Little Ashes Screencaps with the goofiest hair cut EVER

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DirtyD said...

Mother fucking bullshit bitches :p

Ellie said...

Yep, that's us. and damn proud of it.

Right, girlies?

Sabrizzle said...


Sabrizzle said...

Hellz yes Ellie!

Ellie said...

I think we should all join fucking bullshitter's anonymous.

Ellie said...

Time for some snapple, brb!

Sabrizzle said...

That's fucking bullshit Ellie.

DirtyD said...

I am turning into a AA whore now too. One for this place, one for fan fic and now one for my foul mouth.

Jewels64 said...

Is it purple? Full? Can I ride it? Just wanna know.....

Ellie said...

Okay, senior moment, Jules...what's that (I was going to say, okay, I'll bite...but you already know that.)

DirtyD said...

I guess aa wouldn't be the right term, because I'm not an alcoholic. I should have said i'm a self help group whore. Oh forget it, im just a whore of all things Rob related.

Ellie said...

Dana, you're such a hussy!

Sabrizzle said...

Me too Dana, me too.

Jewels64 said...

I fucking tired of every one fucking belating themselves.

So you wanna say fuck every once in a's a good word.

It can be a noun, an adjective, an's very fucking flexible! you fucking get it? Or do I have to start banging some fucking heads here?

WOW, that last sentence almost did me in.....

Ellie said...

tramp, slut, hooker, Robloveslave, whatever.

Ellie said...

banging head sounds good.hahaha

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO Jules! Fuck is a fucking good word. Fuck.

DirtyD said...

I like tramp. Dirty tramp.

Ellie said...

I'm eating my fucking snickerdoodles while drinking my fucking raspberry snapple. Fuck, life is good.

Stacy said...

So this is where everyone is. I wondered why I am always by myself in the chat box. LOL.

Jenn said...

Hey ladies! I can't believe mmmmm...feathers was on here tonite:) I recommended her story to you all last week and it looks like everyone is enjoying it, so cool! Jules....I've read your stories too and they're just great! Looking forward to more.

Ellie said...

Yeah, feel dirty, Dana.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Stacy! This is where the party's at. We have full conversations here.

Ellie, I am jealous of your fucking snickerdoodles and snapple.

Ellie said...

Hi, Stacy and JKristen!

Stacy, yes, we're here most nights just fucking bullshitting away. :)You're welcome to join us anytime.

Oh, by the way, we never curse around here. And I'm not bullshitting you. Seriously. LOL

(just our mood tonight)

Sabrizzle said...

Feel dirty, feel like it's wrong.

Jewels64 said... story is really taking off now...must have been talking to feathers that did it....

Do y'all think that is someone we may know....? Just guessing....

Karla said...

Can I just say how much I fucking love you girls? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, you're awesome. Is that the booze tslking? Who fucking cares?

Ellie said...

Very pretty avatar,Stacy!

Jenn said...

bullshit away...sounds great to me:)

DirtyD said...

Sabrina you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm listening to that interview on my ipod before i go to bed tonight.

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Karla!

Jewels64 said...

JKristen70! Thanks gal! WOW! I still freak out on that shit....

Trying to finish a story for my Kats right now, but am working on Chapter 5! I hate E & B being apart!

Jewels64 said...

JKristen70! Thanks gal! WOW! I still freak out on that shit....

Trying to finish a story for my Kats right now, but am working on Chapter 5! I hate E & B being apart!

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

"Is that the booze tslking?"

I'd say so, dear

Karla said...

Hey Sabrina! Are yo in Seattle now? My brain is mush.

Sabrizzle said...

I listened to it again earlier today Dana. His voice is pure liquid sex in that interview.

Stacy said...

Thanks, I just saw it and changed it, it's so old and I'm contemplating loosing the Husband. Ha ha.
I need links to stories...

Ellie said...

Three times, Jules? lol

Jenn said...

Jules..I know what you mean, it just makes me sad to see them apart. Anxiously awaiting updates!

Sabrizzle said...

No, I'm back at school Karla. It's really weird going from freezing weather for 3 weeks straight and then returning to SoCal where it's in the 70's. It doesn't feel like winter at all.

Ellie said...

Stacy, have you read "Wide Awake" and "I Love L.A."?

