Hummina Hummina WOW!

Enough said....jaw porn, eye porn, nose porn...its all right there.


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Sabrizzle said...

SM is such a prude. Thank goodness for fanfic!

Stacy said...

You got friends to read it? My friends are freaks I guess. The only person who wanted to read it was my husband and I became very teritorial and told him NO WAY. He's not touching my books. None of the copies.

Stacy said...

I REALLY want to see the original kiss scene that she thought was "too much". It makes me curious.

Lynn said...

Hello, Stacy!

Sabrina---yeah, I was talking to my friend and she told me how she flipped the pages around a few times to make sure that she didn't miss anything....the woman is half Italian...she was really disappointed!

Sabrizzle said...

Hahaha, Lynn! It was just cruel to have all of that sexual tension for 1500+ pages and then fade to black.

Lynn said...

Stay---my other friend read them a while back , then I read them with my daughter. My BFF just started over all the hoopla and she loved the movie. She is hooked and completely obsessed.

Lynn said...


Lynn said...

Sabrina---very cruel....the woman is Mormon...loads of pent-up sexual tension and room for an adult version of the series. I see major dollar signs

Stacy said...

My 19 year old niece doesn't even want to read them. Just wierd. I just finally got to read them in November though. I'm glad I didn't read them until they were all published. I have read them each 6 times though since then.

Lynn said...

I read the first three just before the BD release...I would have burst if I had to wait for publication!

My 15 year old was over them in flash and she didn't really like the movie.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Lynn, I have a difficult time seeing her writing something more "adult." The Host was an adult novel and it was completely tame.

Sabrizzle said...

I read all 4 in August after my friend Micaela was pestering me to read them for months. I finally caved, but I'm glad I waited until they were all published because I would not have been patient if I had to wait for them.

Stacy said...

I just want her to publish MS at this point. In a BAD way. I love Edwards POV. Thankfully there are some incredibly talented Fanfic writers. My goodness I am in awe. I love LA and WA...they constantly take up space in my mind.

Lynn said...

Don't get me wrong....I love Twilight but SM drives me nuts!

Sabrizzle said...

I really hope she finishes and publishes Midnight Sun soon. And the rest of the series from EPOV, I find it more interesting than BPOV. I agree Lynn, Twilight is awesome but SM gets on my nerves sometimes.

Lynn said...

Midnight Sun is a must....Edward is far more interesting then Bella. I have a feeling that SM will hold out for more money. But, she really just needs more time!

Stacy said...

LOL. I don't know, but can she even write anything more risque? I mean because of her religion. Would she be in trouble for breaking some rule? I'm not sure. I have some mormon friends, I should ask.

Stacy said...

Edwards POV is so much more interesting because by writing in his POV, you also get to see into the heads of the others directly. I loved that you could get more info. about the other Cullens and it wasn't just seeing their actions, you could know what they were thinking. I think that's needed.

Sabrizzle said...

I don't know, Mormons are pretty conservative. I don't know if she would even want to write anything more risque.

Lynn said...

No, she would never do it, even if she says that there is a hotter manuscript. She would never taint Bella like that, since, she is Bella. LOL

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Stacy, that's what makes EPOV so much better. Plus you get to find out what Edward is up to when Bella has no idea what the fuck is going on.

Sabrizzle said...

I think SM would be to embarrassed to publish or write anything steamier. The woman doesn't even watch R-rated movies!

Lynn said...

Plus, he's more witty, snarky, funny and able to write a great stalker's handbook!

Stacy said...

I bet it's not showers and unicorns he's up to. Quite a bummer. Did you see unicorn boy today? I know you missed him.

Sabrizzle said...

Exactly, Lynn!

Stacy said...

Yes, he does have a more well rounded personality that's for sure.

Stacy said...

Hey, I thought somebody said my favorite smut writer was hanging out. Where is Jules?

Lynn said...

I think that we are just a little obsessed with Edward/Dark Edward...

Sabrizzle said...

I don't know what happened to her, Stacy. Hopefully she will return, but she might be busy writing. That's my guess.

Lynn said...

Jules is off writing and probably trying to stare at her eyelids.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, we definitely are Lynn. I have so many different Edwards running around in my head right now it's difficult to keep them all straight.

Stacy said...

Ahh well..writing is a good thing.

Lynn said...

Well, I am off for the to you all later!

Olive juice and sweet dreams!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Lynn! Sweet Robward dreams!

Stacy said...

I'm half way through "We're Going Where" and I feel like it's not going to be enough. I love that Edward. But then, I love Dark Edward to.

Stacy said...

Good Night!

Sabrizzle said...

I love that Edward too, he is a gentleman but he is also funny and sexy.

Stacy said...

I need to read everything yet again. That may be a good time filler. I can reread I LOVE LA, and WA. Then I will go back and reread Boycotts (Still have the "So Hott" song in my head). Then maybe The Saga again. Sigh. Unless I find something else to read.

Sabrizzle said...

You should try reading "A Heart's Savior" too. It's sweet.

Stacy said...

I added it to my fav's. I'll check it out. I tried reading a few that I stumbled upon but they were just okay. Way better than I could have done, just not my type of story I guess.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I've started reading a bunch that I didn't like so I stopped reading them. I'm trying to read everything on the list Brooke suggested because it's all been pretty good so far.

Stacy said...

I want to read Jules' as well, but I am thinking I will give it a bit of time. I'm impatient so I don't want to feel the need to nag her about the next chapter. That would suck of me. I keep twitching to open it but I know I will get sucked in. So I will wait until there are a few more chapters before I start that. Only because I like her so much. LOL.

Stacy said...

Is there a posted list?

Sabrizzle said...

It was an email she sent out. If you send me your email address in a message on facebook I can forward it to you.

Stacy said...

Oooh. Okay. Let me search you out now. Thanks.

Sabrizzle said...

No problemo. Just be warned that if you get on the email list from these ladies you will get a TON of emails.

Stacy said...

I have like 10 accounts. I have one email particulaly that I use to sign up for things that send a lot of emails. It's easier to sort that way. So, what is that in your profile picture on FB?

Sabrizzle said...

That's the Fremont Troll in Seattle. It's this huge sculpture thing under a bridge. My friend and I went on a mission to find it before I left to come down here in August.

Stacy said...

Ahh. Maybe I should have viewed it full sized. It looked a bit like a Big Foot sculpture. So, you liked growing up in that area then? I want to move to a better place for the girls. More outdoor activities, nature, etc. Different kind of people.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I love it up there. The Puget Sound area is really cool because you can be in the city and then be out in more rural areas within an hour. My parents and I go camping all of the time (in a trailer, but it still counts) and it's cool to be out in nature. My dad and I also ride dirt bikes and I just started snowboarding last season, so I enjoy being able to do stuff like that.

Stacy said...

That's nice. I can't wait to check it all out. Hopefully something will click and feel right. Like I said, we were up 3 years ago to a different area and I just couldn't commit to such a big change leaving all my family here.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I understand what you mean. It's very different up there. I just finished studying for a test I have tomorrow morning and am going to go read some more "We're Going Where!" I'll talk to you tomorrow I hope! Goodnight!

Stacy said...

Yeah, I need to finish reading to. TTYL.

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