Hello Magazine has Grand Finale 2008-Most Attractive Man poll going on and Rob is behind. Hello is a big magazine and these polls are important since they get mentions in TV :) We all know Robert Pattinson is the most attractive of them all so go and vote your cute little asses off! HERE.
Oh, Rob, we know you will be in the company of some fine looking men, but you will someday I know, be on the cover of People's "Sexiest Man Alive" I just know it.
I'm skipping over to vote for your very attractive self.
They chose probably some of the worst photos they could find of those men. Only Hugh Jackman's photo looked decent.
Okay, I must get some work done now.
I'm off.
Going over to vote right now!!!!
Mmmm for some reason it's not letting me vote, I'll try again later!!!!
same here Kate :-(
I will have to vote later...just back from lunch so I really do need to work this afternoon...BAH!
I can't vote either! :(
Something with the site, I'm guessing...
I'll definitely be trying again lter!
Oh, and it looks like our sexy man's been putting on a little weight since the first pic. He looks good!
Oh, man, does he...
It let me vote and I will try again later. He is in the lead by good margin right now.
well...I couldn't fucking vote.
Is this a fucking conspiracy?
It must be! When I voted he had 588 votes and I saw it go up to 589 after I voted. I just went back to the page and it was at 588 again! Motherfuckers!
So either you can't fucking vote for Rob at all...and if you do manage to vote...they don't fucking count it.
Yeah, they counted it and then took my vote away. I don't get it!
Rose and Sabrizzzz, how the hell are you girlies???
Bah! Maybe there are so many people voting for Rob...that it froze the server!
Hi Ellie! I fucking missed your bullshit while I was away!!!
I'm good other than the fact that I'm pissed that this poll took my vote away after they counted it. How are you Ellie?
Maybe, I tried voting again and it worked so hopefully they won't take that vote away too. He now has about 650 votes.
I'm fucking good, despite the fact that I'm back at work...bullshit! (that was for you, Rose...) lol
Yeah, not sure what's up with the voting. The number keeps going up and then down. Is Florida in charge of the counting or something?
How are you ladies? Just finished catching up on all the updates. Can I just say that I love Rob's arms? Well, among other things... The pissed off Edward shots and the Hot Topic mall tour ones where he's in the white t-shirt show off his sexy arms very well. They're not bulky and I love that.
LOL Ellie! I swear I don't usually 'talk' like this!
LOL @ Florida counting the votes, Emily! I love his arms too, slightly muscualr but not bulky. Delicious.
"Is Florida in charge of the counting or something?" Emily, you crack me up! lol
Rose, I don't either ...it's the "bad" influence, here. :)
I had to pop in and say "If y'all keep swearing like sailors they are going to put an adult warning for ROBsessed". LMAO @ the Florida count.
Okay going back to reading fucking WA :)
LMfuckingAO @ Goz! You are the cutest thing EVER!
I'm shocked that WA has had such a wicked influence over me!
His arms are delicious. He was definitely a little more bulked for Twilight than he is now but I still love it.
Speaking of the voting, even if I had no idea who Robert Pattinson was I would still have voted for him just based on his photo. Those were some awful pics they chose for the competition.
I know Emily, I was looking at the rest of the guys nominated and they all looked pretty awful in the pics they put up. Rob, however, looks scrumptious.
Finally got to vote...not sure why I bothered. Rob is killing the competition!
I have no idea who David Tennant is but his picture is a winner! LMAO!
I don't know why they even bothered making a poll, he's obviously going to win.
How did that guy manage to get on the list? He looks all bug-eyed and gross.
I'm glad it counted your vote, Rose. I voted a few times but I swear the thing took away a vote everytime I did so I stopped. At least Zac Efron and the what's-his-name Jonas weren't in the competition this time. I'm so tired of the comparison. There is none! Zac looks like a pretty woman and the Jonas' are a little prepubescent for me. Rob is all man sexy.
I'm thinking that they did Russell Crowe no favors with his picture, either. Geez!
Haha, I googled and Tennant is the new Dr. Who. Figures...
Tennant was in Harry Potter, too...the one where Cedric dies.
I think he's kinda big in England...
Ha I voted this morning at home and again now at work and he was behind Daniel Craig and now he is blowing him away. I love that Rob's fans are able to rally the troops so well!!
Yeah and WA read that in 3 days kept me awake until 5am one morning!!UGH Now how long do we have to wait for an update??
Lisa~ I know! I was up to all hours of the night reading WA as well. I think she posted that she would be posting some chapters in 2-3 weeks (hopefully less). Sounded like she wants to post a few chapters at a time.
I know, Rose! Russell Crowe's picture looks like something shown on the 10:00 news. "This man is a suspect in yesterday's bank robbery. If you have any information..."
Barty Crouch Jr.! That's who David Tennant is. Thanks, that was bugging me. Ugh, he creeped me out in GOF with the crazy eyes and tongue flicking.
Back to work I made a resolution to not let my robsession interfere with work! I'm trying....baby steps
Rose-seriously 2 to 3 weeks ugh!!
Darn it
Emily~ YES! Barty Crouch Jr...I couldn't think of that name! Very disturbing...
Lisa~ I know...but at least she is going to give us a few chapters at a time!!
Oh, I remember Barty Crouch Jr now!
This is kinda cool, Rob and Twi cast related...
'Twilight' Cast: What Will They Be Up To In 2009?
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and their co-stars have a busy year to look forward to.
Everyone has films coming out!! Hopefully all the current buzz will help some of these movies do well.
Dude! Does noone read the blog anymore? :(( I posted that today Amy :)) Just scroll down a bit.
Very cool Amy! Adventureland looks like a cute movie, I want to see it. I don't think I will see The Unborn, even though it has "Cam Gigandet in his undies." Looks too creepy. If Rob was in it I would probably force myself to watch it, though.
I do I do read it!! hahaha
However, I just skim over though quickly cause my computer sometimes screws up opening the blog. I think because there is so much on it that it takes time to load for me, which is weird. But then again I always have like 10 windows open at the same time...sooooooo yeah I didn't see that you already had that snippet of info up...sorry Bbs ;)
I voted (without swearing like a sailor) no prob. Rob is way ahead as he should be.
I like that Larry Carrol said that Kristen has an Oscar in her future. That was pretty sweet and not far off if she is given a juicy role. Those indie darlings always have a good chance at getting award nominations, they just give better performances I find and they seem to take their work very seriously which is key.
Oh and Kstew (again) and Ashley Green both have films at Sundance this year - which is from January 15-25. Good times all around :P
I'm back, was talking of FB with Trixie and have we got a surprise for you ladies and CO ROb. I'm saying no more my lips are sealed :-)
Anyway isn't David Tennent the old doctor they picked a new one the other day I think. I loke David Tennent :-}
Hang on I'll google BRB
Typos again like not loke
Ya Matt Smith is the new doctor here he is ;-)
Oh, new accessories for CO Rob, I can't wait to see it!
Must try and vote again. last time I couldn't even see pics :-0
YAY it let me vote he has 943 now i think !
God that's a bad pic of David Tennant he can look better than that seriously but he's no competition for Rob ;-)
But like I said no competition Rob is gonna win hands down!!
YES!! I voted for Rob-he had a little over 1200 votes when I voted....and like Doctor Who aka David Tennant could EVER win over ROB??? WTF???? David Tennant kinda freaks me out...you know, ever since HPGOF when he played Barty Crouch Jr....????? He was a FREAK!!!!! Ok, I am getting carried away here...can you tell who I voted for??? Ok, I will stop the ranting.....hehehehe
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