Little Ashes Screencaps with the goofiest hair cut EVER

Thanks to


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DirtyD said...

Ha, ha. Even with that haircut and that God awful red and white striped t-shirt tucked into the front of his pants he still hot!

kristen said...

Ohhhh I can't wait for this film!!! Can it be March already?!

And can we all join in a collective sigh that Rob doesn't actually have that haircut? It's so funny-looking!

Melissa said...

Who knew red and white stripes could look so HOT!!! I can't wait to see this movie...sans the husband of

Kate said...

Nope sorry I don't like the hair, it looks too much like mine LOL

bella's mom said...

I loved listening to his "accent" in the teasers. He is such a consummate actor.

Jewels64 said...

Awww...I'll still take Rob with the Carol Burnette haircut and all....

bella's mom said...

OOOOOOO Kate he can wear his wig for you and you can be twinkies!!

Kate said...

LOL @ Mona
I think mine looks a bit better LOL ;-) He just can't pull it off;-)

Damn it Rob stop trying to copy me !!!!LOL

Rose said...

Mona...can I just say that you make me smile!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm so glad he doesn't have this haircut for the whole movie, it looks like he's channeling Claudia again.

bella's mom said...

lol Thank you Rose darlin!

kristen said...

Channeling Claudia, indeed! :) It looks like the haircut that flapper girls used to have in the 1920's (albeit a little frizzier)... Turns out he got the time period right, but the fact that he's male sort of ruins the effect LOL.

And Kate, based on your avatar, your hair looks much much better than his!

Sabrizzle said...

Good thing Dali just stuck to the flapper hair and not the whole ensemble. I don't really want to see Rob in a flapper dress, it would just be wrong.

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina! We missed you last night! It was all kinda fun!

Sabrizzle said...

I know, I missed you lovelies too! I went to Disneyland in the afternoon and then to Panera Bread for dinner before going to a little concert and watching "Knocked Up" with some of my friends.

Jewels64 said...

Did ya check out my vid?

Sabrizzle said...

Yes I did Jules, it was awesome! It sent me into a fit of giggles!

Jewels64 said...

I had such a good time making that thing!

Sabrizzle said...

I love how you called Goz and Dani pushers. Rob definitely is like a drug.

Jewels64 said...

Goz liked that too!

I can't believe I found the pix of Rob that just fit so well....

Anonymous said...

Jules - I don't know why you didn't include my pic (see avatar) in your vid.

I am one fine a$$ woman (a$$ not pictured ... thankfully).

Try not to hate me b/c I'm beautiful. Oh yeah. Uh huh. Look out Nikki Reed, I'm after yo man.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, it was perfect! I need to go take a shower and go get some food, I will be back in an hour or two.

Sabrizzle said...

ROFLMFAO AJ! That is one smokin' hot avatar you've got there!

Jewels64 said...


Jewels64 said...

You took down your blog to go and have cosmetic surgery didn't you.

Bitch...I'm jealous....

Anonymous said...

Why yes, I had a little lift and tuck done. My beard is a little less heavy now and I had my eyes lifted from somewhere down around my knees where my breasts are.

Anonymous said...

sorry, I had to switch my avatar back cause I knew you'd all be callin' to date my bootylicious self.

Melissa said...

LOL AJ-that was one HOT avatar...


Jewels64 said...

Damn AJ, I just called out everybody from Facebook to come and see your fine a$$ self!

Kate said...

Omg God AJ you're looking good!!

Jewels64 said...

See Kate, I told you. Nikki's gonna crap her pants....

Rose said...

Beautiful Pic...


Melissa said...

Is mostly everyone FB friends??? I am SO LEFT OUT!! *tear*

Trixie said...

aj - i can't even type right now because i am laughing so hard

Kate said...

Ya Jules you were SO right!!

Ellie said...

Hellooo, ladies!!

AJ, I', loving them pigtails ya' got there, girl!! lol

What's the topic of the moment???

Rose said...

Jules called me over .... was worth it!!!

Jewels64 said...

