Little Ashes Screencaps with the goofiest hair cut EVER

Thanks to


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Jewels64 said...

Trixie...I just "stuffed your box". Read, let me know and I'll send you some other E & B shit I've written before Utter Darkness!

Sabrizzle said...

Hey loves! How are you all?

Trixie said...

thanks Jules!

Trixie said...

Sabrina! how are ya?

Ellie said...

Sabrina, love, how are you?

Kate said...

I actually bought two pairs of boots that day. I bought a brown pair that I'm calling my Camella boots but they have a little heel on them (hers are completely flat) but then I saw a flat pair and I ended up buying them too but they're black and A bit longer than I'd normally wear but they were really nice so I bought them too LOL

babbles said...

More like a Happy Brooke!

Lynn said...

hello, Sabrina! Are you loving or hating the eat?

Jewels64 said...

Hi Sex Bomb...

Trixie said...

Kate - pics of both pairs of boots required!

Sabrizzle said...

Pretty good, I slept in really late today and I still feel pretty tired. I need to get some laundry done, but I missed you all last night so I figured I'd chat some first.

Lynn said...

Triie---I am convinced that you could be on "Don't Forget the Lyrics".

Kate said...

I'll do that soon Trixie ;-)
Hi Sabrina [waves}

Kate said...

I think you're right Lynn ;-)

Sabrizzle said...

Lynn, I'm guessing you meant "heat" not "eat." The heat is nice, but I would rather have it be cold in January because I like winter and it doesn't feel like it right now. I hate the wind!

babbles said...

Ok ladies - I am going to actually clean my Hell Hole up!

Trix - *grins* Enjoy your Smut!
Ellie - enjoy your I Love LA
Jules - scratch that damn itch!

Lata Lynn, Sabrina, Kate!

Ha, Just U and Ur hand is playin - Love It LOL!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi and bye Brooke!

Lynn said...

Sabrina---damn keyboard! Yes, heat is what I meant.

Lynn said...

Adios, Brooke!

Ellie said...

Bye bye, Brooke!! Olive juice and hope to chat later... xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

Oh Jules, thanks for the nickname "sex bomb." I was going to say it earlier when we were talking about your vid but I forgot.

babbles said...

Oh I will be around late tonight...

Jewels64 said...

Bye God, I'm feeling it!

Jewels64 said...

Gotta take care of coogs in training...

You are a sex bomb babe!

Sabrizzle said...

Hahaha, thanks! I'm learning from the masters!

Jewels64 said...

Oh we have mad skills....

Sabrizzle said...

Thats for damn sure!

Jewels64 said...

Damn Lynn...brain fart central here! I coulda clicked on your avatar to include you in the video!

Ellie said...

Girls, I'm going to read some me some more smut,while I have no interruptions back soon...

Sabrizzle said...

Have fun Ellie!

Kate said...

You'll just have to make another vid Jules ;-)

Jewels64 said...

Ells...I'm almost doing the same thing...I'm writing smut...

Jewels64 said...

Oh Kate, since AJ took her blog down, I feel like someone has to keep up the Rob dialog....

Kate said...

I'll be back in a while too I'm playing with this video. It's bloody addictive. Also got the podworking and that's addictive too.
My friend who asked me out for diner tomorrow wants to to bring the laptop to do a vid of her baby boy LOL

Kate said...

Damn right Jules ;-)Ooh ad just came on the tely for "Seven Pounds" I really wanna see that !!!

Ellie said...

Real quick: will you all be on here tonight?

Lynn said...

Jules----ding, ding, ding....I was wondering! I need more schmexy poses...I love taking avatar pics.

Lynn said...

Kate---I just saw The Curious Case of Benjamin must see that! I heard that Seven Pounds is good, too.

Sabrizzle said...

I might be on tonight Ellie, I think I'm going to watch movies with some people but hopefully I'll catch you before.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, I'm dying to see Ben Buttons.

Yes Ells, where the hell else will I be?

Lynn said...

Jules---I have such a thing for Cate Blanchett and then there's Brad Pitt....who looked fab as he got younger. I suddenly got the urge to watch Legends of the Fall.

Jewels64 said...

Ah the Bradster..."Thelma and Louise"...private naughty bits tingling now...

Jewels64 said...

Making butternut squash soup with pasta tonight...brb... Just got done roasting the squash...

