New Dutch Interview w/ Rob, K Stew & CH

Correction this is a Dutch interview, NOT German. Thanks to JenDivine for the info, and no disrespect to anyone for the confusion.


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Trixie said...

Kat darling - I sent it to you :)

Ellie said...

Kat, you can steal mine, too.

Lynn said...

LOL@Kathryn! My mom still gets in my head all the time.

Kat said...

Laura, a bunch of us are getting together in Austin to see Little Ashes... you should join us...

Sabrizzle said...

Trix, we are ALL flair addicts. I have enough Rob flair to fill over five flairboards, I'm sure.

Trixie said...

Laura - I sent you a friend request on fb (I think it was you)...

Stacy said...

I just sent you a request.

Kat said...

I sit impossible to get more than two flair boards? Has anyone figured out a way around that?

Laura said...

You guys will never guess what I bought from Sephora this weekend..

The lipstick Rob wears in Twilight! The EXACT shade.

I think this cements my place as the biggest TWI-loser! lol!!

Kat said...

is it... not I sit....

Trixie said...

Sab - I don't know why I think I'm the only one who is addicted to flair :)

Kat said...

Ha... love the flair Trixie...

Trixie said...

Laura - LOLOLOL! What is the lipstick called?

Stacy said...

Can you believe I have not even one Robsessed friend. I'm dying to see Twilight like 5 more times but nobody will go. I will be seeing LA alone to. Sad to be me in my lonely obsessive world.

Laura said...

Trixie, I JUST sent you one, too! LOL!

Kat, I'll see if I can make it! Thanks! :)

Lynn said...

Laura---I adore Sephora lipstick....what shade is it?

Sabrizzle said...

I don't know why you think that either, Trix. I attacked everybody with WA flair as soon as I found it.

Jewels64 said...

Shit...I walk away for five fucking seconds to check on my childrens... and all hell breaks loose...WTF? Cut out Robs with bendy parts (where can I get one?), fucking miss a lot of shit if you even have to take a piss....

Ellie said...

Kat, I've been wondering that, too.

Laura, if you're a Twiloser, then we all are... Cool about the lipstick!

Trixie said...

Okay Stacy and Laura - we are SO friends now!

Laura said...

It's Benefit lipstick and the shade is Ms. Behavin!!

Lynn said...

Stacy---no one should bear that burden alone, are you close to San Diego?

Trixie said...

Sab - I LOVE all the WA flair!!!!

I just worry about cluttering up other people flair with my "kooky" flair creations - LOL!

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, like I said before, you should go see LA with me and Miss Lynn!

Stacy said...

I am sorta. I am like 5 minutes from Sabrina in OC.

Trixie said...

Hey Lynn!

Laura - Ms. Behavin' - I love the names that cosmetic maufacturers come up with!

Sabrizzle said...

Trix, send me as much flair as you want!

Lynn said...

Love BeneFit, too. Miss Behavin' is sounds light. I am in to dark lipsticks.

Jewels64 said...

Just popped over to FB...Fucking Stacy...LURV YOU RIGHT NOW!

"Cookie" flair is to die for!

Laura said...

Stacy, I feel your pain. My family and friends refused to see Twilight with me after the 1st few times, so I ended up going alone about 3 times! I've seen it 10 times total

Jewels64 said...

E + B = much loving squared!

Stacy said...

Damn.. My mind is so in the gutter tonight. I wont even comment on the lipstick.

Laura said...'s a really deep plummy shade. You should get it!

Sabrizzle said...

My mom got a free gift with purchase from Clinique a few months ago and the lipstick in it was a new shade called "Twilight Nude" and she gave it to me.

Trixie said...

Sab - you KNOW I will! :)

Okay, I'm going to be a super loser tonight and head off to bed. I'm exhausted.

And, Jules... can you please send your rob dreams my way????

Lynn said...

Then, we shall go together...I am in North San Diego County. I just checked the La Paloma in Encinitas and I am calling tomorrow. It is an indie film house!

