New Dutch Interview w/ Rob, K Stew & CH

Correction this is a Dutch interview, NOT German. Thanks to JenDivine for the info, and no disrespect to anyone for the confusion.


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Stacy said...

I LOVE it when it rains here. I wish we had rainy winters. I just want to feel a difference in seasons for a change.

Sabrizzle said...

Ick, I can't imagine moving to Ohio!

Stacy said...

So Lynn, you said you are in San Diego? Which part again?

Lynn said...

I would go to Northern CA in a heartbeat, I dunno about the PNW....

Sabrizzle said...

There are seasons in WA, even though they are pretty mild. Some summers are pretty cool while others get pretty hot, just depends. Spring and fall are pretty rainy but they aren't as gloomy as December-February.

Lynn said... to Oceanide.

Stacy said...

Ahh. Not to far. That is a beautiful area.

Lynn said...

Ohio was purely for the only set of grandparents my kids have....otherwise I would never have considered it.

Lynn said...

Are you native OC?

Stacy said...

Ohio...No thanks. Oregon, Washington, or Colorado. That would be my only considerations. Or, wherever Rob wanted me to go. It's all about the company.

Sabrizzle said...

Well that's understandable, I can't imagine having my grandparents live so far away. My dad's parents live about 15 minutes from my house and things with my grandparents on my mom's side are kinda messy so I don't see them too much, which is fine.

Stacy said...

Yes. I've lived here since I was 2. Moved here from L.A.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm going to go read some more of Boycotts and Barflies, I will talk to you lovelies tomorrow I hope! Muahh!

Lynn said...

LOL Oregon, Washington and Colorado are the standard for most Californians.

Stacy said...

Ha! That's where I am. On Chapter 2 and really liking it. Thanks for the rec. I needed a pick me up. I guess I am out to. I'll catch you guys tomorrow hopefully!

Sabrizzle said...

You are welcome Stacy, it is a really sweet story so far. I think you will like it more and more as you read it.

Lynn said...

Good night, Sabrina!

I am off to read WA again and then I need to sleep to endure the heat tomorrow. The weather has made the kids at work extra cranky and annoying!

Lynn said...

Good night, Stacy!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and happy reading girls!

JenDivine said...

Well, I didn't take any was merely a reflection on the subject. So don't worry.

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