Sabrizzle said...

That sounds yummy, Jules!

Lynn said...

Jules---have you ever seen the cutting room floor clips from the motel room scene?

Mr. Pitt, was there a draft in that room?

Not that he wasn't yummy!

Trixie said...

Jules - just read what you stuffed in my box...

that was H-O-T

Lynn said...

Jules---you know the way to a vegeatarian's heart...I wanna eat with you tonight!

Jewels64 said...

Trix, i'm feeling the itch to write some more...

Trixie said...

Jules - scratch that itch!

Jewels64 said...

But Utter Darkness beckons first... then Rob snacks later for the Kats....

Lynn said...

I will take a helping of Utter Darkness....more please, Mistress?

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, the soup is chock full of orzo and fresh rosemary or thyme...which ever.

Wow, how Simon and Garfunkel!

Jewels64 said...

Chapter 5 is BPOV.

Jewels64 said...

Right, I can't believe i am about to say this, but I'm baking cookies and trying to make dinner.

Sigh...if only I had Dark Edward...

Gotta dash...Love, peace & RPattz!

Later BABES!

Lynn said...

Jules---at this rate, I will forced to go to the store and I hate grocery shopping!

Thanks a lot, lady!

Lynn said...

See you later, lovely!

Sabrizzle said...

Later Jules! I need to go put on a load of laundry, do some homework, and read some fanfic. Talk to you loves later. Muahhh!

Anonymous said...

Hi y'all,

I have just been reading the comments from this afternoon, and can I say I love this blog.

Rob is my number one guy and I don't see why any body who liked the Dr Who guy would come on here and declare there feelings. But I don't think any body needs to be so mean to the other guy. Some of the things that people said were just plain mean.

Rob is the best!

Kate said...

Hi ladies I'm back for a while.I'm on the pod. Trying to get used to it. Sounds like I'm gonna miss some fun tonight :-(

DirtyD said...

Hey ladies. You guys are starting early tonight!

DirtyD said...

Shit looks like i've missed ya all! Talk to you later tonight then.

Laura said...

Hey everybody!

LOL with the Rob pics. I swear I'm still not convinced the second one is him!

Laura said...

dana, I guess I missed everyone, too :(

When I come back later, I'm gonna try to have a fabulous "fucking bullshit" picture up as my avatar! Get ready for it!!!

Anonymous said...

please tell me good fan fics that no are wide away and i love la

DirtyD said...

Anonymous- Here's one I loved that was recommended to me:

babbles said...

Yes, Boycott's is a damn fine fanfic, Maybe even my favorite... Of course I have so many favorites it's hard to decide...

I am a fanfic whore!

Tess said...

**Hello** everyone..

No idea what the topic of conversation is as the moment, but I just have to say that rob's hair do in these stills reminds me of Javier Bardem In 'No country for old men'.. and it's a bit disturbing..

going to read comments now.

DirtyD said...

Brooke- I am going through your list of favs. I am gonna start a new one tonight. Which out of the two is better:

Blue Moon Over Mankas or Scotch, Gin and the New Girl?

babbles said...

Blue Moon is a long mother "F"er and follow's true to Vampire Human characters straight from the book...

Gin and the New girl is all human and a little naughty but unfinished... It is simaliar to WA - you would enjoy either one though but if I am to pick I choose Gin, But keep in mind the frustration that follows incomplete fanfic...

babbles said...

Oh and Blue Moon is incomplete but near it's finish where as Gin I think might have a ways to go... God Gin is fun though...

babbles said...

Tess Hello!

DirtyD said...

Ok Gin it is even though I am bound to curse at the computer when I come to the end of the chapters with no resolution in sight!

DirtyD said...

Hi Tess :)

Tess said...

Hello Dana and BB..

How are things going for everyone tonight?

Tess said...

what was happening in the comment box earlier? I had a 'rally the troops' email

PS: the video Jules made was blocked for me. Prob a censorship/ownership thing with Singapore. I'm very put out at the moment.

DirtyD said...

Tess- the comment box? I must have missed whatever went.

babbles said...

I missed whatever went down on the chat box too!

Ellie said...

Hi Tess, Dana, and Brooke!

What's our current topic???

Oh, Brooke, I'm loving I Love LA...
Grace just sang at open mic night and they're back at her place. that's when I had to stop for dinner and thought I'd wait til bedtime to continue. It's all good. :)

Ellie said...

