Crepusculo Stills :)

These are some stills I haven't seen before(we've seen very similar but these are just a bit different, I think).

Me likey the "Pissed off Edward" picture :)



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Anonymous said...

that crease in his forehead is going to be an awesomely sexy Robert Redford like wrinkle someday. Ahhhhh Rob will be one sexy older gentleman.

Melissa said...

Yea-me likey too...:) Kinda makes you wanna go out and buy a peacoat. Hot, Hot, Hot.......

Anonymous said...

Holy Guacamole Gala, that is some name and avatar you got goin' there!! All kind of Greek/Roman mythology-like.

I agree, he will only get better looking with age. And his lifestyle is making him age pretty quickly.

Thanks Goz for the pics!

Sabrizzle said...

The last one looks very Dark Edward-ish. He looks very good in dark blue (and red, and silver, and black, and...and...).

Jewels64 said...

Thanks Goz! These were just what I needed to see before settling in to write some more! Pissed off Edward! Hmmm.....more please!

Kate said...

I was thinking the same Sabrina.
I really like the last 2 pics especially!!
Hi Ladies, how are you all going???
I'm on chapter 38 of WA I hope she updates soon :-}

Gonna start yours tomorrow night Jules, I can't wait I'm all excited!!!

Right off to bed to read. Not staying up past 1am tonight because I need to be up early in the morning, so I'll say goodnight now. It's probably really early for you ladies but it's after midnight here :-( bloody time difference :-(

Lynn said...

Gala and AJ---I was just thinking the same thing, that age will just do wonders to Rob....said British boy will age very well.

Good gracious, I cannot pick just one....but pissed off Dark Edward is a definite fave!

Good evening, lovelies!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Lynn!

Lynn said...

Hello, Sabrina!

I thought that you might be on your way back to SoCal...I guess that is tomorrow!

Ellie said...

Evening, ladies!!!
Love these new pics of our schmexy man...just right for lifting my spirits before I have to go back to work again tomorrow after the long vacation!

AJ, honey, you're a hoot!!! I am soooo loving your blog!
You are one clever girl...Rob had better hurry up and snatch you up! (after he's done with me, of course...) :)

Kim said...

What the hell...flair is...buttons????!!!!!!!!

I imagined something so different in my mind.

LUV the third and fifth photo!
The last photo, his shoulders look so broad. You GORGEOUS, Rob.

Sabrizzle said...

I flew back this morning, Lynn. My flight was at 8:30, which meant that I had to get up at 5:00 and now I feel like a zombie.

Jov, did you finally get a facebook?

Kat said...

Hello! How is everyone this fine evening? Loving these pictures... can not choose my favourite though. They all are...

Jovie... did you breakdown and get a FB account?

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Kathryn! {waves} How are you love?

Kat said...

I'm good... and you?

Sabrizzle said...

Okay, I'm really tired. I went to bed to late last night and had dreams about planes catching on fire all night so the little sleep I got was really crappy. I had to wake up to go to the airport at 5:00 this morning. :(

Kat said...

Nice thing to dream about the night before flying... are you a nervous flyer?

Sabrizzle said...

Not usually, which made the dreams even more freaky. I was chatting with Jules earlier and she said I must have been channeling Rob, but I hope that doesn't become a regular thing because I want to be able to calm him down when we go on vacation together.

Kat said...

Ahhh, so true. I LOVE flying, learnt how to fly cessna's as a kid and recently went skydiving... I guess that won't be a hobby I'll be sharing with Rob...

Sabrizzle said...

Oh that's so cool that you know how to fly! I don't think I could ever go skydiving, I'm not a big fan of heights so throwing myself out of a plane does not sound appealing. I'll hang out with Rob on the ground and watch you land.

Kat said...

I've done it once, doubt I'll do it again. But, I can say I've crossed it off my list of things to do!

Sabrizzle said...

Well at least you can say you did it! Skydiving isn't even on the list of things I might consider doing.

Kim said...

Sorry, about that I logged off.
Hi, Kat and Sabrina, I finally broke down and got a FB account!