Jewels64 said...

Aw crap...3 times...yeah...

That's what Rob makes me do!

That boy will make me fuse to the mattress!

Stacy said...

I am reading WA for the second time this week, but that is it so far.

Karla said...

Ugh, bummer! I totally wanted to meet up and giggle about Rob. Let me know when you're home and we'll figure something out, k?

Ellie said...

Sabrina, we got about 4 inches of snow today. I'd say that's one thumb's worth, wouldn't you say?

DirtyD said...

Ellie- we got a lot of snow too.

Ellie said...

Stacy, you'll love Wide Awake. Anybody have the link?

also, our lovely Jules writes some wicked fanfic, as well. Jules, can you give stacy the link to your naughty musings??

Stacy said...

Around where in SOCAL? That's where I live and I am looking to move to OR/WA area hopefully this year.

Ellie said...

Dana, how much did you end up with? It was not nearly as much as they were prdicting, here.

Sabrizzle said...

Okay, sounds like a good idea Karla. I'm somewhat bummed to be back, I love Washington so much. I'll be back in April for spring break and then I'll be back for the summer at the end of May.

Yes, that does sound about a thumb's worth Ellie. As much as I was complaining about the snow while I was at home, I kinda miss it. It should be cold in winter and it feels like summer down here!

Ellie said...

Oh, thumbs...where are you, Rob????

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, I'm in Orange. I'm from Tacoma, Washington though.

Stacy said...

I'm in Orange to. Funny. Oooh yeah, give me the dirty stuff.

Sabrizzle said...

Really?! That's crazy!

DirtyD said...

Ellie- we were supposed to get 5-8 inches but i don't think we got 8, probably more like 6.

Stacy said...

I live near Villa Park. Seeing you said school, I'm thinking you are near the circle?

Jewels64 said...

Stacy, my naughty bits go to my RobKats thru e-mail. You can see my e-mail address on my blog and I'll send you my yummy.....

Ellie said...

I think we're going to have a very good influence on stacy...

Karla said...

Oh, Stacy, move to Whidbey Island so we can Robsess together, k?

DirtyD said...

Stacy- I am reading this one right now. It's pretty smutty but in a good way.

Sabrizzle said...

Yep, I go to CU. I'm a public relations and advertising major. I don't know where Villa Park is off the top of my head, I don't have my truck down here so I don't go exploring much.

Ellie said...

Jules, I thought you were registed on fanfic? No?

Stacy said...

You don't know how I would love somebody to Robsess with. I have lurked here for months so I didn't feel like a freak. I am going up in March to look around the area's in Portland and Washington.

Ellie said...


Stacy said...

I am on the opposite side of the 55 and Katella if that makes sense. CU is nice, my friends went there. I am like... 5 minutes from you I would say.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm reading that one too, Dana! Waiting for chapter 14. It's pretty ridiculous, if you've ever been to Forks in real life it is in no way elite.

Ellie said...

Stacy, I did the same thing as you: lurking. Now I lurk right out in the open! lol feels nice and freeing, doesn't it?

Karla said...

Cool, Stacy. If you're up in the island area, give me a shout and we'll hang. Do you have a facebook? All us Robkats stay close that way.

Ellie said...

Oh, wait, not lurking, STALKING!

Stacy said...

OOoh thanks. I need the naughty bits. I am so happy I'm not the only umm.. "Older" woman robsessed. I was feeling rather naughty.

Sabrizzle said...

Wow, small world! If Little Ashes has a premiere in LA or is playing around here I think Lynn and I are going to go see it together. You should join us, Stacy!

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- you got any other favs you want to share? We seem to have the same tastes in fan fic.

Jewels64 said...

MMMkay gals...the story is not quite done, but almost there.....

Stacy said...

Of course I have facebook, LOL. Let me see if I can link it here. I never chat this way so I may just screw it up.

Laura said...

So heeeeeere you all are! I fucking gave up on all of you earlier!

Ellie- I'd be glad to do some Robstalking with you

Jewels64 said... told me to hurry cuz you were going to bed....

I'm the one having to write this shit for you and take breaks cuz it kills me and I need the big "O" after writing this shit for you!

Karla said...

Yay! A new friend!

Ellie said...

Another Robkat in

Stacy said...

