Newsday.com lists what the actors of Harry Potter have been up to in between the movies or in Rob's case: After death...
Cedric Diggory: Robert Pattison
There’s certainly life after death for Cedric Diggory, the comely Hogwarts champ who was so cruelly slayed by Peter Pettigrew in the Little Hangleton graveyard in “ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”
In fact, there’s eternal life for his screen interpreter Robert Pattison in his new incarnation as the Adonis-like vegetarian vampire Edward Cullen in the box office phenomenon “ Twilight” . Director Catherine Hardwicke might have cruelly gotten the boot from the "Twilight" producers, but expect more and more Pattison in the upcoming sequel “New Moon."
He plays Salvador Dali in the upcoming indie “Little Ashes” and is slated to star in the drama "Parts per Billion" with Rosario Dawson, "Juno’s" Olivia Thirlby and Dennis Hopper. (Peter Sorel / Summit Entertainment)
In honour of the Friends quote from the previous thread, could Rob/Cedric's neck BE any LONGER? LOL
Oh Lynn! A girl after my own heart! NECKs are one of the sexiest parts of men. I remember having a crush on a guy when I was 17 because he had the longest smoothest neck I've ever seen.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, nibble on that neck....
I have total neck envy....I have the standard Islander neck. Thankfully, I married someone with a long, graceful neck!
Mmmmmmmm, indeed!
Lynn & Goz, Now I don't feel so embarrassed for noticing these things on men. Thank you! I feel normal again.
All his parts are appealing. pure and simple.
That last line in the article made me sad.
A moment of silence for the loss of bathtub sex and cupboard sex scenes.
I love his neck too...
In the Biology scene in Twilight I nearly fainted during those shots from behind - his neck and jaw were delicious.
Hi Babes! Man, do we love us some Rob neck or what?
So who's this Robert "Pattison" guy?? lol
Haha, Hurley's having that Hot Pocket on Lost...
Hello :)
I missed you guys last night! I can't stay on long(I'm at my mom's using her computer--my internet's down :( ), but I just wanted to say the chat box thing last night was HILARIOUS!! Well done, ladies!
The internet better come back soon cuz I'm DYING to read Ch. 10 of Utter Darkness!
Hi, Laura! Missed you here tonight! the chatbox is getting quite the workout lately...such a riot!
Strange, kinda funny Twilight spoof here.
AJ - that spoof killed me. The ending was a little weird but the rest of it was HILARIOUS!! To me,the funniest part was when he tripped and stumbled pulling her along - I just about wet myself!
Omigod AJ, I about pissed my pants I was laughing so hard! Too funny! I had to post it to my fb page for all my church friends who think I'm crazy....whoops..."know" I'm crazy....
Hello everyone :)
Hey Dana! Just curious...what kind of laptop did you get...I'm in the market for one considering I am now an "AUTHOR"...LOL!?
Jules- I got a mac.
How much do you mind me asking?
My husband is convinced that Macs are the best when it comes to computers. Every pc computer we had went to shit. He has the new mac book- the really thin one and he loves his. Mine is the model that came out before that. Its a mac os x .
This one was used that we got off of ebay and paid $600 for it. They sell for $999 in store for the model I got. But mine looks almost new.
I so love that damn pic of pissed of Edward, So hot!
Good evening loves!
Jules- I just asked Jim about his and he has the Mac Book Pro and paid $1800 for his.
They have places online too that sell refurbished computers for decent prices. Not sure how you feel about refurbished though.
Hey Sabrina. How are you tonight?
Good, how are you Dana?
Pretty good. Just reading fan fic as usual.
Hahaha, I'm addicted to fanfic too. But I hate waiting for updates!
Yes the waiting sucks. But I have so many on my list that they keep my mind occupied. Saturday School was updated today if you read that one.
I haven't read that one yet, I might start reading it tonight, though. Is it good?
Yeah it's pretty good. Kind of along the lines of the breakfast club. Its got angst and fluff.
Cool, I'll have to check it out.
So where is everyone tonight? Chatbox maybe?
Crap...I'm so budget...and yeah..in the chat box babes!
Jules- you can get a decent laptop for 300-400. Macs are more expensive, but I think it's because of the software that they come with. If you just want something for browsing the internet and for your writing I wouldn't get something too expensive. Jim just got me a mac because we'd had so many problems with our other laptops.
Going to read now, i'll check back here in a little bit.
Thanks Dana! Yeah, that's pretty much what I want it for! Being able to come here (Hah! I said "come") and writing...
Will google for some more info....
Love the new banner Goz....mmmm neck.
Thanks for the videos too - there was a period where there were so many videos to watch and I didn't have time to watch them all, so it's nice to see some of them now.
His voice drives me nuts.
Gonna go and watch again.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but in the poll on the front page what is the BBJ?
I know I'm gonna kick myself as soon as someone tells me.
Ummm...Isn't BBJ the "Brown Bubble Jacket"? That's what I am assuming.
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