The Vogue thread below that he is included in a fashion blurb is a kick. I luv when he wears his black or platinun shirt!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Jovie! I must add you as a friend on FB!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie! It's about fucking time! Hey Gals...Chapter 3 is online!

Jewels64 said... gotta add me to your FB account too!

Jewels64 said...

See Sabrina...Told you I'd be on later! HI DOLL!

Sabrizzle said...

Hey Jules!

Sabrizzle said...

Jov, who are you friends with already from here? That will help me find you faster on FB.

DirtyD said...

Hi girls! I'll be right back I have to go read chapter 3 RIGHT NOW!

Sabrizzle said...

Oh snap! Jules, this is intense!

Jewels64 said...

Thanks guys!

Sabrizzle said...

What the heck happened to Jov?

Kat said...

Chapter three is up? Oh shit... I'll be back...

Jewels64 said...

Seriously...where did she go?

DirtyD said...

Ooooooh, your story is getting even better Jules.

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, I really had to go back and comb through both New Moon and Breaking Dawn for details....

Jewels64 said...

Yeah, I really had to go back and comb through both New Moon and Breaking Dawn for details....

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

life keeps interfering with my Robsessing.

Also, in the Vogue photo his legs look really long in those pants.

Jewels64 said...


Tess said...

HELLO Everyone!! I've only been able to peek at the blog over the past two weeks. It looks fantastic!

I love the new banner! I see soo many new names too.. Hello everyone.

Lynn, AJ, Sab, Jules, Kate, Ellie, Jov, Kat! (Dani, Goz) I've missed you guys so much. thanks for all the emails.

Gala! I love your Gala... Hello Dali!

Rob is sulking so beautifully in these pictures...

Kim said...

How was everyone's day???

I'll read your new chapter before I go to sleep Jules.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, his legs do look very long in that pic. I liked the headline "You've Got Male." I'm actually watching "You've Got Mail" on tv right now.

Kim said...

Oh, sorry I forgot to add that answer, I have Trixie as my friend so far.

Yes, I would be stoked to add you guys, OF COURSE !

Kim said...

Hi Tess, I've missed you!

Jewels64 said...

Okay! My day was a good one! Everyone else?

Kim said...

Yes, Sabrina I love that tagline also!

You've got mail, always gets to me so much because my mothers' name was Cecilia and her mothers name was Cecilia and when they dance in the bookshop I always cry.

Sabrizzle said...

I just sent you a friend request Jov!

Tess said...

Going to go look at the rest of the stuff I missed! see you's in a bit..

Kim said...

I surfed early this morning, first time this year so far, cleaned my house, cleaned my frig, posted on my blog, never knew two months ago or so I would love blogging so much.

Then had dinner w/Ryder and also watched a movie today Jules that made me think of you.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry, I got caught up reading AJ's blog...I swear that girl reduces me to tears I laugh so hard!

Sabrizzle said...

Oh, that's really sweet Jov. I'm not paying very close attention to it as I am busy blogging and I haven't seen this movie since it came out, but I will try to watch for that part.

DirtyD said...

Ughh, my day was shitty. I spent the later part of my afternoon hugging the porcelin bowl...yuck.

Kim said...

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
Amy Adams character Delysi reminded me so much of you Jules.

Kat said...

Shit Jules... you're going to kill us all with the cliff hangers...

Hello everyone... busy night tonight. Off to get some stuff sorted for the morning. But I'll be back to join in some Robsessing fun...

Ellie said...

Hello, girls!!

Jewels64 said...

Keep em coming back for more Kathryn!

Kim said...

Oh Dana, you sick, sweetie?!
So sorry.

Sabrizzle said...

I hope you're feeling better Dana!

Jov, I loved Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie I just sent you a friend request! You're gonna be hating life now! You are gonna get so many request from us Rob freaks!

Jewels64 said...

My Mom said the same thing to me about Miss Pettigrew Live for a Day!

Kim said...

Hi Ellie! Thinking of you with your holiday vacation over.

Sorry Jules, I meant Delysia.
Yes, AJ's blog is my new addiction, I love her writing so much.

DirtyD said...

I hope its just a 24 hour bug, I reaaly don't wanna get my kids sick.

