Bravo Mag Scans (Germany)

Click this last one for some serious HQ yum.


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Lynn said...

Sabrina---I am so picky that I will just settle for some boot type mules. I am constantly bombared by Uggs and fake Uggs, which I hate with a passion! I will probably wind up buying a pair of flip-flops...typical Californian!

Ellie said...

Sabrizzz (hope you don't mind suits you), I voted for the sex hair, but Lynn's right (I think it was you,Lynn), that's not a prop.It's a body feature.
The zip pants are next for me.

Anonymous said...

LOL Ellie!!! OK, if I don´t show up in the next month you´ll know where I´ll be.
Better not leave him waiting for so long... it must be cold there only with the suspenders and I´ll warm him up a little... Nobody here wants him to get cold or anything...


Sabrizzle said...

Haha, I hate Uggs too! Especially when they are worn with shorts and mini skirts. I saw this girl at my school wearing Uggs, shorts, a hoody, and a scarf awhile ago. I was thinking "hello, If you're cold, put on some damn pants! I don't get how everything except for your legs could be cold."

Lynn said...

I voted for the suspenders (paired with the Docs), I have a weakness for Rob's outfit with the black jeans, white button down, suspenders and Docs. I keep wanting to hear a Clash song when I see him in those Mexico pics.

Sabrizzle said...

I don't mind it Ellie, feel free to keep calling me Sabrizzz. I also don't think the sex hair is an accessory since it's growing out of his scalp.

Ellie said...

That a girl, Bia! rob would approve.

However, I hate to tell you, but with al the wayward ladies on here, the line gets pretty long. You'd have a riot on your hands if you took that long! lol In fact, get your ass out of there; it's my turn...again. I'm bringing the Hot Pockets.

Lynn said...

LOL Sabrina---Rob did an interview where he said something about not understanding Uggs (especially in SoCal and how they looked hideous.

Uggs with shorts and miniskirts are an faux pas to the core!

Ellie said...

Absolutely it's an ugly fashion statement.

Sabrizzle said...

I love the Docs too, Lynn. I wanted to vote for the beanie too, I liked it when he had some of his hair sticking out of it. I like the Ray-Bans, but there is no way I could vote for them when the suspenders and zipper were options.

Ellie said...

and Katie wants a pair. sheesh!

Ellie said...

There's too many choices. Said British boy is so versatile.

Ellie said...

Going to check on the chatbox...brb

Sabrizzle said...

I was shopping with my friend while I was at home and she was wearing a pair of Uggs and was drooling over a pair of Coach boots that were similar. I had a difficult time not voicing my opinion on them. I'm glad Rob hates Uggs because I do too.

Lynn said...

Ellie---Uggs probably look normal in they just look like shapeless blob shoes.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm pretty sure they look like shapeless blob shoes everywhere. People wear them in the rain in Washington and they get really nasty looking.

Anonymous said...

Haha Ellie!! Come on! It´s my first time! It has to be a little more time!
Ok... Rob heard you and wants you in... I´ll get out.. for now... Let´s share!


Sabrizzle said...

LOL Bia! We are good about sharing our dear Rob and the naughty room.

Ellie said...

Will do, Bia! lol

"shapeless blob shoes" LMFAO, btw

Lynn said...

I have seen Uggs for the past 20 plus years (I remember when they came out around 1986). I think some things should not be made any more!

Geez, I sound old!

Lynn said...

Bia---I want the naughty rug!

Ellie said...

Sabrina, you're after me...then Lynn. Get that paintbrush ready, Lynn

Sabrizzle said...

I agree that they should not be made anymore Lynn. Along with Christmas sweaters.

Ellie said...

Lynn, they've been out that long?
They never should have been let out in the first place!

Anonymous said...

That´s my new happy place right now!!
Hard to decide which robcessory is the best...


Lynn said...

AHHHHH! So many colors to choose from!

Ellie said...

Sabrina, lime green ones?? lol

Sabrizzle said...

Are you talking about the sweaters being lime green Ellie?

Lynn said...

Ellie---they were popularized by surfers that wore them after surfing in the mornings. To me, they are just slippers that should only be worn at home!

Anonymous said...

The paintbrush it´s a great idea Ellie!!! Lynn try first and tell what you think!


Ellie said...

Sabrina, I'm talking about a particular lime green sweater on a particular British boy in a particular photoshopped picture.

Sabrizzle said...

Agreed Lynn, Uggs should never come in contact with the public. I don't understand why the hideous things are so damn expensive.

Sabrizzle said...

LMFAO, I forgot about that pic Ellie! Yes, that Christmas sweater should be burned along with the rest of them. And the Uggs, too.

Ellie said...

Are they really that comfortable?

Sabrizzle said...

I have no idea, I've never tried a pair on and I don't think I ever will.

Ellie said...

And they're so clunky looking. They don't flatter a foot at all.
haha, that sounded funny...

Lynn said...

They are expensive because some cute little sheep unwillingly gave up their skin and fur for a bunch of lame ppl to wear tem on their feet.

BTW, I am not some PETA tree hugger, I wear leather shoes....just opinionated!

Ellie said...

Point taken, sweetie. And same here.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie. I really don't understand the appeal, especially because they can get really dirty looking. I prefer wearing my houndstooth rainboots, which are actually cute and only cost about $25.

Ellie said...

Bia, does everyone wear Uggs by you, too?

Lynn said...

