Bloopers Reel-Rob Introduces Twilight in Korean


Kate said...

LMAO at Rob and also that ye both posted the same vid and I didn't realise until I watched LOL
I don't know why I'm laughing at Rob I wouldn't be able to speak Korean either !!

Gozde said...

Oops, my bad :)) Deleted mine.

Hey Dani :))

I'm going to bed now, so bye all :)

Lynn said...

Good afternoon, lovelies! That was fucking hilarious...Rob needs to speak Japanese now!

Sabrizzle said...

I can't believe they made him do that. It was funny though.

Anonymous said...

LOL at super action!!

Lynn said...

Sabrina---Rob is so accomodating it kills me...if it written phonetically and on a teleprompter then Rob will read it out loud.

Sabrizzle said...

I know, he is so nice for doing that Lynn. I think it's kinda mean how they made a blooper reel, since he definitely doesn't speak Korean.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Hi Ladies, night Goz.
I can't believe how in tune with each other Goz and Dani are!!

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Kate, Goz and Dani are always up-to-date on posts and they both completely kick ass!

Anonymous said...

LOL - he gave it a good try.

Goz and Dani - amazing how you keep up with the Rob posts even when we haven't heard from him for a few weeks. Thanks for all your hard work!

Kate said...

Sorry got sidetracked on Aj's blog!!! LOL
Haven't been over for a few days.
Left you a comment !

Sabrizzle said...

AJ, I fucking love your blog!

Lynn said...

Dani---are you putting your psychic abilities to work? You and Gozde are on it....schwing!

kristen said...

Rob speaking Korean is some seriously hilarious shit. So funny.

And speaking of funny... AJ, your blog is HYSTERICAL! I've been super busy and haven't been able to check in here much, but I saw enough comments about your blog to get curious, and I'm seriously so glad I checked it out! Honestly, I was laughing my ass off reading your stuff. You are hilarious.

Kate said...

I'm off to bed ladies it's nearly 1am talk to you tomorrow!!

Lynn said...

Good night, Kate!

Olive juice!

Melissa said...


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