Mr three., although I'm guessing it's the Rob/Tennent race.

DirtyD said...

Ellie- I just started reading Sctoch, Gin and The New Girl and it's really good. So I am just going back and forth from there.

I am all up to date on I Love La and I hope she posts a new chapter soon.

Ellie said...

Dana, there was a lull in here, so I went back to "L.A.". and now I'm back and forth again. Rob just threw her onto the bed... :O

Lynn said...

Oh my goodness, I do not know if I could handle that much fan guys are funny!

Jewels64 said...

Tra la la...Hello you gorgeous bitches!

Ellie said...

Lynn, not funny, just fun! lol

Anonymous said...

Tess - still here? Did you finish reading Money? How was it?

Ellie said...

Hello yourself, gorgeous!

DirtyD said...

Ellie- That story is fucking amazing.

And because I have been thinking about it all day here is my first I NEVER for the night.

I NEVER want to recieve a Robert Pattinson brand! (If have not read I Love LA) you won't know what I am talking about.

Hi Lynn and Jules :)

Ellie said...

Hey, AJ, how are you, hon?

Ellie said...

Dana, I haven't gotten to the Robert Pattinson brand least I don't recall that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellie!!!! To answer your earlier question - yes my ma and pa are related. Gotta keep those gorgeous genes all in one family ya know.

Jewels64 said...

AJ, you fine hillbilly poster child you! I'm saved that pic and it's going up in my next video!

Lynn said...

Dana---I don't think tat I will read I Love mind overloads too easily as it is!

Jewels64 said...

Ladies, I'm writing more Rob porn...

Gotta do it... went through and re-read all the shit I wrote...crap, that shit was hot....

Ellie said...

LOL, AJ! I had gotten an email with your photo in it a long time ago..who knew it was you! hehehe

Anonymous said...

Jules - Well galldurnit that would just be swell!

Jewels64 said...

Hey I gotta share this...too funny. My kids crack me up. My Robsession had become part of their lives now....

I walked out onto the driveway earlier after taking care of some business in the loo and Josh came careening up on his bike, pointed at me and said "I can see your golden zipper..."

E.J. went to get the mail for me...he comes running into the house with my copy of EW and says "Taylor Lautner's picture is on the cover"....

This weeks EW has Rob references peppered all through it!

DirtyD said...

Lynn- read it! It's so damn smutty!

Jules- I was hoping you would write more. You popped my Twilight porn cherry!

Ellie said...

Start 'em young, Jules! lol

Anonymous said...

LOL Jules! Passing the Rob-love on to the next generation.

Jewels64 said...

The opening sentence of an article started off something like "Due to a caped crusader, a love sick robot, and Robert Pattinson's hair..."

Jewels64 said...

I'm telling ya...those ladies at EW love Rob!

Jewels64 said... make me sound like an asshole manipulator....

Lynn said...

Dana---my pure Twimind/Rob cannot handle it....I can feel the hair growing on my palms already....I will stick with Jules' stuff and WA.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, they make cream for that...

Lynn said...


Ellie said...

LMFAO, Jules!

Jewels64 said...

Hey, has anyone noticed how Ashley Michelle Greene has mysteriously disappeared from facebook? Or did she just drop my useless ass as a friend....

Lynn said...

Now that you mentioned it, yes! She has also been showing up more in the gossip columns and rags.

Ellie said...

She dropped me, too...a few of us, actually. Rose.

DirtyD said...

Jules- i just checked facebook and i think she is gone.

Jewels64 said...

I guess we're not her little bitches who stroke her ego...

Jewels64 said...

Wonder if it was a hoax...?

Jewels64 said...

Thanks super spy Dana!

Jewels64 said...

Why am I the only one talking?

Anonymous said...

I"m still here Jules. Just watching a movie in between blogging.

Ellie said...

Sorry,,,I think I just got to the Rob Pattinson brand...

Anonymous said...

I'm a little burnt out on the fanfic. I want an ending dammit!!!

So I'm not reading anymore until they are completely finished.

Jewels64 said...

Hell bells, I'm fucking writing Rob porn on another tab, checking facebook, commenting here...

Okay, I may be hyperactive.....

Lynn said...

Jules are cracking me up!

Lynn said...