Jov- I sent you a request too :)

Anonymous said...

hello ladies! hope everyone is having a great night/ morning wherever you are! been awhile since i posted but hope you all had a lovely new years!!

jewels - is your story on can you give me a link? ive been (impatiently) waiting for an update on WA and I would LOVE to read your writing!


Kim said...

Really Jules. She is how I picture you Amy Adams character.

Later, I'll go add all of you. Looking forward to chatting there where it's more private.
Maybe I'll even put up my photo.

Amy said...

Hi Girls :)

Just stopping in and trying to keep up with comments. Now that the holidays are over, I'm busy busy busy again with work. Ugh.

I <3 these promotional pics btw, he looks broodingly sexy. He's so damn tall!

Sabrizzle said...

AJ is fucking hilarious!

Jewels64 said...

Sure Sarah...let me get them for you! BRB!

Kim said...

I'm glad you saw it Sabrina, the male lead actor that she falls in love with was very handsome, huh?

Hi Sarah.

Ellie said...

Oh, Dana, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well...I hope it's short-lived!

Hi, Sarah!
You're going to love Jules's writing...and wanting for more............. :)

Jewels64 said...

AJ just keeps me in stitches. I swear if all of us ever got into a real room together...we'd all be crying from laughing so damn hard!

Kim said...

Hi Amy!
I love tall men. I have to have at all guy. Not that I don't like short people. Whenever I say that I think of the movie line.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Jov, he was quite dapper if I do say so myself.

Ellie said...

I LOVE AJ's blog!!! She is one twisted sister...and a girl after my own heart. LOL

Kim said...

Oh gawd, Jules if we could all get together it would be hilarious.
and lots of drinks going around!

Ellie said...

Jules, you make me laugh daily. xoxoxo

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie! Now I have images of Dee Snider in drag singing "We're Not Gonna Take It" in my head.

Ellie said...

Jov, look for my name on Jules' FB. It's with my name, not my nickname...Look for Ellie. xo

Kim said...

Yes, Ellie. I wanted to date her after I learned how funny she was.

But as all hot and heavy from the very beginning romances, they can be short lived, now we are just friends and it's all good.:)

Amy said...

Hi Jov!!!

ahahaha oh I am the exact same way. I like'em tall as well :)

Ellie said...

And congratulations on finally getting that damn FB account, FINALLY!!! :)

Kim said...

Okay, Ells, i sure will.

AJ's writing, sometimes I can hardly finish reading I am laughing so hard and the banter between her and Mona, is priceless.
Mona is very funny also!

Kim said...

Amy his tallness is so sexy. I once dated a guy who was 6'7" he was just too tall.
Rob is just right.
I always think of him on that Lover Man song where the guy is 6'1" and a soul man.

Jewels64 said...

Here you go Sarah....

Hope you enjoy them!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, Mona is hilarious too! I love the correspondence between Ajella and Robward. It's seriously the funniest Twilight spoof I've seen/read.

Sabrizzle said...

Agreed on the 6'7" being to tall, Jov. I liked this guy that was 6'6" and I'm glad it didn't work out because he was way too tall.

DirtyD said...

I just went to read AJ's blog but had to stop all the laughing is making my stomach hurt worse. Damn stomach bug.

No fit of giggles for me tonight....*sighs*

Jewels64 said...

Yeah Jovie, I'm still upset about that one...

Sabrizzle said...

Oops, that was supposed to be "too" not "to."

Jewels64 said...

C'mon Sabrina...a real woman is not afraid to climb!

DirtyD said...

I agree Jules. Climbing is not a bad thing. I'm in the vertically challenged club, standing short at 5 feet 3.5 inches. I would climb up, and not mention on Rob anyday.

Ellie said...

Rob's an easy tree to climb...Yummy!

Sabrizzle said...

Rob is the perfect height for me. I'm not very picky about how tall a guy is, just as long as he isn't shorter than me or so tall that I can't look him in the face easily.

Jewels64 said...

I'd go fucking Koala bear on his ass!

Lynn said...

Good evening, lovelies!

I am sharing the computer with my daughter tonight, just checking in!

