New Dutch Interview w/ Rob, K Stew & CH

Correction this is a Dutch interview, NOT German. Thanks to JenDivine for the info, and no disrespect to anyone for the confusion.


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Emily said...

Does anyone else think the guy talking sounded like The Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show? I'm not being rude, I love that guy. Just made me laugh a little.

Rob, keep running from them. I don't think you want to know what would happen if the crazies caught up with you. Didn't we tell you to have Cam and Kellan with you at all times as your muscle?

JenDivine said...

Um, that's not's dutch. and maybe it sounds a little like the swedish chef, but swedish don't sound like that at all. I'm kind of sick of people thinking swedish sounds like that...I should know since I'm swedish. ;)No disregard meant at all.

Amy said...

Hellllllllo Girls!

How are you? :)

BTW, the cartoon below is hilarious.

Emily said...

Sorry Jen, I hope I didn't offend you. I don't think The Swedish Chef even speaks Swedish, does he? It's been so long since I've seen it I may not even be remembering it right. This guy's tone and inflections just reminded me of it. I meant no disrespect, either.

And thanks for clearing up where
the interview was from. I wasn't sure but I didn't think it sounded German.

Ellie said...

Yes, Emily, Rob should keep running...right to here. We wouldn't be screaming at him too much; just ravishing him... LOL

Ellie said...

Oh, where are my manners...Hi, Emily, Amy, and Jen!

Hope everyone had a good day.

Emily said...

Agreed Ellie. We'd be very gentle and....uh, attentive. He can even bring Cam and Kellan if he's afraid. I wouldn't complain.

Ellie said...

Emily, thanks for sending the impressions video...even though we've all seen these videos so many times, Rob always takes my breath away.

Emily said...

Rob Pattinson and his random quotes. It seems like every interview he does there ends up being something new to add to my list of favorites. That boy is lovely for the ears and the eyes.

Kate said...

Yes Rob keep running and em Kristen where are these people who think Rob is NOT attractive......oh yeah right......the David Tennent fans LOL

Ellie said...

They're nuts people... lol

Anonymous said...

that´s dutch not german (I´m german)

Tess said...


Where is everyone?

Emily-thank you for the video (email).. I love it (again and again)

Not to stir all this up...but I thought the chef on the muppets was Swiss? just having a laugh about because my sweet man is Swiss German, and when he speaks the language (which is not the easiest on the ears) it always makes me giggle (because I'm thinking about the chef from the muppets)

Ellie said...

Hi, Tess!

The cute Muppets guy was called the "Swedish Chef". He was one of my favorites, along with Beeker. :)

Lynn said...

I have the sudden urge to eat some vegan sausage and sauerkraut...dammit!

Dani said...

Lynn I have been inspired by the German vid and sauerkraut and sausage is the main course this evening.

The voice over guy sounded a bit like an American guy doing a German accent speaking German.

It was a little odd.

Dani said...

Thank you to JenDivine...I did not realize this interview was Dutch. But correction has been made however I am still having sausage for dinner.

Ellie said...

Dani, I'm loving your new avatar!

Lynn said...

Dani sans likey!

Dani said...

Awww thanks guys. I took a bunch of new pics lately I have yet to put up on myspace or FB.

Ellie said...

I have a real problem with the flash going off...I am notorius for blinking. Hence, the great difficulty getting a decent picture.

Laura said...

Hey Ellie, Tess, Lynn, and Dani!

Is this where everyone is? Or am I too late again?

Dani said...

Im still here Laura babe. Just bummin around the net looking for goodies.

Damn hermit Rob. And my kid is obsessed with the oven. I swear he wants to find out if he is as tasty as we tell him he is.

Ellie said...

Hey, laura, I'm here!

I'll be in and out between 9 and 10, watching Kyle XY with my daughter, thought.
How are you?

Ellie said...

And my typing skills still suck...

Laura said...

Hey Ellie and Dani! I'm so glad you guys are still on! I've been missing everyone

Laura said...

I was sending you a Rob bumper sticker on FB Ellie! lol...go check it out!!

Laura said...

Dani--I'm still pissed that he didn't come out of hiding for the Golden Globes last night

DirtyD said...

Good evening ladies!

Laura said...

Hey dana!

Ellie said...

Hi, Dana!

