Crepusculo Stills :)

These are some stills I haven't seen before(we've seen very similar but these are just a bit different, I think).

Me likey the "Pissed off Edward" picture :)



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Lynn said...

Sabrina---I will take you up on that, I need someone that is willing to sit mouth agaped with me the entire time.

Kim said...

LMAO, Jules.

But only if you go surfing with me and then we'll pop down Lynn's way and surf Trestles, together, I'll introduce you to Ryder, he would LUV you.
He loves sexy, flirty women and can hold his own.

Jewels64 said...

Lynn, I freaked my poor little 17 year old neighbors out about Rob yesterday....

Sabrizzle said...

I will be sitting there with mouth agaped right next to you Lynn!

Jewels64 said...

Jovie, I've never board surfed. Only body surfed...pitiful for someone from Oz. But hey when you live near Galveston, Texas you can find higher waves in your toilet bowl....

Kat said...

Lynn, Sabrina... hop on a plane to Austin and "agape" with us :-)

Jewels64 said...

Kat, that would be the event for all seasons!

Lynn said...

Jules---LOL I bet you did...I do the same with other ppl that don't know my secret.

Kim said...

ROTFLMAO,Jules. I am going to remember THAT one also!

Sabrizzle said...

I wish I could, Kathryn!

Jewels64 said...

Lynn they were all freaked out about that stupid, inaccurate article in Life & Style...They were flipped out about CamBelle.

I told them he was NOT dating her. She was dating (ugh, i hate to even type it) Joe Jonas.

I told them Rob had someone way more significant in his life....TomStu!

Lynn said...

Kat---I wish! My viewing will have to remain local and no further then Los Angeles.

Kat said...

OK... we all need to go here and pledge:

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jules!

Kim said...

Ladies, speaking of surfing, I got up too early w/ Ryder to surf it was before dark and I've been cleaning and organizing almost all day and I think I'm going to listen to Rob sing and then read Jules' writing and hit the bed.
Olive Juice, Robkats!

Kat said...

We'll organize bake sales and sponsored walks in the name of getting us all in the same city!

Jewels64 said...

Wait! We need to stage a telethon! Do you think we could send an official letter to Rob's agent asking for an appearance or at least a taped message to be played here on Robsessed?!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and steamy Rob dreams Jov! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Kat said...

Jules... YES... that's it.

Kim said...

LOL, Kat!
See ya all hopefully tomorrow...

Kat said...

Night Jov...

Jewels64 said...

Nite Jovie! I'm so glad you joined the madness of FB! We can have more private chats there!

Sweet Dreams girlfriend! Be chatting with ya soon!

Love, Peace and RPattz!

Lynn said...

Jules---I fight the urge to talk about my knowledge of specific pop culture with the younger crowd (especially with Audrey's friends)...I think it freaks them out that I have it bad for a 22 year old.

Tess said...

Oh kat.. I like that site lol..

I just checked Gs calendar at school and his break begins on Mar 27th. Doesn't LA around then?

Raph would just die of laughter.. but it would be too sad to miss all of you in austin! (and he has been clipping articles out of The Financial Times about Twilight for me...)

Lynn said...

Good night, Jules and Jovie!

Tess said...

Good night Jov...

Jules left too?

Jewels64 said...

Lynn! I'm not going anywhere yet...

Kat said...

Yup, March 27th...

Jewels64 said...

Tess, if there was anyway possible for all of us to get together while you are here...It would be icing on the cake!

Lynn said...

Whoops! My keyboard leaves me a day late and a dollar short. I am getting confused!LOL

babbles said...

Tess, will you be in the U.S.?

Kat said...

We could sacrifice and wait to see it on Sunday if you could make it by then?????????

babbles said...

Lynn, Jules xoxoxoxoxo

Sabrizzle said...

I wish I could have bought a plane ticket to Austin instead of all of those textbooks I just ordered. Grrr.

babbles said...

Kathryn Hiya...

Tess said...


I had a crazy dream last night probably brought on by extreme fatigue.. We arrived yesterday morning, so in an attempt to get back on track, I stay up until 10pm (over 24 hrs awake)

awoke at about 4:38am this morning from a dream where Rob was telling me off because I did not show Tomstu enough reverence when I greeted him. I tried to argue that I didn't really know Tomstu that well, and it would seem insincere if I greeted him 'balls out" (like someone else we know would) anyway... we had words and I was sad..

What does that mean? ha ha

Lynn said...

Brooke---there you are, mija! How are you?

Jewels64 said...

Hi Brooke...once again!

babbles said...

Hi Sabrizzle & jovie....

Jewels64 said...

You need to fuck TomStu and have him rave to Rob about how fantastic you are...

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Brooke!

Funny dream, Tess!

Kat said...

Hello again Brooke...

OK, Tess, that is just plain strange... but fucking funny! (Ellie has gone, I have to represent Dark Edward in her absence)

Tess said...

gosh. my comment was so OT.

The whew was because Jules is still here. and BB, yes. Raph, G, and I are coming to the US to check out a few places for possible relocation.. again..

babbles said...

Good, Good - having a moment with myself... and the computer - And I am staying away from fanfic for the night, I am reading them too too much....

How are ya'all

Lynn said...

Tess---to quote Rob..."bizarre"! I cannot imagine Rob getting angry like that for such a funny reason.

Jewels64 said...

Kathryn...I dropped the "F" bomb first... nanny nanny poo poo!

Kat said...

Jules... perfect solution. But clean cut TomStu is too illegal looking..

babbles said...

WOW Tess, the States would be lucky to have ya back, and the time zones will match up a little nicer ey...

Jewels64 said...

Yeah...lurker TomStu works for me!

Kat said...

Well well... if you're bringing out the nanny nanny poo poo's you mean bizniz...