Kim said...

Well, with Rob's height and if we we standing together I would fit right into his shoulder and his neck and he's be about four inches taller, I'd fit right into him when we're say waiting in line,etc. and I want to put my arms around him and snuggle in while we're standing up.:)

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO Jules!

Kim said...

LOL, Jules!

That's so funny.

DirtyD said...

Fuck Jules, you did it to me. I'm crying over here and trying to hold my stomach in.

Kim said...

meant is we were standing together

Ellie said...

Aw, Dana, don't you know that laughter is the best medicine?

Hi, Lynn!

Kat said...

Dana... did you pass me something, I suddenly feel a little shitty...

Kim said...

"I'd go fucking koala bear on his ass."

I'll probably remember that when I'm in a bookstore or something and start laughing.

DirtyD said...

Sorry Kat- I knew I shouldn't have breathed on the blog.

Lynn said...

Hi, Ellie!

Dana, sorry to hear that you've been driving the porcelain bus...I rode that out just before Christmas...not fun at all!

Kim said...

Hi Lynn and Kat!

No ladies, trust me 6'7" is too tall.

Jewels64 said...

Sorry, I have no idea why that popped into my head...Dana I'm so sorry...I a little wrung out from writing so I think I'm getting punchy....

Kim said...

He would lift me off the ground and that was pretty fun thou.

But even with me being 5'9" I had to go on my tiptoes when we were standing kissing.

Lynn said...

Hello, Kathrryn, Jovie and Jules!

I don't know...6'7" is pretty damn tall to me!

Sabrizzle said...

I will never think of a koala the same way, which I'm fine with. I can't count the number of random things that remind of Rob and you lovelies!

Jewels64 said...

I'm crying over is pretty funny...

Kim said...

Yeah, for all of you it's late where you are isn't it? Except for me, Lynn and Sabrina.

Jewels64 said...

Hi Lynn! *WAVES & JUMPS*

Kat said...

Grrrrr, Dana, what have I told you about breathing on the blog!!!

Lynn said...

It's only 8:21 pm ...not late enough for me!

Sabrizzle said...

6'7" is way too tall.

Jewels64 said...

Jov, it's just coming up on 10:30 here in Houston. Ellie kept me up later than this this past week...GRRRR!

Tess said...

OK. I'm back. I just read half of AJ's blog.. and I have the hiccups I'm laughing so hard.. her postings just have to be commented on! LOVE it.

all this talk about climbing is killing me. brings back the Mt. Pattinson thread to mind (when he was all fuzzy) then I started thinking about Mounting Pattinson and it all went to hell and now I need a another cup of coffee...

Kat said...

6'7" would be insanly hilarious for me. My hubby is 5'7" (of heaven) and even he seems tall to me! :-)

6'1".... perfection.

Kim said...

Same here Sabrina.

I will try to be normal and not think about Rob or any of you and then something pops in my head.

I have been "acting like I'm in love" I have been told lately or "you seem a little distracted lately, Jovie"

I say:
"Oh, are you talking to me? I was thinking about Rob."
(Of course I don't really say that.)

Ellie said...

Yeah, yeah, Jules, blame it all on me!! LOL

Sabrizzle said...

How tall are you Kathryn?

Tess said...

Hello Dana. I'm really sorry you're not feeling well. I hope it passes soon.

Kim said...

Kat, 5'7" of heaven. LOL. That is soooo cute.

I have to have a man taller than I am.

Tess, LOL.

Ellie said...

6' 1" is totally do-able!

Lynn said...

Tess! Cara Mia! How have I missed you! I hope that your holidays in Italy went well...the pics are beautiful!

My BFF's son and father fly in tomorrow from Rome, they were in Bari for the last two weeks.

I am so jealous of ppl going to Italy!

Kat said...

In real life... 5'2". On my drivers license, 5'4"... they didn't check, so I told a little lie for my ego.

DirtyD said...

Thanks for all the well wishes girls. Now only if Rob would show up on my doorstep. That would be surefire way to feeling better.

Kim said...

