LA Times Movie Sneaks 2009- Little Ashes

'Little Ashes' makes the list, there cannot be enough buzz for this film! Show some LA Love.
(New movie still below)

Movie Sneaks 2009

'Little Ashes'The young life and loves of artist Salvador Dalí, filmmaker Luis Buñuel and writer Federico Garcia Lorca in 1922 Spain. With Robert Pattinson. Written by Philippa Goslett. Directed by Paul Morrison. Regent Releasing, March 27.



Sabrizzle said...

Grrr, why isn't it March already?!

DirtyD said...

March will be a wonderful month.

Tess said...

Ok all. I'll try to peek in later. Bye for now.


Ellie said...

Finally found you!
I kept refreshing, until I read "move up" comment...cannot wait for March, either.

Kate said...

Jut moving up to say goodnight. It's 1am here. Thanks for the great company as usual Ladies. see ye tomorrow at some stage.

Olive Juice

Lynn said...

You know with how important LA is for the film industry...I am disappointed how it got overlooked for HTB.

There will be bra burnings and protests if Little Ashes doesn't come to LA or San Diego!

Sabrizzle said...

Bye Tess!

Goodnight and sweet dreams Kate! xoxoxoxo

DirtyD said...

Hi and bye Kate :)

Ellie said...

Good night, Kate! Enjoy your day tomorrow.

Oh, and I loved your train story! very sweet.
Olice juice, honey. xoxo

Lynn said...

Tata, Tess!

Olive juice and MUAHHHH!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, there will be Lynn! And we'll be the ones organizing it!

Lynn said...

Good night, Kate!

Olive juice and MUAHHHH!

Lynn said...

Sabrina---I hear ya, sister! I know Rob would love it!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes he would, judging by the way he was playing with that thong Tyra gave him. ;)

Jewels64 said...

Hey girls...

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Jules! How was dinner?

Lynn said...

I loved how Rob handled that thong...those long fingers were in heaven!

Lynn said...

Hola, Jules mija! How are you?

Sabrizzle said...

I just wish Tyra wasn't the one who gave it to him. That part was rather creepy. *shudders*

Jewels64 said...

Dinner was good...I'm kinda feeling a little weird today though....

Sabrizzle said...

Uh-oh, I hope you aren't getting sick!

Lynn said...

LOL Tyra is way creepy...but Rob's smile was priceless. I loved how confused he looked whenever she opened her gob...she is a true PITA!

Lynn said...

Weird, how?

Trixie said...

Lynn - that is an image I will never forget - Rob lacing that thong through his fingers...

Sabrizzle said...

Indeed, Lynn. Crap, now I'm remembering the creeptastic dream I had last week that she was in.

Trixie said...

Sab - it was creepy. I love how rob said there was a stain on them!

Jewels64 said...

Nah, just pissed cause I've begun to write and re-write chapter 5 so many fucking times today. All the angst is getting to me in between reading WA, writing my stuff, and mom still being in the hospital.

Not really sleeping or eating either....

Trixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

That and my children have been channeling Beavis & Butthead all damn day....

Lynn said...

LOL Rob had that magpie look on his face...distracted like he was looking at something shiny!

Sabrizzle said...

I know, that part was disgusting Trixie.

Lynn said...


((((CYBER HUGS))))

Jewels64 said...

Ahhhh! Thanks Lynn! :D

Sabrizzle said...

Sorry you have to deal with all of that, Jules. I hope you have a better day tomorrow! Muahh!

Lynn said...

Well, Rob is naturally the little brother...I think that he made the stain comment just to get a rise out of Tyra. And, it worked....lucky bitch!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn!

Lynn said...

I am Cornolio, I need teepee for my bunghole!

Sorry, Jules! Your comment forced me to write that!

Jewels64 said...

Think I need a good night's sleep. The sleep deprevation is killing me. I feel like I see smurfs coming out of the woodwork...

Trixie said...

Lynn - I so agree with you - that is totally why he said that.

Ellie said...

Hi, Jules...sorry you're spirits are down. Hopefully we can cheer you up a bit.

Lynn said...

LOL@ Jules! I almost lost it when you said that yesterday!

Ellie said...

WTF, Lynn?? :)

Lynn said...

I can imagine that there is a reason why Lizzy and Victoria dressed Rob up as a girl when he was a babe....he was probably quite the handful!

Jewels64 said...

Cracking up over here!

Lynn said...

WTF what?

Jewels64 said...

Hey Els! Glad to see ya!

Trixie said...

has anyone every uncovered a true Claudia picture??? Would love to see one of those...

Lynn said...

Cornolio is Beavis' alter ego after he has too much sugar.

Jewels64 said...

GAH...fuck E & B...I think I'll go do Rob....

Lynn said...

Triie---Clair will have to enlighten us!

Sabrizzle said...

I haven't seen one Trixie, but I also would love to see Claudia.

Ellie said...

Ah, thanks, Lynn..xoxo
just sounded funny, bunghole and all lol

Trixie said...

Lynn - Triie - LOL! I love what your screwed up "x" does to my name!

Lynn said...

Sorry, I keep leaving out the h's.

Cornholio is Beavis' alter ego...have to keep my pop culture straight!

Lynn said...

Dammit....the x's, too! Sorry, Trixie!

Lynn said...

Well, I have to scoot and pickup my son from the neighbor's house!

I will check back in if bedtime goes well!

Trixie said...