Stacy said...

Ahh thanks. That was my first little icon I have ever made and converted it to flair. I was hoping it didn't suck.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Trixie! I love the new flair! Muahhh!

Ellie said...

Trixie, good night, love. Sweet Rob dreams and olive juice!

Maybe I'll catch you on FB in the am... :)

Jewels64 said... just know that we are gonna have a "TWILIGHT" veiwing party the day it comes out. We'll have to do it in shifts with all the international and time line shit...but my god..for all of us to have the vid and be able to comment at the same time...

C'mon...we'll all pick a common time and just riff during the movie and the comments....tooo much fucking fun!!!

Jewels64 said...

Night know I think you are one of the best un-biological sisters ever!

Laura said...

Night Trixie! Send me some flair!

Sabrina, I almost bought that shade this weekend, too!!

Lynn said...

Good night, Trixie!

Sabrizzle said...

I still need to pre-order my copy of Twilight, Jules. Don't let me forget!

Stacy said...

I'm there. As I said I actually bought a big screen TV, a Blue Ray and surround sound for the release. I'm seriously pathetic.

Kat said...

Jules... it's a date. Count me in sister. And a hotel viewing on the LA weekend I hopes?

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Laura! I kinda freaked out when I saw the name of the shade, and I was super happy when my mom didn't want it and it was a good shade for me.

Ellie said...

Stacy, I am (sym)pathetic to you! lol

Kat said...

Night Trixie.... Rob filled dreams on their way to you....

Laura said...

Well, I really have to go grade some papers! See you all later!

Olive Juice!!

Jewels64 said...

I wanna pre-order, but I also know that I could prolly get it faster at work.... Videos get sent out on day of release...I check in said videos couple of days before...8 a.m. rolls around and I have my copy!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Laura! xoxoxoxo

Ellie said...

Nite-nite Laura~~Olive juice!

Jewels64 said...

Nite Laura! Robkat dreams to ya! Jules!

Stacy said...

I was just thinking of going out to get it at midnight. Tons of places around here do that. Is that a stupid plan? Would it be quicker other ways?

Ellie said...

I pre-ordered the video on Friday. so psyched...

Ellie said...

I think the Midnight run would be faster than pre-ordering.

Jewels64 said...

OMG KAT...don't ya just know it..! I was counting on the multiple Twilight watching on our weekend!

Ellie said...

Okay, where did everyone disappear to? Everyone getting smutty with their secret stashes of Rob porn again??? Hmmm??

Sabrizzle said...

Sorry Ellie, my stomache suddenly started feeling grouchy. I'm back now.

Jewels64 said...

Realized i had to eat some food...geez...

(p.s. had to re-type that comment...almost said I had to "eat" something...never live that one down...well at least not now...)

Ellie said...

Aw, hope you're not catching anything, Sabrina.

Stacy said...

Im here just temp pissed off and 1HT

Sabrizzle said...

No, I'm fine Ellie. I think it was just something I ate.

Jewels64 said...

Ellie said...

Jules, did you see my comment about the "eggs benedick"?

Sabrizzle said...

LMFAO Ellie! Yet another thing I will never look at the same way again.

Jewels64 said...

No Els...but why did Dirk Benedict from the original "Battlestar Galactica" just pop into my mind...

Oh and for some more lusty hotness, totally off topic...Josh Holloway who plays "Sawyer" in "Lost"....has his shirt off for the entire episode on 1/21/09!

Stacy said...

Sorry... I am pissed off and one handed typing. I wont tell you what my other hand is doing.

Kat said...

Ok... I'm off to dive into the Boycott's sequel some more... I actually have a crush on Emmett from that one! Strange.

Good night ladies, may you be blessed with Rob filled dreams and herds of unicorns this evening.

Ellie said...

We get the giggles all the time, with the stuff these kids come out with, sabrina. remember the "naked" comment Friday night??

Jewels64 said...

Naked is as naked does....

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and happy reading Kat! I'm on chapter 24 of Boycotts right now and I love it. Muahhh!