Laura, got the bumper the RayBans!!

Ellie said...

Stickers, actually. Love them, and thank you.

DirtyD said...

I think i need to get a t-shirt that says "FAN FIC WHORE"

Laura said...

No problem, Ellie! Just passing the Rob love around! lol.

I have like 30 Rob bumper stickers on my FB already!

Laura said...

lol, Dana!

I would totally get one that said "Rob's whore." Ooo..maybe that's a little harsh..How about "Rob's girl" ?

Stacy said...

Bumper stickers? I've never heard of such a thing. Off to check FB now. I am loving all the flair, I need more things to drool over.

Ellie said...

Laura, I have a "Zip" t=shirt.

Lynn said...

Hello all! Laura...I think that the GG would have scared the hell out of Rob....way too intimate!

I loved Tracy Morgan's speech...what a ham!

Ellie said...

Stacy, I don't think I have you on my friends list, yet...

Stacy said...

I made one lonely piece of flair but can't keep straight who is who on my friends list of you guys so only sent it to like 3 people. I suck.

Stacy said...

Which app is the Bumper stickers? I'm really bored.

DirtyD said...

Laura- "Rob's girl". I wonder if I could get my husband to change his name to Rob?!?!

Laura said...

LMAO, Ellie!

Stacy-bumper stickers are SO addictive! Check it out..

I found a really funny one the other day. It said..
"You can be Mrs. Black, and I'll be Mrs. Cullen. You can die..and I'll live forever ;)"

Kat said...

Hello all and what a lovely evening it is...

Dani said...

Yeah I wonder if he will attend the Oscars???

Anywho sorry to run peeps got to make dinner.

Love ya much and I will catch some of you later.

Laura said...


I just clicked on the Add Bumper Sticker Application button, but someone sent me one first, so I didn't have to go look for it. I could send you one. Are you friends with any of the girls here on FB so I could look you up?

Kat said...

Ohhhh. Dani you sexy beast - love the new avatar.

Laura said...

I know, Dana! That would be so great. So you could say, "Yeah, I married Rob." lol

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DirtyD said...

Two of my friends have Robs! I just have a Jim.

Laura said...

Hey Lynn! I had to delete my comment b/c I misunderstood what you wrote! My brain isn't working tonight...Yeah, Rob was probably a little freaked out by the GG!

Stacy--I'll try to add you and send you one

Laura said...

Did you get my FB bumper stickers, Lynn? I sent you some, too!

Kari said...

Good evening! It's been weeks since I've been able to post ~ I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. I'm wondering if someone can post a link to the I love LA fanfic I've seen referenced here. I never read fanfic before until someone here mentioned WA and that sort of redefined my late night computer time! Any link to I love LA would be great, thanks!

Kat said...

Here you go Kari -

Kari said...

Thanks so much!!

Stacy said...

I don't have a Rob either. Sadly I have a "dick" named Chris. Ha ha. I have a Brittish neighbor though. I close my eyes when he speaks and pretend Robs my neighbor.

Laura said...

I added you Stacy! I'll have to wait until you add me too before I can send you one. Or you could just go to my profile and steal a bumper sticker from me!

Hey Kari! I don't have a link to I Love LA on this computer..It's on my laptop. If noone else has one, I could post it for you later :)
WA is SO good, isn't it?!

Ellie said...

Hi, Kat!!

Laura said...

Oops! She beat me to it!

Laura said...

Kat's too quick for me!! lol

Lynn said...

Laura---I viewed one and loved it. I will have to look at the rest later!

Laura said...

lol Stacy!!

DirtyD said...

Going to read more FF. I'll check in a bit later.

Olive Juice

Kat said...

Hey Ellie.... Lynn... Laura.... Dana... who'd I miss?

Stacy said...

I added you guys.

Ellie said...

Laura, during weekend Reports today, one of my boys talked about going to the diner and having breakfast. On his paper, he had written that he ate "eggs benedick".

Laura said...

Ellie! Another school story. A Rob-related one, in a way...

In reading our story was about the early surrealists, and it was talking about Salvador Dali! The fangirl in me immediately started internally squealing, thinking of Little Ashes and Rob with his pageboy haircut. I tried to keep it cool, but I was pretty much in "Rob land" after that

Ellie said...