Aw Melissa...just give in to the peer pressure....

Jewels64 said...

Rose I about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard....

Jewels64 said...

Trixie...imagine how I felt when I tabbed back over and refreshed...

Holy shit....still giggling....

Trixie said...

Jules - thank you, thank you for the heads up!

aj - you are just beyond hilarious!

Hey Ellie, Kate, Melissa!

Rose said...

Thank you all for making me laugh so much.

Anonymous said...

I leave you with one last look at my pulchritudinous self before I go shopping ... and fighting off men left and right.

Hubby is a lucky man, no?

Trixie said...

everytime i go back and look at that pic, the LOL starts all over again!

Jewels64 said...

Yo man better be packing heat to fight off any poachers....

Rose said...

Sincerely...I think its the pigtails.

Ellie said...

AJ, you're a knockout..I mean, your beauty knocks me out...literally.

I mean it.

Have fun shopping...for a new face??

Anonymous said...

A larger version for your viewing pleasure.


Trixie said...

Oh God!!! A larger version!!!!

Rose said...

I just might have nightmares tonight...

Trixie said...

Rose - i love our matching avatars :)

Ellie said...

AJ, were your parents related???

Jewels64 said...

I have tears streaming down my face I am laughing so hard... the larger version so rocks!

Rose said...

Me too, Trix...hehehe.

Jewels64 said...

Ellie you did not just go there? LMAO, crying....

Trixie said...

Jules - i am on the floor over here - can't stop laughing. and the she had to go and make it bigger!


Jewels64 said...

OMIGOD, Jovie is gonna be pissed she missed AJ!

Ellie said...

Yep, Jules, I certainly did! :)

Jewels64 said...

It was so worth it...that's the best fucking laugh I've had in a long time....

Rose said...

And here I am...totally creeped out by it...

Trixie said...

Jules - i sent Jov an email hoping she might be online...

Jewels64 said...

Holy Shit, i'm saving that damn picture and putting it in my next video!

Ellie said...

That pic is the ultimate Robkat!

Jewels64 said...

See Trixie...see how Jacob Black I am when it comes to Jovie and AJ?

Kate said...

Right I'm here properly, sorry I was on the phone and I can't talk and read at the same time. A friend rang to ask me out to dinner tomorrow so that should be nice she's a good cook ;-)

Jewels64 said...

Kate did you see the larger version of AJ's fine self?

Trixie said...

Jules - you are so Jacob.

Melissa said...

Hey Trixie...I am still laughing over that avatar creepy but so funny...

And Jules I will give in to the FB pressure but I dont know how to search for you guys!!

Lynn said...

AJ----interesting avatar..I dunno what to say!

Jewels64 said...

Melissa...Julia Hickman...just search me out and you'll be able to find everyone else!

Ellie said...

Yes, Melissa, Jules has all the Robkateers' names... lol

Kate said...

I just saw it Jules and it reminded me of someone around the eyes ;-) David Tennent LOL

Melissa said...

Ok, will do....BRB

Jewels64 said...

I just showed AJ's pic to my youngest...told him he was about to see the most beautiful woman in the world...

You shoulda seen the look on his face. Fucking priceless....

Trixie said...

Kate - LOL David Tennant! I'm so annoyed that he keeps moving ahead of rob in that poll! WTF?

Kate said...

I warching a new series that sarted last week called "Demons" I missed last weeks one but you know the girl in "Badmothers Hnadbook" she's in it ! Six degrees huh?? All roads lead to Rob.

Jewels64 said...

Kate, how funny!

Look, I'm a Dr. Who fan...but don't try and sell that shit here....

Trixie said...

Melissa - just accepted your friend request :)

Kate said...

Hey Melissa you found me ;-)

Melissa said...

Thanks Trixie...I found most of you

Ellie-I'm not quite sure which Robkat you are though....??? :)

Ellie said...

Melissa, I'm under my given name on FB, not my nickname...

Kate said...