Ellie said...

Wild unicorns to you, Kat, my dear...Olive juice!

Sabrizzle said...

No, I wasn't here Friday night and I haven't taken the time to read all 700+ comments yet. What was it Ellie?

Jewels64 said...

Kat, the unicorns are very intense lately...are you sure you wanna wish that on me?

Oh! Yeah!...I write fan fiction....carry on Mate!

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellie said...

One of my boys had to wait to get dressed for swim, due to a time-out. He was separated a little from the rest of the clas and was yelling, "I don't belong here! I want to be naked!"

Stacy said...

It's to hot to even think about unicorns here.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie!

Ellie said...

Sabrina, is Barflys and Boycotts as addictive as I Love LA? Is there humor?

Jewels64 said...

Stacy, trust me.. once you reach my go looking for unicorns...

Ellie said...

Sabrina, it's about 10 degrees here right now.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Ellie, Boycotts and Barflies is funny and addictive although it's just starting to get steamy. The storyline is really entertaining, you should read it.

Ellie said...

\Oops, I mean Stacy.

Jewels64 said... phone calls tonight...your nipples might freeze and fall off....

Stacy said...

I don't think I am far off of you. I'm just really immature. LOL.

Ellie said...

thanks, Sabrina, I'll start it tomorrow night. I'm rereading L.A. now. Kind of skimming to the good parts.

Jewels64 said...

Course at our age...they don't have far to fall....

Stacy said...

Heck. It's in the 80's here still.

Sabrizzle said...

It's 77 degrees here, Ellie! It's about 47 degrees at home though, and I would like to trade weather. It shouldn't be this hot anywhere in January!

Ellie said...

You bet your sweet ass it's too cold, Jules. Oh, and I got your message, love. I was going to text back, but, well, it's me...

Jewels64 said...

Oh you poor girl...Mullets and all...are you wearing your Madonna hair bow, laceless gloves and leggings?

OOPS! Wrong 80' bad....

Ellie said...

Jules, LOL on the gravity tits you know the Mildred joke, btw?

Sabrizzle said...

Ellie, don't skim Boycotts, you have to see how the whole thing develops. It's funny and cute.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules!

Stacy said...

Yep, long sweater with a big belt and leggings. Huge hoop earrings, lace gloves, and plastic bracelets. Ooohh wait. thats kinda back in.

Ellie said...

LMFAO on the 80's, Jules...

Jewels64 said...

Els honey, lets just say that since the age of 15 when the puberty fairy beat the living hell out of me and decided to give me tits from hell in 3 months...yeah...gravity is not my friend....

Ellie said...

Yep, the slutty look never goes out of style..

Stacy said...

I agree about the weather which is another reason I want to move.

Karla said...

Hey Girls! Did I miss anything good? I was just on youtube watching some fanmade trailers. Yummy stuff!!

Ellie said...

Jules, I'll have to find that joke in my email folder and send it to you.

Jewels64 said...

I Loved the 80's...!!! Too much fun, way too many stories...yeah baby!

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, I have already decided that I am not living in CA once I graduate. I love Washington too much. Speaking of Washington, hi Karla!

Stacy said...

Having 3 kids in 4 years screwed up mine. I think I will get a lift out of my husband before I ditch him.

Jewels64 said...

Karla my love....thanks for your lovely post on my wall...

The more I get to know ya...the more I think you are da bomb baby!

Stacy said...

I'm looking into Portland/washington areas this spring. I have lived here all my life and I am DONE!

Jewels64 said...

Stacy...I waited until i was 37 to have my first...WTF? AM I INSANE?

Ellie said...

Jules, just FB'd you again...

Stacy said...

I had my last at 35. My husband wants one more and I just want him out. LOL.

Jewels64 said...


Karla said...

Awww, Jules, you know I love ya too. I was hoping today was better for you. Glad mom is coming home soon. I know that will put your mind at ease.