Later, Dana!!xoxo

Stacy, thanks...I'll send a few bumper stickers, as well.

Laura said...

HAHAHA!!! Ellie, that is fucking hilarious!

Hey Kat! Thanks for the FB add!

Olive Juice, Dana! You fanfic whore, you ;)

Ellie said...

The haircut! Ha, I was thinking of "Little Robbie"! LOL

Laura said...

Thanks, Stacy, I'll send you some, too

Kari said...

Thanks anyway Laura! I already have it bookmarked next to WA and hope it's as good of a read. I wish I didn't like WA so much but I really do!

Laura said...

I have mine bookmarked next to WA, too! I've already reread WA twice, so I'm hopelessly addicted, too

Kat said...

No problem Laura... congrats on your house :-) Yes... I had a nosey look around :-)

Laura said...

Ellie, I LOVE my bumper stickers!

"His hair is full of secrets."
I miss the hair :(

Ellie said...

I miss the hair, too...

Laura said...

Thanks, Kat! I can't wait to move in!

And don't worry about checking out my pics, it's totally fine! I'm worse than that. My husband calls me a "Facebook stalker."

Kat said...

That's what Facebook is all about... stalking in the safety of our own homes :-)

Lynn said...

Laura---I am rereading WA...I need more books....argh!

Sabrizzle said...

Good evening loves!

Lynn said...

Hello, Sabrina!

Laura said...

Me too Lynn! I wish Stephanie Meyer would hurry up and publish Midnight Sun already! UGH!

Hey Sabrina :)

Sabrizzle said...

I haven't read all of the comments, what's the topic of discussion?

Ellie said...

Hello, lovely Sabrizzz!
How's your class going?

Stacy said...

Hey! I thought about you today as I drove by your campus. Random, huh. I swear I'm not a crazy stalker I drive by it a lot. LOL.

Sabrizzle said...

Ugh, it was pretty boring today. I had to fight to keep my eyes open.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Stacy, it's completely understandable since it's so close to you.

Trixie said...

Good Evening Ladies!

Stacy said...

Does everybody hang out at O's still? After I started typing that I thought, wow! That sounds creepy.

Kat said...

Hi Trixie... hi Sabrizzzzzzzzzz

Sabrizzle said...

No, I don't even think I've heard of that, Stacy.

Laura said...

Hey Trixie!

Trixie said...

Kat - congrats to a life free of diapers!

Stacy said...

Oh hell..That RayBans Bumpersticker gave me literal goosebumps. YUM.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Trixie!

This morning on my way to class I was walking behind this guy carrying a messenger bag with a big button on it. And on the button was a cartoon unicorn and some writing that I couldn't read. I had the hardest time not laughing!

Laura said...

Enjoy it Stacy ;) lol

Kat said...

Trixie... thanks... you have no idea how excited I am about that!!!! No more nappies....wooooooop!

Trixie said...

Hey Sabrina! We'll never see unicorns in the same way again!!

Stacy said...

It was O'hara's pub right off campus. It was a lot of jocks and frat guys/sorority girls.

Sabrizzle said...

I know, Trixie! I really wish I could have seen what the button said but I couldn't read it because of the angle it was at and it was in some weird font.

Sabrizzle said...

Oh, now I know where you're talking about Stacy. I don't know if anyone hangs out there, I haven't heard anybody mention it.

Trixie said...

Kat - my son finally decided to use the "big boy potty" about 5 months ago so I totally get the level of excitement!

It is so nice to not have to get that close to poop anymore - LOL!

Stacy said...

Is it just me or is it wierd for a guy to have a unicorn anything on his person? Unless of course it's significant to something else.

Stacy said...

They used to be oblivious to fake ID's so that may have changed.

Sabrizzle said...

I thought it was really weird too, Stacy. Especially because the majority of the button was pink. He wasn't cute either.

Kat said...

Stacy - I was thinkong the same thing!!!

Trixie... it was the one part of parenthood I was not looking forward to. Potty training - yuk. But she's got it down perfectly. Yeah!

Ellie said...

Evening, Trixie!

Jewels64 said...

Hello BABES!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Jules!

Trixie said...

Kat - I'm so happy for you!!!!

Hey Ellie!

Jewels64 said...

Have no effing idea what's being talked about...been writing! YAY!

Stacy said...