Ellie---they are warm from what I have heard....well they are an animal's pelt...I wonder why!

Sabrizzle said...


Anonymous said...

Girls, I´m going to bed.. it´s 2:30 am here! Thank God I´m in a break from work so I don´t have to get up in the next few hours!
I have to see some Rob videos before to get the inspirations for my dreams
Nice to 'talk' with you all!
Olive juice and sweet rob dreams in the naughty room to all!


Ellie said...

Sabrina, $25 are SO do-able.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and naughty Rob dreams Bia!

Ellie said...

Nite-nite, Bia. Thanks for joining us tonight!

Sabrizzle said...

And they are waterproof and actually have shape, Ellie. A much better purchase in my opinion.

Lynn said...

Good night and sweet dreams, Bia!

Olive juice!

Sabrizzle said...

These are the ones I have, but they were on sale when I bought them:

Lynn said...

Sabrina---they sound super cute...but I would look funny with them. I am the quinessential Cali woman with my dark wash jeans and high heeled boots.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ellie, but I can´t understand the different names you are using to boots and shoes...
I´m from south america (Brazil) so I´m getting use to this different names... It´s a type of boot? Is that correct? Or I´m really wrong?
If you can explain me what exactly is... I can tell you


Sabrizzle said...

Bia, these are Uggs:

Ellie said...

Okay, you two, time for me to go to Robland...I've been getting so little sleep due to this place.
You are all such a bad influence on me, being that I'm such a shy, reserved person...

And I've got a date with Rob tomorrow night.

Olive juice, lovies!

Sabrizzle said...

I understand Lynn, I only wear them when it's rainy or snowing back home.

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Ellie, have fun with Rob! I understand what you mean, I'm pretty quiet in real life too. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I´ll go check Sabrina! BRB! My internet is really slow right now!

Lynn said...

Good night, Ellie mija!

Sweetest Rob/Dark Edward dreams to you!

Olive juice!

Lynn said...


Jules has outed you before! You are so not quiet!

Anonymous said...

Bye Ellie! Great talking to you!!
Steet dreams!
I don´t have this type of boots and I don´t like very much..


Sabrizzle said...

I'm pretty quiet until I get to know people, then I become much more talkative.

Anonymous said...

Now I´m really going... haha
Bye girls! Again sweet Rob dreams (they are never enough!)
Olive juice!


Ellie said...

Hahaha, Lynn~~~saw your note right before I was about to sign off.

I have my moments.

You bring out the best in me!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight at steamy Rob dreams, Bia! It was nice chatting with you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn & Sabrina,

People all over the world are going to be saying Olive Juice now. Too funny!

Lynn said...

I have that same nervous tic like Rob where I talk to fill space...horrible habit!!

Ellie said...

AJ!!! I missed you!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi AJ! I've missed reading your blog!

Lynn said...


There you are!

Ellie said...

And maybe it's not the best in me. Maybe it's the perverted in me. either way, I'm happy here...

and I'm still here!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hi! I took it down cause I was spending too much time at work on it. I had to remove the temptation. I'll put it back up when I have more time.

Ellie said...

My goodness, AJ, we're swamping you...

Lynn said...

Ellie---you are pervy...saucy wench! And, some day I will talk to you, too!

Ellie said...

I hope you do, AJ, we so love them. :)

Anonymous said...

no WORK is swamping me. I'm drowning! This is my escape.

Sabrizzle said...

Totally understandable, AJ. I hope it will see the light of day again soon, you wrote the funniest Twilight spoofs ever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sabrina. That was fun. I'll have to think of some more and put them up.

Tess has a funny post on her blog too.

Lynn said...

AJ--work takes prescidence...come back when you are ready!

Anonymous said...

Will do Lynn. I heart you all and miss Robsessed!!!!!!

G2G Olive Juice!

Sabrizzle said...

Oh, I will have to check that out. I kinda want to make a blog, but I don't really know what to put on it.

Ellie said...

I haven't laughed that much where I had tears running down my cheeks, as when I was reading your blog, AJ. You truly have a wit about you that is very rare. I love it.

Sabrizzle said...

Bye AJ! Muahhhh!

Lynn said...

Good night, AJ!

TTY later!

Olive juice!

Ellie said...

Okay, really going now. Love you both.xoxo

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight and steamy dreams Ellie! Muahhhh!

Ellie said...

good night, AJ, hope to talk to you again soon, honey bunch!

Lynn said...

Good night, Ellie!

Lynn said...

Sabrina---I will be shoving out as my children are finally going to bed and I have to actually be a housewife for the evening.

Good night and olive juice to you!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Lynn, I'm going to go read some fanfic. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

good night and good sleep Bia. AJ,lynn,ellie,sabrizzle.
olive juice.
GEEZ...i go for a minute and then's almost 300 ladies sooo quick.
and nice to reading your comments.
ros xxx

Amy said...

HUGE NEWS Ladies!!!


Promotion for Little Ashes :)

Sabrizzle said...

Gaahhhh! I can't wait, I'm buying that as soon as it hits the shelves! Thanks for sharing the great news, Amy!

Amy said...

No prob Sab :)

SO you know now WHY he was at Smashbox Studios doing the photo shoot with the new buzz!!!

Hell yes, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo super excited for this COVER, ahhhhhhh his gorgeousness in GQ *sigh*

Crissy said...

That last picture has some serious jawporn going on. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Ha!! I hope that they sale it at here.where near i live.
Thank you amy.
Ros xxx

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