Well, I'm glad to have someplace I can say fuck since my husband has a stick up his ass most of the time and chastises me like a child.

I am so up for the LA premiere. I would have to go alone otherwise.

Ellie said...

Better get new batteries again, Jules.

Jewels64 said...

Another one bites the dust....?


David Tennant who?

Ellie said...

Stacy, you so belong here! lol

Karla said...

Jules, I need a new chapter! Is it coming soon (so to speak)?

Jewels64 said...

OMIGOD....Heart's "Crazy on You" just came on... Good stuff...must write more...BRB!

Ellie said...

LMFAO, Karla...

Laura said...

I hear you Stacy! In fact, my husband told me today "You've been saying FUCK a lot recently. What's up with that?"

Karla said...

Fuck Tennant! I don't mean that in the yummy way. I just want to kick him in the teeth for being Rob's competition. Smile, David!

Stacy said...

I always screw up FB links so let me know if it doesn't work. I don't really want to post my whole name here since I have crazy stalker inlaws that google me.

DirtyD said...

Jules- I am a bitch, but i'm not going to bed. I meant that i wanted to read it before I went to bed for my dreaming purposes. I'm a night owl. I'll be here for a while.

Sabrizzle said...

Dana, I loved the first two stories on Brooke's list that she emailed out. They go together and are real life E&B. It's a really sweet story.

I liked this one also, but it's not finished and I don't know if it ever will be. There is a one-shot that goes before it.

I also read Blue Moon Over Manka's and I thought it was pretty good but it was pretty drawn out. I want to read some other stuff Brooke suggested, but I haven't got to it yet.

Ellie said...

Laura, I actually mouthed "Olive juice" to my husband yesterday...what's up with that?

Jewels64 said...

Rob is doing really naughty things right now...

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, that link is just taking me to my home page on fb.

Karla said...

Stacy, I can't make it work. Search me and add me. Karla Kaminski Woodley. I don't really use my maiden name cause God, that would be an ugly mouth-full ;) Like a mouth-full of David Tennant, HA!!!

Stacy said...

Yeah, I usually fuck it up. Let me see... I will put my first and last names between *stars* in 2 different posts. Then you can look me up? That way it wouldn't show up in a google search..hoping anyway.

Stacy said...

I will search you, but everybody feel free to add me. I would love me some robsessed friends. My friends just don't get it.

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, you can delete your post after we have a chance to look you up on fb if you want to write out your name.

Laura said...

lol ellie!!

Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

What kinds of naughty things, Jules?

Sabrizzle said...

Just sent you a friend request, Stacy. I don't know how to make the "nonsecure" box thingy go away, I just push enter really quick every time I refresh.

Jewels64 said...

Yummy! Fresh RobKat meat! I'm loving all you newbies to death!

Karla said...

I'm on it, Stacy. I have like a million tabs open right now between, the blog, e-mail, FB and fanfic - it's sick, really!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura - um yay who the bloody hell is in that pic booth with you?????

Cause i'll be damned if that doesn't look like Robert T. Pattinson, sex god.

Ellie said...

Sabrina, I didn't know you could just hit enter after the refresh...I've been using the mouse to click on the box. thanks!

DirtyD said...

Stacy I just sent you a FB request too.

Jewels64 said...

Oh Laura...I need your email for that shit... Any one else interested...just send me an e-mail. You can get my address off my blog....

I only share Rob Porn with friends.

I do write E & B fan fic on though....

Ellie said...

Wow, Sabrizzzz, a whole new world has opened up for me!!lol

Sabrizzle said...

Hi AJ!

Yes Ellie, it's already highlighted so pressing enter selects "yes."

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie!

Laura said...

AJ, Jules--I fucking WISH that was me in the photo booth! That is none other than the lovely KSTEW!

Karla said...

Oh! Hubbie just closed his laptop so I'm off to give an appropriate (or inappropriate) thank you for the awesome WA binder, sweet boy that he is! *blushes*, not really ;) See ya tomorrow! Olive juice!!

Laura said...

Jules, I'll send you my email on FB ;)

Ellie said...

Sweet, steamy Rob dreams to you, Karla! olive juice, babe! xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Karla! Make sure you represent Washington well for Rob naughtiness since I'm not there. Muahhh!

DirtyD said...

