Cute Comic

Who wouldn't be soaring after meeting the legendary Rob?

SOURCE-thanks to joolz for the link.


Kate said...

Dani Babes are you there, I spotted this and thought of you. thought I'd spread some TomStu love seeing as he was a topic of conversation today

Unknown said...

I would so be up on cloud 9 if ever I met RPattz. *sigh*


Anonymous said...
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Dani said...

Whoops wrong account.

That was sweet Kate, I will share with Stella-D she can really appreciate cause her love of TomStu is strong.

Shandy said...

LOL That would soo be me if i met Rob.

I got giddy just seeing the top of his head at the Twilight premiere :D

Katie xxx

Lizzy said...

That's how I felt when I DID meet Rob XD

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