Bravo Mag Scans (Germany)

Click this last one for some serious HQ yum.


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Anonymous said...


Sabrizzle said...

He looks so good in dark blue, he should wear it more often. *sigh*

Ellie said...

Hi, Sabrina and Allie!

I agree with you, sabrizzzz, blue is definitely rob's color. Although he's yummy in red, too. And grey. and black. Aw, hell, the whole you-know-what rainbow! (I'm trying to hold back on the Dark Edward influences on my language).
Yeah, right...

kristen said...

YUMMMM that last pic is positively delectable... Sabrina, you're right, that is a VERY good color for him... and his arm in that photo is just mmm mmm good.

kristen said...

LOL, Ellie, too true... it's so easy to say that every single freaking color in the whole color spectrum is HIS BEST color... he makes 'em all look GOOD!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Ellie and Lyla! Yes, his arms look sensational and he looks divine in pretty much every color.

Sabrizzle said...

I still want to see him wear some hunter green. I don't think I've seen him wearing any green yet and I'm curious. It would probably look fab on him as well.

Ellie said...

Sabrina, did you start your course yet?

Ellie said...

Yes, hunter green would go great with his eyes, I think.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I have class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It's supposed to last from 9:00am to 12:30pm, but we got out at about 11:00 today and about 10:30 on Monday.

Sabrizzle said...

I think so too, Ellie.

Ellie said...

Gee, they're working you real hard, there, aren't they? lol

Dani said...

Allie hey there where did you get that news from? Not that I am excited about it because in all honesty I am not happy about the news at all.

Hello to all the lovely Robsessors.

Got to get me butt home. Enjoy the Robness.

Sabrizzle said...

Haha, the first day we hadn't read anything yet so she didn't have enough to talk about for 3 and 1/2 hours and we were supposed to watch a movie today but she changed it to tomorrow.

Ellie said...

Hey, Dani! I hope we get you on here a little bit tonight; I've been missing you... :(

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Dani! I don't know if I'm happy about Taylor staying or not. I think it would be weird to switch actors, but I don't know if he can make Jacob into a strong enough character for NM.

Ellie said...

Yes, that's the opinion I have, too, Sabrina. I still see him as a bay-bay.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I think they should keep him for the first part of NM and transition into a different actor who looks like him but is more mature when Jacob undergoes the transition into a wolf.

Ellie said...

I heard that a few weeks ago...was that you who posted that, Sabrina?

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I said that a few weeks ago when rumors were going around that Taylor was going to be replaced by that other guy.

Sabrizzle said...

The casting of Jacob isn't really that big of a deal to me. I just want to see more Rob.

Ellie said...

You and me both, babe!

That's how I read NM the first time,in regards to Edward. I skimmed quickly to anything that referred to Edward, like the voices.

Sabrizzle said...

I know, the first time I read NM I was reading it as quickly as possible because I knew Edward had to come back. When I reread it I realized I missed a few things.

Ellie said...

Hey, I'm on the the last posted chapter of WA!

Sabrizzle said...

Now you'll be like me, anxiously waiting for chapter 39!

Ellie said...

Absofuckinlutely! (channeling my inner Dark Edward, I guess...) lol

Sabrizzle said...

I'm going to go eat dinner, I'll be back in about a half an hour Ellie. I hope you will be here when I get back! Muahhh!

Ellie said...

Okey-dokie. and yeah, I'll be here...

Tess said...

Hello Everyone!

Sab/Ellie- I think Rob should wear Red more often.. He really look fantastic in Red..

Great news about Taylor keeping the role of Jacob Black. did anyone see the latest Mummy movie? I watched it on the plane, and there's a scene where the emperor changes from the beast back into himself and the affect was amzing! I immediately thought about New Moon.

Trixie said...

Hey everyone!

I read that Taylor is the official Jacob, too. Actually, its posted on the Facebook Twilight page. Along with the release date for the DVD - March 21st :(

Tess said...

Hello Trixie- I think I read in the chat box that SM posted in her page as well?

Ellie said...

Hi, Tess and Trixie!

I didn't see "The Mummy", but I can imagine how good the special effects were. Hopefully the budget for NM will be able cover what needs to be done to make it realistic.

Tess said...

Oh my God. this is insane! I love Twilight fans..

I just tried to log onto SMs website and it's so busy, Yahoo can't open the page! Hysterical! Can you imagine how many hits it takes to accomplish this?