Jules----you are a magpie like myself...easily distracted and in to shiny things.

Jewels64 said...

Mmmm...shiny things like human disco ball Edward...

Lynn said...


DirtyD said...

Ellie- wouldn't you like a brand now?

Jules- I am always multitasking while on here. Right now I'm reading fanfic, talking here, and listening to my ipod.

Jewels64 said...

Dana, I'm lining up for the Pattinsonian wake up call...

my story is getting good....

Ellie said...

Dana, it's the slight bite on the thighs, right??

Jewels64 said...

Oh crap. I just posted on FB that I was thinking that tonight was going to be "a night to remember" and one of my pastors from church just commented on it, asking if it had to do with my Mom. I am so laughing and feeling so dirty....

DirtyD said...

Ellie- inner thigh. The "inner" part is key.

Jules- hurry up and finish so I can read it! And yes a wake up call from his fine ass would be most pleasant :p

Ellie said...

Dana~~Yep, definitely got to that part. Past it, actually...rob just called her "my Grace" in his thoughts. Aw.

Jules, you have me cracking up...and your answer to your pastor was...???

Jewels64 said...

Oh Dana...don't rush the Robster...he's lurvely... and I'm in heaven right now....

babbles said...

Jules ~ LMAO! Your Shamefull!

DirtyD said...

Jules- I am just rushing you. I would never ever rush the "Robster". I would prefer him to do things slowly, very slowly!

babbles said...

Ellie ~ you might end up joining my fanfic whore support group if you getting all gooey like me everytime you read a fanfic...
I love when he calls her Grace in that story as opposed to Bradshaw or Nuts girl - he means business when he says 'Grace'...

Jewels64 said...

Brooke, I am so writing this next installment for you! I'm having a blast over here. All the pent up frustration from separating E & B in Utter Darkness is exploding on Rob's ultimately juicy butt...

Jewels64 said...

Brooke...where do I sign up?

Ellie said...

Jules~~you said Rob and exploding in the same sentence! oooo!

Ellie said...

Rob did just that in the story...

DirtyD said...

Hi my name is Dana and I am a fan fic whore!

Ellie said...

It's funny, though, on my computer, I keep reading "my Ellie"...

Ellie said...

Hi my name is Ellie and I am a fan fic whore! (haha, just copied and pasted...)

Jewels64 said...

I'm a fan fic madam....

Ellie said...

Admitting it is the first

Jewels64 said...

Okay, things are really heating up with Rob right now... I need a martini....

babbles said...

New WA chapter up!

Sabrizzle said...

Good evening loves! My name is Sabrina, and I too am a fanfic whore.

Ellie said...

Thanks Brooke...checking it out back soon...

Ellie said...

Sabrina, check out WA.. then come back here.

babbles said...

Can I be whore captain...

I love fanfic smut! Do they make name badges that say that shit!

Laura said...

Hey girls! I came here to chat but then I read what Brooke said about the next WA chapter being up....

so...sorry ladies, i love y'all, but Dark Edward is calling me! I'll be back in a bit

Sabrizzle said...

That's what I'm doing Ellie. I'll be back in a few.

Brooke, I definitely think you should be fanfic captain for compiling that fabulous list. Jules should be commander-in-chief of the fanfic since she writes such amazing stuff.

Jewels64 said...

Somebody make Brooke a flair for FB that says "Whore Captain"

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina...I'm writing Rob porn as we speak...

DirtyD said...

Yay WA. I gotta go check it out NOW!

babbles said...

Jules, Dana, sabrina, Ellie - Ladies..
Go say Hello to Feathersmmm in the chat box...
tell her she has sparkly boobies!

Jewels64 said...

Brooke, I love that bitch. She got to do Rob before I did....

Laura said...

Ok, I'm back!! Hey everybody!

Was there supposed to be another WA chapter up after 39?

Oh, and could someone please please please give me the link to the L.A. fanfic?

feathersmmmm said...

hey ladies! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!

Jewels64 said...

Hey Laura! Glad YOU are back! Nice to see you are catching on to all our little idiosyncrasies on FB!

Go to can find it there!

babbles said...

Laura feathers should be able to get you a link since her brilliant ass wrote the shit... Kudo's and welcome...

feathersmmmm said...

I am glad you are enjoying my little peek into Pattinson's head:)

Jewels64 said...

feathersmmmmm! I so love you! You fucking rock Bitch!