I never really got into Dr Who actually only watched it a few times ironically when David Tennent was in it LOL
Demons seems good but I'm annoyed that I missed last weeks episode!

Jewels64 said...

Right Melissa, you're in! Welcome BABY!

Melissa said...

Hmmm...Ellie...maybe I will have to guess....hints would be nice.... :)

Rose said...

I'm easy to find...look for fucking bullshit Rose

Ellie said...

Melissa, I just keep it under wraps on here because of privacy (classroom parents, my daughter's friends, etc.), but not on my FB. I asked Jules to let you know.

Sorry for being so cryptic!

Ellie said...

Yes, Rose, I noticed your Robkat title in Jules' video!

Melissa said...

Ellie-totally cool. I understand...I will look right now

Kate said...

I gave you a hint Melissa ;-)

Ellie said...

Thanks, Melisssssssssss... xoxo

Ellie said...

And thank you too, Katester!xoxo

Melissa said...

Ok, Ellie...consider yourself "added"....hehehe

babbles said...

LMAO @ Rob's Hair, I mean literally LMAO!!!!

Ellie said...

Brooke, are you the awesome author of "I Love L.A."??? and you're keeping it a secret from your loyal Robkat fans???? Hmmm??(saw the emails...)

Ellie said...

And have you gotten the Pattinson wake-up call personally?????????????

Jewels64 said...

Hey all...i'm here just chatting with Lynn on the phone...

Ellie said...

Okay, Jules, seriously jealous here,

Melissa said...

Ok, well have fun guys. I actually need to get ready to go here at some point today...

Thanks for all the FB adds and talk to everyone soon...

Ellie said...

Bye, Melissa, talk to you later!

babbles said...

Ellie - Hell no, I wish! But she was interesting in chatting up with all you promoters of her fanfic, I gave her the blog address...

babbles said...

Pattinson wake up call, Hot "F"ing Damn, Yes! Ok no but I have had plenty of wake up calls with Rob on the brain.

babbles said...

Me and my bird poop hair and sparkly boobies!!!

Ellie said...

Brooke, I probably missed when you said this, but when or how did you talk with her?

Ellie said...

and I just read the "ran like my ass was on fire" phrase. Grace just burned her back on the coffee...

Kate said...

Hi Brooke {waves} sorry Ladies I got another phone call and I'm messing around making another video but it won't be as good as Jules's.

babbles said...

*waves* Hi Kate...

Ellie ~ I E-mailed you!

And I love that freakin part, "ran like my ass was on fire" There is for sure at least one Funny ass quote from each chapter...

Ellie said...

Hi, kate...I'm going back and forth between here and I love LA.

babbles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
babbles said...

“Whatever Grace, you are so Edward's bitch now. Just like all of us,”


Ellie said...

Brooke~~Yes! She's a pice of woprk! Very clever with her humor (the poop in the hair, the coffe spilling at the wrong moment...that Grace is ruled by Murphy's Law! lol

babbles said...

"Well, your sex hair goes great with my poo hair,"


Ellie said...

Soory about the typos..I type too fast and all hell breaks loose...

Jewels64 said... are cracking me up!

babbles said...

No I like it, We could have some fun with that typo word... "woprk"

Ellie said...

Is the end of all the chapters the end of the story, also?

Jewels64 said...

I was dreaming of the Pattinsonian wake up call this a.m. and low and behold, my batteries crapped out....

Ellie said...

Damn,, I can't even type "sorry" without fucking it up!

babbles said...

How is Jules this fine afternoon, Or whatever time it is where you are! Shit I dont even know what time it is here...

Ellie said...

AAGGHH, Jules...that's every day, now, isn't it!?! You need to buy stock in Everready!

babbles said...

Duracell or Generic! You get what you pay for Jules!

babbles said...

~El~ what do you mean about the chapter ending being the story ending???

Jewels64 said...

I'm fucking horny as hell and Rob is in fucking London....

Lynn said...

Jules has an employee excuses right?

Ellie said...

Hey, when I was a freshman in college, in Evergreen dorm, we were known as "Everready Evergreen'! lol

babbles said...