Trixie said...

Hey Tess! How are you?

Okay, so we are getting confirmation on this from a few different sources. Good.

Trixie said...

Hey Ellie! I'm with you... really hope special effects are better in NM. How is the ice situation?

Tess - that is crazy (SM's site).

Anonymous said...

Hi girls!!! (Waves)
I read this blog since day 1 and I´ll try to post comments more often and enjoy the party here. Just wanted to say all you girls are great, especially Goz and Dani for their hard work on this great place, the best place for out Robsession, I love all your comments!
Jules - your fanfic it´s great! I can´t wait for more chapters. I haven´t read WA yet but I´ll start very soon.
As I always read your comments I have some of the girls blogs on my favorites and I´m trying to read all of them.
Just one more thing: someone here could post Dani or Goz e-mail please! Because I have some video links I want to share with you all because I think I never saw them here.
I´m working my english so excuse me any typos or mistakes.
Olive juice to all!!!


Tess said...

Trixie- I'm great this morning..

PS: I sent you an email.

I guess everyone is clamoring onto her site to read the Taylor confirmation. I'm really happy for him. He seemed to really want the role, and I think if you're that hungry for something, you'll do a good job.

Ellie said...

Well, it's going to look really pretty tomorrow morning, if the sun's out... but in the meantime, I'm hoping the freezing rain that's coming down now doesn't get thick like last night's. half an inch of ice on everything this morning...dangerous as hell.

Tess said...

Hello Bia

Here you go!

Tess said...

Ellie- What part of Texas are you in again?

Trixie said...

Tess - I always forget it is morning for you when it's night for me! So, I wish you a great day!

Yes, saw the email... I wrote back. Glad you liked my little production :)

I was actually impressed by Taylor's acting in the small scenes he had in Twilight. It's just hard for me to see him as a real threat to Edward (as far as the relationship with Bella is concerned). But, I agree with you in that he did seem to really want to continue as Jacob so he'll give his all to the part in NM.

Ellie said...

Hi, Bia! Welcome to the comments~~ We're always glad to have someone to chat with! It's all about the Robsession, isn't it?
Well, we do get off-topic sometimes, but it always seems to go come to Rob. :)

Ellie said...

Tess, I'm in the northern part of New Jersey, right on the NY border.

Trixie said...

Ellie - yeah, it was pretty, wasn't it? Pretty until you had to go out and drive around! I'm lucky that I work from home on Wed's so I didn't have to go out in the mess...

Ellie said...

Oops, I meant to say Joisey...

Ellie said...

Trixie, lots of ice for you, too? Like a skating rink in your front yard,too?

Trixie said...

Ellie - yes, ice skating rink here, too! but, then it warmed up to mid 40's this afternoon so everything melted.

Tess said...

Trix-Taylor fits the role for me.. because even as I was reading the series, I never really felt anything for Taylor except pity... and then really annoyed with Bella for stringing him along. Jacob never held a candle to Edward's character.

I guess that's why I never understood why people didn't like Taylor in the role. He's not suppose the be a as gorgeous as Rob is (at least to me)

Tess said...

What a dink I am!!

for some reason I was thinking about the picture of the tree covered with Ice that we received the other day from M and confused it with our conversation about ice. sorry.

Ellie said...

Tess, that's true. Edward's the impossibly beautiful one. Jacob is just Jacob. At least in Bella's eyes.

However, Rob's impossible beauty is, well, duh. No brainer.

Anonymous said...

Tess - Thank you!!

Ellie - Thanks for the welcome! Of course Rob brings us together, but it´s so nice to see here you all taking care of each other, the friendship you guys have. That´s the best part here.


Ellie said...

No, you're not a dink, Tess. But you have been naughty with that slip-up...Rob, Tess is next!

And that pic is such a pretty one, isn't? (the ice one, not you in the naughty room silly girl)

Lynn said...

Good evening, lovelies!

Holy wooly mammoths, the graininess on that last Edward pic makes Rob look three shades of furry yumminess!

Tess---yea, the kid should stay...Taylor Lautner is not my jam but he fills the bill. So, he'll have to wear platforms and be CGI'd. It couldn't be worse then looking like baked sugar crystals and having a twinkling sound go off as you reveal yourself in the sunlight.

Oh wait, sorry Rob!

Tess said...

Bia-Dammit... don't make me cry.. Thank you!

and I second Ellie (who wishes she lived in Texas) Welcome!