Kat said...

I'm pushing Austin on Tess like a dealer....

Jewels64 said...

Kathryn....that's it! We absolutely can never ever go drinking together! Just kidding!

Tess said...

Jules!! That might work in a perfect world, but not Tomstu's world. He's smitten.

I guess I could practice my gargling though...

Sabrizzle said...

Uh-oh, I sense an f-bomb storm a brewin'. FUCK!

Lynn said...

Tess---I bet Austin will get your love, because, the market is still hot out there! Come back to Cali!

If, you do....I will sing the LL ool J song to you!

Jewels64 said...

Whose worse? I'm standing in the background like absolute peer pressure going..."C'mon! you know you wanna....'

Jewels64 said...

Make sure he eats lots of celery first Tess!

Tess said...

Kat just wants to introduce me as her own personal stalker :) and the funny thing is, I'm OK with that.

Jewels64 said...

"Going back to Cali, to Cali...."

Lynn said...

Cool not ool....motherfucking keyboard!

Jewels64 said...

Great! Standing next to you two...I'll look like Jan Brady....


Tess said...

Jules.. Oh yeah.. I will insist on it. (no meat whatsoever)

Lynn- I so want to hear you sing that...I would love to come back to Cali, but the housing market is just outlandish (even as it's crashing)

Jewels64 said...

Lynn I just spewed on my keyboard...thanks! Now that fucker is going to start malfunctioning....

Kat said...

Tess... you're exactly right. I feel kinda cool *thinking* I have a stalker...

Kat said...

Jules... I'm expecting an excess of drinking on our Little Asses Robkat Tour... so....

Lynn said...

Tess---you know I would and I would do a little Baby Got Back dance for you, too!

Yeah, the market is still high!

Jewels64 said...

Kathryn...I'm already in training...

Tess said...

Hey Lynn- Your new fb picture is wonderful. Your man sort of reminds me of my man (or maybe it's jut the photo)

I love all the obscenities...

Jewels64 said...

Oh Tess, you missed the major fuck-a-thon! It was a classic! Every single post had someone using that word!

Lynn said...

Jules---no, not your keyboard, too!

This is motherfucker on my keyboard...moterfuker...nice, huh!

Tess said...

OH MY GOD. I just had a flashback of me dancing to baby's got back at The Cowboy Boogie in Anaslime (Anaheim)


Kat: I'm putting that on my CV. professional stalker to Kathryn..

Sabrizzle said...

That thread was fucking hilarious, Jules!

Tess said...

I can't believe I fucking missed it!

Jewels64 said...

Lynn...tears are streaming down my face...I am trying not to laugh out loud for fear of waking the boys!

Kat said...

Well ladies... busy day tomorrow so I must get some Rob-sex-dream filled sleep.

I bid you all a fucking good night... Olive Juice

Jewels64 said...

Why is suppressed laughter some of the best fucking shit ever?

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, I'm practically in Anaslime, Tess.

Lynn said...

Admittedly, Dark Edward has rubbed off on me...I yelled fucker at some driver the other night and in front of Nick no less.

Tess---thank you! I think that they may have similar bone structure.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and fucking fantastic Rob dreams Kathryn! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Lynn said...

Good night, Kathryn! Olive juice!

Jewels64 said...

Ladies I too am in the same time zone as Kat and must boogie! So nice to have everyone coming back and just letting it all go!

Olive Juice to All! See y'all tomorrow! MUUUAAAHHH!


Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Jules! Talk to you tomorrow, love! Muahhh!

Lynn said...

Tess---I did the booty dance to Baby Got Back at my high school about humiliation! Thank goodness for moterfukin alcohol.

Lynn said...

Good night, Jules lovely! I am waiting for more Volturi!

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Lynn!

Tess said...

Have a fantastic fucking night Kat and Jules.

Oh Lynn- I'm dying here! I love cussing.. I have a friend here from NOLA who is appalled on daily basis on the basis of what comes out of my mouth. I can't help it.. fuck is not a cuss word, it's an adjective.

Sab- Is the Boogie still there? you're prob too young to remember it. It used to be the Roadhouse (yes the same one as the movie)

Sabrizzle said...

I know this is OT but I was on the plane today looking through Alaska Airline's magazine they have in the seat back and saw an ad for an Italian restaurant in the Seattle area called Volterra. I want to go check it out!

Sabrizzle said...

I have no idea Tess.

Lynn said...

Tess---I think of what Chris Rock says about's not the word itself but how it's used. Fuck is a great word....bad but good for many uses!

Tess said...

sab- when you say you're back at Chapman, do you mean Chapman university?

I used to live in Brea before we left the states..

((sigh)) I miss socal.

Sabrizzle said...

Yep! Unfortunately I don't have my truck down here with me and most of my friends left their cars at home too so I haven't been able to go exploring off campus too much.

Tess said...

I have to grocery shopping ladies.. as lame as it sounds, people need to eat.

my mil has spoiled us rotten over the last two weeks with homemade pasta (oh... so that's how it's made) and other lovely creative dishes. G had cookie crisp cereal for breakfast and I had lucky charms, so If I don't want to go to hell for being a bad mom, I need to get going.

It's been great chatting with all of you. I'll see ya later.


Lynn said...

Sabrina---you're at Chapman? Wow, the valedictorian of my class went there...that speaks highly.

Sabrizzle said...

Talk to you later Tess!

Lynn said...

Good day, Tess! I loved talking with you!

Sabrizzle said...

Cool Lynn! I'm surprised how many people I've run into that know people who have gone to Chapman (even in Washington) because it isn't that big of a school.

Lynn said...

Sabrina---I have to daughter has some homework to complete! TTYL!

Olive juice!

Sabrizzle said...

Okay, TTFN Lynn!

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