Mmmm Pattinson wake up call! excuse me, I'll be back in a few...

*cackles as running back to bedroom*

Thank the goodies that the babes are napping...

Bad Brooke!

Ellie said...

Brooke~~At the end of all she wrote, is that tha absolute ending of the story?

babbles said...

Employee discount!!!!! LMAO!

babbles said...

~E~ Don't stress your pretty self out! that story is Incomplete, More to come! Yes I said come, Run with it!

Jewels64 said...

My employee discount is shit...

Lynn said...

Jules---thanks for the cyber rock, mija!

Jewels64 said...

I'm feeling the itch to write some more Rob fic....

Jewels64 said...

I do what I can, when I can Lynn!

babbles said...

Jules, You raelize you typed - Rob, In and Fucking in the same sentence!

Jewels64 said...

That's how I roll Brooke....

babbles said...

Scratch that Itch Jules... Do you need some cream for that! I will help a sister out... Anything for Fanfic... I am not ashamed!

Lynn said...

Brooke----two words...cold shower!

Jewels64 said...

Momma! That sounds tempting....

babbles said...

~L~ Cold shower my ass!!! Well ok, maybe, I have never actually tried that...

Lynn said...

Brooke---what fan fic were you talking about earlier?

Ellie said...

Forget the cream., Jules...I thought you liked Crisco.

babbles said...


Lynn - "I Love L.A."
Good stuff!

Ha, Bwahahahaha Crisco, Gross actually!

Kate said...

Do it Jules "Feel dirty about it, feel like it's wrong" !!

Jewels64 said...

Anything to slip and slide baby!

Jewels64 said...

Hi Kate...welcome back...yeah...we're still here...I don't have a life...

Ellie said...

Although honey would be nice and sweet...and fun to shower off with a certain someone.

babbles said...

Yes but can we say pore cloggin much!!! some things where meant to be clogged and others not so much...

Jewels64 said...

Only if he'd let me handcuff him to the shower head...Whoops there's that word I love so much....

babbles said...

Honey, now we are talkin! Food and Rob Fucking Pattinson... Brooke is doing the happy dance!!!

Life is good here in my head!

Ellie said...

Ah, Kate, back to one of my favorite quotes! I heard it live on the radio, on my way to work. I pulled into a supermarket parking lot to hear the whole thing with my undivided attention. And then I was late for work.

Trixie said...

Kate - i sent you the flair with that quote, right?

Hi again everyone!

Lynn said...

Handcuff or head?

babbles said...

Jules, what word "Head" LOL

babbles said...

Hi Trixie

babbles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

Okay, there's that word "head" again...:o

Trixie said...

Hey Brooke!

Ellie - are you getting snow?

Jewels64 said...

Um...Hi Clare!

We're just riffing, having some fun.

But seriously, if your boy does half the things he did in "I LOVE L.A.", I going stalker now instead of March....

Ellie said...

Hell, yes, Trixie! We're up to about 3 or 4 inches...does that equal one thumb?

Jewels64 said... know me too well....LMAO!

Kate said...

Trixie Yeap do did ;-)
Jules I'm back and forward all night coz the bloody phone keeps ringing. Don't they know Ihave important thing to do LOL

Trixie said...

Jules - i just stared i love LA - does it get really, really good? and you know the kind of good i mean!

Lynn said...

Snow???? Not to snow on anyone's parade but currently it is 78 derees in my neck of the woods.

Where the hell is my winter?

Jewels64 said...

Trix...i should send you my Rob porn that I wrote...

babbles said...

Ah Fuck Jules - I just spit my damn coffee all over my screen after reading your comment:

"I'll still take Rob with the Carol Burnette haircut"


Kate said...

We've gone from frost and Ice to wind and rain. So I'm not wearing my fake uggs now you've be glad to hear. LOL

Trixie said...

Ellie - LOL. that's how we're going to measure snowfall from now on! we only have 1 thumb about now!

Ellie said...

