MTV.com reports the following:
'Twilight' Star Robert Pattinson Drops Out Of 'Parts Per Billion'
Rep cites 'New Moon' schedule as the reason for actor's departure.
In the massive wake surrounding the record-breaking box office of "Twilight," Robert Pattinson mania has swept through Hollywood and made the charismatic Brit one of its most in-demand young actors. His busy schedule has put him on magazine covers and had him touring all over the world and making public appearances to rioting crowds.
Now, however, Twilighters have one less place where they'll be able to find their beloved RPattz: on the set of his next movie.
MTV News has exclusively confirmed that Pattinson is dropping out of "Parts per Billion," the eagerly anticipated indie film he was scheduled to begin shooting in Los Angeles this month. Although co-star/producer Rosario Dawson had expressed enthusiasm about working with the "Twilight" heartthrob as recently as December 16, a representative for Pattinson confirmed that he is no longer involved.
"What you heard is correct," the 22-year-old star's agent, Nicholas Frenkel, replied to an MTV News query Tuesday (January 6). "Unfortunately, the prep time and production schedule on 'New Moon' haven't left enough time for Robert to work on 'Parts per Billion' in the first quarter of this year."
The news is sure to sadden Pattinson's army of fans, who have been tracking the development of the film for months and were eagerly anticipating his reportedly steamy love scenes to be shot with actress Olivia Thirlby ("Juno"). The ensemble film, which tells the story of several different lives being impacted by the same catastrophic event, will now need to quickly recast the role if shooting is to remain on schedule.
Pattinson's fans might also be interested that his rep cited the pending "New Moon" shoot as the actor's reason for having to leave "Billion." With that much-anticipated "Twilight" sequel not scheduled to get cameras rolling until March, it now seems highly unlikely that RPattz will be able to squeeze in a movie before he returns to the role of Edward Cullen — leaving his fans with only "Little Ashes" and "How to Be" in the can. Pattinson shot both films before his "Twilight" breakthrough.
HUGE ((sigh))
Like Lisa mentioned in the last comment thread, Rob is one of the only remaining cast members of Twilight to not complete another project since filming..
Is this because Summit had him so tied up with promoting their film?
OK. I'm really and truly going out for a bit now.
I bet Rob is disappointed too. The few times he mentioned doing this film he seemed really excited about the script and the people involved. I bet it would have been awesome. Even if it was crap (with Rob in it, there's no way it would be) but IF it was, I'd still see it. Steamy love scenes?? Good love, no one's zippers would survive.
Thanks for the jaw porn Dani : ) !
Well now we know why he packed up his stuff no need for his place now. When shooting begins in March and all the pre production stuff he'll be put up at a hotel.
Bummer no more LA sightings.
argh what a disappointment. i never read New Moon but according to Rob, Edward is barely in that book. is that true or is he exaggerating? if it's true then i wonder if the Summit people did some tweaking with the New Moon script so he would be in it more (for obvious reason)?? hmm...
Dani you can't leave IMDB!!!! You are going to be sorely missed.
I don't get the whole deleted threads thing. If you don't like a thread don't post. I wish others would get that.....there's so much crap on there that I just ignore
Oh New Pic
Awwww Lisa it is a mess over there. I will lurk for the news but Im not posting for a damn long while.
We will see if I come back at some point but its just not fun anymore.
Tess---I convinced that Summit is holding Rob hostage with NM and Eclipse. It's like he's under some kind of indentured servitude by them.
Hopefully, HTB and LA will get wider release in cinema and DVD. My heart is broken for Rob...he needs his indie opportunities to soar.
Hi Ladies - First time commenting. I did sent Gozde an email last week. Been lurking for a while but no user name. I love your site! I fee compelled though with this news. It's very sad to me. Why couldn't they shoot around Rob since he's in less scenes - unless they aren't being true to the book. Which I guess might be ok to see more of him. : ) But really it makes me loose more trust in Summit. And like Lynn said, seems like a crappy thing to do to Rob. Bummer.
Oh New Moon! - your beginning to ruin my life!
First you have Rpattz missing for over half the movie
And now you've stopped him from taking part in other projects
Why is this sequel so determined to stop me seeing Roberts lovely face. Its a damn conspiracy!
to the earlier question - the character of Edward appears mainly limited to the beginning and towards the end of the book "New Moon". it has been talked about so much, I don't think I am giving away any spoilers. I have read the entire Twilight saga, and I do hope they stick with the storyline, personally speaking - altho I can see them drastically editing one of the books (to reduce spoilerage I won't mention which one ;)
I couldn't agree more with you! I think that Summit's ppl have a God complex...they need to let the lead out a little more for their money making players.
Welcome, Jae Lu!
Rest assure that almost everyone here is on the same page about New Moon and about 99% have read the entire series! I am betting I know which one you're talking about!
I am gutted, beyond gutted...
I am glad you love this place as much as we do. Sorry to break the bad news to all the Rob lovers.
But he will make more movies. However it is a tough and tight schedule with New Moon starting. Disappointing I know...but hey I get to have him tooling around in my city in the next couple months.
what a disappointment:(
i was looking forward to "Parts per Billion" too. but since the New Moon/Eclipse shooting schedule is pretty tight, it really isn't feasible for him to squeeze in the PPB movie. i'm sure other roles will come his way.
"...My heart is broken for Rob...he needs his indie opportunities to soar..." You spoke my mind, Lynn!
On the Twilight-Saga, I don´t want to start new rumors, but I thought to remember that it was planed to make a triology out of it. Could it be that this was written somewhere? i know things can always change, especially when there is money to make, but if it is just a triology, then there must be more Edward in it, right? Although I have no clue how this all should work. For me the books in some parts were so exiting because of the ends.
Have a nice day everyone!
Just thought about compensating the news by watching " Hauntes Airman " and then I found this:
First picture that made me freeze in a carpopedal spasm and shock. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh creeps all over my body!
Ah...!! I really want more Rob movies!! Curse you New Moon! What am I saying??? I can't wait for New Moon-even if Edward is MIA for most of it...they will need to condense the Bella/Jacob parts and extend the Edward parts...that will just have to suffice.
Oh, and Dani, this blog ROCKS!!!!
Oh, almost forgot...THANKS for the Jaw Porn so early in the morning...grasping here Rob...where are you????!!!! :)
Keely-eww! Ihave such arachnophobia it's not even funny. Poor Rob.
thanks Jae Lu for answering my question! about it being a trilogy, i think that would work better. i don't mind them editing the remaining 3 books to accomodate 2 movies. (but then again i'm not really a Twilight fan so i only speak for myself.) i'm just really disappointed because it looks like RP might remain stuck in the "Twilight bubble"
in the next half year or so and i was looking forward to seeing him in more diverse roles.
hi to everyone, i'm a long time lurker and newbie poster :P
this makes me sad. I was hoping that since he's not in New Moon a lot that Rob would still be able to film PPB and the NM scenes he is in, could just be filmed last.
I wonder why they wouldn't let him do that? boo.
ps. I'm watching the price is right, and they mentioned hot pockets. and I nearly squeeled. haha.
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