Ellie said...

These lovely ladie are the best, Bia! :)

Trixie said...

Tess - i'm completely on the same page with you as far as how I felt about Jacob in the book.

Tess said...

Lynn- I have a confession to make (1st time in about 10 years)

I loved Disco Ball Edward..

I was so mesmerized, I didn't even notice the music.

Did you see the latest Mummy movie?? they had a great affect in there that would so work for New Moon.

Ellie said...

"It couldn't be worse then looking like baked sugar crystals and having a twinkling sound go off as you reveal yourself in the sunlight."
Dammit, Lymmm, you're witty tonight!

Tess, you wish I lived in Texas or I wish I lived in Texas?? lol

Sabrizzle said...

Hey loves, I just got back from dinner. Lynn, I love how you refered to the sparkle effect as baked sugar crystals, I thought he just looked sweaty (and not in a good way).

Tess said...

Ellie- Oh noo.. I'm happy your an Easterner.. I live in RI for about 4 years and I love Northerners.

Speaking of Texas though.. I'm 90% sure I'll be there in March..

Lynn said...

Tess---see cheesy special effects work like shiny things for magpies!

I was digging Disco Ball Edward...I was desperate for a sugar cookie afterwards but I loved it, too!

I am total magpie....I love shiny things!

Ellie said...

LMFAO, Lynn, you're making me split a gut, here!

Tess said...

Absolutely!! I use that line all the time: "Oh excuse me, I was distracted by something sparkly"

Now I'm not sure what my new name is..

Magpie Tess or Dark Tess.. hmm

WildCat said...

If y'all are still looking for the official news on Taylor, its on Summit Entertainment's News page, FWIW.

I keep forgetting to go through the comments on here all the time... you ladies crack me up when I remember too, though. =)

Ellie said...

and yeah, Sabrizzzzz, I thought he looked kind of sweaty, too. but in a good way. It must have been from seeing KStew's heaving chest...

Lynn said...

I took a nap and am feeling revived!

Tess said...

Thanks Wildcat..

Sabrizzle said...

I'm on the Twilight mailing list and I just got an email from Summit with a letter from Chris Weitz confirming Taylor is staying.

Ellie said...

Hi, WildCat, welcome back!

Tess, I like "Yes Tess", as in you'd do anything Rob asked you to... :o

Tess said...

Sab-Very cool. Perhaps Dani or Goz (if she's feeling better) will post it soon.

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, I'm sure they will post it when they get the chance.

Lynn said...

Tank you, Wildat!

I actually read about it on (sigh) Just Jared Jr. I would scanning for Rob sightings. For the love of all that is holy, would Just Jared move Rob from the kiddie table to the adult table...I mean he is almost 23.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome too, Tess! Don´t cry!

"It couldn't be worse then looking like baked sugar crystals and having a twinkling sound go off as you reveal yourself in the sunlight." lol Lynn! I agree with you!!


Tess said...

Ellie- "yes tess" has possibilities for both parties involved...

~early morning~

me: "Rob?"
Rob: " Yes Tess?"
me: "wanna..."
Rob: "yes tess"

Anonymous said...

Hello ellie, tess, trixie.
Good evenings or morning.
How are you?

Ros xxx

Kat said...

Hello ladies... what's UP?

Lynn said...

*Thank you not tank you...please excuse my missining keys.

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Ros and Kathryn!

Tess said...

Hello Rosxx and HELLOOOOO Kat!!

Lynn said...

I fucking give up!

Lynn said...

Hello Kathryn and Ros!

Ellie said...

me: "Rob?"
Rob: " Yes Tess?"
me: "wanna..."
Rob: "yes tess"

Niiiice, Tess!

Hi Kat and Ros!

Kat said...

Don't fucking give up.

What's the topic? Rob I hope?

Ellie said...

Lynn, get that damn new keyboard, will ya'? lol

It's okay, I've got a great's my typing that sucks!

Lynn said...

No, Kathryn, sadly no news about said British boy!

But, Taylor Lautner is officially confirmed as the permanent Jacob Black.

***And, the fangurlz hollered, yeah, boiyyyyyyeeee!***

Sabrizzle said...

My keyboard is pretty good, I just have to make sure I don't drool on it while looking at/listening to anything Rob related so I don't short out my entire laptop.

Trixie said...

Hey Kat! Lynn!

Hi Ros!

I've had a day full of Rob. I should be so sick of him, but sadly, I'm not.