Sabrina - Yes, move back to Wa.!!! You know you miss it - the gorgeous mountains, waterfalls, the never-ending, fuck-with-my-moods rain ;) God, I miss the sun!!

Stacy said...

Karla - how far are you from Portland?

Sabrizzle said...

Stacy, I am from NE Tacoma (practically Federal Way) and it's a pretty good place to live. The neighborhoods around there are pretty chill but you can get to everything pretty easily.

Sabrizzle said...

Karla, I miss the rain! I cannot handle this much nice weather, it's not right! I wish my school was closer to home.

Stacy said...

OMG...I never thought of this. I wonder if they will be filming NM when we go up there. Hmmm.

Sabrizzle said...

Karla, next time I am on Whidbey we are hanging out!

Karla said...

Stacy - I'm on Whidbey Island, about 4-5 hours from Portland. We're about 90 mins from Seattle which is kind of a pain, but damn, it's beautiful here!! I can't rave enough about Wa. When we go into the Cascades and Olympics to explore ( I have become addicted to waterfalls), I swear I lose myself there. Wish I could really explain it. Check out my pics on FB if you get bored.

Karla said...

Sabrina - YES, totally we're hanging out. We can squee and giggle about our boy at some funny named coffee shop (a fav of mine is Latte Da).

Sabrizzle said...

Yes! I don't know where that coffee shop is, but I'm sure I could find it. Or we could go to Langley, shop in Linds and the other shops there, and get some ice cream.

Ellie said...

Karla, love that coffe shop name!

Karla said...

God I love Langley - so sweet and quaint. I had a mommy-daughter day there with my oldest, Jillian, we had a blast.

Karla said...

Ellie, isn't that a riot? I've been meaning to make a list of all the funny coffee shops names I've stumbled upon since living here. We're moving to Tampa in 2010 (boo hoo) and I want to remember the cute stuff like that.

Jewels64 said...

All you WA gal who live so close to my Aunt Betty! She also lives on Whidbey! Wow! Small world but I wouldn't want to paint it!

Sabrizzle said...

Langley is one of my favorite places! I was in the music shop there a few years ago and the guy working there told me that Layne Staley's (from Alice in Chains)mom lives down the street! I was tempted to go knocking on doors to meet her but decided that would be a bad idea.

Karla said...

Jules, I have a Betty right across the street from me!! Oh God, is it her (granted I know there are other Bettys in the world, but whoa)?

Stacy said...

I need some updates on either WA or I love LA. They both have me depressed at where they left off and it's killing my mood.

Stacy said...

Either that or give me a fucking happy story to read. LOL.

Karla said...

Stacy, I hear ya. They've got me in a funk too. I need more, and the good stuff too.

Sabrizzle said...

Have you read Boycotts and Barflies yet, Stacy? It's very good and not depressing.

Jewels64 said...

Oh girls, I'm sorry, but "Utter Darkness" is taking a very dark turn...but I'll be sure to keep writing the happy, horny Rob porn to stop from driving myself crazy....

Stacy said...

I havn't. I just saw you rec. that and looked it up. I was going to ask if it would just make me worse. I have to have a happy ending. It's just how I am and leaving me hanging at a bad part just really sucks.

Jewels64 said...

Karla...My Aunt Betty's last name is Hubbard....

Karla said...

Jules, does she live on Kathleen Dr.?

Sabrizzle said...

I haven't finished reading Boycotts yet, I'm on chapter 24 of 37 but it's not depressing and it's a complete story. I'm pretty sure it will have a happy ending.

Jules, I can't wait to read chapter 5! I want to know what the fuck is going to happen!

Jewels64 said...

Stacy...I wrote lots of juicy E & B porn that I did not publish...would that make you feel better...I wrote it for the Robkats... along with lots of Rob porn...thus the "Part Nine"......

Jewels64 said...

I'm not sure...don't think so...her house backs up right to Puget Sound...

Karla said...

Nope, that's not her then. Lucky lady to be on the water though. We're about a mile from the shore.

Stacy said...