Dana, I had AlkaSeltzer the other day from a slight hangover, that Goz suggested and I felt great after.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm 5'6" and I honestly wouldn't mind being with a guy who was about 5'8". I kinda have a thing for short guys as long as they are not shorter than me, but at the same time I like tall guys too. I'm weird, I know.

Lynn said... added it!

Kim said...

LOL,Ellie! At the 6'1" is do-able.

I am going to skip over and look at his tall photo in the thread below.

Kat said...

My husband and I were both the runts in our families... his brother is 6' and my brothers are 6' and 6'1"... they stole my height from me.

DirtyD said...

Jov- thanks for the suggestion. I'm doing hot tea and not much else at the moment. I loathe the bathroom right now!

Jewels64 said...

I like a guy who is taller than me. Something about having to stand on tiptoes to kiss him...grrr!

Lynn said...

I am 5'5" and dh is 5'11"...good match for us. The kids are tall!

Tess said...

Hello Lynn! It's your turn next..

Oh Kat.. that's so funny. I'm only 5"7, but I was measured in HS and they told me I was 5"9 (must've been the hair.) When I went to get my license, I put down 5"9 and the DMV harpy said "there's no way your 5"9. I was soo bummed. I really wanted to be 5"9.

6'5 is as tall as I've ever dated.. and it was errrm.. painful. 6'1 sounds just right (ala goldilocks)

DirtyD said...

Kat- doesn't it suck when everyone else is taller than you? I guess that's why heels were invented though.

Kat said...

Sabrina... I know what you mean, a few inches taller than me is just perfect, but I'm not about to turn down a certain someone because he's "too tall".... he can just squat :-)

Kim said...

gawd, his legs look soooooooo good in the Vogue photo below.

I can't wait to see his naked body in Little Ashes.

Kat said...

Dana... it does suck. But I can still buy kids clothes and shoes, so I shouldn't complain!

Tess said...

Oh Jov... I know. I'm really looking forward to seeing both of their undulating bodies in the water..

Kim said...

LMAO, Kat!

He liked that I was tall. But he mostly like my long hair. At the time it was almost down to my hips.
So we balanced each other out of unnatural longness.
But in "that department" he was normal size.

Kat said...

Hmmmm... how many days is it now until we get to see that delicious scene?

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah Kat, if Rob was 6'7" I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I wouldn't really want to put up with it from anybody else.

DirtyD said...

Kat- I unfortunately wasn't blessed with little feet. Sz. 9 and all the best shoes are always gone.

babbles said...

I don't think I could be into someone who is shorter than me, But at 5'5 it isn't really an issue! Rob is deliciously tall...

Evening Ladies!! How is everyone?

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, I'm the same height as you and fully agree that 5'11 to 6'1 is perfect! (I had to throw the 6'1 in cuz I've been obsessing about Rob's body in the Austin Film Festival vid...still insanely jealous Kat!)

Kim said...

Ohhhh, Tess, I love that, undulating bodies. Good expression.

Ellie said...

Ladies, time for sleep, for me. First day back at work tomorrow, and 5:30 isn't too far off...
Olive juice to you all, and enjoy this Robfest...I know I'll be rushing to my computer at work to catch up on all I missed! xoxoxo

Jules, I'm going to read ch. 3 now, and then drift off to Robland...

Sabrizzle said...

Dana, I understand your problems in the shoe department. My feet are a size 10.

Kim said...

Hi Brooke!

I once dated a tall guy who was 6'7" and we are appreciating Rob's perfect height.

Jewels64 said...

Kat...I am clearing my calendar for Austin for opening weekend of "Little Ashes"! I have to have to see this with YOU!!!

DirtyD said...

Goodnight Ellie. Sweet Rob dreams:)

Jewels64 said...

Hey Brooke! I've missed you!

Kat said...

Jules... yeah... he was tall... a tall cup of water.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and sweet dreams Ellie! I hope you have a great first day back tomorrow! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Kim said...

Nite Ells!
Sweet Rob dreams to ya.
Hope your day back tomorrow goes well.

Jewels64 said...

Night Ellie...we'll catch up tomorrow! Olive juice and Muahhhh!


Kat said...

Ellie - good night my dear.