So...A pink unicorn button and he was not cute. Poor guy had nothing going for him.

Jewels64 said...

Today....was a good day.....

Stacy said...

My day sucked so give me somthing to cheer me up. LOL.

Jewels64 said...

Well Hells Bells, the usual suspects are here I see....

Ellie said...

Hey, Jules! Did mom come home today??

Laura said...

Hey there, Jules!

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Stacy, I think the only unicorns he will have are on his book bag.

Trixie said...

LOL Sabrina!

Hey Jules! So glad you had a good day!

Ellie said...

Trixie, have you planned any field trips for CO Rob, yet?

Laura said...

Good one, Sabrina!!

Stacy said...

Maybe in his shower alone. You don't have to be hot or straight for that, right?

Jewels64 said...

Not yet Els...tomorrow a.m....

It was a beautiful day today...sun was shining, birds were singing...

3 unicorns! 2 from Dark from Rob and Isle Esme!

Ellie said...

Got your message, Jules. I'm so glad you got the much needed rest.

Sabrizzle said...

I don't even want to think about that Stacy. He didn't look good fully clothed, I don't want to imagine him enjoying himself in the shower. *shudders*

Ellie said...

Jules~~rob's on Isle Esme, now?? woohoo!

Ellie said...

Ew, Sabrina...

Jewels64 said...

Oh my Lovely Robkats...I'm glad to say that our "Dark Edward"/Rob, "Edward Cullen"/Rob, "Daniel Gale/Rob", "Toby Jugg/Rob" and "Cedric Diggory/Rob" is a solid sender baby!

Kat said...

Jules... hello my sweet...

Trixie said...

Ellie - well, my husband took my camera in to be fixed. Hopefully it won't take too long so that CO Rob can being his adventures beyond the house!

Sabrizzle said...

Blame Stacy for that, Ellie.

Stacy said...

Okay..I never told you to picture it. I'm not trying to torture you here poor girl. Go get some eye rinse quick before that image burns itself in.

Jewels64 said...

Trixie... that sounds so funny...

"my camera is getting fixed"...

NO more Rob pix for you!

Sabrizzle said...

I think my brain is burning, Stacy. Trust me, I didn't want to picture it, I just did.

Trixie said...

LOL Jules!

Sounds like you were "busy" today (or last night)

Ellie said...

I miss CO Rob... :(

Laura said...

Just switch the image of that guy "unicorning" in the shower with one of ROB doing the exact same thing. Problem solved!

Stacy said...

Stop that NOW. All thoughts Rob. That image never existed. Never think it again.

Kat said...

I miss CO Rob almost as much as I miss the real one...

Ellie said...

Laura to the rescue! Whew!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL @ "unicorning" Laura. Yes, replacing that image with Rob instantly makes it better.

Stacy said...

Just don't merge those images to quickly they may end up in the shower together.

Ohhh.. Sorry..totally uncalled for.

Trixie said...

Awww Kat and Ellie - I'll tell him how much you miss him. He'll be back very soon - LOL!

Stacy said...

Rob would NEVER!!

Laura said...

You fucked up the good Rob image Stacy!!! lol!

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO Stacy! The only other person that I can picture in the shower with Rob is me. ;)

Trixie said...

Ellie - will you be my flair guinea pig tonight?

Laura said...

Girls..What's CO Rob? I think that must have been before my time here!

Ellie said...

Yes, everything's divine in Robland. Unicorns go galloping past, the Hot Pockets are always steaming hot, and the suspenders have a good snap to them!

Stacy said...

I'm sorry. Sometimes I am such a Bitch. It kinda made my stomach turn.

Sabrizzle said...

Oh so true Ellie!

Kat said...

Oh a good snap... we all need a good snap....

Ellie said...

guinea pig away, Trix... :)

Jewels64 said...

Trixie...changed the batteries last night...#1 before sleep...Dark Edward!

#2 unicorn...during sleep with Rob at Isle Esme....

#3 Unicorn...this a.m. (involuntary...OMIGOD..yeah serioulsy) reading Dark Edward again....

Man did I need some emotional release or what?

Trixie said...

Laura - CO Rob is my life-sized Cardboard Cutout of Edward/Rob.

He and I have photoshoots occasionally and I put the pics up as my avatar :)

Sabrizzle said...

