stacy said...

Good Night!

Jewels64 said...

Right...brb...gonna send Laura and Stacy some Robluvin.....

Jewels64 said...

Whoops...brain fart...You got mail!

Ellie said...

Nite-nite AJ, olive juice mucho! xoxo

DirtyD said...

Night AJ


Sabrizzle said...

Hot damn Jules!

Jewels64 said...

Sorry Stacy and Laura...I'm notorious for not finishing that last step...You ARE now added to the ever increasing e-mail list. Your e-mails are going to increase exponentially now...

I like to drag things out....

Laura said...

Night AJ!

No Jules, I didn't get it :( did you send it to hotmail or FB?

Jewels64 said...

Sexy with no penetration...gotta love it....

Jewels64 said...


Laura said...

Oh, ok Jules...I'll check it in a bit


Laura said...

Got it!! I'm reading right now...

Ellie said...

Yes, be prepared for MANY emails! :)

Sabrizzle said...

Seriously. I had to delete about 350 emails from my online server thing as well as outlook this morning. And all of those are less than 2 weeks old.

Jewels64 said...

I'm still deleting e-mails from fucking November!

Laura said...

I just finished it! Jules, you naughty girl, you!

oh, and lmfao on this: "number one choice on my hump list"

Anonymous said...

hello lovelies! just catching up on all these comments!

jules! saw you were writing some robalicious stuff tonight! can i send you my email so i can read too?


Jewels64 said...

Sure thing Sarah...

Jewels64 said...


"What", it's true, it's true!"

Stacy said...

Holy Hell Jewels. You are my new hero!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Stacy! *Blushes and shuffles her feet*

Laura said...

It's like Jules knows all our secret fantasies and brings them to life for us! lol I can't wait to read more!

loved the shout out to the jaw porn :o

DirtyD said...

Ok girlies, Im OUT. It's after 2 here and I have 4 more chapters of Scotch, Gin and The New Girl to read before I go to bed.

Jules- thanks for providing me with some new material for my dreams.

Olive Juice and goodnight :)


Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and happy reading Dana! xoxoxoxoxo

DirtyD said...

Oh by the way, Feathers just posted a new chapter.

Nite all.

Jewels64 said...

What can I say...Robert Thomas Pattinson is my muse...

Check out my fan fic on

My story picks up where "Breaking Dawn" left gaping holes in our psyche... I love E & B fiction!

Jewels64 said...

Night Dana...on my way to check out "I love L.A."... she gets me hot and bothered!


Laura said...

olive juice, dana!

Ellie said...

Good night, Dana! Olive juice to you , love.xoxoGood day to you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

thanks jules!! i sent it to ya


Sabrizzle said...

Whew! I just finished reading chapter 40 of WA. Now onto I Love LA...

Stacy said...

Okay, where is I Love L.A.? Just call me lost. LOL.

Sabrizzle said...

Here you go Stacy:

Jewels64 said...

Sara...just sent it to ya...sorry for some fucking reason some guy named Rob Pattinson distracted me!

Laura said...

Damn that Robert Pattinson. Always distracting us with his sexy ass. lol

Stacy said...

Thank you! My Rob "favorites" section is getting as big as his...Um...heart.

Anonymous said...

oh jules...thanks again! no prob...i am actually over reading the new chapter to i love la. yeah...rob is a little distarcting now isnt he :]


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