Rob porn always makes me feel better! have an actual published story to? I'm lost.

Jewels64 said...

Sabrina...writing from Bella's pov is killing hard for me to project the Edward feelings that she has....

I keep getting them confused with my Rob feelings.... GAH!

Sabrizzle said...

"Backs right up to Puget Sound" is a very vague description on Whidbey. You can see the water from the majority of the island.

Sabrizzle said...

I see your dilemma Jules, since Edward and Bella are so different. I'm sure it will still kick ass!

Jewels64 said...

Yep Stacy...on

Go look to site, do an author search for "Jewels64" and you will find two listings. The first one is called "Utter Darkness". The second one is called "Utter Darkness 2" because I have my blonde moments and it took me a while to figure out how to hook up the chapters.... Utter Darkness 2 has not only chapter 2, but 3 & 4 as well...

Working on Chapter 5 now....

Jewels64 said...

Mmmkay...I can look up her address, but if y'all go telling her you know who neice who wants to do Robert Pattinson 6 different ways to Sunday...that's cool, cuz I don't think she knows who he is....

Karla said...

Jules, I'm DYING for ch. 5. This is probably a stupid question, but, do you know where your story is going (like the end) or do you just write as it comes to you? I haven't written anything since college, so sorry if I sound dumb ;)

Jewels64 said...

Crap...not "who" but "her"....

Tired much?.......

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules! I won't tell her but I'm curious about where she is on the island.

Karla said...

Oh yes, I'm gonna rat you out to Aunt Betty. No really, she's so sweet and friendly, always waving and saying hi to my kids - just kinda sounded like someone you'd be related to.

Jewels64 said...

yep Karla...made a whole outline. It came to me one night after talking to Ellie.... I was starving...went to the fridge...opened the door...the fridge light came on...and so did the one in my head....

I've had writer's block about Chapter

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, the fridge can be very inspirational. Unfortunately it usually just inpires me to eat a bunch of crap.

Ellie said...

LMFAO, Sabrina!!!

Stacy said...

I added it to my fav's so I could read it this week. So excited. Just warn me if it's going to depress me so I can wait for a happy part to be published before reading it.

Jewels64 said...

I hear ya Sabrina...I need to write a little more. Needed a Robster break to clear out the angst for a moment...

Luv my gals here...MUAHHH!

Olive Juice to the hottest babes on the planet!


Sabrizzle said...

Where the fuck have you been Ellie?!

Stacy said...

Thanks to WA all I want to do is make freaking cookies.

Sabrizzle said...

Bye Jules and happy writing! Love ya! Muahhhh!

Karla said...

Thanks to WA I walk around all googoo-eyed with a goofy grin on my face thinking of Edward with that hot bod and dirty mouth, ahhhhhhhhh!

Ellie said...

Sabrina, I've been here pretty much all along...just reading everyone else's stuff and a little bit of FB chatting with Jules.

Ellie said...

Oh, and fanfic?? Good deal for my

Ellie said...

Sabrina, Boycotts and Barflies is a complete story??

Sabrizzle said...

Thanks to this place I am constantly trying to not walk around with a goofy look on my face but it hasn't been working to well.

Okay Ellie, I just missed your witty banter.

Karla said...

Well, better run. I'm reading Breaking Dawn to my hubbie at night and we're only on ch.4 so I'd better get busy. He's dying to know what happens. I read the other Twilight books out loud to him in the car on our trip to AZ and now he's hooked.

Happy Rob/Dark Edward filled dreams to my Robkats!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes it is Ellie, it says Epilogue on the last chapter. I think there is a sequel too, but I'm not sure if it's done.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Karla!

Stacy said...

For some reason I still sorta picture Edward as Johnny Depp in the 21 jumpstreet time for WA.

Ellie said...

I feel honored, Sabrina, that you think I add humor to this serious forum... lol

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Stacy!

Sabrizzle said...

You are hilarious Ellie!

Ellie said...