Kat said...

Yeah, I got that e-mail from Summit. Mixed feelings... one happy coz he seemed to genuinely want ti. Two, sad as I'm not sure he can pull off the "teenage love angst" madness he needs to. Prove me wrong Taylor, prove me wrong.

As for Rob... I hope he's not staying in his room all day to avoid the paps and is just getting lucky.

I am now off to paint a door... yes, paint a door! So for now... nighty night my lushes.

Ellie said...

Trixie, that's something to revel in!

Lynn said...

We go through keyboards like crazy...water and sodas are not their friends! Fortunately, we don't have any sliders in the family like Rob.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Kathryn! You better be painting Rob's portrait on that door!

Ellie said...

Olive juice, Kat! mmuuaahh!

Paint it good,girl!

Ellie said...


Lynn said...

Hello, Trixie!

Katryn---is that covert for something naughty? BTW, I will be painting my door later, too! LOL

Trixie said...

Ellie - i would be reveling if i had a day full of Real Rob!

I had plans for another CO Rob photoshoot, but the weather did not cooperate...

Ellie said...

My door's painted a different color EVERY night! (yeah, I wish... )lol

Trixie said...

LOL Lynn! Let's make that code for something (wink, wink).

Ellie said...

Trixie~~ooo, outdoor CO Rob...does it involve running like a mountain goat?

Lynn said...

Ellie---it was a theory that I had a while back with Rob always shorting out mics at various events. My BFF's husband is a slider, he cannot keep a watch running and street lights sometimes go out when he drives by.

It just means that the person carries a lot of kinetic energy that can sort things out!

Tess said...

Bye Kat!!

Lynn-OK, what is a 'slider'

I think the new year and WA has brought on a lot of home improvements

Ellie said...

Lynn, I remember that! :)

Tess said...


I had a friend who did that as well. she could not wear a watch. they'd always stop.

Trixie said...

Ellie - Co Rob knows he looks better when he stands still...

Lynn said...

BTW, I am convinced that Rob is a slider of sorts! If, he wasn't then the megaphone would never had to make an appearance!

Trixie--love the painted door code word. I love your took up the whole screen!

Ellie said...

Bright boy, that CO Rob...

Trixie said...

Tess - LOL! I could renovate our entire kitchen with what WA has done to me!

Sabrizzle said...

"Co Rob knows he looks better when he stands still..." LMAO! So true.

Lynn said...

I have been painting doors like crazy...the switch is flipped in this household! I am re-reading WA right now.

Sabrizzle said...

I hope she posts chapter 39 soon. Like right now. The suspense is killing me. Fuck!

Trixie said...

Ellie - yes, CO Rob is far from dumb. He's knows what works for him. He's getting really sick of the lampshade and is begging me to take it off!

Lynn - oh, glad you liked the video. I had so much fun making it. I worked on it on the train ride home Mon and Tues. You should have seen me trying to keep the screen hidden from the other commuters!

Lynn said...

LOL Trixie---my dh thought tbat CO Rob with the lampshade was an actual person.

Tess said...

I missed what "CO" stands for in CO Rob.. please clue me in.

and when I saw 'slider', I saw the word spider by mistake...and thought about a picture link posted last night in the comment section with Rob from HA .. he has a spider on his face and I almost died..

Kim said...

Hi Robkats.

I just want to add my two cents, that-ain't-worth-nothing, that I listened intently to his french vid interview.

Also, I miss AJ.

Trixie said...

Hey Sabrina! I didn't see you come back in! How are ya?

Lynn - what chapter are you on in WA?

Kim said...

LOL, Trixie about CO Rob.
Poor guy needs an update so badly.

Lynn said...

That must have been fun! I had to keep looking at my son over my shoulder...he could care less!

Kim said...

I loved that fuck night Sabrina.

Sabrizzle said...

Tess, I know exactly which pic you are talking about and I love that one. Even though I hate spiders.

Hi Jov! I loved the French interview too and I also miss AJ and her blog. She's fucking hilarious!

Trixie said...

Tess - CO Rob is short for CutOut Rob (my cardboard cutout rob).

Lynn - LOL - Oh how I wish CO Rob was real!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the 'thank you' back.
nice to 'see' you all at here.
and trixie your CO rob is awesome.
ros xxx

Kim said...

You're a Solid Sender, Trixie.

Looks like almost the whole crowd is here except Jules and Mona. I know I'm missing some more but I'm too lazy to think.