Jewels64 said...

Feathers, I am jealous. I have been writing my own Rob porn as well, and am currently writing another one but i just send it to my gals here.

Jewels64 said...

Plus I publish E & B fan fic on

feathersmmmm said...

Since I am new to this site, this will seem silly...indulge me
Is there a reason why the posts are listed from oldest to newest?

feathersmmmm said...

Thank you Jewels, I am a needy little bitch, and I do enjoy the stroking

Jewels64 said...

Dunno... it's confusing as crap.

When I first started I would get pissed commenting on an old page and then not see my post....

feathersmmmm said...

thats what she said

babbles said...

because we crazy bitches are back asswards and upside down around here...

Jewels64 said...

Honey, I will stroke you any day!

"Pattinsonian wake up call"!

Fucking Priceless!!!!!!!!!!!

DirtyD said...

Holy fuck. WA! That chick can write!

And now I come back to see dear feathers has finally found our little den of sin.

Feathers- you are part of the reason I have become a twilight porn whore.

feathersmmmm said...

OK, this is cool, but I need instant gratification. I am heading back to the chat for a little bit...thx to all who are enjoying Miss Grace and Mr Pattinson, and I hope to Christ he starts handing out Pattinson Brands soon:)

Jewels64 said...

Crap...i can't read WA chapter until i finish MY next chapter! I gotta finish the Rob story for y'all and get back to mine....

Sabrizzle said...

Just finished reading ch 39 and now I can't wait until ch 40 is up.

DirtyD said...

Laura- since Rose isn't here I'm gonna say it :

That's a fucking bullshit picture. So damn lucky.

DirtyD said...

Sabrina- some of the girls are chatting in the chat box. Head on over.

Sabrizzle said...

Ok, I'm not a big fan of the chatbox but I'll head over there.

Laura said...

Sorry it took me so long to write laptop is doing its nightly freeze up shit and pissing me off!!

Thanks Jules and Brooke! I will definitely be checking it out ;)

Btw, Jules--LOVED your FB status this morning!

Laura said...

I HAD to do it dana!! lol

Laura said...

Did everybody leave??

Sabrizzle said...

Everybody's in the chatbox, Laura.
I too am uber jealous of your avatar and the fact you met Rob. Fucking bullshit.

Laura said...

I'm feeling like Mike Newton when he asked Bella to prom :(

Laura said...

thanx sabrizzle, i'll head on over!

Sabrizzle said...

Okay, I'm here.

Jewels64 said...

Me too!

DirtyD said...

Present and accounted for!

DirtyD said...

Ladies did you read ch. 40?

Jewels64 said... shit...I was's gonna be a long one...want me to break it up?

Sabrizzle said...

I feel like such a whiney bitch for making everybody move, but I hate not being able to go back and read everything I've missed. Plus that blue background makes my eyes bug out.

DirtyD said...

If breaking it up means it will be in my hot little hands sooner, than by all means!

Jewels64 said...

Gah...stop with Ch. 40! I can't read past 22 yet! She is my reward for writing "Utter Darkness".

I swore that I would work on that first, but Rob needed some major attention.....

Sabrizzle said...

I just barely started chapter 40, Dana. I didn't want to leave while everyone was chatting and not be able to go back and see everyone's comments.

Ellie said...

Okay, the party can start...I'm here! lol

Jewels64 said...

Sex Bomb...I hear ya...that shit made me cross-eyed!

Jewels64 said...

WOOO HOOO! Our Mistress is here!


Sabrizzle said...

And plus here I get to see everyone's gorgeous avatars. (Including AJ's new face)

Ellie said...

I am not a fan of the chatbox. Too small and can't make a quick read of all the comments. Just saying.
Oh, Laura I am so loving your avatar...and that's just fucking bullshit right there.
feels good to write that out, here.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, we can say fucking bullshit here without all the fucking bullshit ******s!

DirtyD said...

I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T do you know what that mean man?

OT, I know but God I love this song. It just came on and I picture some dirty dancing for Rob.

Ellie said...

Jules, you can march right in there, young lady...Rob's his own personal branding iron all ready for ya'.

Ellie said...

fuckingbullshitfuckingbullshitfuckingbullshit... :)

Ellie said...

Oh, and did I mention fuckingbullshit?

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