Night Karla

Anonymous said...

Laura - phew. I thought I was gonna have to kill you.

Stacy said...

Okay, I added the 3 requestings and I sent you an email Jewels. I'm really loving you guys.

Jewels64 said...

Seriously...but who thought i said something about photo booths?

Not me...I'm in Robalicious land...

Ellie said...

Sent you a FB message, Stacy... :)

Jewels64 said...

MMMkay Stacy...get ready for the heat...

It's gonna be Chapter 9 in a series, but if you likey...I sendy the rest!

Ellie said...

Skipping ahead, Jules?

babbles said...

Wussup Ladies!

Stacy said...

Jewls, did I miss a link to the whole story? I'm trying to get a hang of this kind of messaging. I used to message boards.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Brooke!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sabrina! I'm trying to go backward and read all the posts now. Sorry, I'm slow to catch up.

I see Feathersmmmm/Alice was here and I missed it. What with Jules and her we've got all the famous peeps in one place.

Stacy said...

Oh..and is there a facebook group for you guys that I can find you all at so I can take down my name or did I get everyone added already?

Ellie said...

Nice chat with feathers tonight...Is Nikki her sidekick? Like Kato? Tonto? Ethel?

Ellie said...

Stacy, you can take it down. the rest of us can get it off of someone's FB that you already accepted as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Ellie/Brooke - Is Nikki "the Nikki" ie. Nikki Reed, my biggest rival and arch enemy?

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, I can recommend you as a friend to everyone.

Jewels64 said...

AJ...I'm not famous, but I do play a famous person on T.V.!

Anonymous said... took me awhile to figure out who was rob haha xD
that haircut made him look like a girl...oh well still gotta love him <33

DirtyD said...

Hey Brooke.

Ellie said...

Anon, yes he does, and yes, we do! lol

Laura said...

AJ-UGH! I hate Nikki Reed!!!

Anyone who wants to knock that bitch out better get behind me!

Whoa. Too much Nikki rage.

Stacy said...

I'll take that hair any way it comes. I may have to giggle a bit if it looked like the LA haircut, but I would still take it.

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, I just suggested you as a friend to everyone who is on fb.

Melissa said...

Hello ladies! I've been reading like a mad woman tonight...damn that I love LA shit and Wide Awake-2 new chapters....ah!

Stacy said...

Thank you! I took it down already. You don't know the half of how crazy those people are..seriously. It makes some Rob Stalkers (not obsessors) look sane.

Laura said...

Hey Melissa!

I'm rereading WA right now. I'm on the part where the shiny fucking curls make their first appearance. I can't wait to get to the luscious sugar licks!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah I know, you never know who is lurking out there.

DirtyD said...

Jules- give me a fucking bone here. What is our dear Robbie up to?

Jewels64 said...'s ready.. and it fucking hot! Ready for me to send?

Jewels64 said...

But I'm warning you.. this is part one....

Sabrizzle said...

Send it Jules!

Anonymous said...

Laura - nothing personal against NReed, I just think Rob deserves better. Like one of us :)

Jules gets first shot tho 'cause her batteries have run out and she deserves it.

Ellie said...

k, Jules...I'm sliding off my seat as we speak...

Jewels64 said...

Melissa...I knew you were a total RobKat through and through...

Welcome my darling baby Robsessor! You are now in the thick of it....

Jewels64 said...

MMMkay...but have to add a few new babes to my email list first....

Melissa said...

Hi Laura!
Shiny fucking curls are the BEST! LOL hahaha...I'm totally done with all she has posted and its driving me nuts!!

Gotta love the luscious sugar licks too though...

Laura said...

Jules-I just FB messaged you my email, so make sure you send it to me too!

Melissa said...

Oh, yes Jules...there was no denying it. Robkats RULE!

DirtyD said...

Ok Jules I've got hotmail open and i'm waiting!

Laura said...

AJ--If Rob doesn't get with one of us, I want him with KSTEW! I don't know what I have against Nikki, but seriously I've disliked her since I saw Lords of Dogtown! Is it definite that she and Rob are dating? I've had my suspicions for awhile....

Stacy said...

I am just to excited for words.

Anonymous said...

Laura - I would greenlight the KStew-mance also.

Just a hunch on the NReed thing - no confirmations.