That's cool, Karla!
Good night and olive juice, girl! xoxo

Stacy said...

Damn wind is trying to tear my house down I swear. We live at the bottom of the wind tunnel/hills. Ugh.

Stacy said...

Everybody is leaving? Stupid time zone differences and insomnia. LOL.

Sabrizzle said...

I hate Santa Ana winds Stacy! The tourguides neglected to say anything about them when they were saying how great the weather is down here.

Ellie said...

Bedtime for me too, I'm you girls...xoxo
and we'll chat again tomorrow.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and sexy Rob dreams Madame Ellie! Muahhhhhh!

Stacy said...

Oh yeah, gotta love the winds. People tend to forget them because it's so freaking sunny all the time. They think it cancells it out. I like the wind, but I'd prefer a cold wind to this crap.

Night Ellie!

Sabrizzle said...

I can't imagine owning a house down here and always having to worry about fires. That's another reason I'm not planning on staying down here when I'm done with school.

Stacy said...

We don't own actually. We rent. Who can afford to own a house in CA these days? Plus my husband isn't sure where he wanted to work long term. We always had thoughts of moving.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, housing in WA is pretty high too. At least there you're more likely to be invaded by moss than have your house go up in flames. If you do move up there, just make sure you aren't too close to the rivers since they tend to flood.

Stacy said...

Wow..Good to know. I was pricing housing online in those area's and it seems like they are half of what they are here. Still high, I guess. I am picky about where I will live in CA though.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, and don't move into the Nisqually basin (lowlands around Sumner, Orting, etc.) because if Mt. Rainier ever decides to blow it's top you will be screwed.

Stacy said...

Okay, I'm scared now. LOL. I need to do some research. I'm used to hot days, fires, and earthquakes. Are you going home for spring break?

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, it's not that scary, there hasn't been any activity out of Mt. Rainier for a LONG time (like over 100 years I think). We don't have earthquakes very often and the flood areas are easy to avoid if you stick to higher ground. I am going home for spring break at the beginning of April, I wish it was sooner!

Stacy said...

I think that's when we will be down there. Do you fly or drive?

Sabrizzle said...

Fly, I don't have my truck with me down here and driving would take way too long.

Stacy said...

Yeah, I am so not looking forward to the whole driving thing. It is supposed to take us like 18 hours.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, my parents and I drove down here in August so I could move in. I started the Twilight series 2 weeks before we left and read the first 3 in 6 days and saved BD for the drive down. The week I had to wait to read it was pure torture!

Stacy said...

Wow. I read all 4 in just over 2 days. I have no patience when it comes to that stuff. How do you get around down here. Do your friends drive? I noticed everyone on bikes down there lately.

Sabrizzle said...

Most of my friends left their cars at home, too. I have some relatives down here that I've gotten to know and they help me out when I need to go to the store or whatever. I don't really get off campus that much.

Stacy said...

Ahh..that sucks. If you are ever stuck just call me. I do stuff like that for people all the time. Plus it would be fun to obsess with somebody.

Lynn said...

Hey, Sabrina and Stacy! Dh hijacked the for a while...ugh!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Lynn!

Stacy said...

Hey! More to the party. Woo Hoo. I was boring poor Sabrina.

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, no you weren't Stacy! I love being able to share stuff about Washington.

Lynn said...

LOL I finally got another friend to to read the series and she was hooked real quick....we can average about a book every 2-3 days with five children between us.

Stacy said...

I am terrified of going into shock if we move after living here all my life.

Lynn said...

Stacy---are you another Washington transplant?

Stacy said...

We are looking to move up to that area hopefully. We went to OR 3 years ago and I chickened out. This time we are looking at a different area.

Sabrizzle said...

It's definitely different! Winter is long, dreary, dark, and cold but I'm totally used to it and it feels like a part of me. You'll have to get used to the rain, that's for damn sure!

Lynn said...

LOL We tried to sell our house a while back, but,it was right before the market fell out. We were trying for Ohio (yeah, me the native Californian in Ohio!).

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