Jules - You're ON... calendar cleared here too.

Dana - size 5.... itty bitty feet!!

Jewels64 said...

I'd like a long drink of that tall glass of water....

Tess said...

Hello Brooke! It's been ages. I thought about you so often when I was away. You would've had a blast taking pictures!!

Kat- How long do movies stay in theatres in Austin? I'm already think I might need to try to see it when we're there... screw look/see trip. bring on naked Rob.

Kim said...

I think someday we should all list the things about Rob that appeal to all of us.

Kat said...

Hello Brooke... how are you????

Sabrizzle said...

That would be one extremely long list, Jov!

Kim said...

LOL, Tess!

Jewels64 said...

EVERYTHING!!! There! List done!

Kat said...

Tess, completely depends on the movie. Some of the limited releases do seem to hang around for a long time though. When do you think you're visiting??? (I can't wait for that BTW)

Kim said...

I think you should all come to Carmel and see How to Be with me.
It's in SJ, about 45 minutes away up Northern Cal. from me.

Jewels64 said...

Tess is coming to TEXAS? YEEEHAW!

Kim said...

I don't like EVERYTHING about him.

1) he would be too embarassed to sing for me.

Jewels64 said...

Jovie, I would love to go to Carmel, but then I'd be the short fat chick who some guy has to sacrifice himself on to get to you....

Jewels64 said...

Rob has his faults...that's what makes him appealing... No MAN IS PERFECT!

Kim said...

I NEED him to sing to me.
Like he NEEDS a burger.

Sabrizzle said...

San Jose, so close yet so far away. I hate not having my truck with me damnit!

Tess said...

Kat/Jules- We're looking at sometime during the last week of March, first week of April. We need to schedule it around Gs spring holiday (and the lease on our house is up during the beginning of Apr. so we need to work that out as well)

Jewels64 said...

Not "ON" but the word I meant was "for"....

Jewels64 said...

Tess! That's when Little Ashes opens!

Kim said...

I agree Jules, Rob is adorable when he talks about his shortcomings.

And of course, nobody is perfect.

Kat said...

Tess.... you have to make it the same weekend... oh that would be PERFECT!

Lynn said...

Tess--you're coming to the States?

Jewels64 said...

Jovie, he would probably drive me insane within a week....

Tess said...

Jov-I'm excited for you to be able to see HTB in SJ.

They're trying to get into the Singapore Film Festival this April (yes.. I'm trying to NOT be gone when this happens)

How to explain to my sweet man that we need to be back in S'pore so I can watch HTB?

Kim said...

not understanding the sacrifice a guy comment Jules.
need further clarification, I'm a little slow on the uptake.

DirtyD said...

Well girls, i am gonna have to call it a night.

Olive Juice and hope all of your dreams are filled with climbing up that glorious man :)

Lynn said...

I need someone to see LA with.....

Jewels64 said...

Then I'd get over it everytime he smiled, laughed...didn't shave...

I think I would be able to forgive him again and again and again.....

Kim said...

Also, on that he would prob drive insane within a week.

Tess said...

Lynn-Yes.. I'll send you an email.. too long to post here. ;)

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Dana! I hope you have many sweet Rob dreams tonight to make you feel better! Muahhh!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie, every tall, beautiful woman has a short, fat chick friend that some cool dude's wingman has to run interference with so cool dude can get to Blonde tall goddess....

Sabrizzle said...

Pick me Lynn!

Jewels64 said...

Goodnight Dana! Get some rest sweetie...we'll keep things warm for ya!

Kim said...

Nite, Dana! Sweet Rob dreams, hope they are sex dreams of you climbing that glorious man, indeed.

Lynn said...

Good night, Dana!

Jules---I love your theories of reminds of A Beautiful Mind.

Kim said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

thanks jules for the links! i will be reading those tonight! ;] all you ladies are very funny and talented and im so glad to have this blog to share my robsession!

gonna go catch up on the comments...


Kat said...

Night Dana... feel better.

Jewels64 said...'s true though. I had to run interference for my friend Carolyn for years...She's a knockout, but one of the best damn friends you'll ever have!

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