Trixie said...

Jov! :)

Co Rob does need an update. Maybe Friday...

Lynn said...

Triie---I am back on chapter 3....I read the whole thing a while back. I am also antsy for chapter 39.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm kinda bored, Trixie. I only have one class right now because it's interterm and there also isn't much going on around campus.

Jov, I fucking loved that night too!

Kim said...

Thanks Sabrina, sorry I went to catch up on the comments.

Welcome Bia!

Ellie said...

Oh, we're back to the fucks,are we??? well, fuck it and how the hell are you, Jov?

and I fucking miss Aj, too. She's such a sweetheart.

and, tada! I just finished WA! Dark Edward can fucking paint any damn thing he likes, as long as I can be his paintbrush!

Trixie said...

Ros - thanks! All the lovely robkats here have inspired his attire.

Jov - the fuck night was hilarious!

Speaking of HA - I need to watch that again...

Ellie said...

Wait, that sounded a little dirty...well, okay.

Kim said...

I also like his pub photos of him having a good time.

I hope he's having fun at home.

Sabrizzle said...

LMFAO Ellie!

Tess said...

I just started reading it yesterday.. I thought I saw a chapter 39 (or am I starting rumors?)

Thanks Trixie for the info.

Trixie said...

Ellie - hell yes!

Sabrizzle said...

Tess, there was a teaser for chapter 39, but the full chapter has yet to be posted.

Kim said...

Ellie, LMAO!

I'm fucking doing great!

Lynn said...

"Dark Edward can fucking paint any damn thing he likes, as long as I can be his paintbrush!"

Ellie, mija! I second that thought!

Kim said...

fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I just thought I'd get that out of my system.

I'm trying not to made a vid of Rob and do my editing instead. A be a good girl.

Lynn said...

Hello, Jovie and Sabrina!

Trixie said...

Tess - be careful about starting WA rumors! I started one in FB that turned out to be false and everyone had a heartattack! You saw all that, right? LOL!

She actually posted a "teaser" for Chp 39 that someone sent around earlier. That's it, I think. But don't quote me - LOL!

Anonymous said...

oops i mean thank you for the 'hello' back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jovie!! :)
I have your blog on my favorites, I´m trying to read everything, you are really funny!!


Lynn said...

Hello, Bia!

Kim said...

My last sentence was so rubbish.
And be a good girl. I can type.

Ellie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

I'm sore from matt pilates.

How is everyone?

Goz hope your headache is better.

Sabrizzle said...

Hey, Lynn! I've actually been back for about 45 minutes....

Trixie said...

Jov - keep being a good girl :)

Lynn said...

Ellie....shhhhhh! Tess just started it!

Trixie said...

Ellie - that's what I want to know!

Sabrizzle said...

Here you go Ellie:

Lynn said...

Sorry, Sabrina! I have been like the living dead today (like WA Edward and Bella).

It was quite a day at work....we had two false alarm fire drills. The kiddos were scared and it was exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Lynn!!


Sabrizzle said...

No problemo, Lynn. I'm sorry you had to deal with that at work today.

Ellie said...

Lynn, I deleted the comment...sorry!

Sabrizzle said...

I think you should go to the naughty room for that, Ellie!

Ellie said...

Thanks, Sabrina...I'll brb while I check out the teaser...

Behave, girls!

Lynn said...

No worries...I was in the Dark about those mystical horned animals for a while! It was fucking funny after I read it all!

Ellie said...

Oh, the naughty room...forget the WA teaser...Rob can do that for me!!!!

Kim said...

Thanks Bia, sorry I was detained there.

Thanks for adding me as a fav and saying you think I'm funny. I try to be funny but most of the time I ONLY crack myself up.

Sabrizzle said...

I think I had already finished reading it by the time everybody started talking about the unicorns and adding "fuck" to every sentence.

Kim said...

Thanks Trix.

OHHHH Ellie, I forgot, hits my palm on my forehead. Thanks for scheduling the midnight session with me with Rob in the naughty room. It was my first naughty room session and he was calling out my name and EVERYTHING!

Ellie said...

Sabrina, I couldn't open the link...

and yes, fuck. lol

Sabrizzle said...

Kate emailed the link out yesterday, did you get it?

Ellie said...

Jov, I told you it was fun!!! Sorry I missed scheduling you in, but it was so worth the wait, right?

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Jov!

Kim said...