Don't forget about the Snapple river and Pacifico beer ocean.

Ellie said...

Laura, did you get the flair of Rob in the Santa cap? That's Trixie's cut-out Rob

Jewels64 said...

I am so fucking blissed out....

Trixie said...

Jules - Whoa! yeah, you needed a release all right!

Rob on Isle Esme! Ummm, I'm jealous!

Ellie said...

LMFAO, Sabrizz!

Laura said...

Oh yeah! I know CO Rob! Just got a little confused...

I want a CO Rob :( I asked for one for Christmas, but I didn't get one

Ellie said...

But your story doesn't fade to black, does it, Jules!

Trixie said...

Ellie - okay, just sent you a flair for your approval (sent you another one earlier, too...)

Ellie said...

Just maybe black panties or lingerie??

Jewels64 said... released the writer's block for Chapter 5. Still dark, but finally knew where I was gonna go with it....

Laura said...

I would settle for the REAL Rob, though. Naked with a big red bow wrapped around his....

Trixie said...

Laura! Now why didn't Santa bring you a CO Rob? That's total bullshit!

Ellie said...

got the earlier one, Trixie, thanks...I'll go check out the new one...brb.

Stacy said...

You know for like $10,000 you can get one of those realistic lifesized plastic dolls and make it look like pretty much anybody you want.

Laura said...

Sorry, Jules got my mind in the gutter with all her unicorn talk! lol

Jewels64 said...

There was no fade to black...just my six year old waking me up talking in his sleep....

"I need Tissues" is what he said.... I thought...Jesus so do I....

Kat said...

And you will reveal Chapter 5 when exactly???????????????????

Ellie said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it, Trixie! Send it on to everyone!

Trixie said...

Stacy - I'd be afraid the $10k doll would end up looking like the scary action figure!

Can you imagine that thing life-sized???

Lynn said...

Stay----those dolls are creepy...I saw them on the BBC...even a Rob one would be wrong.

Sabrizzle said...

All I got for Christmas was a watch and some other non-Rob stuff. He didn't show up on my birthday either and that would have been one birthday/Christmas combo gift I wouldn't have minded at all. *sniff*

Laura said...

LFMAO JULES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jewels64 said...

Kat, it's halfway done. It's BPOV. I 'm uncomfortable writing in Bella's point of view. I can get in Edward's brain's weird....

Kat said...

I'm with Laura... it's either the real thing or nothing...

Trixie said...

Ellie - yay! Okay. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks for your gp services :)

Laura said...

I know, Trixie! TOTAL bullshit!! My birthday's in March so I BETTER get one then!

Jewels64 said...

This is the real me Laura...I'm here to amuse the masses... me and my fucking potty mouth and dirty mind....

Kat said...

I can get in Edward's pants easier....

Stacy said...

Yeah, pretty creepy, but hey, they are anatomically correct. You can always doctor up the face as long as it has sex hair.

Sabrizzle said...


Laura said...

Trixie r we FB friends? Cause I want some flair, too!

Ellie said...

I am so laughing at all the comments, as they SO don't go in sequential order! lol

Lynn said...

Jules----do you have a six pack, too...since you channel Rob/Edward so well? LOL

Ellie said...

Laura, you can steal any or all of my flair. You, too, Stacy...

Laura said...

Well, you are definitely cracking me up, Jules! My husband is wondering why I am laughing my ass off over here!

Stacy said...

I want flair to..please.

Ellie said...

No, Lynn, but Jules dazzles us frequently...

Sabrizzle said...

It just shows how nutty we all are Ellie that we can keep track of multiple conversations jumbled together. Rob would approve.

Laura said...

I will definitely be doing that Ellie. Thanks!

Trixie said...

Laura - i hope you get CO Rob for your bday!

Kat said...

I want flair *stomps foot then hears my mother's voice in my head saying "I want never gets"*

Ellie said...

I want a CO Rob with bendable parts...well, not ALL the parts...

Laura said...

I'll let you guys know if I do! My best birthday present will be seeing Little Ashes! It comes out the day before my bday!

Trixie said...

Stacy are we friends in fb??? If not, I sent it to Sabrina - she can send to you. Or, you can friend me Trixie Fragenza.

Warning - I'm a flair addict so you might get more than you bargained for. Ask any of the other robkats! :)

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