So, Jules and I were talking about what we think the clothing situation will be for Rob for the Volturra scene. I don't think he will be competely shirtless...

Did we already cover this? I had to leave for a bit...

Sabrizzle said...

Bye Lynn, hope to chat with you later!

Trixie said...

Bye Lynn!

Sabrizzle said...

No, we didn't talk about that Trixie. I think you are right that he probably won't be completely shirtless. :(

Trixie said...

Sab - especially now that Taylor is all buffed up!

It will be interesting to see how that is handled. Will they just have him in a sleeveless shit?

Jewels64 said...

Night Lynn! I'm calling an early night tonight. May only be on a little bit longer myself!

Jewels64 said...

"Sleeveless shit?" WTF?

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Trixie, I've got church giggles....

Trixie said...

Jules - get some rest... we don't need you seeing smurfs, they might start creeping into Utter Darkness by accident!

Ellie said...

Bye, Lynn!

I think rob will have a shirt on as well. Maybe it will be like the candid shot of him in movie companion book (page 81, to be where he's got his arms out and looking up at the sky, but only with his hands holding the shirt open???

Ellie said...

sleeveless shit?? WTF,Trixie??lol

Sabrizzle said...

I know, now Rob is going to feel extremely embarrased about his body since Taylor is so bulky. Maybe they will have his shirt unbuttoned like they did in Twilight.

Trixie said...

Oh good! giggles will make you feel better.

He's got to have some skin exposed right?! are they going to do the partially open shirt bullshit again?!

Ellie said...

I saw on the earlier thread that you all were talking about new pics or a vid of Taylor, all bulked up???

Trixie said...

Wasn't Edward wearing a sleeveless shirt in the Meadow scene in the book???

Sabrizzle said...

That's one thing I'm glad they changed about the book when they made the movie; the wardrobe. SM had Edward and Bella wear some strange stuff.

Trixie said...

Ellie - yes on

you have to watch the video

Ellie said...

I think so, Trixie.

Ellie said...

Is there a link?

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, he was Trixie. I'm still voting for no shirt at all.

Trixie said...

Sab - okay so I'll put this question out there. If it is going to be no shirt... do you think they will make him wax??? LOL!

Ellie: link

Trixie said...

LOL Jules - did you expect a higher percentage????

Sabrizzle said...

I hope not Trixie. They should just remove it digitally the way they did in Twilight.

Ellie said...

Jules, you just KNOW taht I will get about a 97%! hahahah

DirtyD said...

Jules- I just took the quiz. I'm 26% pure.

Ok back to reading fan fic.

Ellie said...

Trixie~~thanks for the link.

Ellie said...

Going to take the quiz.brb.

Trixie said...

34% pure here. That just makes me naughty according to the quiz - LOL!

Jewels64 said...

I love that I was called Scandalous!

Trixie said...

Scandalous! That's PERFECT!

Ellie said...

I got a 32%...a bit lower than 97, wouldn't you say??

Jewels64 said...

I just posted another old Rob interview on my page. It's from the GOF premiere. It's freaky how quiet it seemed in comparison to the Twilight Premiere.

Trixie said...

Just a bit...

Did you see the video?

Jewels64 said...

See Mistress Ellie... you dirty bitch...

Sabrizzle said...

I need to go eat dinner and do some homework, I will be back a bit later.

Trixie said...

See you later, Sabrina!

Ellie said...

bye, Sabrizzzzzzz!

Now I have a title, huh? lol

Jewels64 said...

Bye Sabrina! I'm prolly getting ready to flake too gals. I'm beat!

Trixie said...

Jules - rest up darling! maybe go watch some gof to relax :)

Ellie said...

Get a good night's sleep, Jules, and we'll do this all over again tomorrow night. You know you'll see us here!

Trixie said...

Ellie - is it just you and me now???

Jewels64 said...

Night Gals...

Trixie said...

Goodnight Jules! Olive Juice!

Ellie said...

Olive juice, Jules. xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

Damn, everybody left.

Stacy said...

Geez...I think I am destined to miss everyone since my time zone is so off. Hopefully I will catch you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Good evening all awesome ladies
Geez it is quiet here.
Rosl xxx

Ellie said...

Good morning, girls! How is everyone today??

I'm itching for a Rob sighting. It's killing me, here... I really hope he's relaxing and enjoying himself, wherever he is. Miss him.

WildCat said...

I'm poking around here too. Should be working *chortle*. I always seem to miss the conversations when I do poke my nose in here.

MiCh said...

Morning girls! I'm back! Did you miss me? 'Cause I missed you all lots and lots!

Off to read 3 weeks of posts and comments :S just wanna say HELLO MY LOVELIES! You rock my world!

PS. Where are you Rob!? We miss you :(

Ellie said...

MiCh! I misssssed you! Welcome back, baby!
How were your 3 weeks??

keely said...

Hello everyone!I should get myself a tattoo: " Can´t wait to see little ashes." ;-)
Germany is so full of twilight everywhere right now, cause the film will come to the cinemas on the 15th.
What I never realized before is how much interviews are just taken from the past and selled as recently
done. So no new news, accept for one reportage in german which says that Rob always won the price for the most massy form in his school. I don´t know if it is true, but I can picture that easily ;-)They also made in interactive page for him:
I know it´s not special, but maybe it cheers some of you up...a bit :-)
Iiiiiiieeeh, my cat just brought me a mouse. Off to force my BF to clean it up.

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