Robkats, last night I was watching something on tv and I heard someone say "Saddle up that unicorn and ride it until." And well you know what I thought about.

Ellie said...

Wait, yes, I did get tthat. I hope I didn't erase it by accident. I'll go check.

Sabrizzle said...

Hahaha, that's hilarious Jov!

Trixie said...

Okay - bedtime for Trixie :(

I always have to got to bed just when the blog gets going.

Have a great night everyone!

Kim said...

Yes, Ellie it was so worth the Wait!

He's pretty amazing.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Trixie!

Kim said...

I wish you didn't have to go.
I luv you, girl.

Lynn said...

Okay, OT but I am convinced that Jackson Rathbone must do a cover of Radioheads's "Creep" (which I am listening to right now). He did one for SM and now he must do one for the masses!

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, Jovie!

No, not ONLY crack yourself up, but all of us!

This is the first time I´m trying to keep up the comments and refresh the page all the time, it reminds me the twilight premiere day, it was crazy!


Tess said...

Everyone---I'm going to shoo off... I have a few things to do (imagine that!)

I still don't know what the ref. to unicorns is yet since I haven't read that far yet (WA) But my sick mind has already made up something particularly naughty.


Kim said...

Robkats, I'm heading out also to edit.
Luv ya all.
Olive juice!!!!

Trixie said...

I want to stay! See, I'm still here! I'm so hopeless!

Jov - i luv you, too darling!

Okay, really going now. Really.


Lynn said...

Good night, Trixie!

Sweet dreams and olive juice!

LOL Jov!

Sabrizzle said...

I would like to hear that too, Lynn.

Ellie said...

Trixie, baby, Olive juice to you!
Sleep tight.

And give CO Rob a quick squeeze for me.

Kim said...

Thanks Bia, so nights this blog is flying.

Some night we even have drinking parties and say *whispers here* the word Fuck.

We say it to get sent to the naughty room with Rob.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and happy editing Jov!

Bye Tess!

I fucking love you both! Muahhh!

Lynn said...

And, he will need to do it in that sexy Texanesque drawl! JR is my jam and he makes me puddle almost as badly as Rob!

Anonymous said...

Good night Trixie, Tess and Jov!!
Sweet rob dreams!


Ellie said...

Jov and Yes Tess, take care, girlies! xoxoxo and olive juice.

Lynn said...

Tata, Jovie and Tess!

Tess---paint those doors, dammit!

Kim said...

Good nite all,
Sweet hopefully Rob sex dreams.
He's is so damn lucky he really doesn't have to have see with this many different women.

Kim said...

I fucking love you too Sabrina, sweetie.


Tess said...

Lynn-I had to reply to your Jackson comment before I left.. He's almost up there with RP for me as well..

He's really attractive in a very gentlemanly sort of way..

Sabrizzle said...

Yeah, Jackson is pretty dreamy. Have you seen the clips of some show he did called "Close to Home"? He was pretty good, although the show was disturbing.

Kim said...

Meant sex not see.

Okay, no editing on Robsessed.

Tess said...

Now.. I'm really away.. really. I swear.

I will go paint some doors later... while wearing my new boots!!!

Lynn said...

Tess---I wasn't on to him until after the premiere...but I adore is interview presence. He has that Rhett Butler thing going for him!

Ellie said...

Should I go tell the chatbox people that all the fun is right here???

Ellie said...

Yes, Lynn! Rhett butler!

Anonymous said...

Just say that word to get sent to the naughty room with Rob??
Great! Maybe if you do more things like that i can get an extra time there? Or never ever leave!!! If I get there I don´t want to leave never again!!!


Lynn said...

Tess---you got your boots...lucky! I am still looking and now we are in for a Santa Ana, which will bash that idea.

Sabrizzle said...

Don't let a silly thing like the weather prevent you from getting a pair of kick ass boots, Lynn!

Ellie said...

Bia, No, you don't necessarily have to say that word (aw,hell, we all know it's fuck...), it's when we get a bit outragious and we're called out on it, in fun of course. And, hey, you're next in there; Rob's waiting for you with the suspenders...

Ellie said...

Wait, Tess,are you painting that door with those boots and nothing but that brush and bucket???

Sabrizzle said...

Speaking of suspenders, what did you ladies vote for as your favorite Robcessory? I voted for the zipper but I love the suspenders so much I had to vote for them too. I'm surprised the Ray-Bans are in second place.

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