Trixie, there's no fucking delicious cookies, but it's hot.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, it actually got cold here again...

Lynn said...

Kate---burn the Ugggs or we will hunt you down!

Trixie said...

Jules - yeah, send me that shit stat!

And Lynn - to quote our beloved Rose... that's fucking bullshit

okay - i just broke my "no cursing during the day" rule, but it is kinda dark what with the storm and all...

Jewels64 said...

Why the fuck did Rob have to channel Johnny Depp's haircut in Willie Wonka?

Jewels64 said...

Kate, Uggs are such a heinous fashion statement!

babbles said...

Ellie~ That fucking delicious cookies line cracks me up for more reason's than WA...
My husband has names for certain body parts and he calls my lady bits cookies - I laughed so hard every time I read that phrase I nearly blew a blood vessel...

Kate said...

LOL Lynn. Well I have to say I agree with wearing them in hot weather being ridiculous but there brill in the cold LOL

Lynn said...

Trixie and Jules----to quote Chris Tucker....izzzz bullshit and you know it!

I hate heat too early in the winter.

Trixie said...

Ah Jules - LOL at your descriptions of the dali bob!

Jewels64 said...

MMMkay Trixie...get ready for a night to remember!

babbles said...

Willy Wonka LMAO! Good morning starshine the earth says Hello!

Trixie said...

Jules - the trixinator is ready! She needs a night to remember!!!

Lynn said...

Kate---thousands of Californians an attest to how stupid Uggs look in hot fave is Uggs with mini skirts.

Kate said...

That reminds me I still have to take the bows off my Camella boots. Why are there bows on EVERYTHING this year and don't say that they're in I don't care about that shit if I don't like something I don't wear it.

babbles said...

Hey is it just me or do any of your family members stop and stare at you when you laugh at the computer monitor - I dont get it, take a picture or something... Hmm anyway!

Ellie said...

"he calls my lady bits cookies"
LMFAO, Brooke!!

Trixie, I'm now hoping for THREE thumbs of snow!!!

babbles said...

Ellie~ I know right! Now try re-reading WA with that knowledge!

Trixie said...

Kate - you got camilla boots???? I'm so jealous!

Ellie said...

Brooke, it already flashed through my mind when I read it...oh, so delicious! LOL

Jewels64 said...

My kids had to come upstairs to see what i was laughing so hard about earlier...AJ's avatar...still giggling on that shit!

babbles said...

Trixie ~ all I can say regarding Jules Rob Smut is ENJOY!

Kate said...

I do agree with you Lynn they do that here too and they look like Yeti's or something. I wear mine with my skinny jeans and love them because they keep my feet so warm. I'm a very cold person. I was in the shop the other day and the assistant was giving me my change and pulled away from me, it reminded me of the scene frim "twilight" in the car, she pulled away and just said your hands are freezing. I said my usual response. I know they always are but you know what they say "cold hands, warm heart" LOL

Ellie said...

I mean when I read your comment...

Trixie said...

Jules - god, me too! seriously.

babbles said...

Ellie ~ Hmm "that's what he said' LMFAO!

Kate said...

Trixie I call them Camella boots LOL
They're brown suede. I'm gonna take a pic, Jovie wants to see. I bought the boots, the skinny jeans and an orange boho top . It's my version of her outfit ;-)

Ellie said...

Trixie, if you thought your husband reaped the benefits of I Love LA, wait until WA! woohoo!

Trixie said...

brooke - oh I plan to!

babbles said...

Twilight, Fanfic, Rob and Smut reaking havoc all over the place!!!!

Trixie said...

Kate - you MUST take a pic of camilla outfit! I want to See!

Ellie - i was just about to write that my husband will probably reap the benefits of Jules rob porn :)

Lynn said...

Kate---I have the cold hands thing more and more....damn circulation.

Uggs have been popular around here for about 20's time for them to die.

Ellie said...

Brooke, Sounds like you have a mighty happy man on your hands, there...

Lynn said...

Kate---I am still looking for my Camilla boots....lucky!

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