Sabrizzle said...

I don't think Rob and Nikki are dating, Laura. I think she's dating somebody else. I would honestly rather see Rob with Nikki instead of KStew, she bugs me.

Ellie said...

Dana, you've got you hot what open?

Stacy said...

I'll just bite my tongue and hope he is with somebody who makes him happy and that deserves him. He's such a total package I think I would hate being his mother (for more reasons than that). Nobody would be good enough.

DirtyD said...

Ellie- get your filthy mind out of the gutter. HOTMAIL!!

But really just keep your mind there after all we all are gutter tramps.

Sabrizzle said...

I think he just needs to be with one of us. We all appreciate him for being himself.

Anonymous said...

Ellie - Stacy just said "package" and "tongue" in the same post. I think she needs some time in the naughty room!!!!

Laura said...

Really Sabrizzle? I LOVE Kstew! Yeah, she aggravates me at times, but I think she and Rob would be so cute together!

AJ-Rob and KSTEW 4eva! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I think Rob needs to hook up with a crazy psycho bitch. YES I'M TALKING ABOUT ME!!!!!

Jewels64 said...

Right...go check your emails....

Anonymous said...

... or KStew would be good too.

Laura said...

Sabrizzle-- I do think Rob would be awesome with any one of us! Maybe we can all share?

Stacy said...

If Rob's in the naughty room sign me up and loose the fucking key. Please.

Laura said...

LOL AJ!!!!!

Jewels64 said...

My friend Nicole just sent me an e-mail saying that she has eye strain from reading "Utter Darkness" from her I-phone. She called me her evil crack dealer...

LMFAO! Yeah baby...that's what I wanna Momma J the love....

Laura said...

I'll send you the key after I'm done with Rob, Stacy ;)

Melissa said...

Tongue and package huh? Awesome. I vote he picks me...and takes me to the naughty room. I have NO PROBLEMS with that.

Or he could pick KSTEW.

Ellie said...

Oh, AJ, Yipee! the naughty room...Stacy, Rob's waiting for you there with the zip pants and megaphone. It's your first time, so he's holding back on the suspenders. He'll be gentle.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, let's just share Rob amongst ourselves.

Stacy said...

I'm perfectly okay with seconds as long as we can shower first. He doesn't even have to wash his hair.

Melissa said...

Sabrina-I thought we had visitation arrangements for the naughty room?? What the HELL?

Stacy said...

Damn...I need those suspenders. Can I at least bring rope with me?

Ellie said...

Laura, didn't you have your fill of Rob last night? He went home exhausted.

Laura said...

Oooh yeah, the hair is so much better dirty.

Ellie, will Rob be leaving his Ray Bans and beanie cap on in the naughty room tonight?

Ellie said...

No, Stacy, but I'm sure Rob sill uise the laces from his Docs...he never uses them.

Stacy said...

Jewls, did I send you my address? I would hate to think I fucked up and sent that request for Rob Porn to my daughters private school teacher.

Ellie said...

*will use

Sabrizzle said...

Oh, that's right Melissa! There is the occasional orgy amongst the Robkats, however.

Ellie said...

Some teachers would understand, Stacy...just ask Laura and me!

Laura said...

Oh, Ellie, I haven't even BEGUN to finish with Rob after last night. We'll call last night Round 1. I don't stop til I get a KO.

Anonymous said...

Holy pink pouty lips Jules. You are one imaginative little Robfeline!!

Ellie said...

sabrizzzz and Melissa, only on months that have weeks in them.

Ellie said...

Or days that end in "y".

DirtyD said...

Jules- you little tease! That better be just a small part of the whole story. Fucking A!

Stacy said...

Considering she goes to a "religious" private school...I'm doubting it. I seriously feel like a freak walking her in there. If they only knew.

Melissa said...

LOL, Sabrina

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Ellie, by occasional I meant frequently. ;)

Ellie said...

Jules, I will be reading that baby before bedtime...

Laura said...

absolutely Ellie..

Stacy, if I were your daughter's teacher, I would even offer to keep her longer after school just so you could have some quality alone time with your Rob Porn.

Jewels64 said...

Yeah Stacy you sent me your e-mail... like? That one was fun....

Stacy said...

Okay, I'm officially transfering her to your class. LOL.

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